







REG. NO. 8126112007

Submitted to the Postgraduate Program of English Applied Linguistics In Partial Fulfillment for the Degree of Magister Humaniora.













REG. NO. 8126112007

Submitted to the Postgraduate Program of English Applied Linguistics In Partial Fulfillment for the Degree of Magister Humaniora.









Aritonang, Deddy Kristian. Impacts of Interpersonal Metaphor on Grammatical Intricacy and Lexical Density in The Text of Presidential Debate Between Barrack Obama and Mitt Romney. A Thesis. English Applied Linguistics Study Program, Postgraduate School, State University of Medan.

The objectives of the study are (1) to identify types of interpersonal metaphor used in the text of presidential debate between Barrack Obama and Mitt Romney, (2) to describe the impacts of interpersonal metaphor grammatical intricacy (GI) and lexical density (LD) in the text of presidential debate between Barrack Obama and Mitt Romney with reference to congruent coding, (3) to explain the ways interpersonal metaphor have impacts on GI and LD in the text of presidential debate between Barrack Obama and Mitt Romney. This study is descriptive qualitatively-based. The data are taken from the utterances produced by both Barrack Obama and Mitt Romney in the presidential debate that took place on October 22, 2012 in Boca Raton, USA. The data are collected by dowloading the full debate from, watching and listening to the debate, transcribing the utterances produced in the debate, rewriting the transcription to become a series of paragraphs and printing out all the complete paragraphs as the data. Then they are analyzed by identifying the types of interpersonal metaphor found in the utterances, unpacking or rewording all types of interpersonal metaphor into the congruent coding, finding the ratio of GI and LD for both metaphorical codings and metaphorical codings, analyzing the impacts of interpersonal metaphor on GI and LD with reference to congruent coding and analyzing the ways interpersonal metaphor has impacts on GI and LD. The findings reveal that both types of interpersonal metaphor namely metaphor of modality and metaphor of mood are found. In terms of metaphor of modality, the three values namely high, medium and low are identified as the following proportions: 18 utterances (25.71%) with high value, 28 utterances (40%) with medium value and 8 utterances (11.42%) with low value. Meanwhile the rest is metaphor of mood which is realized in questions as many as 14 utterances (20%) and command which occur twice (2.85%). All of metaphor of modality and metaphor mood have the higher ratio of GI compared to the congruent forms. As for LD, the result was various; this is to say that to one side, the presence of interpersonal metaphor in some utterances cause the utterances to have higher ratio of LD than that of the congruent codings. On the other side, the ratio of LD in some of the congruent codings are higher than that of some of the interpersonal metaphor utterances. The presence of interpersonal metaphor utterances also make the debate carry with it more features of spoken language and fewer features of written language. This can be seen through several aspects such as immediacy of feedback found in the debate which is categorized as immediate feedback, everyday lexis, hesitations, non-standard grammar, grammatical complexity and less nominalized utterances.



Aritonang, Deddy Kristian. Pengaruh Metafora Interpersonal Terhadap Kerumitan Gramatikal dan Kepadatan Leksikal Dalam Teks Debat Presiden Antara Barrack Obama dan Mitt Romney. Tesis. Progam Studi Linguistik Terapan Bahasa Inggris. Universitas Negeri Medan.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mengidentifikasi jenis metafora interpersonal yang ditemukan dalam teks debat presiden antara Barrack Obama dan Mitt Romney, (2) mendeskripsikan pengaruh metafora interpersonal terhadap pada kerumitan gramatikal (KG) dan kepadatan leksikal (KL) dalam teks debat presiden antara Barrack Obama dan Mitt Romney berdasarkan bentuk kongruen dan (3) menjelaskan cara-cara metafora interpersonal memiliki pengaruh terhadap pada kerumitan gramatikal (KG) dan kepadatan leksikal (KL) dalam teks debat presiden antara Barrack Obama dan Mitt Romney. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Data diperoleh dari ujaran-ujaran yang dihasilkan oleh Barrack Obama dan Mitt Romney pada debat presiden yang berlangsung pada 22 Oktober 2012 di Boca Raton, Amerika Serikat. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara mengunduh video debat yang bersumber dari, menonton dan mendengarkan tayangan debat yang telah diunduh, melakukan transkripsi ujaran-ujaran yang dihasilkan di dalam debat, menuliskan kembali transkripsi ujaran-ujaran tadi sehingga menjadi rangkaian paragraf dan mencetak paragraf-paragraf tadi menjadi data. Data tersebut kemudian dianalisis dengan cara mengidentifikasi jenis-jenis metafora interpersonal, mengubah kedalam bentuk kongruen, menemukan rasio KG dan KL baik pada tiap bentuk metafora maupun bentuk kongruentnya, dan menganalisis pengaruh metafora interpersonal terhadap KG dan KL. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kedua jenis metafora interpersonal yakni metafora modalitas dan metafora modus ditemukan. Pada metafora modalitas, ketiga nilai modalitas yakni nilai tinggi, nilai sedang dan nilai rendah ditemukan dengan proporsi berikut, 18 ujaran (25,71%) bernilai tinggi, 28 ujaran (40%) bernilai sedang dan 8 ujaran (11.42%) bernilai rendah. Sementara pada metafora modus, jenis pertanyaan muncul sebanyak 14 ujaran (20%) dan perintah muncul dua kali (2,85%). Semua jenis metafora modalitas dan metafora modus memiliki rasio KG yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan rasio KG pada bentuk kongruen. Sedangkan untuk rasio KL, hasilnya beranekaragam dalam arti pada satu sisi keberadaan metafora interpersonal mengakibatkan rasio LD pada sebagian bentuk metafora lebih tinggi daripada sebagian bentuk kongruennya, di sisi lain rasio LD pada sebagian bentuk kongruen juga lebih tinggi dibandingkan sebagian bentuk metaforanya. Keberadaan ujaran-ujaran yang berbentuk metafora interpersonal juga mengakibatkan debat tersebut mengandung lebih banyak fitur-fitur bahasa lisan dan fitur-fitur bahasa tulisan yang lebih sedikit. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari beberapa aspek yang ditemukan seperti kesiapan umpan balik dalam debat yang tergolong cepat diberikan, banyaknya kosakata sehari-hari, keragu-raguan, tata bahasa tidak baku, kerumitan tata bahasa yang tergolong tinggi dan rendahnya ungkapan-ungkapan dinominalisasikan sebagai ciri bahasa tulisan.

Kata Kunci : Metafora Interpersonal, Kerumitan Gramatikal, Kepadatan Leksikal





Thanks Lord Jesus for everything that You have given to me from the moment I breathed my very first breath until what I now have become.

First and foremost, I offer my very sincere gratitude to both of my advisers, Prof. Amrin Saragih, M.A., PhD and Prof. Tengku Silvana Sinar, M.A., Ph.D who have supported me with their knowledge, patience, and generosity. Without their assistance, this thesis might not have been completed. I attribute the

level of my magister’s degree to their encouragement and effort.

I need to thank Prof. Dr. Busmin Gurning, M.Pd. and Dr. Sri Minda Murni, M.S. as the head and the secretary of the English Applied Linguistics Program who were also as the examiners during the thesis exam. Also, my gratitude goes to Prof. Dr. Lince Sihombing, M.Pd for the suggestions and criticism as the examiner.

Next, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the lecturers for their profound knowledge and academic guidance during my academic years. Further, I need to thank Bang Farid for the academic assistance.

My very special gratitude goes to my father, St. K Aritonang and my mother, Sitanggang, S.Pd whose endless love, caring, support and prayers have brought me into what I am today. Also, I would like to thank my brother, Chandra Permana Aritonang, S.Kom., my sister, Elfrida Natalia Aritonang, S.E., my brother-in-law, Rudi Simbolon, S.Pd., my nephews, Evander Timothy Simbolon and Abraham Prayoga Simbolon. In addition, the words of wisdom



Opung Hasian Boru, have been the precious advice. I also dedicate the thesis to

my grandmother (my father’s mother), Opung Sarmauli boru Manalu who passed

away only three days after my thesis exam took place. My family has indeed been the great place where I dig my greatest inspiration.

A lot of thanks are offered to all my classmates, Mas Agung, Balqis, Bambang, Chitra, Desi, Fandi, Irma, Bang Indra, Bang Jamal, Kak Nurhalimah, Kak Sarni, Kak Trisna, Rika, Rodiani, Riwanto, Pak Pollung, Yulima, Kak Ayu, Rika, Usman and my two best friends Bang Elbi and Wina whom I always spent my time discussing the lessons and homework together. All those sweet memories will last forever.

I am indebted to other friends like Bang Rowland who has been a very loyal friend for the last three years, Yudi and Hestika, two great friends who have motivated me to seriously work on the thesis. I also would like to express my gratitude to Nenty Silitonga who sent words of support to me through her mobilephone messenger the morning before my thesis exam was underway making me even more determined. Although her presence was relatively brief in my life, she made a great impact on the completion of the thesis through her moral support. I always wish the best for her.

I am very thankful to the principal and vice principal of SMP Sutomo 2 where I have been working as an English teacher. They often allowed me to skip the school meetings on Saturdays during my study period. Next, I need to say thank you to all of my friends at Sutomo 2 especially Pak Agus, Pak Sagianto, Pak Sanggul, Pak Jhanrinaldy, Pak Zanrison, Pak Bonggal, Pak Bonaraja, Pak



Rudi, Pak Susanto, Pak Dwi Gammar, Ms.Helmida, Ms. Peppyta, Ms. Lily, Ms. Meili, Ms.Florens, Ms. Rosy, Ms. Lilis, Ibu Nur and those whose name cannot all be mentioned here. They are all great teachers. Furthermore, I want to thank all of my students who have always been my great motivation in my life.

Medan, September 01, 2014

The Writer










1.1The Background of the Study ... 1

1.2The Problems of the Study ... 5

1.3The Objectives of the Study ... 5

1.4The Scope of the Study ... 6

1.5The Significance of the Study ... 6


2.1 Metafunction ... 7

2.1.1 Ideational Function ... 7

2.1.2 Interpersonal Function ... 9

2.1.3 Textual Function ... 11

2.2 Metaphor ... 12

2.2.1 Interpersonal Metaphor ... 14 Metaphors of Modality... 15 Metaphors of Mood ... 17

2.3 Grammatical Intricacy and Lexical Density ... 22

2.4 Impacts of Interpersonal Metaphor on GI and LD ... 26

2.5 Text... ... 29

2.6 Presidential Debates... 30

2.7 Relevant Studies ... 32



3.1 Research Design ... 34

3.2 Data Source ... 34

3.3 Technique of Data Collection ... 35

3.4 Technique of Data Analysis... 35

3.5 The Trustworthiness of the Study ... 36


4.1 Data Analysis ... 38

4.1.1. Types of Interpersonal Metaphor used in Barrack Obama’s utterances... ... 39

4.1.2 Types of Interpersonal Metaphor used in Mitt Romney’s utterances... ... 53

4.1.3. Impacts of Interpersonal Metaphor on GI and LD with reference to Congruent Coding in the Text of Presidential Debate between Barrack Obama and Mitt Romney ... 78

4.1.4. The Ways Interpersonal Metaphor Has Impacts on GI and LD in the Text of Presidential Debate between Barrack Obama and Mitt Romney ... 81

4.2 Findings ... 85

4.3 Discussion ... 86


5.1 Conclusions ... 88

5.2 Suggestions ... 88






Table 2.1 Process and Participants ... 8

Table 2.2 Giving or demanding, goods and services and imformation ... 9

Table 2.3 Theme-Rheme Structure ... 11

Table 2.4 Three ‘values’ of modality ... 17

Table 2.5 Congruent and Metaphorical Realizations of Interpersonal Meanings ... 20

Table 2.6 Contrasting GI ... 25

Table 2.7 Contrasting LD ... 25

Table 2.8 Density and Intricacy in spoken and written language ... 25




Figure 2.1 Interpersonal Metaphor ... 15 Figure 2.2 Realizations of Speech Functions in Mood ... 18 Figure 4.1 Spatial or Interpersonal Distance ... 83




1.1The Background of the Study

When conveying messages through spoken or written language, very often language users do it metaphorically or incongruently. This is to say that metaphor has become so basic to our lives that we, consciously or unconsciously, speak or write in a metaphorical fashion. Surely, this will

affect on the listeners or the readers’ understanding in comprehending the

messages. By this, metaphor will result in the complexity of the information. Halliday (1994:349) believes that the factor that perhaps tends most to determine the extent of metaphor in the grammar of a text is whether that text is spoken or written; speech and writing are rather different in their patterns of metaphoric usage.

While written and spoken texts have their own complexity namely lexical density (LD) and grammatical intricacy (GI), metaphor comes to be an influential factor to trigger the LD and GI of a text. A written text tends to be lexically dense but has low grammatical intricacy, on the other hand a spoken language is grammatically intricate but lexically sparse (Halliday 1985). The present study is interested in the spoken mode, specifically in a presidential debate, and puts Halliday ‘s interpersonal metaphor as an influential factor contributed to the ratio of the LD and GI of the text.


The preliminary data taken from the presidential debate between Barrack Obama and Mitt Romney support the above elaboration. When Bob Schieffer, the moderator opened the discussion by referring to the concerns about what happened in Libya in which four Americans were dead including an American ambassador, the two candidates responded by utilizing interpersonal metaphors of modality. Mitt Romney, who was given the first chance said, “I think// we know now// by terrorists of some

kind against our people there//, four people (were) dead.”// to the

congruent coding “We will know// by some terrorists of some kind against

our people there//, four people were dead.”// Meanwhile Barack Obama

also responded by employing metaphor of modality, “I think// it’s

important to step back and think about// what happened in Libya.”// to the

congruent coding “it will be important to step back and think about// what

happened in Libya.”// To clarify, words in underlined are content carrying

words. Both use clause I think which is categorized as metaphor of modality to give the prominence to their angle; to present what they believe to be true. ). In terms of the values of modality, the clause I think, which refers to certainty, has medium value. The congruent codings utilize modal will due to the fact that this kind of interpersonal metaphor involves the area of modality (Halliday 1994). Compared to the congruent codings, the metaphors of modality that the candidates used affect the ratio of GI and LD which is presented in the below tables.


Mitt Romney’s metaphor of modality: medium Mitt Romney’s congruent form Barack Obama’s congruent form Barack Obama’s metaphor of modality: medium No. of clauses

4 3 3 2

No. of sentences

1 1 1 1 GI 4 3 3 2

No. of content carrying lexical items

10 8 6 5

No. of lexical items

17 17 15 14

LD 58.82% 47.05% 40% 35.71% The above data show that the ratio of GI in the metaphors of modality are always higher than those of the congruent codings due to the increase of clause complexes. Interestingly, the same goes for the ratio of LD which is always higher in the metaphorical codings than the congruent ones . This is because both the number content carrying lexical items and the number of all lexical items increase. However, this is still preliminary data, therefore the possibilities that the ratio of GI and LD can be various each other must not be neglected. This brief data signifies that the debate shares the features of spoken and written languages in terms of GI and LD which are affected by the interpersonal metaphor.

Metaphor can be both rankshift downgrading (experiential metaphor) and upgrading (interpersonal metaphor) . While languages of science, academic and technology belongs to the former due to the objevtivity they


must provide, languages of diplomacy, politics and bureaucracy, which are some rather subjective tend to follow the latter (Halliday 2004).

The previous presidential debate of the USA’s president candidacy between the incumbent president, Barack Obama and the Republican nominee, Mitt Romney in October, 2012 has always been a fascinating subject to behold; it allowed the citizens of America to appraise which candidate had all it took to be the leader of the country through the displayed eloquence, in addition to its enchantment as a trigger for ratings as it was televised, the the debate also tempted some experts to express their ideas about how both candidates attacked and defended through words they said. George Lakoff, professor of linguistics at Berkeley analyzed the debate and concerned with the performance, stating six basics that debaters should do. Specifically, the debaters should

1. state your moral values. Contrast them with your opponents, 2. projece emphaty and enthusiasm. Connect,

3. communicate clearly and simply, 4. be authentic. Say what you just believe, 5. project trust, and

6. present an authentic view of yourself that the public can identify with and be proud of.

Warner and Mc Kinney (2013) analyzes the effect of viewing a presidential campaign debate on political polarization. They analyzed the presidential debates and vice presidential in 2000, 2004, 2008 and 2012 and concluded that viewing the debates increased political polarization, to name only a view.


In addition to those above facts, the presidential debates have surely become important commodities especially in the field of journalism and politics. Jamieson and Birdsell (1988 : 8) state that the debates that did occur were closely followed by voters who bought thousands copies of the more famous speeches and read newspapers packed with detailed accounts of local contests. It is surprising to note that there is relatively little research on presidential primary debates. However, what research is available suggests that primary debates are capable of influencing voters. (Benoit et al 2002 : 7). All the above reasons are the trigger to conduct the present study.

1.2The Problems of the Study.

The problems of the study are formulated in questions as the following

1. What types of interpersonal metaphor are used in the text of presidential debate between Barrack Obama and Mitt Romney?

2. How does interpersonal metaphor have impacts on GI and LD in the text of presidential debate between Barrack Obama and Mitt Romney with reference to congruent coding?

3. In what ways does interpersonal metaphor have impacts on GI and LD in the text of presidential debate between Barrack Obama and Mitt Romney?

1.3The Objectives of the Study.


1. to identify types of interpersonal metaphor used in the text of presidential debate between Barrack Obama and Mitt Romney

2. to describe the impacts of interpersonal metaphor on GI and LD in the text of presidential debate between Barrack Obama and Mitt Romney with reference to congruent coding

3. to explain the ways interpersonal metaphor has impacts on GI and LD in the text of presidential debate between Barrack Obama and Mitt Romney

1.4The Scope of the Study.

The present study applies the Halliday’s systemic functional linguistics (SFL) and the analysis is aimed at investigating the impacts of metaphor on the GI and LD in the text of the last presidential debate between Barrack Obama and Mitt Romney which took place on October 22, 2012 in Boca Raton.

1.5The Significance of the Study.

The findings are expected to be worthwhile theoretically and practically. Theoretically, the findings will broaden horizons in the application of the Systemic Functional Linguistic (SFL) with reference to spoken languages. Practically, the findings can be utilzed for the literature to conduct further researches in more various contexts.




5.1 Conclusions

Based on the research findings, conclusions are drawn as the following.

1. Two types of interpersonal metaphor namely metaphor of modality, which comprises high, medium and low values, and metaphor of mood, namely question and command are found out.

2. The ratio of GI is higher in all of the interpersonal metaphor utterances than that of the congruent codings while the ratio of LD is various in the sense that in one side the interpersonal metaphor utterances have higher ratio of LD than that of the congruent codings and on the other side, the interpersonal metaphor utterances have lower ratio of LD than that of the congruent codings

3. The presidential debate carries with it more features of spoken languages and fewer features of written languages with reference to LD and GI.


In line with the above conclusions, suggestions are offered as the following.

1. Other researchers need to conduct further studies dealing with interpersonal metaphor and any other types of grammatical metaphor


in different phenomena by considering the fact that spoken languages and written languages can be distinguished through the ratio of GI and LD, the medium, the essence and the medium in which the texts are described.

2. The ratio of GI and LD can be further investigated to evaluate the accessibility of various texts in the sense that written languages must be lexically dense and less intricate while spoken languages must be grammatically intricate and lexically sparse. This can be significant mainly to the use of text books that are used in the present context of the education in Indonesia.

3. Students of applied linguistics should take account of the wide range of political texts. This study concerns with the text of presidential debate. The students will get broader horizons if they are exposed to various political texts such as victory speeches, concession speeches, political interviews, etc.

4. English Teachers can utilize the two types of complexity namely GI and LD to assess the readibility of textbooks that are used in their schools.



Alami, Sabbah and Iranmanesh. 2013. Male-Female Discourse Difference in Terms of Lexical Density. Research Journal of Applied Sciences,

Engineering and Technology, Vol. 5, No. 23.

Benoit, W.L., Pier, P.M, Brazeal, L.M., McHale, J.P., Klyukovski, A., Airne, David. 2002. The Primary Decision: A Functional Analysis of Debates in

Presidential Primaries. London: Praeger Publishers

Bogdan, Robert. C and Biklen, S.K. 1992. Qualitive Research for Education. An

Introduction to Theory and Methods. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.

Briones, Fortuny, Sastre and Pocovi. 2003. Grammatical Metaphors in Scientific English. The ESPecialist, Vol. 24, No. 2.

Cacciari, C. 1998. In Katz, Cacciari, Gibbs and Turner (eds) Figurative Language

and Thought. New York : Oxford University Press.

Camiciottoli, B. C. 2007. The Language of Business Studies Lectures. Amsterdam: John Benjamin Publishing Company.

Dong, Jiezhen. 2013. Interpersonal Metaphor in Legal Discourse: Modality in Cross- examinations. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, Vol. 4 No. 6

Eggins, S. 2004. An Introduction to Systemic Functional Linguistics. New York: Continuum.

Jamieson, K.H and Birdsell, D.S. 1988. Presidential Debates. The Challenge of

Creating An Electorate. New York : Oxford University Press.

Hadidi, Yaser. 2012. A comparative study of Ideational Grammatical Metaphor in Business and Political Texts. International Journal of Linguistics. Vol. 4 No. 2

Halliday, M.A.K. 1985 b. Spoken and Written Language. Geelong, Vic.: Deakin University Press (republished by OUP, 1989)

Halliday, M.A.K. 1994. An Introduction to Functional Grammar. London: Edward Arnold.

Halliday, M.A.K. 2004. An Introduction to Functional Grammar. London: Edward Arnold.

Lakoff, G and Johnsen M. 2003. Metaphors we live by. London : The University of Chicago Press


Lassen, Inger. 2003. Accessibility and Acceptability in Technical Manuals. Amsterdam: John Benjamin Publishing Company

Lincoln and Guba. 1985. Naturalistic Inquiry. California: Sage Publication, Inc. Miles, M.B. & Huberman, A.M. 1994. Qualitative Data Analysis: A

Source Book of New Methods. Second Edition. New Burry, CA: Sage.

Saragih, Amrin. 2012. Variations and Functional Varieties of Language. Medan. (Unpublished)

Saragih, Amrin. 2006. Introducing Systemic Functional Grammar. Medan. (Unpublished)

Searle, John. R. 1993. Metaphor. In Andrew Ortony (ed) Metaphor and Thought. New York : Cambridge University Press. 83-111.

Taverniers, Mirriam. 2004. Grammatical Metaphor in SFL. A Historiography of the introduction and initial study of the concept. In Anne Marrie , S.V. Mirriam Taverniers.and Louis J. Ravelli (eds) Grammatical Metaphor:

Views from Systemic Functional Linguistics. John Benjamin:


Tian, Xiufeng. 2013. Distinguish Spoken English from Written English: Rich Feature Analysis. English Language Teaching, Vol.6, No.7

( (accessed on November 22, 2013)

( (accessed on May 05, 2014)


In addition to those above facts, the presidential debates have surely become important commodities especially in the field of journalism and politics. Jamieson and Birdsell (1988 : 8) state that the debates that did occur were closely followed by voters who bought thousands copies of the more famous speeches and read newspapers packed with detailed accounts of local contests. It is surprising to note that there is relatively little research on presidential primary debates. However, what research is available suggests that primary debates are capable of influencing voters. (Benoit et al 2002 : 7). All the above reasons are the trigger to conduct the present study.

1.2The Problems of the Study.

The problems of the study are formulated in questions as the following

1. What types of interpersonal metaphor are used in the text of presidential debate between Barrack Obama and Mitt Romney?

2. How does interpersonal metaphor have impacts on GI and LD in the text of presidential debate between Barrack Obama and Mitt Romney with reference to congruent coding?

3. In what ways does interpersonal metaphor have impacts on GI and LD in the text of presidential debate between Barrack Obama and Mitt Romney?

1.3The Objectives of the Study.


1. to identify types of interpersonal metaphor used in the text of presidential debate between Barrack Obama and Mitt Romney

2. to describe the impacts of interpersonal metaphor on GI and LD in the text of presidential debate between Barrack Obama and Mitt Romney with reference to congruent coding

3. to explain the ways interpersonal metaphor has impacts on GI and LD in the text of presidential debate between Barrack Obama and Mitt Romney

1.4The Scope of the Study.

The present study applies the Halliday’s systemic functional linguistics (SFL) and the analysis is aimed at investigating the impacts of metaphor on the GI and LD in the text of the last presidential debate between Barrack Obama and Mitt Romney which took place on October 22, 2012 in Boca Raton.

1.5The Significance of the Study.

The findings are expected to be worthwhile theoretically and practically. Theoretically, the findings will broaden horizons in the application of the Systemic Functional Linguistic (SFL) with reference to spoken languages. Practically, the findings can be utilzed for the literature to conduct further researches in more various contexts.




5.1 Conclusions

Based on the research findings, conclusions are drawn as the following.

1. Two types of interpersonal metaphor namely metaphor of modality, which comprises high, medium and low values, and metaphor of mood, namely question and command are found out.

2. The ratio of GI is higher in all of the interpersonal metaphor utterances than that of the congruent codings while the ratio of LD is various in the sense that in one side the interpersonal metaphor utterances have higher ratio of LD than that of the congruent codings and on the other side, the interpersonal metaphor utterances have lower ratio of LD than that of the congruent codings

3. The presidential debate carries with it more features of spoken languages and fewer features of written languages with reference to LD and GI.


In line with the above conclusions, suggestions are offered as the following.

1. Other researchers need to conduct further studies dealing with interpersonal metaphor and any other types of grammatical metaphor


in different phenomena by considering the fact that spoken languages and written languages can be distinguished through the ratio of GI and LD, the medium, the essence and the medium in which the texts are described.

2. The ratio of GI and LD can be further investigated to evaluate the accessibility of various texts in the sense that written languages must be lexically dense and less intricate while spoken languages must be grammatically intricate and lexically sparse. This can be significant mainly to the use of text books that are used in the present context of the education in Indonesia.

3. Students of applied linguistics should take account of the wide range of political texts. This study concerns with the text of presidential debate. The students will get broader horizons if they are exposed to various political texts such as victory speeches, concession speeches, political interviews, etc.

4. English Teachers can utilize the two types of complexity namely GI and LD to assess the readibility of textbooks that are used in their schools.



Alami, Sabbah and Iranmanesh. 2013. Male-Female Discourse Difference in Terms of Lexical Density. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, Vol. 5, No. 23.

Benoit, W.L., Pier, P.M, Brazeal, L.M., McHale, J.P., Klyukovski, A., Airne, David. 2002. The Primary Decision: A Functional Analysis of Debates in Presidential Primaries. London: Praeger Publishers

Bogdan, Robert. C and Biklen, S.K. 1992. Qualitive Research for Education. An Introduction to Theory and Methods. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.

Briones, Fortuny, Sastre and Pocovi. 2003. Grammatical Metaphors in Scientific English. The ESPecialist, Vol. 24, No. 2.

Cacciari, C. 1998. In Katz, Cacciari, Gibbs and Turner (eds) Figurative Language and Thought. New York : Oxford University Press.

Camiciottoli, B. C. 2007. The Language of Business Studies Lectures. Amsterdam: John Benjamin Publishing Company.

Dong, Jiezhen. 2013. Interpersonal Metaphor in Legal Discourse: Modality in Cross- examinations. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, Vol. 4 No. 6

Eggins, S. 2004. An Introduction to Systemic Functional Linguistics. New York: Continuum.

Jamieson, K.H and Birdsell, D.S. 1988. Presidential Debates. The Challenge of Creating An Electorate. New York : Oxford University Press.

Hadidi, Yaser. 2012. A comparative study of Ideational Grammatical Metaphor in Business and Political Texts. International Journal of Linguistics. Vol. 4 No. 2

Halliday, M.A.K. 1985 b. Spoken and Written Language. Geelong, Vic.: Deakin University Press (republished by OUP, 1989)

Halliday, M.A.K. 1994. An Introduction to Functional Grammar. London: Edward Arnold.

Halliday, M.A.K. 2004. An Introduction to Functional Grammar. London: Edward Arnold.

Lakoff, G and Johnsen M. 2003. Metaphors we live by. London : The University of Chicago Press


Lassen, Inger. 2003. Accessibility and Acceptability in Technical Manuals. Amsterdam: John Benjamin Publishing Company

Lincoln and Guba. 1985. Naturalistic Inquiry. California: Sage Publication, Inc. Miles, M.B. & Huberman, A.M. 1994. Qualitative Data Analysis: A Source Book of New Methods. Second Edition. New Burry, CA: Sage. Saragih, Amrin. 2012. Variations and Functional Varieties of Language. Medan.


Saragih, Amrin. 2006. Introducing Systemic Functional Grammar. Medan. (Unpublished)

Searle, John. R. 1993. Metaphor. In Andrew Ortony (ed) Metaphor and Thought. New York : Cambridge University Press. 83-111.

Taverniers, Mirriam. 2004. Grammatical Metaphor in SFL. A Historiography of the introduction and initial study of the concept. In Anne Marrie , S.V. Mirriam Taverniers.and Louis J. Ravelli (eds) Grammatical Metaphor: Views from Systemic Functional Linguistics. John Benjamin: Amsterdam

Tian, Xiufeng. 2013. Distinguish Spoken English from Written English: Rich Feature Analysis. English Language Teaching, Vol.6, No.7

( (accessed on November 22, 2013)

( (accessed on May 05, 2014)