Institutional Repository | Satya Wacana Christian University: The English Language Teaching students' beliefs toward English Language Teaching in the era of World Englishes

The English Language Teaching students’ beliefs toward English Language Teaching in
the era of World Englishes
Aulia Febriana Suryaningtyas

This study was conducted to analyze the English Language Teaching students’ beliefs
toward English language teaching in the era of World Englishes. The participants of the study
were one hundred participants of English Language Teaching, Satya Wacana Christian
University from all existing batches. This study used quantitative research, but it was elaborated
qualitatively. The findings of the research were organized by breaking the research question
down into three sub-research questions. The first finding showed that western-published
materials were more preferable since it could serve as a language model. The second finding
showed that the use of students’ mother tongue in the classroom was considered necessary by the
participants to help them catch the teachers’ explanation easily. However, the teachers merely
occasionally used it in the classroom practice to make their students master English well. The
last finding showed that ELT students agreed that the students should learn the cultures from
English-speaking countries to avoid misunderstanding and also to enhance students’ awareness
of cultural diversities about the language they learnt. However, the teacher sometimes related the
topic of the materials with the students’ cultures in classroom practice. It meant that learning
English-speaking countries’ cultures made the students become more aware of other cultures and
therefore, they could enrich their knowledge. The study suggests that according to the

participants, both English and local cultures are important considerations in English language
teaching in the era of World Englishes.

Keywords: beliefs, World Englishes, materials, mother tongue, culture

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