Top Financial Mistakes Made by College Students

Top Financial Mistakes Made by College Students
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A list of the major financial mistakes college students should avoid making to maintain a good

school loan debt consolidation, federal financial aid

Article Body:
1. Blowing your school loan money!
Instead of using your financial aid for books, tuition, room & board, many students will choos

2. Credit Card Debt!
Even responsible adults can rack up some hefty credit card debt, but students, who have no via

3. Not Paying Your Bills on Time!
Racking up huge credit debt and not paying your bills on time is a good way to ensure that you

4. Bad Budgeting!
Being a college student generally means living on a fixed income. Weather it be your financial

5. Going to a College that’s too Pricey!
Instead of going to your local community college for your pre-req classes and spending $25 a u
So many of the bad financial decisions students make is a result of poor financial education.

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