Security Awareness jateng

Security Awareness

Direktorat Pengembangan Sistem Pengadaan Secara Elektronik

Incident di LPSE

Sulit Melakukan Upload
Password berubah
FiPenyalahgunaan user LPSE
le Upload diganti
File corrupt

OS Corrupt
HDD rusak
Aplikasi Tidak Bisa Di Akses

Side Effect
• LPSE kehilangan kepercayaan termasuk oleh
• Audit oleh eksternal mulai inspektorat, BPKP,
Kejaksaan, Kepolisian, BPK atau KPK
• Review pegawai oleh Atasan
• Pembekuan LPSE dan Penyekatan IT

Review Fungsi IT di LPSE
• Administratif
• Fisik
– Akses Ruang server (finger print,kunci &

• Orang
– Integrity

Review Fungsi IT di LPSE
• Teknik
– Fungsi redundancy environment
• Power Source (Listrik PLN dan Genset)
• Temporary Power Source (UPS)
• Cooling (Primary and Backup)
– Fungsi Redundancy data
• Backup Data file dan DB (COLD atau HOT)
• Mirroring System
– Fungsi Monitoring
• Monitoring ketersediaan
• Monitoring capacity
• Monitoring Security

Common Security Threat LPSE

Remote ssh steal password
Ransomware Database
HTTP Header Modification
SQL Injection
SSH Without Password
Slowloris DDOS (Flooding)
Brute Force
Hack By Admin

Remote steal password
• Add source code into openssh

• Co pile a d let’s rock roll

Ransomeware Database

Ransomeware Database

Ransomeware Database

Ransomware Database
Send 0.5 BTC to this address and go to this site
http://ann2hzqgedo3plvu.onion/ to recover
your database! SQL dump will be available after
payment! |
1QUfRujo8U1wPgMcjkT4XZrViW2Bgvmf1 |

HTTP Header Modification


SQL Injection

SQL Injection - - [07/Jun/2015:14:26:00 +0800] "GET
HTTP/1.1" 403 234 "-" "sqlmap/1.0-dev ( » - - [07/Jun/2015:14:26:00 +0800] "GET /eproc/faqpage?q= HTTP/1.1" 403 234 "-" »

SSH no password with key auth

Slowloris DDoS

Common Backdoor / Trojan / Malware

• bl0wsshd 6.71p (/usr/bin/ssh, /usr/sbin/sshd)
• Perl IRC bot
• rainroot, file ./u (privilege gainer, permission:
• MiG log cleaner
• php-reverse-shell

Hack By Admin

What to do ???
• Separate security for each entity in the Infrastructure
• Manage User Access Control
 Password Policy
 Different User Access
• Hardening Remote System
• Hardening Kernel OS
• Manage Log System
• Secure Communication Channel

• Defend at Network Perimeter

Manage User Access Control
Password Policy :
• Used cracklib PAM Library : libpam-cracklib
• Edit file PAM configuration
– /etc/pam.d/system-auth on Centos
– /etc/pam.d/common-password on Debian

• Set Complexity Configuration
password requisite try_first_pass retry=3 minlength=12
lcredit=3 ucredit=2 dcredit=3 ocredit=2 difok=4

Manage User Access Control
Different User Access :
• allow root / admin login from spesific console
• Create Different User
• Assign user to spesific group

Hardening Remote System (SSH)
• Limit User Remote
• Use non Standart Port
• Disable non-usable fitur
– TCP Forward
– Tunnel
– X11 Forward

Log Management
• Using rsyslog
• Using Adiscon Log Analyzer for Web UI

Secure Communication Channel
• Type VPN :
– Site to Site VPN
– Remote Access Site VPN

• Jenis VPN :
– VPN Software (OpenVPN , Softether VPN)

– VPN Hardware (Appliance)

Secure Communication Channel

Defend at Network Perimeter

Security Statistic

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