Bahas Inggris Hukum . Legal English & TOEFL-Like Approach (Buku Ajar).


Legal English & TOEFL-Like Approach



Legal English & TOEFL-Like Approach

Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 19 Tahun 2002 Tentang Hak Cipta
Lingkup Hak Cipta
Pasal 2
1. Hak Cipta merupakan hak eksklusif bagi Pencipta atau Pemegang Hak Cipta untuk mengumumkan
atau memperbanyak Ciptaannya, yang timbul secara otomatis setelah suatu ciptaan dilahirkan tanpa
mengurangi pembatasan menurut peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku.
Ketentuan Pidana
Pasal 72
1. Barang siapa dengan sengaja melanggar dan tanpa hak melakukan perbuatan sebagaimana dimaksud
dalam Pasal 2 Ayat (1) atau Pasal 49 Ayat (1) dan Ayat (2) dipidana dengan penjara masing-masing
paling singkat 1 (satu) bulan dan/atau denda paling sedikit Rp 1.000.000,00 (satu juta rupiah), atau

pidana penjara paling lama 7 (tujuh) tahun dan/atau denda paling banyak Rp,00 (lima
miliar rupiah).
2. Barang siapa dengan sengaja menyiarkan, memamerkan, mengedarkan atau menjual kepada umum
suatu ciptaan atau barang hasil pelanggaran hak cipta atau hak terbit sebagai dimaksud pada Ayat
(1) dipidana dengan pidana penjara paling lama 5 (lima) tahun dan/atau denda paling banyak Rp.
500.000.000,00 (lima ratus juta rupiah).



Legal English & TOEFL-Like Approach

Dr. Ni Ketut Supasti Dharmawan, SH, MHum, LLM




Legal English & TOEFL-Like Approach


Legal English & TOEFL-Like Approach
Dr. Ni Ketut Supasti Dharmawan, SH, MHum, LLM
Jiwa Atmaja
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Dekan Fakultas Hukum Universitas Udayana


ami menyambut gembira dengan diterbitkannya karya
tulis ini yang berjudul BAHASA INGGRIS HUKUM
- Legal English & TOEFL-Like Approach (Cetakan Ketiga) dari Sdri.
Dr. Ni Ketut Supasti Dharmawan,SH.,M.Hum.,LLM. pengajar
Mata Kuliah Bahasa Inggris Hukum pada Fakultas Hukum

Universitas Udayana.
Bahasa Inggris merupakan suatu kebutuhan dalam era gobal,
terlebih bagi semua kalangan yang menimba ilmu di perguruan
tinggi. TOEFL (sebagai indikator kemahiran penguasaan bahasa
inggris) merupakan salah satu persyaratan bagi mahasiswa pada
semua strata S1-S2 & S3. Sehubungan dengan hal tersebut, maka
keberadaan buku ini menjadi sangat berarti untuk d adikan
rujukan dalam memahami dan meningkatkan perolehan TOEFL
Skor serta sekaligus memahami Legal Term.
Semoga kehadiran buku ini dapat menambah bahan bacaan
dan meningkatkan kemampuan memahami buku-buku hukum
(text) berbahasa Inggris, serta bermanfaat meningkatkan TOEFL
Denpasar, 1 September 2012.

Prof. Dr. I Gusti Ngurah Wairocana,SH.MH.
NIP.: 195304011980031004



Legal English atau dalam Mata Kuliah di Fakultas Hukum
lebih dikenal dengan nama Bahasa Inggris Hukum memiliki
kekhasan tersendiri jika dibandingkan dengan General English.
Legal English adalah suatu bentuk atau style dari Bahasa Inggris
yang secara khusus digunakan oleh para ahli hukum dan para
professional hukum (para praktisi) dalam lapangan pekerjaan
mereka. Kekhasan style dari Legal English, dapat dikenali melalui
tulisan-tulisan tentang hukum baik yang tertulis dalam Text Book,
Literature, Law Journal, Statutes, Treaties, Conventions, maupun
Berdasarkan sejarah perkembangannya, kekhasan dari Legal
English bersumber dari pengaruh penggunaan bahasa Inggris
pada Hukum Perancis dan dari serapan Bahasa Latin. Beberapa
istilah dalam Legal English yang jika dibandingkan dengan General
English nampak tidak lazim diantaranya: inter alia, de facto, ne,
bill, the Act, contempt of court, enter into contract, hereof, the parties
hereto, whereas, dan yang lainnya. Bagaimana kita bisa mengetahui

dan mengenali bahasa Inggris Hukum? Semakin banyak dan
sering membaca tulisan-tulisan tentang berbagai bidang hukum
baik tulisan yang aspeknya hukum perdata, bisnis, pidana, tata
negara, administrasi negara, maupun hukum internasional, maka
akan semakin mudah mengenali, mengetahui dan mengerti
legal term yang ada dalam tulisan-tulisan tersebut. Bagi para
ahli hukum (akademisi hukum dan para praktisi hukum), Legal
English merupakan suatu kebutuhan yang sangat penting untuk
mendukung pekerjaan mereka, karena dengan dapat mengerti
maksud dari frase-frase dalam sebuah tulisan, tentunya akan



Legal English & TOEFL-Like Approach

dengan mudah dapat menangkap isi (contents ) dari sebuah
Buku-buku tentang Legal English mungkin sudah mulai

banyak ditulis, begitu juga buku-buku tentang General English dan
TOEFL. Namun dalam buku ini, kekhasannya adalah penulisan
tentang Legal English dengan memasukkan istilah-istilah Bahasa
Inggris Hukum itu ke dalam bentuk model soal-soal yang biasa
diujikan pada TOEFL terutama hanya pada bagian Structure
buku ini diharapkan akan dapat membawa nuansa baru dalam
meningkatkan kemampuan di bidang Legal English yang
sekaligus untuk memahami dan mengenali model-model soal
TOEFL sedini mungkin. Pendekatan model TOEFL-like sengaja
penulis gunakan, karena untuk segala lini baik dari memasuki
Perguruan Tinggi, mulai pada strata: S1 hingga S3, begitu juga
ketika akan memasuki lapangan pekerjaan, TOEFL senantiasa
dipersyaratkan. Karenanya melalui buku sederhana ini
diharapkan dapat membantu para mahasiswa hukum, akademisi
hukum maupun professional hukum, mengerti Legal English
sekaligus TOEFL.
Berbagai materi mengenai bidang-bidang hukum yang
penulisannya legal term disajikan dengan pendekan TOEFL (
paper based) yaitu berisikan Reading Comprehension Section , diramu
dengan penulisan essay dengan legal term , serta Structure

Section. Selain itu pada Part III juga
dilampirkan contoh Treaty, Convention, dan Act, sehingga melalui
legal dokumen tersebut , penggunaan dan kekhasan legal English
dapat dimengerti secara lebih mendalam sehingga dapat lebih
memperkaya wawasan.
Semoga buku sederhana ini dapat berguna, terutama bagi
mahasiswa Fakultas Hukum, para penstudi hukum dan orangorang yang menekuni pekerjaan di bidang hukum.
Denpasar, 27 Agustus 2012
NK Supasti Dharmawan



UNIVERSITAS UDAYANA ........................................................ v
KATA PENGANTAR .................................................................... vii
1. Reading Comprehension Section 1 :

What is Legal English ....................................................... 3
2. Tentang Reading Comprehension 1 ............................... 7
3. Reading Comprehension 2 : Two Major legal
Systems in the World ........................................................ 13
4. Tentang Reading Comprehension 2 ............................... 18
5. Reading Comprehension 3 : The International Law
and its Sources ................................................................... 21
6. Tentang Reading Comprehension 3 ............................... 28
7. Reading Comprehension 4 : The Human Right
Abuses and MNC s Wrongful Conduct ......................... 32
8. Tentang Reading Comprehension 4 ............................... 36
9. Reading Comprehension 5 : International
Dispute under the WTO ................................................... 39
10. Reading Comprehension 6 : The Uniform
Interpretation Of Non-Conformity Goods And Breach
Of Contract On CISG Case Law ...................................... 48
11. Terminology and Linguistic Peculiarities ...................... 65



Legal English & TOEFL-Like Approach

Part II
5. Paper & Answer Key .........................................................


Part III

1. Universal Declaration of Human Rights........................ 93
2. International Covenant on Civil and
Political Rights ................................................................... 102
3. Marrakesh Agreement Establishing The
World Trade Organization ............................................... 129
4. Law Of The Republic Of Indonesia Number
19 Year 2002 Regarding Copyright ................................. 148
5. Undang-Undang No. 19 Tahun 2002 Tentang
Hak Cipta............................................................................ 183
BIBLIOGRAPHY AND REFERENCES ..................................... 246







egal English is the style of English used by lawyers and
other legal professionals in their work.1 We can easily
recognize the style of it when we read legal writing and legal
when they write legal topics in Law Journals or Law Text Book.

as Statutes, Laws or Acts of parliament, Treaties, Conventions,
Contracts, Briefs, Views, Recommendations and other legal
The style of legal English is slightly di erent from general
English. It contains a number of unusual features, especially in its
terminology and linguistic structure. The sources of legal English
that their roots roots are from French Law and Latin also contribute
why this English is sometimes di cult to be understood and
very di erent from ordinary English. As an example, the writing
peculiar structure, functional is used insu ciently, and foreign
phrases are sometimes used instead of English phrases (e.g. inter
alia instead of among others). Sometimes unusual set phrases are
null and void.2

Legal English,
h, the free encyclopedia,
page 1, accessed 11/17/2009.
Rupert Haigh, 2009, Legal English, Second Edition, Routledge Cavendish, New York,
page 7



Legal English & TOEFL-Like Approach

As a set of phrase, Null and void, actually both words have
the same meaning: of no legal e ect. When an agreement, for
a variety of reasons, is declared null and void, it means it is not
binding or non enforceable by either party.3 Besides unusual
legal terms of art . Legal terms of art are technical words and
phrases that have precise and xed legal meanings and which
cannot usually be replaced by other words, for instance: share,
royalty and patent.4 As xed legal meanings patent for instance,
in Intellectual Property Right dimensions based on Article 27
TRIPS Agreement, patents shall be available for any inventions,
whether products or processes, in all elds of technology,
provided that they are new, involve an inventive step and are
capable of industrial application.5 In national scope, for instance
in Indonesia, the de nition of patent can be found in Article 1
the Act No.14 Year 2001 Concerning Patent. Therefore, patent
as an example of legal English only ts for invention in elds
of technology. If people have creative works in elds of art and
literary work, we can not say that they have patent but copyright.


Peter Alderson, 1995, Legal Dictionary For Australians, Mc Graw-Hill Book Company
Australia Pty Limited, Australia, page 103.
Rupert Haigh, Opcit, page 8.
Contemporary Intellectual
Property Law and Policy, Oxford University Press, New York, page 376.


Question and Answers using TOEFL-like model test
Answer all questions about the information in a passage on
the basis of what is stated or implied in the passage
by choosing the one best answer (A), (B), (C), or (D)
to each question.
Question 1-10

What does this passage mainly discuss?
(A) The General English
(B) The Legal English
(D) The sources of legal English


What is the purpose of this passage?
(A) To inform
(B) To persuade
(C) To criticize
(D) To apologize


The word it in line 3 paragraph 1 refers to
(A) Legal Writing
(C) Legal Research
(D) Legal English


The style of legal English commonly used by
(A) Lawyers and economic professionals
(B) Lawyers and other legal professionals
(C) Lawyers and other mathematic professionals
(D) Lawyers and other designer professionals



Legal English & TOEFL-Like Approach


The word views in line 9 paragraph 1 is closest in meaning
(A) Recommendations
(B) Decisions
(C) Judgments
(D) Natures


The style of legal English is slightly di erent from general
English. It contains a number of
(A) usual features
(B) unusual features
(C) ordinary features
(D) extra ordinary features.


The sources of legal English are
(A) the UK Law and Latin
(B) the French Law and Latin
(C) the American Law and Latin
(D) the European Law and Latin


The meaning of phrases Null and void is
(A) has legal e ect
(B) has no legal e ect
(C) enforceable
(D) binding


Legal terms of art are technical words and phrases that have
precise and xed legal meanings and which cannot usually
be replaced by other words. An example of legal terms of
art is
(A) Null and void
(B) Inter Alia
(C) Amicus Curiae
(D) Patent


10. Patent as an example of legal terms of art only ts for
(A) Invention in elds of technology.
(B) Art and Literary works
(C) Design graphics
(D) Trade Mark and Brand.

Reading Comprehension adalah salah satu bentuk Model Tests
dalam TOEFL TEST. Umumnya dalam section ini, para peserta
ujian dihadapkan pada satu bacaan singkat (reading) dengan
berbagai topik. Sehubungan dengan proses pembelajaran dan
pengenalan Bahasa Inggris Hukum dengan TOEFL-like approach,
maka untuk Reading Section , topik-topik yang berkaitan dengan
bidang hukum menjadi relevan untuk didiskusikan. Mengenal
dan memahami legal term melalui pendekatan TOEFL-like
menjadi suatu alternatif pembelajaran yang holistik. Apakah
Bahasa Inggris Hukum sama dengan Bahasa Inggris Umum?
Ataukah jenis bahasa yang satu ini memiliki style atau gaya bahasa
yang berbeda dengan bahasa Inggris pada umumnya?
Bahasa Inggris Hukum digunakan oleh para ahli hukum
maupun para praktisi hukum sehubungan dengan lingkup
pekerjaan mereka di bidang hukum. Keberadaan Bahasa Inggris
Hukum (Legal English) dengan gaya bahasa atau model bahasa
atau style yang khas, yang seringkali berbeda dengan bahasa
Inggris pada umumnya, dapat dikenali dan dibaca melalui
tulisan-tulisan tentang berbagai topik bidang hukum, baik yang
aspeknya pidana, perdata, bisnis, tata negara, administrasi negara
maupun internasional yang tertuang dalam jurnal-jurnal hukum
maupun berbagai literatur atau buku-buku tentang hukum.
Selain itu keberadaan legal terms juga sangat mudah dikenali
dalam tulisan-tulisan pada berbagai Undang-Undang, Perjanjian
Internasional seperti Traktat maupun Konvensi, Kontrak, Putusan
Pengadilan, maupun Rekomendasi Hukum.



Legal English & TOEFL-Like Approach

Bahasa Inggris Hukum seringkali memiliki style yang
berbeda dengan bahasa Inggris pada umumnya (General English),
bahkan juga oleh kalangan pembaca yang bukan keahlian dan
pekerjaannya di bidang hukum ( legal expertises), seringkali
jenis bahasa yang satu ini dianggap sulit untuk dipelajari.
Perbedaan dan kekhasan yang ada pada Legal English bersumber
dan dipengaruhi oleh bahasa yang digunakan dalam Hukum
Perancis dan Bahasa Latin. Legal English pada awalnya digunakan
oleh para ahli hukum di negara-negara English-speaking countries
yang sistem hukumnya tunduk pada tradisi Common Law System,
seperti di Amerika, Inggris, Kanada, Australia dan New Zealand.
Memang pada awalnya Bahasa Inggis yang digunakan adalah
Bahasa Inggris untuk orang-orang Inggris pada umumnya,
namun sejak invansi Suku Bangsa Normandy di Inggris tahun
1066, disadari bahwa English (General English) adalah bahasa
untuk orang-orang kebanyakan di Inggris, sedangkan the AngloNorman French, yaitu yang bersumber dari Prancis (French) dan
Latin dipertimbangkan sebagai bahasa resmi untuk pembelajaran
terutama bahasa-bahasa resmi untuk pemerintahan dan hukum.
Sehubungan dengan hal tersebutlah mengapa Bahasa Inggris
Hukum (Legal English) berbeda dengan Bahasa Inggris pada
umumnya dan banyak terminologi-terminologi yang berasal
dari Hukum Perancis dan Latin d umpai dalam Bahasa Inggris
Mengingat Bahasa Inggris Hukum dalam beberapa
hal memiliki ciri khas tersendiri yang dipengaruhi oleh
bahasa dalam Hukum Perancis dan Latin, maka untuk dapat
mengetahui pengertian yang dimaksud oleh frase-frase dalam
Legal English, salah satu alternatifnya adalah dengan membaca
tulisan-tulisan tentang topik hukum baik dalam literatur hukum
maupun dokumen-dokumen hukum. Semakin sering membaca

Barbara J. Beveridge, Legal English-How It Developed and Why It Is Not Appropriate for
International Commercial Contracts,
pdf, accessed 19 November 2009.


dan mempelajari topik-topik hukum dalam literatur, jurnal dan
dokumen-dokumen hukum, maka semakin mudah mengerti
tentang apa yang dimaksud oleh phrase-phrase atau legal term
Null and void yaitu suatu legal term yang sesungguhnya
baik kata Null maupun Void sama-sama berarti
mempunyai akibat hukum atau tidak mengikat , namun
dalam penggunaannya phrase Null and Void selalu digunakan
berbarengan , sehingga jika dibandingkan dengan Bahasa Inggris
pada umumnya, keberadaan phrase Null and Void terlihat janggal
atau tidak umum (unusual). Itulah Bahasa Inggris Hukum yang
dipengaruhi oleh Bahasa Prancis dan Bahasa Latin, sehingga
mengakibatkan kadangkala agak sulit untuk difahami. Phrase
Null and Void umumnya digunakan dalam bidang hukum
Syarat sahnya suatu perjanjian di Indonesia diatur dalam
Pasal 1320 KUHPerdata. Menurut Pasal tersebut, perjanjian
menjadi sah jika memenuhi 4 syarat :
1. Sepakat mereka yang mengikatkan dirinya
2. kecakapan untuk membuat suatu perikatan
3. Suatu hal tertentu
4. Suatu sebab yang halal.
Syarat 1 dan 2 merupakan syarat subyektif, jika salah
satu dari syarat tersebut tidak dipenuhi maka perjanjian dapat
dibatalkan (voidable). Sementara itu, syarat 3 dan 4 adalah syaratsyarat obyektif, jika salah satu dari syarat tersebut tidak dipenuhi
maka perjanjian menjadi batal demi hukum atau disebut juga
void (void ab initio).7 Dalam suatu perjanjian, jika karena sesuatu
alasan perjanjian tersebut dinyatakan null and void, itu berarti
perjanjian tersebut tidak mengikat dan tidak dapat dipaksakan
berlakunya oleh para pihak.

Johanes Ibrahim , Lindawaty Sewu, 2004, Hukum Bisnis Dalam Persepsi Manusia
Modern, Re ka Aditama, Bandung, hal 88



Legal English & TOEFL-Like Approach

Patent dan Royalty suatu legal terms of art merupakan suatu
phrase yang memiliki pengertian hukum tertentu dan pasti, yang
tidak dapat digantikan dengan kata-kata lainnya. Sebagai contoh
Patent ( atau dalam bahasa Indonesia Paten ) adalah suatu
terminologi hukum tentang hak ekslusif yang dimiliki oleh
penemu berkaitan dengan invensinya (penemuannya) di bidang
teknologi, baik proses maupun produk yang mengandung
unsur kebaruan, langkah inventif serta dapat diterapkan
dalam industri. Karya intelektual manusia yang bukan berupa
penemuan di bidang teknologi seperti halnya karya seni tidak
dapat disebut sebagai Patent , sebab terminologi Patent hanya
untuk penemuan di bidang teknologi, jika karya seni maka
disebut Hak Cipta ( Copyrights). Royalty adalah suatu konpensasi
berupa pembayaran atas penggunaan suatu kepemilikan,
umumnya Royalty berkaitan dengan penggunaan Hak Kekayaan
Intelektual seperti Paten ataupun Hak Cipta. Dalam suatu lisensi
Paten, pihak yang diberikan lisensi menggunakan paten wajib
membayar Royalty fee berupa sejumlah uang kepada pemilik
Paten sesuai dengan kesepakatan di antara mereka.


Ac t ivit y 1 :
Writ e one pa ra gra ph using le ga l t e r m “

“, “

a nd “

Patent is ............................................................................................
...............................Therefore, the licensor or the patent owner
has right to receive a sum of amount of royalty fee from the
licensee or person who has a privilege to use the patent arising
from the permission or consent of the licensor.



Legal English & TOEFL-Like Approach

Ac t ivit y 2 :
Write a

paragraph using legal term


The copyright owner has an exclusive rights to use and to give..


Read the following text carefully and make sure you
understand what the passage means.



wo major legal systems developed in the world are
the Anglo American Common Law System and the
Romano Germanic Civil Law System.
The Romano-Germanic Civil Law System, which is
commonly called the Civil Law System or continental civil
law followed by some countries such as: Austria, Belgium,
Greece, Indochina, Indonesia, Latin America, The Netherlands,
Poland, Portugal, Spain, South Korea, Turkey, and Switzerland.
Historically, the term civil law comes from Latin word jus civile
which was opposed to jus gentium. On the other hand, the AngloAmerican Common Law System, which is commonly called the
Common Law System or the Anglo Saxon or the Case Law System
followed by The United States of America, The United Kingdom,
Australian, and Singapore. These legal systems are di erent each
other especially from their source. In the Civil Law System the

as the primary source of law in this system. Consequently, when
the court has a case, it is usually unbound by precedent. While in
Common law system is the system of laws originated and
developed in England and based on court decisions. The system
law such as codi ed law. Under the common-law system, when



Legal English & TOEFL-Like Approach

a court decides and reports its decision concerning a particular
case, the case becomes part of the body of law and can be used
This use of precedents is known as stare decisis. In the US, this
decision is known as the Doctrine of Stare Decisis (to stand by the
decision).8 Generally the term common law is used to describe
a system where the law is built up through the decisions of the
courts. Judicial decision is a decision about an individual lawsuit
issued by the courts. Through judicial decision the judge explains
the legal reasoning used to decide the case. This system has been
used since the Middle Ages. Philosophically, in this system
law is rooted from custom and precedent. Therefore neither the
creation of a sovereign nor dictated or invented by legal dictation,
but handed down in a continuous process of interpretation and
reinterpretation of the signi cance of previous custom.
The law in the civil law system was adopted from the Romans
where the compilation of Roman law known as the Corpus Juris
Civilis. The further important sources of the civil law system are
the French Civil Code of 1804 or known as the Napoleonic Code
and the German Civil Code of 1896, later on the two of latest code
become models for countries that followed civil law system.9
In some Civil law countries, even though their formal prime
enacted by the legislative branch or the House of Representative
or parliaments, they also have other important sources of law,
namely: Custom, Treaty both Multilateral Treaty and Bilateral
Treaty, also Judicial decisions. On contrary, in some Common
Law System countries, such as the United States, they also have
of modern law in the United States are Constitutions, Statutes
and Treaties. Treaty is an agreement formally signed, rati ed,

Henry R. Cheeseman, Contemporary Business & E-Commerce Law, Fourth Edition, 2000,
Prentice Hall International (UK) Limited, London, page 12.
Ibid, page 9.


or adhered to between nations or sovereigns: an international
and governed by international law10.
Recently, it is di cult to say that a country has only followed
one Legal System because practically they tend to follow both
common law and civil law system. For instance, even though
Indonesia in general known as a part of Civil Law Country which
has many Acts or laws to regulate its society such as ; the Act No.4,
2004 concerning Judicial Power, the Act No. 19, 2002 concerning
Copyright, etc. However in some practices it has also followed
Common Law System especially in eld of Business Law.
Question and Answers using the TOEFL-like
Model Test
Answer all questions about the information in the passage on the
basis of what is stated or implied in that passage by choosing the
one best answer (A), (B), (C),or (D) to each question.

Questions 1-12

What does this passage mainly discuss?
(A) The Court System
(B) The Legal System in Indonesia
(C) The Legal System in the world
(D) The Doctrine of Stare Decisis.


What is the purpose of the passage?
(A) To inform
(B) To persuade
(C) To criticize
(D) To apologize


Bryan A Garner, 2004, Black s Law Dictionary, Eighth Edition, Thomson West, the
USA, page 1540.



Legal English & TOEFL-Like Approach


The words Civil Law in paragraph 2 line 6-7 refers to
(A) The Common Law System
(B) The Romano-Germanic Civil Law System
(C) The Doctrine of Stare Decisis
(D) The Constitution


The term civil law comes from word jus civile which is
(A) French
(B) English
(C) Latin
(D) Roman


According to this passage, which country follows The Civil
Law System?
(A) The United States of America
(B) Australia
(C) Singapore
(D) Indonesia


In Common Law System the important source of the law is :
(B) Statute
(D) Code


The phrase the legislative branch in line 10 paragraph 4 is
closest in meaning to
(A) The House of Representative
(B) The Executive
(C) The Consultative Assembly
(D) The Court



When the court has a case in the civil law country is usually
(A) Unbound by precedent
(B) Bound by precedent
(C) Bound by the Doctrine of Stare Decisis


To decide a case at the court it is very important for judges to
explain their
(A) Legal reasoning
(B) Legal meaning
(C) Legal wording
(D) Legal improving

10. The French Civil Code of 1804 also known as
(A) The German Civil Code
(B) The Napoleonic Code
(C) The Romano code
(D) The England code
11. The word for instance in line 3-4 paragraph 5 is closest in
meaning to
(A) For example
(B) Etc
(C) such as
(D) as follow
12. The Act No. 4, 2004 concerning
(A) Judicial power
(B) Copyright
(C) Civil Law System
(D) Common Law System



Legal English & TOEFL-Like Approach

Civil Law System atau yang juga dikenal sebagai Sistem
Hukum Eropa Kontinental atau The Romano-Germanic Civil Law
System dan Sistem Hukum Common Law atau Sistem Hukum Anglo
Saxon adalah termasuk dua sistem hukum yang paling banyak
pengikutnya di dunia. Sistem hukum Eropa Kontinental (Civil Law
) diikuti oleh negara-negara seperti Belgia, Belanda, Indonesia,
Amerika Latin, Korea Selatan dan Portugal. Termonologi Civil
Law berasal dari bahasa Latin yaitu dari terminologi jus civile .
Di negara-negara penganut Civil Law, sistem hukumnya diadopsi
dari hukum Romawi yaitu dari the Corpus Juris Civilis. Sumber
hukum penting lainnya juga berasal dari Hukum Perancis
yaitu the Napoleonic Code 1804 dan hukum Jerman yaitu the
German Civil Code 0f 1896. Sumber hukum yang paling utama di
negara-negara penganut Civil Law adalah hukum tertulis yang
dibuat oleh badan legislatif dan pemerintahan seperti misalnya
perundang-undangan maupun Kodi kasi. Sementara itu sumber
hukum lainnya yang tidak dibuat oleh badan legislatif meliputi:
Kebiasaan, Traktat dan Keputusan Pengadilan.
Sistem Hukum Common law atau yang juga dikenal dengan
sistem hukum Anglo Saxon diikuti oleh negara-negara seperti
Amerika, Inggris, Australia dan Singapura. Dalam sistem hukum
ini, sumber hukumnya yang terpenting adalah hukum tidak
tertulis, terutama yang berasal dari putusan pengadilan. Di
negara-negara Common Law, putusan pengadilan atas suatu
kasus tertentu yang kemudian diikuti dan d adikan sumber
hukum oleh hakim berikutnya pada perkara yang sejenis disebut
preseden, atau juga dikenal dengan sebutan the Doctrine of Stare
Decisis . Selain bersumber pada putusan pengadilan, negaranegara penganut Common Law juga memiliki sumber hukum
tertulis seperti misalnya yang tertuang dalam Konstitusi dan


Activity 3:
Translate the words below into Indonesian
Write a sentence from each word

Terjemahkan dan buatlah kalimat dengan menggunakan legal
term berikut:

The important source of the civil law system
b. Court


c. Case law


d. Court decision =
e. Doctrine =
f. Custom =
g. Precedent =



Legal English & TOEFL-Like Approach

Pengenalan lebih banyak tentang legal term
Activity 4:
Translate the words below into Indonesian
Write a sentence from each word

a. Legal system

b. Legal reasoning

c. Judicial power








































d. The House of Representative =

e. Copyrights

f. Patent

g. Unbound











Law and its sources



nternational law comprises a system of rules and principles
that govern the international relations between sovereign
states and other institutional subjects of international law such as
the United Nations11. Although state is still the most important of
the subject of international law because of their fullest capacities,
other institutional namely:
Vatican, ICRC ( International
United Nations and the African Union, Individual, and the Multi
National Corporations also known as subjects of international
State considered as the most important and most powerful
of the subjects of international law because they are capable of
possessing and exercising rights and duties under international
law. As a subject of international law, State has capacity to the
fullest degree: the ability to make claims before international and
national tribunals, to be subject to some or all of the obligations
imposed by international law, to have power to conclude valid
international agreements (treaties), to enjoy some or all of the
immunities from the jurisdiction of the nationals court of other
States.12 According to Article 1 of the Montevideo Convention
on Rights and Duties of States 1933, the State as a person of
international law should possess the following quali cations: (a)

Martin Dixon,2007, International Law, Oxford University Press, New York, page 3
Ibid, page 112.



Legal English & TOEFL-Like Approach

a permanent population; (b) a de ned territory; (c) government;
and (d) a capacity to enter into relations with other states.
Although State is the powerful subject of international law,
we may say that we are without doubt to recognize the non
State actors such the United Nations as a subject of international
law through the Advisory Opinion of the International Court of
Justice (the ICJ). For instance in Reparation of Injuries Case, the
Advisory Opinion of the ICJ says that13:
In the opinion of the Court, the Organization was intended
to exercise and enjoy, and is in fact exercising and enjoying
functions and rights which can only be explained on the basis of
the possession of large measure of international personality and
the capacity to operate upon an international plane.
Accordingly, the Court has come to the conclusion that the
Organization is an international person. That is not same thing as
saying that it is a State, which is certainly is not, or that its legal
legal personality and rights and duties are the same as those of a
State. Still less is it the same thing as saying that it is a super
state , whatever that expression may mean. It does not even imply
that all its rights and duties must be upon the international plane,
any more that all the rights and duties of a State must be upon than
plane. What it does mean is that it is a subject of international law
and capable of possessing international rights and duties, and that
it has capacity to maintain its rights by bringing international
International law is still interesting topic to be discussed.
Some scholars or closely many jurists argue that hallmark of
a system of law is that its rules are capable of being enforced
against malefactors. However, International Law is not generally
international law by saying that it is not true law.14 Beside it is

Pengantar Hukum Internasional, PT
Alumni, Bandung, hal 102-103.
Martin Dixon, Opcit, page 6.


not ge
that international law has some weakness such as only State can
in uences the development of customary rules of international
law through State practice and only State can enter into e ective
multilateral treaties not for MNC or NGO for instance. Although
it is still debatable, the existence of international law contribute
important role in international relations among its subjects.
Originally as a system of rules governing the relation of
states, International Law has many sources. According to Article
38 of the Statute of the International Court of Justice the sources
of international law are international conventions or treaties,
international custom, general principles of law, judicial decisions,
writings of publicists, resolutions of international organizations.

do not have any legally binding force or considered as nonbinding agreements.15
Article 38 of the Statute of the ICJ provides that:
(1) The Court, whose function is to decide in accordance with
(a) international conventions, whether general or particular,
establishing rules expressly recognized by the contesting
(b) International custom., as evidence of a general practice
accepted as law;
(c) The general principles of law recognized by civilized nations
(d) Subject to the provisions of Article 59, judicial decisions and
the teachings of the most highly quali ed publicists of the
various nations, as subsidiary means for the determination of
rules of law.
(2) This provision shall not prejudice the power of the Court to decide
a case ex aequo at bono, if the parties agree thereto.


, page 2, accessed 28/11/2009.



Legal English & TOEFL-Like Approach

Question and Answers using the TOEFL Model
Answer all questions about the information in a passage on
the basis of what is stated or implied in that passage by
choosing the one best answer (A), (B), (C),or (D)
to each question.
Questions 1-15

The most important of the subject of international law is
(A) Individual
(B) State
(D) Vatican


Other important subjects of international law are
(A) Vatican and ICRC
(B) Multi National Corporations (MNC) and the ICJ
(C) NGO and the ICJ
(D) The ICJ and MNC


The word duties in paragraph 2 line 3 is closest in meaning
(A) Rights
(B) Obligations
(C) Capacities
(D) Options


The word before in paragraph 2 line 6 is closest in meaning
(B) To the or in front up the international
(C) The former international
(D) The beginning of international



The word tribunals in paragraph 2 line 6 is closest in meaning
(A) The Courts
(B) The area where people sit to watch football
(C) The top area of building
(D) The Food Courts


The word conclude in paragraph 2 line 8 is closest in meaning
(A) enter into
(B) write
(C) conclusion
(D) refuse


The State as a person of international law should possess the
following quali cations: a permanent population, a de ned
territory, government, and a capacity to enter into relations
with other states according to :
(A). Article 1 of the Montevideo Convention on Rights and
Duties of States 1933
(B) Article 1 of the Montevideo Convention on Rights and
Duties of States 1923
(C) Article 38 of the Statute of the International Court of
(D) Article 31 of the Statute of the International Court of


Through the Advisory Opinion of the International
Court of Justice in Reparation of Injuries Case international
(A) very reluctant to accept the United Nations as subject of
international law
(B) without doubt to accept the United Nations as subject of
international law



Legal English & TOEFL-Like Approach

(C) very reluctant to accept the United Nations as subject of
international law
(D) without doubt to accept the Non Government
Organization as subject of international law

The word the Court in line 8 paragraph 3 refer to
(A) The National Court
(B) The ICJ
(C) The ICC
(D) The International Court

10. The word international claims in the last paragraph 3 is
closest in meaning to
(A) international disputes
(B) international codes
(C) international codi cations
(D) international regulations
11. The weakness of international law is
(A) generally enforceable
(B) generally unenforceable
(C) generally avoidable
(D) generally unavoidable
12. According to Article 38 of Statute of the ICJ one of the source
of international law is
(A) State
(B) The general principles of law
(D) Vatican
13. Subject to the provisions of Article 59, judicial decisions and
the teachings of the most highly quali ed publicists of the
various nations, as subsidiary means for the determination of
rules of law also known as sources of international law. The


word subject to is closest in meaning to
(A) comply to
(B) against to
(C) ignore to
(D) opposite to
14. The purpose of these passage is
(A) to apologize
(B) to respect
(C) to criticize
(D) to inform
15. The passages generally discuss
(A) national law and international law
(B) international law and the source of international law
(C) national law and the source of international law
(D) international law and the source of national law

Ac t ivit y 5
Pre pa re for de bat e c onc e r ning St at e c olla pse
Whether Somalia is a State?
 Prepare a group to present that Somalia is a State but considered
 The other group debate and argue that Somalia is not a State
also supported by strong arguments.
 Students may choose other current issues.



Legal English & TOEFL-Like Approach

Ac t ivit y 6
Answ e r t he follow ing que st ions a nd w rit e dow n
your a nsw e rs in your ow n w ords.

3. What are the elements of a State?
4. What is meant by Advisory Opinion?
teachings of the most highly quali ed publicists of the various
7. What is the meaning of decide a case ex aequo at bono?

Sesuai pemahaman hukum internasional klasik, negara
dikatagorikan sebagai subyek hukum paling penting dan
paling utama atau sering juga dikenal dengan sebutan subyek
hukum penuh. Negara disebut sebagai subyek hukum penuh
karena negara memiliki hak dan kewajiban penuh dalam
kerangka hukum internasional, memiliki kapasitas hukum dan
kemampuan untuk: mengadakan penuntutan hak yang diberikan
oleh hukum internasional di muka pengadilan berdasarkan suatu
konvensi atau mengajukan perkara ke tribunal atau pengadilan
internasional maupun nasional, tunduk pada semua kewajibankewajiban yang diterapkan dalam hukum internasional, memiliki
kemampuan untuk membuat traktat, serta memiliki hak
untuk menikmati imunitas dari jurisdiksi hukum nasionalnya
maupun jurisdiksi hukum negara lain. Sementara itu subyek-


subyek hukum lainnya dalam ranah hukum internasional
diklasi kasikan sebagai subyek hukum terbatas atau subyek
hukum yang tidak penuh. Yang termasuk dalam katagori ini
seperti Individu, Vatikan (Tahta Suci), Organisasi Internasional
seperti PBB dan Badan-badan Khususnya (Specialized Agencies)
yaitu seperti International Labor Organization (ILO), International
Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank), United
nations Educational, Scienti c and Cultural Organization (UNISCO)
dan Badan-badan Khusus lainnya.
Keberadaan dan status organisasi internasional PBB
internasional sudah tidak diragukan lagi terutama sejak
Pendapat Hukum (Advisory Opinion) oleh
Mahkamah Internasional (the International Court of Justice) dalam
kasus yang terkenal dengan sebutan Reparation of Injuries Case.
Dalam kasus ini, majelis Umum PBB meminta suatu Pendapat
Hukum kepada Mahkamah Internasional berkaitan dengan
kasus terbunuhnya seorang anggota Komisi PBB yang sedang
menjalankan tugasnya di Israel pada tahun 1958 yaitu Pangeran
kepada Mahkamah Internasional dimintakan
Hukum , apakah PBB mempunyai kemampuan hukum (legal
capacity) untuk mengajukan klaim ganti rugi kepada pemerintah
yang bertanggungjawab baik secara de jure atau de facto. Setelah
dilakukan serangkaian proses pengujian perihal status dan
kedudukan PBB menurut hukum internasional, akhirnya
mahkamah Internasional memberikanAdvisory Opinion dan dalam
kesimpulannya menyatakan bahwa : PBB adalah subyek hukum
internasional yang cakap atau mampu untuk memiliki hak-hak
dan kewajiban-kewajiban internasional, serta memiliki kecakapan
untuk mempertahankan hak-haknya dalam mengajukan klaim
atau perkara ke hadapan sidang pengadilan .
Dalam perkembangan hukum internasional modern,
tidak hanya negara dan Organisasi Internasional seperti



Legal English & TOEFL-Like Approach

PBB d adikan diskusi hangat dalam kapasitasnya sebagai
subyek hukum internasional, akan tetapi juga keberadaan
Perusahaan-perusahaan Multi Nasional ( MNC). Dalam era
globalisasi, keberadaan, perkembangan dan operasional MNC
semakin mendunia melewati batas-batas negara, yang mana
keberadaannya selain membawa dampak positif seperti misalnya
membuka peluang untuk lapangan pekerjaan dan alih tehnologi,
namun dalam kesempatan yang bersamaan kehadiran MNC ini
juga membawa dampak negatif, yaitu terjadi penyalahgunaan
HAM dan lingkungan di seputar daerah dimana perusahaan
multi nasional tersebut beroperasi seperti dalam kasus Bhopal.
Diskusi-diskusi hangat berkaitan dengan penomena tersebutpun
mulai banyak dilakukan, mempertanyakan perihal apakah MNC
memiliki kapasitas hukum (legal capacity) dan dapat diajukan di
muka sidang pengadilan untuk dimintai pertanggungjawabnya
dan kewajibannya.
Negara, selain sering dikaji dalam kapasitasnya sebagai
salah satu subyek hukum internasional, juga menarik untuk dikaji
dari aspek kriteria apa yang harus dipenuhi agar suatu negara
memiliki legal capacity sebagai suatu negara. Menurut pasal 1
Konvensi Montevideo 1933 Tentang Hak-Hak Dan Kewajiban
Negara, negara sebagai subyek dalam hukum internasional
harus memenuhi kuali kasi sebagai berikut: memiliki penduduk
permanen, memiliki wilayah teritorial, memiliki pemerintah, dan
memiliki kecakapan untuk melakukan hubungan hukum dengan
negara-negara lainnya.
Sehubungan dengan sumber-sumber hukum internasional,
menurut Pasal 38 Statuta Mahkamah Internasional (the
Statute of the International Court of Justice), sumber hukum
internasional terdiri dari : Konvensi atau traktat, kebiasaankebiasaan Internasional, Prinsip-Prinsip Hukum Umum, Putusan
pengadilan Internasional, Doktrin, dan Resolusi dari Organisasi
Internasional. Sumber hukum internasional dapat berupa Hard
Law dan
. Konvensi atau Traktat adalah contoh dari


Hard Law, sementara itu Resolusi dan Deklarasi dari Organisasi
Internasional, , Prinsip-Prinsip Hukum Internasional, Code of
Conducts , Code of Practices adalah contoh dari
Dilihat dari kekuatan mengikatnya,
adalah suatu
instrumen hukum yang tidak mengikat secara tegas atau strict
(non binding), melainkan berasal dari sumber yang luas dan
eksibel dalam kerjasama internasional.16


),, hal 1, accessed
November 2009.




Legal English & TOEFL-Like Approach

Read carefully the following topic concerning wrongful
conduct of MNC

The Human Right Abuses and MNC s Wrongful Conduct


ome studies have shown that there has been an
increased presence of corporations in areas with natural
resources, which are instable and have poor governance. In the
last decade, several developing countries such as Colombia,
direct investment. The multinational companies, for instance in
Angola in both the oil and diamond sector have undermined
their business ethics and as a result, have contributed to massive
human rights abuses.17 Classi ed as a non state actor, the MNC
has been criticized for contributing to a number of environmental
damage, armed con ict, slavery, forced labor, torture and rape.
Also corrupt governments play an important role to several
wrongful conducts of corporations. The wrongful conduct of
Bhopal case,
Doel I v. Unocol Corp case, John Doe Et Al v. Exxon Mobil Corporation
case, and Filartiga v. Pena-Irala case. The complexity around MNCs
is still under debate and it is unclear whether MNCs, when
category, where and who has jurisdiction. These questions still
dominate the discussion concerning the bad behavior of MNCs
or wrongful conduct of MNCs.

Victor Luvhengo, Multinational Corporations and Human Rights Violations in African
Con ict Zones: The Case Study of Angola 1992-2005, accessed on 15-6-2009, available


Some scholars argue that concern to the wrongful conduct
of MNCs, principally based on human right obligations, each
government has to use all appropriate means to ensure that
actors operating within its territory or otherwise subject to its
jurisdiction comply with national legislation designed to give
e ect to human rights18. The rst instrument that dealt with
human rights was the UDHR which was declared and adopted
by the United Nations General Assembly in 1948. Although
it is not a treaty
(it was considered as essence of moral and
political nature), it has become an authoritative text and has been
adopted as international customary law.19 The preamble of this
declaration makes clear that every individual and every organ
of society, including corporation have to promote and respect
human rights. By understanding the essence of this preamble of
the UDHR, we may say that corporations as an organ of society
have to respect this international customary law, and therefore
the UN mechanism reaches corporations.
The possibility of imposing the UN mechanism related
with accountability of MNCs becomes more clear through the
UN Doc.E/CN.4/Sub.2/2003/12/Rev.2 concerning norm on the
responsibilities of transnational corporation (the TNC) and
other business enterprises with regard to human rights. As a
result of this document we understand that besides states, the
primary responsibility to protect human rights is also shared by
the transnational corporations and other business enterprises
as organs of society. Moreover, they are also responsible for
promoting and securing the human rights set forth in the UDHR.
The TNC, their o cers and persons working for them are also
obligated to respect generally recognized responsibilities and
norms contained in United Nations treaties and other international

Henry Steiner, Philip Alston, Ryan Goodman, 2008, International Human Rights In
ContextLaw Politics Morals, Oxford University Press, page 1399
Ingrid Westendorp, 2007, Women and Housing gender makes a Di erence, Intersentia
School of Human Rights Research, Maastricht, page 6.

Henry Steiner, Philip Alston, Ryan Goodman, Opcit, page 1398



Legal English & TOEFL-Like Approach

Question and Answer using TOEFL-Like Approach
Answer all questions about the information in a passage
on the