LAMPIRAN A: Listing Program

  9 */&*%- - $#

  1. $&*0$% (%.,*/

  if (tipebelajar == "latihanmenulis" )

  { SceneMenulis>>removeChild(HurufTulis, true ); SceneMenulis>>removeChild(Tulisan[0], true ); SceneMenulis>>removeChild(Tulisan[1], true ); SceneMenulis>>removeChild(Tulisan[2], true ); string idx = intTostr(idxbaca); string str = "images/menulis/soal/" ;

  if (tipemenulis == "tunggal" )

  { str += idx + ".png" ; } else if (tipemenulis == "bersambung" ) { str += "kata_" + idx + ".png" ; } else { str += "ubah_" + idx + ">" + intTostr(idxTouch) + ".png" ; } HurufTulis = CCSprite::spriteWithFile(str.c_str()); HurufTulis>>setPosition(ccp(centerWin.x,centerWin.y + 118)); SceneMenulis>>addChild(HurufTulis,2); HurufTulis>>setScale(factorscale);

  // add code // int arrIdx[6]= {18,19,22,24,27,28}; for ( int i=0; i<3; i++)

  { str = "images/menulis/penulisan/" ;

  if (tipemenulis != "perpenulisan" )

  { str += idx + "_" + intTostr(i+1) + ".png" ; } else {

  • str += intTostr(arrIdx[atoi(idx.c_str())>1]) + "_" intTostr(i+1) + ".png" ;

  } Tulisan[i] = CCSprite::spriteWithFile(str.c_str()); Tulisan[i]>>setPosition(ccp(390 >(i*150),170)); SceneMenulis>>addChild(Tulisan[i],1);


  // cek tipe penulisan // if (tipemenulis == "tunggal" || tipemenulis == "bersambung" )


  for ( int i=0; i<3; i++)

  { Tulisan[i]>>setIsVisible( false ); CCSprite * sfchild = (CCSprite*)SceneMenulis>

  >getChildByTag(20+i); sfchild>>setIsVisible( false ); CCSprite * sfktk = (CCSprite*)SceneMenulis>

  >getChildByTag(25+i); sfktk>>setIsVisible( false ); }

  } else {

  for ( int i=0; i<3; i++)

  { Tulisan[i]>>setIsVisible( true ); CCSprite * sfchild = (CCSprite*)SceneMenulis> sfchild>>setIsVisible( true ); CCSprite * sfktk = (CCSprite*)SceneMenulis>

  >getChildByTag(25+i); sfktk>>setIsVisible( true ); }

  } LoadDataHuruf(idxbaca);

  // revisi code , tampilin tulisan latin// if (tipemenulis == "tunggal" )

  { string tulisanlatin =



af,lam,mim,nun,waw,hha,ya" ;

  string latin = GetItemPos(tulisanlatin,idxbaca); LabelLatin>>setString(latin.c_str());

  } }


  void Hijaiyah::menuCloseCallback(CCObject* pSender)


  // "close" menu item clicked

  CCDirector::sharedDirector()>>end(); }

  void Hijaiyah::HijaiyahUpdate(ccTime dt)

  { UpdateImageDraw();


  bool Hijaiyah::isPointOnSprite(CCSprite * psf,CCPoint pos)


  if (!psf>>getIsVisible() ) float x1,y1,x2,y2,scale_x,scale_y;

  scale_x = psf>>getScaleX(); // simpan skala gamabar scale_y = psf>>getScaleY(); x1 = psf>>getPosition().x > ((psf>>getContentSizeInPixels().width*scale_x) /

  2); y1 = psf>>getPosition().y > ((psf>>getContentSizeInPixels().height*scale_y) / 2); x2 = psf>>getContentSize().width * scale_x; y2 = psf>>getContentSize().height * scale_y; CCRect rect1 = CCRectMake(x1,y1,x2,y2);

  if (CCRect::CCRectContainsPoint(rect1,pos))


  return true ;


  return false ;


  void Hijaiyah::ccTouchesBegan(CCSet *pTouches, CCEvent *pEvent)


  // Choose one of the touches to work with

  CCTouch* touch = (CCTouch*)( pTouches>>anyObject() ); CCPoint location = touch>>locationInView(touch>>view()); location = CCDirector::sharedDirector()>>convertToGL(location); location = AllScene>>convertToNodeSpace(location);

  if (bolehdraw && setTilePos == true )


  if ( this >>isPointOnSprite(Erase,location)) if (idxTmp <29)

  { idxTmp += 1; }

  return ;

  } }

  if (maingame && drag == false )


  for ( int i=0; i<jlhacak; i++)


  if ( this >>isPointOnSprite(HurufSoal[i],location) &&

  HurufSoal[i]>>getOpacity() >= 255) {

  LastPos = HurufSoal[i]>>getPosition(); idxdrag = i; drag = true ; HurufSoal[i]>>setPosition(location);

  break ;

  } }

  } }

  void Hijaiyah::ccTouchesEnded(CCSet *pTouches, CCEvent *pEvent)


  // Choose one of the touches to work with

  CCTouch* touch = (CCTouch*)( pTouches>>anyObject() ); CCPoint location = touch>>locationInView(touch>>view()); location = CCDirector::sharedDirector()>>convertToGL(location); location = AllScene>>convertToNodeSpace(location); // konversi posisi jika if (bolehdraw)


  // cek jawaban // if (udahbenar == false )


  bool tmpb = true ; for ( int i=0; i<MaxDat; i++)


  if (DataID[i] == 1)

  { tmpb = false ; i = MaxDat;

  } }

  if (tmpb)


  unsigned int tsfx = this >>playEffect( "sound/benar" );

  udahbenar = true ;

  // revisi code //

if (tipemenulis == "tunggal" )

  { string tulisanlatin =



af,lam,mim,nun,waw,hha,ya" ;

  string sfx_string = "sound/latin/" ; string latin = this > >GetItemPos(tulisanlatin,idxbaca); sfx_string += latin; tsfx = this >>playEffect(sfx_string.c_str());


  } }


  1000,centerWin.y)); SceneMembaca>>setPosition(centerWin); idback = "mengeja" ; idxbaca = (i+1); tipebelajar = "mengeja" ; GantiHuruf();

  { SceneHuruf>>setPosition(ccp(>

  if (tipebelajar == "membaca" )


  if ( this >>isPointOnSprite(Huruf[i],location))


  for ( int i = 0; i<28; i++)

  if (SceneHuruf>>getPosition().x == centerWin.x)

  if ( this >>isPointOnSprite(Erase,location))


  if (tipebelajar == "membaca" || tipebelajar == "menulis" )


  } }

  return ;

  { EraseDraw();

  if (!setTilePos)


  } else if (tipebelajar == "menulis" ) {

  SceneHuruf>>setPosition(ccp(> 1000,centerWin.y));

  SceneMenulis>>setPosition(centerWin); idback = "menulis" ; bolehdraw = true ; EraseDraw(); jlhdrawpoint = >1; idxbaca = (i+1); tipebelajar = "latihanmenulis" ; GantiHuruf();


  return ;

  } }

  } }

  // add code // if (SceneMenulis>>getPosition().x == centerWin.x)


  // cek touch kotak // if (tipemenulis == "perpenulisan" )


  for ( int i=0; i<3; i++)


  if ( this >>isPointOnSprite(Tulisan[i],location))

  { idxTouch = (i+1); EraseDraw(); GantiHuruf(); sfblank>>setIsVisible( false );

  return ;


  } }

  // lepas jawaban // if (maingame && drag== true )

  { drag = false ;

  for ( int i=0; i<jlhsoal; i++)


  if (isikotak[i] == false )


  if ( this >>isPointOnSprite(Kotak[i],location))


  // cek jawaban // if (isisoal[i] == isipilih[idxdrag])


  unsigned int tsfx = this >

  >playEffect( "sound/benar" );

  // jawaban benar//

  LastPos = Kotak[i]>>getPosition(); jlhbenar += 1; isikotak[i] = true ; HurufSoal[idxdrag]>>setOpacity(254);

  if (jlhbenar >= jlhsoal)

  { maingame = false ; pNext>>setIsVisible( true );

  } }

  break ;

  } } HurufSoal[idxdrag]>>setPosition(LastPos); idxdrag = >1; }

if ( this >>isPointOnSprite(sfsound,location)) //cek touch tombol suara....


  if (ismute == false )

  { sfsound>>setTexture(pTexture2); // ganti texture gambar SimpleAudioEngine::sharedEngine()>

  >pauseBackgroundMusic(); //pAUSE suuara ismute = true ; // } else { sfsound>>setTexture(pTexture1);

  SimpleAudioEngine::sharedEngine()> >resumeBackgroundMusic(); ismute = false ;

  } }


  unsigned int Hijaiyah::playEffect(string path)

  { string exc = ".wav" ;



  SimpleAudioEngine::sharedEngine()>>setEffectsVolume(1.0f); string str = path + exc;

  unsigned int tSfx = SimpleAudioEngine::sharedEngine()> return tSfx;


  //BELAJAR MENULIS// void Hijaiyah::ccTouchesMoved(CCSet *pTouches, CCEvent *pEvent)

  { CCTouch* touch = (CCTouch*)( pTouches>>anyObject() ); CCPoint location = touch>>locationInView(touch>>view()); location = CCDirector::sharedDirector()>>convertToGL(location); location = AllScene>>convertToNodeSpace(location);

  //mencari titik tengah rectangle// if (bolehdraw && udahbenar == false && sfblank>>getIsVisible() == false )

  { CCPoint ploc = location; //SceneMenulis>

  >convertToNodeSpace(location); if (setTilePos)

  { sfTemp[idxTmp]>>setPosition(ploc); string strloc = "Posisi = " ; strloc += intTostr(( int )ploc.x) + " , " + intTostr(( int )ploc.y); tDebug>>setString(strloc.c_str());

  return ;


  // cek rect // float x1,y1,x2,y2; float valX,valY; // revisi code // int i = uruttouch;


  if (DataID[i] == 1) // belum aktif //

  { valX = ( float )(atoi( this >>GetItemPos(DatX,i+1).c_str())) ; valY = ( float )(atoi( this >>GetItemPos(DatY,i+1).c_str())) ;


float calc = (18*factorscale);

  x1 = valX > calc; y1 = valY > calc; x2 = valX + calc; y2 = valY + calc;

  if (ploc.x >= x1 && ploc.x <= x2 && ploc.y >= y1 &&

  ploc.y <= y2) //CEK COLLISION DETECTION // {

  DataID[i] = 0; sfTemp[i]>>setPosition(ccp(valX,valY)); uruttouch += 1;

  return ;

  } }


  return ;


  if (maingame && drag== true )


  // ikut posisi touch move //



  } else if (tipemenulis == "bersambung" ) {

  "275,245,215,208,211,226,240,240,268,268,292,288,210,210,188,188" ;

  { DatX =

  //'ain if (idxTouch == 1)

  } else {



3,575,550,593,560" ;

  DatY =



5,190,173,157,145" ;

  DatX =

  DatX = "234,232,235,238,241,243,243,241" ; DatY = "610,581,553,532,505,478,452,425" ;

  void Hijaiyah::LoadDataHuruf( int idx)

  // factorscale = 0.8f//


  case 1: if (tipemenulis == "tunggal" )


  // add code // switch (idx)

  DatX = "227,231,223,252,238,244,249,246,247" ; DatY = "634,600,567,567,533,498,465,435,408" ;

  // default //


  DatY =

  } else if (idxTouch == 2) {

  DatX =

  "284,284,256,256,241,226,227,253,253,267,261,226,226,203,203,187,193" ;

  DatY =

  "491,482,493,486,510,527,545,543,535,537,520,493,483,491,482,491,483" ;

  } else if (idxTouch == 3) {

  DatX =



5,243,243,271,271,290" ;

  DatY =



8,446,433,442,436,448" ;

  } }

  break ; case 2: if (tipemenulis == "tunggal" )

  { DatX =

  "313,311,311,281,281,253,253,225,225,197,197,173,170,168,247" ;

  DatY =

  "532,505,477,481,468,475,462,471,461,473,461,466,486,510,422" ;

  } else if (tipemenulis == "bersambung" ) {

  DatX =



7,178,146,150" ;

  DatY =



0,576,562,596" ;

  } else {

  //ghoin if (idxTouch == 1)

  { DatX =



6" ;

  DatY =



0" ;

  } else if (idxTouch == 2) {

  DatX =



0" ;

  DatY =



7" ;

  } else if (idxTouch == 3) {

  DatX =



1,258,268,297,232,238,252" ;

  DatY =



2,410,406,412,611,596,603" ;

  } } case 3: if (tipemenulis == "tunggal" )

  { DatX =

  //kaf if (idxTouch == 1)


"290,290,260,260,257,240,226,210,207,227,227,251,250,230,230,200,200,183,183" ;

  DatX =

  } else if (idxTouch == 2) {

  "575,566,566,551,551,530,521,512,497,471,463,471,463,471,463,471,463" ;

  DatY =

  "266,266,238,238,223,227,238,257,271,274,274,244,244,214,214,185,185" ;

  { DatX =

  } else {

  "313,311,311,281,281,253,253,225,225,197,197,173,170,168,253,225" ;



5,571,555,578,553,565,600" ;

  DatY =



0,253,220,176,161,136,150" ;

  DatX =


  } else if (tipemenulis == "bersambung" ) {

  "532,505,477,481,468,475,462,471,461,473,461,466,486,510,546,543" ;

  DatY =

  DatY =

  } else if (idxTouch == 3) {

  "532,505,477,481,468,475,462,471,461,473,461,466,486,510,571,546,543" ;

  //mim if (idxTouch == 1)

  } else {



5,521,555" ;

  DatY =



2,135,147" ;

  DatX =

  } else if (tipemenulis == "bersambung" ) {

  DatY =

  DatX =

  "313,311,311,281,281,253,253,225,225,197,197,173,170,168,233,253,225" ;

  { DatX =

  break ; case 4: if (tipemenulis == "tunggal" )

  } }



8,530,521,501,496" ;

  DatY =



5,225,240,233,205" ;

  { DatX =

  DatY =

  break ; case 5: if (tipemenulis == "tunggal" )

  DatY =



6,197" ;

  DatX =


  } else if (tipemenulis == "bersambung" ) {


"572,578,568,575,567,570,552,533,505,477,458,457,441,445,437,437,443,448,502" ;

  DatY =


"190,218,218,247,247,273,225,200,188,190,190,210,210,238,238,265,292,310,241" ;

  { DatX =

  } }

  "505,498,491,511,531,546,540,518,502,492,502,492" ;

  "538,525,532,525,540,550,560,567,567,557,526,530,518,517,490,463,441" ;

  DatY =

  "306,306,278,278,260,255,249,246,225,215,250,225,225,205,201,210,213" ;

  DatX =

  } else if (idxTouch == 3) {

  "502,491,498,491,527,536,545,506,495,506,535,542,505,492,500,492" ;

  DatY =

  "297,297,268,268,258,252,252,238,238,223,222,230,200,200,177,177" ;

  DatX =

  } else if (idxTouch == 2) {



  } else {

  } else if (idxTouch == 3) {

  { DatX =

  break ; case 6: if (tipemenulis == "tunggal" )

  } }

  "478,467,471,485,513,542,566,581,546,535,507,501,496,508" ;

  DatY =

  "297,297,270,266,258,253,248,250,235,216,207,207,230,230" ;

  DatX =



0,491,483,495,485" ;

  //ha if (idxTouch == 1)

  DatY =



0,198,198,177,177" ;

  DatX =

  } else if (idxTouch == 2) {



7" ;

  DatY =



5" ;

  { DatX =

  "190,218,218,247,247,273,225,200,188,190,190,210,210,238,238,265,292,310" ;

  DatY =

  "548,520,500,488,496,486,496,486,495,488,452,446,443,433" ;

  DatY =

  "315,315,285,285,255,250,278,270,240,225,197,197,173,168,173,187,233,210" ;

  DatX =

  } else if (idxTouch == 3) {

  "512,503,510,505,561,533,505,511,505,512,505,511,503,471,460,463,451" ;

  DatY =

  "291,291,278,278,250,255,255,225,225,195,195,190,187,246,245,215,214" ;

  DatX =

  } else if (idxTouch == 2) {

  DatY =

  "572,578,568,575,567,570,552,533,505,477,458,457,441,445,437,437,443,448" ;

  "265,270,270,270,240,240,210,210,180,180,263,255,230,233" ;

  { DatX =

  //ya if (idxTouch == 1)

  } else {



3,488,577,563,598" ;

  DatY =



1,146,183,147,155" ;

  DatX =


  } else if (tipemenulis == "bersambung" ) {

  "541,532,541,533,536,516,507,482,478,475,475,485,478,505,533,556,446,443" ;


  break ; case 7: if (tipemenulis == "tunggal" )

  { DatX =

  "202,230,258,263,228,202,192,198,211,231,248,276,293,233" ;

  DatY =

  "548,547,545,546,532,511,481,452,442,437,435,437,442,586" ;

  } else if (tipemenulis == "bersambung" ) {

  DatX =



3,135,142" ;

  DatY =



2,566,598" ;


  break ; case 8:

  DatX = "245,245,260,270,275,265,265,235,235,220,225" ; DatY = "546,533,532,518,488,471,480,476,468,476,468" ;

  break ; case 9:

  DatX = "245,245,260,270,275,265,265,235,235,220,225,240" ; DatY = "546,533,532,518,488,471,480,476,468,476,468,582" ;

  break ; case 10:

  DatY = "532,510,481,452,438,432,433" ;

  break ; case 11:

  DatX = "265,271,280,269,255,240,215,253" ; DatY = "532,510,481,452,438,432,433,573" ;

  break ; case 12:

  DatX =

  "315,318,306,290,288,266,266,250,251,245,230,215,190,190,170,163,172" ;

  DatY =

  "536,508,493,497,518,496,490,505,476,446,431,426,425,433,427,456,483" ; break ; case 13:

  DatX =



8" ;

  DatY =



6" ; break ; case 14:

  DatX =

  "251,251,268,291,316,312,290,268,233,235,226,205,175,163,165" ;

  DatY =

  "493,510,533,548,548,521,510,506,515,487,458,448,451,462,491" ; break ; case 15:

  DatX =

  "251,251,268,291,316,312,290,268,233,235,226,205,175,163,165,262" ;

  DatY =

  "493,510,533,548,548,521,510,506,515,487,458,448,451,462,491,570" ; break ;

  DatX =

  "226,223,226,227,227,227,248,262,290,291,273,250,203,183" ;

  DatY =

  "567,540,512,483,456,438,481,493,495,466,452,445,442,450" ; break ; case 17:

  DatX =

  "226,223,226,227,227,227,248,262,290,291,273,250,203,183,263" ;

  DatY =

  "567,540,512,483,456,438,481,493,495,466,452,445,442,450,536" ; break ; case 18:

  DatX =

  "235,207,195,203,231,248,253,210,190,185,190,205,215,226,255,283,295" ;

  DatY =

  "573,570,541,525,525,535,542,508,487,458,430,420,412,406,403,407,410" ; break ; case 19:

  DatX =

  "235,207,195,203,231,248,253,210,190,185,190,205,215,226,255,283,295,213" ;

  DatY =

  "573,570,541,525,525,535,542,508,487,458,430,420,412,406,403,407,410,612" ; break ; case 20:

  DatX =



1,165,278" ;

  DatY =



5,483,571" ; break ; case 21:

  DatX =



1" ;

  DatY =



6" ; break ; case 22:

  DatX =

  "273,275,282,287,279,276,248,248,220,220,192,195,222,223,235,220,213" ;

  DatY =

  "568,540,511,482,452,443,446,440,445,438,456,438,533,512,502,492,491" ; break ; case 23:

  DatX =

  "271,271,277,281,282,273,260,260,230,230,203,205,195,196,205" ;

  DatY =

  "576,548,520,492,463,434,423,417,421,415,425,415,438,467,482" ; break ; case 24:

  DatX = "225,242,255,259,262,259,230,213,208,218,225,226" ; DatY = "546,553,547,532,527,515,517,511,482,453,425,418" ;

  break ; case 25:

  DatX =

  "268,273,282,271,255,240,240,213,213,202,198,206,231" ;

  DatY =

  "527,507,478,452,445,437,442,438,450,452,481,500,547" ; break ; case 26:

  DatX = "256,238,246,265,273,273,262,250,230,203" ; DatY = "492,497,525,528,502,473,445,428,420,421" ; case 27:

  DatX =

  "238,267,283,291,302,301,301,271,245,235,243,270,267,235,210,183,168" ;

  DatY =

  "533,533,518,505,491,463,456,458,470,483,507,505,482,457,451,446,443" ; break ; case 28:

  DatX =



2,185,251,251,222,223" ;

  DatY =



7,542,423,416,420,413" ; break ;

  } uruttouch = 0; // revisi code urutan touch MaxDat = this >>GetCountItem(DatX);

  for ( int i=0; i<30; i++)


  if (i < MaxDat)

  { DataID[i] = 1;

  } else { DataID[i] = 0;

  } }
