Google Page Rank Update

Google Page Rank Update
Word Count:
Many people are suggesting that google is currently updating the page rank of each site, this

page rank, google, search engine, ranking, products, web promotion, website, site, links, webm

Article Body:
Many people are suggesting that google is currently updating the page rank of each site, this

In reality many people think that this will have little effect on the over all search engine r

So what is all of the fuss about you may be thinking. Why are so many people always so eager f
Fear of seeing a lower overall page rank

Not all webmasters are able to spend as much time as they would like to, in promoting their ow
Expectation of a higher page rank

Other webmasters who put in a lot of work promoting their site are hoping and even expecting t
Is page rank important?

I have read many articles and read many messages on different search engine forums which sugge

Like most people, I am hoping to see some positive results from this page rank update, however

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