Increasing Students Motivation in Learning English Reading through Participatory Approach to the Second Year students of MTs. DDI Kanang Kab. Polman ” - Repositori UIN Alauddin Makassar






A Thesis

Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements of the Degree of Sarjana

Pendidikan in English Department of Tarbiyah and Teaching Science

Faculty of Alauddin State Islamic University Makassar



Nama: Bahariah

Reg. Number: 20401106086








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  Makassar, 20 September 2010 Penyusun




  Skripsi yang berjudul

  “Increasing Students’ Motivation in Learning English

Reading through Participatory Approach to the Second Year Students of MTs.

DDI Kanang Kab. Polman yang disusun oleh saudari Bahariah, NIM:

20401106086, Mahasiswi Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris pada Fakultas Tarbiyah

  dan Keguruan UIN Alauddin Makassar, telah diuji dan dipertahankan dalam sidang Munaqasyah yang diselenggarakan pada hari Sabtu tanggal 18 Desember 2010 yang bertepatan dengan tanggal 12 Muharram 1432 H dan dinyatakan telah dapat diterima sebagai salah satu syarat untuk memperoleh gelar Sarjana Pendidikan (S. Pd.) pada Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris dengan beberapa perbaikan.

  Makassar, 12 Muharram 1432 H

  18 Desember 2010 M


  Berdasarkan SK Dekan Fakultas Tarbiyah Dan Keguruan No. 396 Tahun 2010 Ketua : Drs. H. Muh. Yahya, M.Ag. ( ) Sekretaris : Dra. Hamsiah Djafar, M. Hum ( ) Munaqisy I : Dra. Hj. Djuwairiah Ahmad, M.Pd, M. TESOL ( ) Munaqisy II : Dra. Kamsinah, M. Pd.I ( ) Pembimbing I : Drs. Muhammad Yaumi, M. Hum. M.A. ( ) Pembimbing II: Dra. St. Azisah, M. Ed.St. (

  ) Diketahui Oleh: Dekan Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan UIN Alauddin Makassar Prof. Dr. H. Moh. Natsir Mahmud, MA.

  NIP. 19540816 198303 1 004



  Read the text and answer the question


SARS the New Ghost

  SARS stand for serve acute respiratory syndome. It is an illness that attact the human respiratory system. This disease is very contagious. It doesn’t take a long time for disease to become epidemicespecially in Asia, North America, and Europa.

  Many people catch the disease and many of them die of it.

  In sme countries such as Hongkong, China, Taiwan. It is not unusual to catch SARS. This disease spreads through the air or even through bodily contact.

  Scientist have research on this illness. They found out this illness is caused by a virus named corona.

  Question: 1.

  What does SARS stand for? 2. What system is attacked by SARS? 3. Where does the epidemic mostly happen? 4. Why do people in Hongkong wear masks? 5. How does the disease spread? 6. Who has conducted research on SARS? 7. What is corona? 8. What is the main idea of the text? 9. Why doesn’t disease take a long time? 10.

  What does the word “it” refer to paragraph 2?


  TREATMENT First Meeting

  Read the text

  The King

  Once upon a time there lived a king in island. He had four children, two boys and two girls, whom he loved dearly. However, their stepmother was joules, she moves a spell that turned the children into swans.

  The king was heart broken. His beard and hair turned white grief as he seached for his children. This seemed impossible, but after many years all the birds flew into the air and ferformed are between the mountain. The swans were transformed the king saw his children once more. Second Meeting Read the text


  Leopards live in many parts of the world, from Siberia to Africa. They have very beautiful yellow skin with large black sports. They live for about is years and eat small animals such as young zebras, monkeys, and deer. They sleep for about 12 hours a day. Leopards are very solitary animals. They spend most of their time alone in trees. They want until a small animals passes. They jump on animal and then pull it up into tree.

  We cannot find many leopards now because people kill them. People kill them because their fur is beautiful and very expensive.

  Appendix B


  • – TEST

  Rad the text below and answer the following question


  Sport are good for our health. They can make our body health. They are interest in sport for pleasure. For this reason, everyone should do sports to make life health and happy.

  Nowadays, many people like not only doing it, but also watching on TV or life. They are eve willing to spend their money to see a football match, boxing, running,, etc. we can choose to what we like. Most people like running because it is cheap and simple. It is to do and we can to do it almost everywere.

  Football and badminton are the most popular games in our country. Almost everyone like playing football or watching a fooball match. Our people alsso like either watching or playing badminton. Out nation, Indonesia, is good of playing badminton, we have many potential players in this game. Therefore, Indonesia becomes well known in the world because of badminton.

  Qouestion: 1.

  What is the text about? 2. What is the most popular sports in Indonesia? 3. Why many people doesn’t like sports? 4. How many kinds sports in Indonesia? 5. What is we get sports? 6. Why does people like running? 7. Can sports to make life health and happy? 8. Is Indonesia well-known because of badminton? 9. Which paragraph tell about sports can make our body health? 10.

  What is the main idea of the paragraph 3?


  Alhamdulillah, a deepest gratitude should go to Allah SWT. This thesis writing would have never been completed without His Blessing and His Mercy. The writer should thank for the most valuable physical and spiritual health Allah has lent her during the process of this research. This thesis has been finished, under the assistance, direction and guidance of some people.

  Therefore, the writer would like to express her greatest gratitude and appreciation, especially to:

  1. The writer’s father, Lepu and her mother Bahra who always pray, encourage, educate and provide countless material supports so that she could finish this thesis and her study at UIN Alauddin Makassar.

  2. Prof. Dr. Azhar Arsyad., M.A. the Rector of State Islamic University Alauddin Makassar.

  3. Prof. Dr. H. Moh. Natsir Mahmud., M.A. The Dean and all of the staff members of Tarbiyah and Teaching Sciences Faculty of Alauddin State Islamic University of Makassar.

  4. The writer’s consultants, Drs. Muhammad. Yaumi, M. Hum., M.A and

  Dra. St. Azisah, M.Ed. St. who have helped, guided, and supported the writer during the writing of her thesis.

  5. Dra. Djuwairiah Ahmad, M.Pd., M.TESOL and Dra. Kamsinah.

  M.Pd.I, the Head and the Secretary of English Department and all the

  lectures especially at Tarbiyah and Teaching Sciences Faculty of UIN

  Alauddin Makassar, who had taught the for many years until finishing writing thesis.

  6. All of the lecturers of Tarbiyah and Teaching Sciences Faculty of Alauddin State Islamic University of Makassar for their guidance during her study.

  7. Drs. Manju, M.Pd.I and Astuti, S.Hum, the head Master and teachers of English, all the teacher and staf of MTs. DDI Kanang Kab. Polman for the assistant and guidance to the writer during the implementation of the research, especially for the second year students.

  8. The writers brother Arifuddin, S.Pd.I and Aminuddin, My Younger Brothers Syahruddin and Tahyuddin, who always motivate, support and give the writer financial, and prayer for my success and entire written family for their endless love, etc.

  9. All of the writer’s friends in PBI, who accompanied the writer to study, helped her to solve her problems and gave affection during her study.

  As human being, the writer does realize indeed that what she presents in this thesis is still so far from being perfect. Therefore, criticism and suggestion will surely be appreciated. Fially, the writer prays may Allah SWT bless them all. Amen

  The researcher, BAHARIAH



TITLE OF PAGE ...................................................................................... i

PERNYATAAN KEASLIAN SKRIPSI .................................................. ii

PERSETUJUAN PEMBIMBING ........................................................... iii

ACKNOWLEDGMENT .......................................................................... iv

LIST OF CONTENTS .............................................................................. vi

LIST OF TABLES .................................................................................... vii

ABSTRACT ............................................................................................... viii

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ..............................................................

  Previous Related Research Findings .............................

  18 E. Principles of the Participatory Approach ......................

  16 D. Common Principles in Participatory Monitoring ..........

  11 C. Definition of the Participatory Approach ......................

  7 2. The Definition of Reading ....................

  7 1. Students Motivation ..............................

  6 B. Pertinent of Ideas...........................................................

  6 A.

  1 A.


  4 E. Scope of the Research ...................................................

  4 D. Significant of the Research ...........................................

  4 C. Objective of the Research .............................................

  1 B. Problem Statement ........................................................

  Background ...................................................................



   21 ………………………… A.

  21 Research Design ............................................................


  22 The Cycle of the Research ............................................


  23 Procedure of Collecting Data ........................................


  24 Research Position ..........................................................


  24 Data Resource ...............................................................


  25 Technique of Data Analysis .........................................


  26 Achievement Indicators Assessment.............................

  CHAPTER IV FINDING AND DISCUSSION ......................................

  28 A.

  28 Finding .........................................................................


  32 The First Cycle ........................................................


  31 The Second Cycle ...................................................


  36 The Third Cycle ......................................................


  39 Discussion .....................................................................

  CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ................................

  41 A.

  41 Conclusion ....................................................................


  41 Suggestion ....................................................................



  Table: 1. The form of the Evaluation of Reading Pronunciation Test .................................................................................

  25 2. Table: 2. Pronunciation Assessment ..............................................

  26 3. Table: 3. Result of Reading Pronunciation Assessment of the First Cycle .......................................................................

  31 4. Table :4. Result of Pronunciation Assessment in Reading of the second cycle. ...................................................................

  35 5. Table: 5. Result of Pronunciation Assessment in Reading of the Third Cycle. ....................................................................


  ABSTRACT Name : Bahariah Reg. Number : 20401106086 The Title : “Increasing Students’ Motivation in Learning English Reading through Participatory Approach to the Second Year students of MTs. DDI Kanang Kab. Polman ”

  This thesis presents about increasing students ’ motivation in learning English reading to the second year students of MTs. DDI Kanang Kab. Polman through the

  Participatory Approach. The problem statement of the research is: How can participatory approach increase students’ motivation in learning reading to the second year students of MTs. DDI Kanang Kab. Polman? The procedure of the research were planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. In acting, the researcher did three cycles with three meetings. The researcher used test and o bservation in collecting data. The test was used to know the students’ English learning and also a test was used as a reference to make a better planning in the next cycle by the researcher. Observation was used to know whether using participatory approach can increase the students

  ’ motivation and participate in learning English reading or not and also to identify the students’ problem pronunciation in order it can be overcome in the next cycle.

  The result of this research showed that the second years students of MTs. DDI Kanang using participatory approach in learning reading has a “poor” achievement on the first cycle, but then increased to “fair” achievement on the second cycle and finally the increased to “good” achievement on the third cycle.

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background One of the most important activities in teaching and learning process is

  stimulating the students to have good motivation. The teacher must have a good personality to motive the students to study in order, they will enjoy and attention to the subject.

  Motivation is commonly thought as an inner, impulse, and emotion, or desire that moves from one to a particular action. A person learns not only by association but also by what he or she gets out of the situation. McClellad in Ilham (2006) said that many people are driven by a desire to achieve, to be recognized or successful.

  Therefore, through motivation the students will be interested in doing activities as well as studying English.

  In education, a teacher is one who helps students, one who acknowledge, guide, and has multi roles in making students learning. The teacher multi role is not limited as ―instructor‖ who is doing to transfer of knowledge, but also as a counselor who is making potency, and developing alternative. It means that the teachers have complex duty and responsibility to the target of education, where a teacher is not only claimed to teach and master knowledge and have a technical skill and knowledge to teach, but also should have a nice personality that will make the learning process interesting and enjoyable.

  By reading we can get any knowledge and bring the positive impact for creativity as one way to get more vocabulary and increasing our imagination especially English language. Most of learners do ignore reading books because they do not understand well why they should read that them reading the materials. The important thing that should be known by learners in reading is the reading complex skill, because in reading, the reader not only understand what the author said on the book but also understand more what is the information or message from the book, try to recognize assimilate, comprehend, retain recall and communicate the printed material. Reading common problems are subvocalisation, regression and back- skipping how to pronounce, to understand the meaning of word, to find out a good idea from the text book. These are all common difficult problems faced by learners in learning reading. The difficulty or problems above make learner feel bored in learning English language.

  A good English teacher should build students confidence by positive encouragement and avoid criticism and blame. When students like a teacher, they will learn better and more readily. When a student has decided to learn in a non-formal English school, the next thing that he or she has to maintain is motivation. This motivation seems to be the biggest single factor that is affecting his or her success.

  It looks from teachers come late to class, using learning methods that are less touched the psychological aspects of students, presenting material that is not systematic, hostile, irritable, does not involve and provide opportunities for students teachers. In other words, the students are less motivated. Forms of behavior characterize of students who have low motivation as follows: (1) lethargy and helplessness, (2) avoidance or escape, (3) conflict, and (4) compensation (Syaodih, 1980:59)

  Students in learning process must have motivation because the students who do not have motivation in learning are not possibly be able to learn. It is useless if students go to school without motivation in learning; because they only go to school to play not to study. The fact that students who have less motivation in learning shows the following behavior. (1) students leave the school earlier without notice, came late to school, naughty do not do the homework, often skip the class, (2) students behave rudely such as arguing teacher and careless, (3) students are slow in preferring task in learning activities, (4) students show improver emotional symptoms such as depressed, and cheerfully in a certain situation (Natawidjaja,1988).

  That condition become reason able to make better learning process in the classroom, it will become motivation it self when we make interesting method in the class. Understanding and difficulties of students in the classroom become homework for teachers to rise up the motivation in studying English.

  Participatory is an explanation and evaluation the behaviorist approach to psycho. In this essay I shall explain what the behaviorist approach is. In order to do this I shall be examining the historical perspective of behaviourism. I shall need to evaluate the behaviourist approach and it's effectiveness in the treatment of the whole

  One thing for teacher to keep in mind is that learning strategies may not always parallel teachers’ teaching strategies, and sometimes they may even be at odds with each other. Some learners’ verbal interaction in classroom may be related to their own opinions about how they learn best (Schumann, 1977:144).

  Based on the background above, it is useful to take a research about the students motivation in learning reading through participatory approach, under the title ―Increase Students Motivation in Learning reading Through Participatory Approach to the Second Years Students of MTs. DDI Kananng Kab. Polman

  ‖ A.

   Problem Statement

  Based on the background above, the researcher formulates the following question: ―How can the participatory approach increase students’ motivation in learning reading to the second years students of MTs. DDI Kanang Kab. Polman?

  B. Objective of the Research

  Relating to the problem statements before, the objectives of the research. To find out the increase students motivation in learning English reading through Participatory approach to second years students of MTs. DDI Kanang Kab. Polman.

  C. Significance of the Research

  The significance it of the research is as follows; 1) The information this result of the research will be useful for the teaching and learning process so that the students more motivate to study. The outcome of this research will expect to be meaningful contribution and references for teaching and learning process of the students, especially to the students of MTs DDI Kanang Kab. Polman with use participatory approach in learning reading. It is also expected to be when they teach English language.

  The lecture and the researcher expect that all of the students motivation in learning reading. Through this research, the researcher really hopes it can help the lecturers motivate their students in learning reading through participatory approach. It also expected to give good contributions for all lectures in teaching their lectures. The lectures can be easily to control and manage their students so that the goals can be achieved easily. The lecturers also can be easy to make their students understand the materials. The researcher hopes that he can help the institution to solve some problems in the institution. The institution also will be easy to do their administration.

D. Scope of the Research

  The scope of the research is focused on the students ’ motivation in learning reading through participatory approach at the second years students of MTS DDI

  Kanang Kab. Polman.

CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE A. Previous Related Research Findings There ar

  e some researcher who have conducted research on students’ motivation building. Endang Setyowatty (2010:15), in research about developing PowerPoint mediu m to improve the students’ motivation and the learning civic education of the students of XI grade of SMKN 3 Palembang. This study is aimed to produc a valid and practica PowerPoint medium for learning civic education. The result of the research shows that the third prototype of PowerPoint medium is the valid can be used effectives for teaching and learning process. It is indicated student level motivation and learning Chievement as follows: 63.33% students showed very high motivation, 96.67% stdents showed good response, and positve attitude, 53.33% students showed very good learning achievement. Thus, it can be concluded that PowerPoint medium which the researcher developed using Macromedia Flash software is potentially effective to use in teaching and learning civic science.

  In addition, Rosnawati Umar (2010:23) wanted to use graphic media to improve the students’ motivation and the learning mathematics in SDN. 128 Palembang. The aim of this study is to find and the use of graphic media increase students’ motivation and the learning mathematics. The result of this reseach indicated that the use of graphic media (images) is significant influenced to students motivation and students learning. Beside that, there is also strong relationship

  All the finding that, Endang Setyowatty wanted to develop PowerPoint medium to improve the students’ motivation and the learning civic education of XI grade of SMKN 3 Palembang and Rusnawaty Umar wanted to use graphic media to improve the students’ motivation and the leaarning mathematics in SDN 128 Palembang. The writer itself wanted to improve the students’ English Reding Motivation by using Participatory Approach.

B. Pertinent Ideas 1. Students Motivation

  Motivation cannot be distinguished with the motive. In morphology, the Great Dictionary of Indonesian gives understanding motives and motivation as follows: motive is a noun that means driving, while motivation is a verb that means to encourage. For more details will be presented understanding the motives and motivations expressed by the experts:

  Prayitno (1989:8) states that the motivation to learn not only is an energy that moves students to learn, but also as an activity that directs students to the learning objectives. Furthermore, Marx & Tombuch (Prayitno, 1989:8) argued, "motivation as fuel in gasoline engine operation". It does not matter how well meaning that includes the child's potential intellectual and material capacity to teach and complete a learning tool, but if students are not motivated in learning, then learning will not operate optimally. At the student have the mental strength to drive learning. The power drive comes from various sources. In the first incident, low motivation of students to be better after the students get the correct information. In the second, learning motivation can be low and can be repaired again. In both cases the role of teachers to enhance students' learning motivation was significant.

  Motivation is seen as a mental which moves and directs human behavior, including learning behavior. In motivation inherent the desire to activate, mobilize, channel, and direct the individual attitudes and behavior study (Koeswara, 1989; Siagian, 1989; Schein, 1991; Biggs & Telfer, 1987).

  Based on the statement above, it can be said that the motivation to learn is to urge or force in the student learning activities that lead to achieving the desired goals of students.

a. Role of Motivation

  Motivation is considered a role in learning because the motivation contains values as follows: 1) Motivation determines success or failure of the level of student activities. Learning without motivation is difficult to achieve optimal success, 2) learning is intrinsically motivated learning according to needs, drives, motives, and interest on the student, 3) learning is motivated by the creativity of teachers to work seriously find ways that are relevant and matched to generate and maintain student motivation, 4) success or failure in generating motivation in learning related to classroom discipline construction effort. Classroom discipline problems can arise due to failure in the movement of students' learning motivation, 5) motivation to be one factor that helped determine the effective learning.

  ( Hamalik, 1995:109).

  Students are motivated in their learning, can be seen from the behavior that concerns interests, sharpness, attention, concentration, and persistence. Students who have low motivation in learning showed reluctance, quickly bored and trying to escape from learning activities.

b. The Importance of Motivation

  A teacher as motivator and facilitator in school should be able to create the best teaching learning condition at all times. A good teaching learning condition will produce success in goal at the planned objectives.

  Motivation has a significant role in teaching learning process. The students who have a high motivation in studying will get a better opportunity to success in teaching and learning activities than those who have less of motivation.

  Motivation is a rather abstract concept that is not defined. It is internal to the person and it cannot be observed. Motivation is some kind of internal drive that encourage somebody to pursue a course of action. Motivation determines how much a person will learn and when he will learn it and on what he believes to his advantage. It depends on the needs, interests and sense of values of an individual. It is the justification in language teaching method and techniques of the efforts expended to make the learner wants to learn the second language ( Makey 1965 :

  From the definition above, concludes that motivation is a complex problem because it is an abstract concept and it will cause a change in human body. In teaching learning process giving a motivation to the students is mean to support then to learn. It can change or influence their learning activities, it is caused by a need, interest and purpose.

  Motivation appears I live with the appearance of needs, when there is a need there will be action the need. In another words, motivation and interest appear after someone knows about his needs.

c. Efforts to Increase Student Motivation

  Given the important role that student motivation for learning, the teacher is expected to generate and improve students' learning motivation. So that students can achieve optimum learning outcomes, then students must have a high learning motivation in learning. In a few school students who have low learning motivation in learning. To help students who have low learning motivation to do an effort of the teachers so that the student can improve learning motivation.

  Yusuf (1992:25) suggests that to increase the motivation of students, teachers have a role as follows: 1) create a learning environment that stimulates children to learn, 2) provide reinforcement for behavior that shows a motive, 3) creating a classroom environment that can develop a curiosity and favorite students learn.

  With that kind of treatment from the teachers expected the students able to that students get to learn the optimal results according to his ability. Of course, to achieve the learning achievements will not separated from the efforts made by teachers in providing motivation for students to increase learning motivation.

2. The Definitions of Reading a.


  Reading is not something that happens automatically when you arrive at a certain chronological age. This approach the teacher takes advantage of the children’s interests and background to produce reading material with which to teach.

  Rosnawati says that: reading high complex, purposeful, thinking process engaged the by entire organism while acquiring knowledge, evolving new ideas, solving problem, relaxing or recuperating through the interpretation of printed symbols.

  The definition above tells that, in reading the success of reader depends not only his skill of comprehending but also an experience and his prior knowledge related to what reads. Further reading is communication process. It involves reconstructing an author message by using one’s prior knowledge specially the knowledge of language.

  Based on the definition above, we may say that reading is especially kind of thinking and communication process in which a reader is able to recognize words and sentences meaning. Understand meaning of text, finally, to be able to again now ideas and concepts, to make value of judgment by using his prior knowledge-knowledge of language and reading experience.


   Kind of reading

  There are three kinds of reading they are: reading aloud, silent reading, and speed reading.

  1) Reading aloud

  Reading aloud is very important device that cannot be overlooked in achieving the goal because it is a great aid in developing our habits to practice. In reading aloud, the students will get experience in producing the sound which should be practiced as many times as possible.

  2) Silent reading

  Silent reading tends to reinforce the readers to find out the meaning of the words. This kind of reading leads the reader to better. Silent reading is a skill to citizen what this written to discuss something written means to draw inferences and conclusion as well to express a new idea on the basic of what is read. 3)

  Speed reading This kind of reading is used to improve speed in learning. The rate of reading sped, however depends on the kind or reading material. The rate of the speed reading a story or narration will be different form the reading scientific material.


   Techniques of Improving Reading Skills

  To achieve to purpose of reading, one should read effectively, Greenal in Buharis (2007) state that effective reading means being able to read accurately and efficiently, and to understand as much of the passage as you need in order to achieve your purpose.

  To purpose of reading, we can apply some reading techniques: 1)

  Survey reading Brown in Buharis (2007) says surveying is a specialized technique forgetting an mountain top an article chapter or entire book. Brown surveying, a reader will be familiar with the chapters’ content and it helps her to give a general point of view.

  2) Skimming

  Skimming is a kind of reading that make our eyes more quickly in order o get the main idea from the reading material.

  3) Scanning

  Scanning is read the test quickly to answer a specific information without reading all the materials around it.

  4) Pre-Reading is technique that reader used before he began to read the material. Bridge, C (1979): 9) states that pre reading involves only what is about or how it is organizes further explanation, the portion to look at in reading text books chapter one: b) Read the introduction and opening paragraph

  c) Read the first under each heading

  d) Read each boldface heading

  e) Notice any typographic aids

  f) Notice any graphs or pictures

  g) Read the last paragraph or summery d.

   Improving your reading methods

  To improving reading methods there some kinds of reading should be done by students, 1)

  Skimming is the kind of reading in which the reader glances quickly though material. It suited to these purpose.

  2) Ascertain whether certain topic, dates, or names are mention

  3) Getting a bird’s- eye view to see the whether the material sounds interesting enough for a more careful reading

4) Keeping up with current news in the daily paper.

  a) Careful reading is reading for details. It is the kind of reading needed whenever one must remember what is being read one must find and understand the idea presented.

  b) Critical reading is the kind in which the reader stops to examine the ideas the writer, weighs those ideas, end then forms a opinion them.


   Improving reading ability by paraphrasing

  One of the best ways to the determine how will you understand what a writer says is by paraphrasing.

  1) The purpose of paraphrase is to express clearly, in definite, easy to understand language, exactly what an author is saying.

  2) A paraphrase is not a shortened form: it parallels the selection that it interprets.

  3) A good paraphrase must fit these requirements

   It must be warder

  It must be define

   It must not repeat the author’s wording, except in minor, unavoidable

   ways It must contain all the main ideas of the original

   It must not add new ideas

   f. The Common Reading problems

  1) Sub vocalization

  A common major reading problem is ―sub vocalization‖ the tendency to ―mouth‖ the words you are reading. It is product of the way in which children are taught to read, usually by the phonetic method or the look say the method.

  2) Regression and Back-skipping

  Regression and Back-skipping are similar distinct. Regression is a conscious returning to words, phrase or paragraphs you fell you have missed or misunderstood. Many reader fell they must return to them in order to understand the material. Back-skipping is a kind of visual tic, an unconscious skipping back to words or phrase that have just been read. You are almost never aware that you are back-skipping.

C. Definition of the Participatory Approach 1. Participatory

  Is Participatory research makes a participatory approach to learning as a central part of a research process. Research is not done just to generate facts, but to develop understanding of oneself and one's context. It is about understanding how to learn, which allows people to become self-sufficient learners and evaluate knowledge that others generate. Good participatory research helps develop relationships of solidarity by bringing people together to collectively research, study, learn, and then act. Rather, participatory methodology is best described as a set of principles and a process of engagement in the inquiry.

  The researcher's sharing of his or her perceptions, questions in response to the dialogue, and different theories and data invite the participants to critically reflect upon their own experiences and personal theories from a broader context. The researcher is not an expert who is assumed to have all the knowledge and gives it to the people who are assumed not to have any knowledge. Rather, it is a facilitator who sets up situations that allow people to discover for themselves what they already know along with gaining for themselves new knowledge. In this process, the researcher not only learns from the participants, but also engages in dialogue by posing questions.

2. Approach a.

  Theory of language is that knowledge of structures must be linked to situations in which they could be used gave situational language teaching one of its distinctive features (Frisby, 1957: 16).


  Theory of learning is a type of behaviorist habit learning theory it addresses primarily the process rather than the conditions of learning ( Jack C. Richards: 35)

  Participatory research stresses the importance of creating a participatory and democratic learning environment that provides people (especially the underprivileged) the opportunity to overcome what Freire has called the "habit of submission"

  —the frame of mind that curtails people from fully and critically engaging with their world and participating in civic life (Freire, 1978). It is only through participation in learning environments in which open.

  A native language literacy program, Freire engaged learners in dialogues about problems in their lives. The dialogues not only become the basis for literacy development, but also for reflection and action to improve students’ lives (Freire, 1960: 150)

  One thing for teacher to keep in mind is that learning strategies may not always parallel teachers’ teaching strategies, and sometimes they may even be at o dds with each other. Some learners’ verbal interaction in classroom may be related to their own opinions about how they learn best (Schumann, 1977:144) D.

   Common Principles in Participatory Monitoring 1.

  Participation – opening up the design of the process to include those most directly affected and giving the intended beneficiaries the change to speak out about local impacts, 2. Negotiation between the different stakeholders t reach agreement about what will be monitored and evaluated, how findings will be collected and analysed, what the data actually means, and how findings will be shared. And action taken.

  3. Learning- a focus on cumulative learning by all the participants as the basis for subsequent improvement and sustained.

  4. Flexibility in adapting the evaluation to the wider external environment and to the set of local conditions and actors, as these factors change over time.

  A wide range of participatory approach methods is in use, many drawn from third world development contexts and adapted to new needs and settings. These have been categorized by Pretty and Vodouhe into four main classes: 1) group and team dynamics; 2) sampling; 3) interviewing and dialogue; and 4) visualization and diagramming. Other methods include storytelling, popular, songs and photo voice.

  There methods which are typically rapid appraisal and assessment (observation, semi-structured interviews, transects), and others which are typically participatory learning and action methods (participatory mapping, diagramming, making comparisons etc.). But each can be used in a data collecting or empowering mode.

  Methods to do with group and team dynamics are aimed at building effective interdisciplinary and intersect oral teams who are able to work closely with local people, approach a situation from multiple perspectives and negotiate with relevant stakeholders.

  The fourth category of diagramming and visual construction involves group animation and exercise to facilitate information sharing and collective appraisal.

  These more creative methods seek to draw on local knowledge and perspective using categories, criteria and symbols that are relevant and potent for local people. Many of the methods are particularly useful for working with people who do not read or write confidently. Participatory mapping and modeling, activity profiles, time lines and local histories scoring and pairing ranking, are some of the techniques used in community settings.

E. Principles of the participatory approach 1.

  What happens in the classroom should be connected with what happens outside that has relevance to the students. The teacher listens for themes in what students say that will provide the content for future lessons.

  2. The curriculum is not a predetermined product, but the result of an going context specific problem-posing process.

  3. Education is most effective when it is experience-centered, when it relates to students’ real needs. Students are motivated by their personal involvement. Teachers are co-learners, asking questions of the students, who are the experts on their own lives.

  4. When knowledge is jointly constructed, it becomes a tool to help students find voice and by finding their voices, students can act in the world.

  Students learn to see themselves as social and political beings.

  5. Focus on linguistic form occurs within a focus on content. Language skills are taught in service of action for change, rather than in isolation.

  6. Students can create their own materials, which, in turn, can become text for other students.

  7. A goal of the participatory approach is for students to be evaluating their own learning and to increasingly direct it themselves.

CHAPTER III METHOD OF THE RESEARCH A. Research Design In this research, the research used Classroom Action Research (CAR). Classroom Action Research emphasized at social practice, aim toward enhancement,

  learning English process, joined by systematic invention. Kember in Mustary (2010: 24) said that the characteristic of Classroom Action Research were; (a) focus to social practice, (b) aim to improve the condition, (c) joined systematic invention, (d) be process reflective, (e) has participation, and (f) topic and its problem decided by practitioner.

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