
The Influence of E-Training to Increase the Competence of Guidance and
Counseling Teachers
Yari Dwikurnaningsih *1

Satya Wacana Christian University, Salatiga, Indonesia
* Corresponding Author

The background of this research is the low achievement of the competency test
result held by the Ministry of National Education for the guidance and counseling
teachers. In the other side, face-to-face teacher training didn’t show significant
result. The aim of this research is to find out the influence of e-training to the
increase of the teacher’s competency. This is an experiment research using the
controlled group design of pretest-posttest. The subjects were 60high school
(regular and vocational) teachers of guidance and counseling in Salatiga, who were
divided into 2 groups. The groups were the experiment group which received the
action, and control group that had the direct meeting lessons. Data collection was
done with the competency test, whereas the analysis used the T-test. The result
showed that there was a difference of mean score between the two groups after
receiving the action, showed by the t- test score of -3,912 in significant level of

0,01. The mean score of experiment group was higher for 1,08 in 0-10 scale. The
increase of average number of pretest and posttest in experiment group was 3,33 in
1-10 scale. Based on the analysis, it is concluded that there was a significant
influence of e-training to the guidance and counseling teachers’ competence.

Indonesian education quality has been a
public concern. Teacher is the crucial determinant agent in influencing the quality of
education, as the person who interacts directly with students.
Guidance and counseling has important
role in education that provides service for
students to help them avoid and solve their
problems, and also to grow optimally. To be
able to do the job professionally, guidance
and counseling teachers need to master the
competencies required, that includes the
pedagogy, professional, social, and personality competence.

Hajati (2010:318) explained her research
result towards the teachers of guidance and

counseling in East Jakarta that most of the
school counselors had not enough theoretical competency within all subjects. The
Competency Test which was held by the
Ministry of National Education and Culture
in 2012 toward the certified guidance and
counseling teachers in middle school,
brought out the average of 42 in the professional competence, and 48 in pedagogy. For
high school teachers, the average result for
professional competence was 50, and 51 for
the pedagogy (www.kemendiknas.go.id).
Meanwhile, the minimum score for a teacher to pass is 70. This shows that the teachers
are lack of competency to be a counselor.


Ekstrom, et al (2004) in their research entitled “A Survey of Assessment and Evaluation Activities of School Counselors” revealed the responsibility and activities done
by the school counselors related to the assessment. The samples were 600 school
counselors participated in American School
Counselor Association (ASCA). Related to
the counselor’s job in doing the assessment,

the result showed that only a few number of
school counselor who was responsible in
choosing the test, whereas there were only
50% or 300 counselors who administered
the test responsibly. Concerned with the activity of the assessment, out of 39 kinds of
activities, only 8 activities were done by
80% or 480 respondents. The survey depicted that school counselors hadn’t been able
to do their job responsibly and only a few
jobs done related to the assessment.
There are many the efforts done to increase teachers’ competency, yet the impact
is obscure. The research done by Widodo, et
al (2006:68) described that conventional
trainings often hindered by some problems
of the ability to give the service and Indonesian geographical condition. Most of the
teachers haven’t gotten the chances to join
the activities of competency development. It
was caused by the unbalanced needs of
teachers who participated with the availability of the training events. If the trainings
system is still done with recent method,
which is the direct meeting, then the increase of the teachers’ competency would be

very hardly done evenly. One of the solutions is by using the e-learning training. Dietinger (2003:23) argued that e-learning had
some benefits, that were, the process of
learning didn’t depend on the physical

place, so that the learning could be done anywhere in different places. The other were
the fast distribution of the new information
to public as it could be done digitally, it also
applied adaptive learning where learners
could learn with their own pace according to
the learning style and time. A training that
uses e-learning is also called e-training.
However, can the training with e-learning
increase the competence of guidance and
counseling teachers? This research examined the influence of e-training in increasing
the competence of guidance and counseling
teachers in Salatiga.
The research question is “Is there any significant influence of e-training toward the
increase of the competence of guidance and
counseling teachers?”. Based on the research questions, the aim of this study is to
examine the significance influence of etraining toward the competency of guidance

and counseling teachers. The competence in
this study is limited on the assessment competency, which is the teacher’s understanding to theories and practices about assessment, also the ability to apply various test
and non-test assessment techniques. The determination of the competence is based on
the result on the competency test result to
the guidance and counseling teachers in
Salatiga in 2012, that showed that the lowest
achievement was on the assessment competence.
The type of this research was an experiment research with controlled group design
pretest and posttest. There were 2 groups,
which were the experiment and control


group. The experiment group was the one
that received the e-training, and the control
group was the one that was trained face-toface. The design is illustrated as below:
O1 X1 O2
O3 X2 O4

O1= the pretest scores of experiment group
before online trainings.
O2= the posttest scores of experiments after
the online trainings.
O3= the pretest score of control group before the direct meeting training.
O4= the posttest scores of control group after the direct meeting training.
X1= action (online training).
X2= direct meeting training.
The subjects of the research were 60
teachers of guidance and counseling in middle schools, high schools, and vocational
high schools in Salatiga. The population was
60 persons. The determination of the research subject was done with the purposive
sampling. The teachers in the experiment
group were chosen by the ability to use
computer and access information via internet. The control group didn’t receive any
criteria. This criterion was used since it was
the requirement of participating in online
training, that was, to be able to operate MS
Word and access information via internet.
The research variables were the etraining as the independent variable 1 (variable X1) and the direct meeting training as

the independent variable 2 (X2). The dependent variable 1 (Y1) was the teacher’s
competence who joined the online training,
and the dependent variable 2 (Y2) was the

teacher’s competence who joined the direct
meeting trainings.
The data collection technique used was
the test with the Competency Test instrument. The instrument was developed based
on the Academic Qualification Standard and
Counselor’s Competency (SKAKK) which
was issued by the Government Regulation
No. 19/2005 (Depdiknas, 2008:7). The formulation of the counselor’s competency covers the pedagogy, personality, social, and
professional competences. In this research,
the competencies intended to be enhanced
were the professional and core competences
of “mastering the concept and practices of
assessment to comprehend the condition,
needs, and problems counselee”.
The analysis technique used the Pairedsample Test and Independent Samples Test.
Paired-sample Test was used to identify the

score difference of the pretest and posttest in
the experiment group. The Independent
Samples Test was used to identify the pretest score difference of the experiment and
control group, and also to identify the posttest score of the experiment and control
The hypothesis proposed was that:
“there is a significant influenceof the etraining towards the competency increase of
the guidance and counseling teachers.”
Before both groups participated the online
training or e-training, the participants did a
pretest to find out the initial score of competence. The pretest was meant to know the
homogeneity of the experiment and control
group. The pretest result of both groups was


analyzed with T-test as shown in the table

Table 2. the Result of Posttest T-test of the
Experiment and Control Group

Table 1. The Result of Differencial Test of
the Experiment and Control Group Pretest











(2 tailed)



Based on the pretest score from experiment and control group, there is a difference
in the average score of 0,607. Then, the
analysis was done with the Independent
Sample Test to find out the difference of average score, and it appeared that there was
not any difference found (see Table 1).
Therefore, it is concluded that there was no
significance if average number between the
experiment and control group, so that both
groups were qualified to be the research
After the T-test was implemented, and
proved that the competece of the two groups
were similar, the experiment was then executed. Each group followed the training. The
experiment group had the training for 2
weeks, and the control group had it for 3
days in 2 weeks. The activity in experiment
group was to learn the materials available in
e-learning, while for the control group had
face-to-face meeting. After the training,
both groups did a posttest to find out the
competency level, which later was measured
with the t-test of independent sample test in
order to seek the difference score before and
after the training. The reslut is shown in Table 2 below:













(2 tailed)

Based on the description from Table 2, it
can be seen that the difference of mean
amount of the posttest from both groups is
1,08, with the higher mean amount of experiment group than the control group. The difference of mean amount between the two
groups was serached with the t-test of independent sample test with the result as shown
in Table 2. There was a difference of mean
amount of the teo groups, which meant a
different level of competence between the
experiment group before ad after taking the
online training.
The next analysis was to search about the
increase of teacher’s competence who had
taken the online training, with analysis of
pretest and posttest in experiment group.
The result is shown below in Table 3:
Table 3. The Result of Differential Test of
Preest and Posttest for Experiment Group













(2 tailed)

The result shows a difference of the pretest and posttest score as many as 3,33
points. There was an increase of the average
before and after the online training. Based
on the result of the reserach, it proved that
the online training increased the teacher’s
competence of guidance and counseling,
considering the difference of the diffreren-


tial test done before and after the online
Mastering the competence for teachers is
clearly neccesary to be able to do the job
appropriately to the proffesion.It is in line
with what Wibowo explained (2010:324)
about competence that an ability to carry out
a job or a task based on the skills and
knowledge with the support of working attitude required by the work. Richard E. Boyatzis, 1982:23; Klemp, 1980 (in Sudarmanto, 2009: 46) clarified that competence is the
characteristics related with effective and excellent work. That opinion implies that
competence is related with characteristics
possesed by individuals that determines the
working quality. Competence is not a heredited condition, it is a process that can be enhanced through education, training, and development of the human resource. Through
the learning process, it is hoped that the
mastery of knowledge, skills, attitude, and
individual characteristics such as behavior,
motivation, the pattern of thinking, feeling,
doing, and other nessecary characteristics
can be measured with a particular standard.
The competence that the individual must
own to carry out a special job is defined in a
ruling standard used to search one’s competence. This also applies for teachers of guidance and couseling. In order to carry out the
profession, guidance and couseling teachers
must master the standard competency for the
field. The standard competence for counselor according to Suparlan (2005:93) wasa
measure determined or required in a form of
the mastery of knowledge and act of a counselor to be qualified to have the functionary
position according to the work field, qualification, and level of education. The standard

of competence for guidance and counseling
teachers or school counselor in Indonesia is
written on the National Education Ministry
Regulation if Indonesian Republic No. 27
year 2008 about The Standard of Academic
Qualification and Counselor Competency
(SKAKK). It is organized in 4 education
competencies as written in Goverment’s
Regulation No. 19/2005 (Depdiknas,
The efforts from Indonesian goverment to
raise the teacher’s competence has been in
significance amuount, such as the effort to
raise the eacher’s academic qualification
with certification and teachers’ professional
discussion (PLPG). However, some opinions said that through certification program
could not bring up the standard of teacher’s
professionality and performance. A research
by Dwikurnaningsih (2009:14) to counseling teachers in Salatiga revealed that there
was no difference between the certified and
non certified teachers performance. Another
government’s effort was through competence tests for teachers, and also other educational and trainings activities. Those programs were also unsucceded to raise
teacher’s competency as expected. The certified teacher’s competence test by the Ministry of national Education in 2012 didnt
give satisfiying result since the teachers
didnt even pass the minimum grade of ≥70.
The survey in 2010 about the frequency
of educational trainings or other similar
events that were taken by teachers in Salatiga pointed out the average score every 2,5
years (Dwikurnaningsih, 2010:31). That was
a low frequency considering the lack of
teachers’ competence and the rapid progress of technology and science causes the


fast movement of education paradigm. Related to the effectivity of trainings for teacher competency, the research reslults done by
Philips (1998), Wehrmann (2002), Onsunde
and Omoruyi (2004), Moeini (2008), Githui
(2011), Shah (2011) and Danso (2012)
proved that trainings were able to bring up
teacher’s competence. As well as Flippo denoted (1984:91) that trainings are able to
develop attitude, ability and proficiency of
the workers to do special jobs. This reseach
confirmed the opinions, that training arouses
individual changes in skills, attitude developmemt, and acts related with the tasks in
the workplace. Noe (2008:351) also clarified
that trainings were planned efforts to make
the instructional easier for the teachers corresponding to the competencies in the workfield that includes knowledge, skills, and
In the other hand, educational activities
and trainings which are done in LPMP and
PPPPTK Jakarta gave limited chancefor
teachers. In an interview with Widyaiswara
LPMP in Central Java, who was Drs. Abadi,
M.Pd. in July 2012 and Widyaiswara
PPPPTK, who was Drs. Zaenudin, M. Pd. In
October 2013, expressed that face-to-face
trainings had limitations, in example, the
small number of participating teachers with
financial reason. The research of the influence of e-learning towards the teacher’s
competence increase gave one solution to
solve the problem. Effendi and Zuang
(2005:2) described the conventional trainings could not provide effective trainings. It
needed more budget, instructors, time, and
many facilities to serve every worker.
E-training is an e-learning-assisted training or internet–assisted instructionals.

Widanarko (2007:30) argued that e-learning
was a learning process which used the
communication and information technology
systematically by integrating all components
if instructional, including learning across
time and space, with the guaranteed quality.
According to the e-learning principal, the
trainings for this was done online, where the
participants didn’t need to come to the training place but following the course at their
own places. The training time was flexible
to the teacher’s/participant’s availability.
The activities in the e-training design in
this research covers: (1) pretest; (2) learning
the materials and medias; (3) assignments;
(4) exercises for every chapter; (5) forum
discussion; (6) questions and answer via
chatting; (7) giving comments to the training
program. This training requires teachers to
study independentlywithout any direct meeting and communication between the facililtators and the participants and among the
parcipants. E-learning provides a facility to
communicate with internet connection,
which are the chat room and forum discussion room. Through chatting, participants
can ask questions to facilitators or other participants. The discussion forum can be used
as media to discuss certain topics, which can
be chosen by the facilitators or participants,
and also to express their arguments or opinion and to give comments to other participant’s opinion. Hence, e-training can carry
out quality learning that enables interaction.
The internet provides some softwares for instructional designer and user that can be
used in the learning. Nelson (1998) in Osciak and Milheim (2001:359) stated that the
internet provides many facilities that are
similar or same to the traditional learning


and its methods, like tutorials, drill-training,
practicum, and media use.
The description confirmed that e-training
gives wide chance to the teachers of guidance and counseling to take a training
course without any boundary of certain
time and space, or without leaving other duties in the school. Dessler (2008:295) found
out many business enterprises allowed their
workers to take online courses. Sending the
training online could reduce expediture.
Even, there were many businessman provided trainings for their workers. A survey
by the American Society for Training and
Development oin 2004 revelaed that almost
60% of American companies has implemented e-learning for workers trainings. It
was proven that e-learning could increase
the ability and efficiency because it was
able to serve amounts of workers.
These research findings prove that elearning assisted trainings or e-training can
increase guidance and counseling teacher’s
competence. The government’s effort to
raise the teacher’s competence can be carried out through e-training considering the
large number of teachers who need the training. The e-learning assisted training model
is applicable for solving the weakness of the
face-to-face training that cannot cover more
participants and ties them with the needs of
time and space. Dietinger (2003:23) argued
that e-learning had some strengths, that
were, the learning didn’t take place in a
physical classroom so that learning could
take place in everywhere and in different
places; the digital distribution was done
quickly to public as it took only in seconds;
and it applied adaptive learning where
learners could learn with their own learning

paces according to their learning style and
the available time. Other strengths were that
e-learning provided an interactive and multimedia-based instructional model that motivated the learners, also, the supervision
wasn’t only examined through the learning
result, but also the activity along the process, progress, and performance that the
learner had done. Trainings with e-learning
solves the obstacles of the conventional
trainings, it is also adaptive according to the
learner’s learning pace. The instruction with
e-learning provides the media used to motivate the learners. Furthermore, its interactivity is built through the media available in the
training. Soekartawi (2007:13) extended the
view that e-training became one of the
choices to lever up the career to those who
want to learn but have no time or physical
availability to come to the training place.
Referring to the aim of the research and
the result, it is concluded that e-training significantly increased the competence of guidance and counseling teachers in Salatiga.
The implication is that there should be efforts to increase the competence of guidance
and counseling teachers in making use of
the information and communication technology to add the insights, to follow the latest trends of knowledge in counseling field,
and especially be able to join the online
trainings. The execution of the online training needs the information and communication technology that can be used by the
teachers of guidance and counseling to join
the online training. The government needs
to consider the ease of access and even dis-


tribution of chance for teachers to join the etraining by providing the facilities of information and communication technology to all
schools Indonesia. The availability of that
facility is required so that teachers can join
online trainings.
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