Directory UMM :Data Elmu:jurnal:A:Agricultural Water Management:Vol42.Issue2.Nov1999:

Agricultural Water Management 42 (1999) 143±156

Spatial variability of solutes in a pecan orchard
surface-irrigated with untreated effluents in
the upper Rio Grande River basin
N.W. Assadiana,*, L.B. Fenna, M.A. Flores-Ortizb, A.S. Alia

Department of Soil and Water Science, Research Center, Texas Agric. Exp. Sta.,
Texas A&M University, 1380 A&M Circle, El Paso TX, 79927, USA
Instituto Nal. De Investigaciones Forestales Y Agropecuarias Campo Experimental,
Valle De Juarez, KM. 65 Carretera, Juarez-Porvenir, Praxedis, G. Gro. Chih, Mexico
Accepted 15 February 1999

Untreated effluents are blended with water from the Rio Grande River and used for irrigation in
the Juarez Valley of northern Mexico. Effluents are a source of nutrients, but may also be a source
of heavy metal contamination. This study was conducted to characterize deposition patterns of
selected metals, salts, and total nitrogen in a 6 ha pecan (Carya illinoenisis K.) orchard which had
healthy-to-stunted trees with dieback. Orchard soil was collected along multiple transects to depths

of 1.2 m, with spacing every 20 m. All solutes showed a magnitude variability in particular ions.
Chromium, Ni, Pb, and Cd concentrations averaged