It is so easy, right? Why do not you try it? In this site, you could also find other titles of the Woes Of Ikenga


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  “It’s a new African fictional consommé, sweet like new wine as it were; but full of substance like an old one; having been brewed from an aged palm on an African fertile soil, yet by a sagacious tapper-son in diaspora. A coherent and competent literature for scholars of African cosmology, culture, philosophy, history and traditional religion (ATR) to mention but a few. This text-visual thriller is at one time calm and intense, and at another pathetic, yet didactic to the world in general. A literary masterpiece and a must read for any who would like to emigrate!” Fr. Ositadimma Amakeze (Author of the Lost Carver, Teeth of a Snail) “There is progressive awareness widespread among the Igbos at home and in diaspora concerning the ‘Greener Pasture’ illusion. Woes of Ikenga presents a window-view to what life in Europe could be like; and at the same time a doorway to liberation for the victims of an “Idealised Treasure Island.” John Paul Afuecheta The author tells a thought-provoking story of the struggle for survival and the illusive search for “greener pastures’ in a land said to be ‘flowing with milk and honey.” Woes of Ikenga is the story of a young man’s quest for success in a foreign land. Unfortunately he proves too indoctrinated in the omenani of his people to fit in and “behave as Romans when in Rome.” Amarachukwu Chimeka (SFEP Associate) “This is simply fantastic, narrative, engaging and superlatively tantalizing. In this mind blowing and thrilling stories of war and its challenging circumstances in Africa and the erroneous mindset of certitude of greener pasture; once traveled out to the white man’s land, by some Africans, the author has masterfully and courageously stepped towards the shoes of the likes of the Grand Commanders of African literature, Chinualumogu Achebe, Cyprain Ekwensi, Mariama Ba etc. Surely he is a few miles closer to them and will definitely find his voice. The novel is worth anybody’s time”. ___OGUEGBU, OSTENDE UDOKA. Federal Polytechnic, Oko,

  Indeed, it is only a bat that knows what it is to be a bat. Our people say that it is only the animals who climb trees with their teeth that know the trees with bitter bark, Grab a copy now and know too.

  Ositadimma 0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Full of wise and useful information for the youth By Oluchukwu Afuecheta Ndubisi George has a unique way of presenting reality through fictional writings. Like the great African novelist, Chinau Achebe, Ndubisi demonstrates a great skill in fictional writing that captivates the attention of the reader from the first to the last page. I enjoyed reading "Woes of Ikenga," because it is full of wise and useful information for the youth and for anyone that loves wisdom. See all 2 customer reviews...


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  About the Author Ndubuisi George was born in 1969 at Agulu in Anambra State, Nigeria, into the extended Anyanwo family. His research on interracial cohabitation in a fast evolving global village as he took up employment in Germany ignited special interest in international migration, and its effect on African migrants. The publication of this book among many of his works and inquest is proof of his assiduousness at overcoming challenges and an acknowledgement of his resplendent creativity.

  It is so easy, right? Why do not you try it? In this site, you could also find other titles of the Woes Of Ikenga


By Ndubuisi George book collections that might have the ability to help you discovering the very best

  option of your task. Reading this book Woes Of Ikenga By Ndubuisi George in soft file will also ease you to obtain the source conveniently. You might not bring for those books to someplace you go. Only with the