The significance of dorine in revealing moral messages in moliere`s tartuffe - USD Repository



  AN UNDERGRADUATE THESIS Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra in English Letters



  Student Number: 024214040



Carpe diem, Seize the Day”

  This undergraduate thesis is dedicated to My Beloved Family, My Friends, And those who love me



  The first and foremost, I would like to bestow my deepest gratitude to Jesus Christ for giving me his blessing, strength, chance, and patience. Thanks for always guiding me every second in my life.

  Secondly, my greatest appreciation goes to my beloved parents, Heru Pramono and Pudjiningtyas, who always give me love, encouragement, and motivation to finish my study. I thank my brother Ivan Adi Prabowo for his love and support in many ways. My gratitude is also for my big family, I thank them.

  A special thank for my advisor, Maria Ananta Tri Suryandari, S.S., M.Ed., who has always give me her precious time in guiding me to finish this thesis. I thank her for correcting my thesis so that I could complete this thesis. Big thanks, for helping me to realize my ideas. I also would like to thank to my Co. advisor, Paulus Sarwoto, S.S., M.A for his suggestions and ideas. I thank to all lecture in Sanata Dharma University for teaching me many things.

  My gratitude also goes to all my best friends; Yabes, Sigit Nugraha, Fitra, Leo, David, Dimas, D N G, Yere, Jeff, Maynard, Koh Abun, Garry, Alfa, Parjo, Steva, Wawik. I thanks to all my friends at class 2002 and all my friends in English Literature department. I am proud to know them all. I thank to all Panggung Boneka’s crews.I thank Dodi, Koh Yuan, Surya, and Cipoo. I thank them for our precious moments together. I thank Priska, Saras, Angga, Wawan, Eka, Dietha, Kasdu XiX, Mas Yunus, Om Ponco, Om Sasongko, Mbak Ratna and all Plengkung Youth Community. I thank to all “Woyo” team in GKJ Plengkung Magelang. I thank for those whom I cannot mention one by one, for their fun lives and ideas.

  Last but not least is my gratitude for “Adek” a thousand thanks for love, laugh, strength, and support. I love her.

  Bondan Adhi Wibowo



  14 3. Theories on Moral ……………………………………….

  22 CHAPTER IV: ANALYSIS ……………………………………………... 24 A. Dorine’s Characteristics ……………………….............................

  20 B. Approach of the Study …………………………………………… 21 C. Method of the Study ……………………………………………...

  A. Object of the Study ………………………………………………

  19 CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY …………………………………….. 20

  18 C. Theoretical Framework …..............................................................

  17 5. The Relation Between Literature and Moral …………….

  16 4. Theory on Moral Teaching………………………………..

  10 2. Theories on Message …………………………………….

  TITLE PAGE ……………………………………………………………… i APPROVAL PAGE ……………….………………………………………. ii ACCEPTANCE PAGE …………………………………………………… iii MOTTO PAGE …………………………………………………………… iv DEDICATION PAGE ……………………………………………………. v ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ……………………………………………….. vi TABLE OF CONTENTS ………………………………………………….. viii ABSTRACT ………………………………………………………………. x ABSTRAK ………………………………………………………………... xi CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION ……………………………………….

  10 1. Theories on Character and Characterization …………….

  7 B. Review of Related Theories ……………………………………...

  5 CHAPTER II: THEORETICAL REVIEW ……………………………. 7 A. Review of Related Studies ……………………………………….

  5 D. Definition of Terms ………………………………………………

  4 C. Objectives of the study……..……………………………………..

  1 B. Problem Formulation ……………………………………………..

  1 A. Background of the Study ………………………………………..

  24 B. The Moral Message Through Dorine’s Character ………………. 39


CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION ………………………………………….. 53

BIBLIOGRAPHY ………………………………………………………...




  BONDAN ADHI WIBOWO. The Significant of Dorine in revealing moral


messages in Moliere’s Tartuffe. Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters,

Faculty of letters, Sanata Dharma University, 2008.

  Tartuffe tells about a family in a kingdom where the king has been blinded by someone whom he considers a saint. He lost everything he has because of this.

  However, a lady-maid was able to save this family from destruction. The writer tries to analyze the characters of this lady-maid and conclude some things which can be taken as moral messages.

  In this thesis, the writer would try to analyze (1) how are Dorine’s personalities portrayed in Tartuffe,and (2) how are the moral messages portrayed through the character of Dorine.

  To do the analysis, the writer did several steps. First, the writer conducted close reading on the novel in getting deeper understanding about it especially concerned with the problems stated above. Next, the writer examined the secondary data. After getting all the selected data, the writer would start to analyze the problems and apply those related theories in the analysis. The writer would start by describing the characters of Dorine in the novel. Then, after analyzed Dorine’s characters the writer tries to analyze what are the moral messages can be taken from the characters of Dorine by applying significant theories. Then, in the last step, the writer drew a conclusion as the result of the analysis.

  The result of the analysis shows that the writer found five Dorine’s characters. In the play Tartuffe, Dorine is described as a brave, unselfish, calm, wise and caring to the family. Those characteristics are the characters which make Dorine able to help this kingdom family save from destruction. While the messages which can be concluded after analyzed Dorine’s characteristics are; firstly, people should have bravery so that people will firm and steady, especially when they have to defend for the truth. Secondly, people should be unselfish so that people can have a passion of belonging a family and growing the feeling of togetherness. Thirdly, people are taught to be calm in everything people do so that people will able to think clearly in solving problems. Forth, people are taught to be wise so that people will know how to do and to act. Fifth, People should care to their family so that people understand the essence of a family. From these messages, the writer concludes that the moral message of this play is that people must tell the truth in every situation and condition.



  BONDAN ADHI WIBOWO. The Significant of Dorine in revealing moral


messages in Moliere’s Tartuffe. Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters,

Faculty of letters, Sanata Dharma University, 2008.

  Tartuffe menceritakan tentang sebuah keluarga kerajaan dimana sang raja

  telah dibuat buta oleh seseorang yang dianggapnya orang suci. Dia kehilangan segalanya karena hal ini. Namun seorang pembantu raja tersebut mampu menyelamatkan keluarga tersebut dari kehancuran. Penulis mencoba menganalisa karakter dari pembantu tersebut dan menyimplkan beberapa hal yang dapat diambil sebagai pesan moral.

  Dalam thesis ini, penulis akan menanalisa (1) bagaimana karakter Dorine digambarkan di dalam Tartuffe, dan (2) apa saja pesan moral yang disampaikan lewat karakter Dorine tersebut.

  Dalam menganalisa, penulis melakukan beberapa langkah. Pertama, penulis melakukan pembacaan seksama agar diperoleh pemahaman lebih mendalam mengenai drama tersebut, khususnya berkenaan dengan masalah yang diungkap di atas. Lalu, penulis akan memeriksa data-data sekunder. Setelah memperoleh seluruh data, penulis akan memulai menganalisa dan menerapkan seluruh teori yang berkaitan. Penulis akan mulai mendeskripsikan karakter Dorine dalam novel. Kemudian, setelah menganalisa karakter Dorine, penulis mencoba menganalisa pesan-pesan moral apa saja yang bisa diambil dari karakter Dorine dengan mengaplikasikan teori yang berkaitan. Kemudian, langkah terakhir adalah menarik kesimpulan dari hasil analisa.

  Hasil analisa menunjukkan bahwa penulis menemukan lima karakter tokoh Dorine. Dalam drama Tartuffe, tokoh Dorine digambarkan sebagai karakter yang berani, tidak egois, kalem, bijaksana dan peduli terhadap keluarga. Karakter- karakter inilah yang memampukan Dorine menolong keluarga kerajaan ini dapat selamat dari kehancuran. Sedangkan pesan yang dapat disimpulkan setelah menganalisa karakter-karakter dari Dorine adalah; pertama, orang-orang diajar untuk menjadi pribadi yang berani supaya mereka dapat tetap teguh berdiri, terkhusus dalam membela kebenaran. Kedua, orang-orang diajar untuk tidak egois supaya mempunyai rasa memiliki akan keluarga dan menumbuhkan rasa kebersamaan. Ketiga, orang-orang juga diajar untuk menjadi pribadi yang kalem agar mereka mampu berpikir secara tenang dalam menghadapi masalah. Keempat, orang-orang juga diajar untuk mampu menjadi pribadi yang bijaksana supaya mereka tahu bagaimana bertindak dan bertingkahlaku secara benar. Dan yang kelima, orang-orang diajar untuk bisa peduli terhadap keluarga supaya orang- orang mengerti akan arti penting sebuah keluarga. Dari pesan-pesan tersebut, penulis dapat menyimpulkan pesan moral dari drama ini adalah orang-orang harus mampu mengatakan kebenaran dalam situasi dan kondisi apapun.

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study

  ”Literature is a social institution that uses a social creation, i.e. language as its medium. It is the representation which is in a large measure, a social reality” (Wellek and Warren, 1956: 94). A literary work is created by using social creations to represent the social reality. Moreover, literature can contain social aspects such as social relationship or social values in which particular social circumstances rule the way of life of certain group of people. Literature can also be regarded as a means of communication with certain society or even a nation by composing a particular piece of literary works. For some people, literary work is something precious that gives knowledge and pleasure for those who read it. According to Wellek and Warren, a literary work does not only please the readers, but also gives them a kind of knowledge (1956: 30-31). From this idea, the writer thinks that the audiences can get knowledge by reading a literary work. Literature can also be regarded as human being’s manifestation of his own life. It usually describes human being’s experiences of life. Therefore, it can give a kind of lesson of life by understanding and learning the content of literary works the readers read. It was stated by Moody in the following quotation:

  And all of us who read literary work will find our knowledge broadened and deepened, whether in the individual, the social, the racial, or in the internal sphere; we shall understand the possibilities of human life, both for good and evil; we shall understand how we come to live at particular time and place, with all its pleasure and vexations and problems we shall understand the ways onwards which are open to us, and we shall perhaps be able to make right rather than wrong choices (1968: 2-3) It is obvious that the audiences can get experiences from the activity of reading a piece of literary work. Literary work can also enrich their knowledge and give them a kind of guidance to endure their life in a better way. It can make the audiences wiser to decide something related to their choices. It helps them face the world with its problems realistically. Therefore, when the audiences can learn many things from literature, it can be a very good teacher of human’s life.

  There are many genres of literary works in the world. The examples of genres of literary works are poetry, prose, and drama. In this thesis, the writer tries to analyze one of the genres of literary works, which is drama. Drama is an interesting media which is easy to be enjoyed because the audiences just need to sit and watch the drama. Everything in it has been set up including the characters and the setting of the drama, so that the audiences do not need to imagine a certain condition or a certain character just like when they read a literary work. When they have to read a literary work, they have to imagine certain condition or character which is presented by the author. Inside drama there are many elements that can be analyzed such as; character, society, and even philosophical idea. In this thesis, the writer tries to analyze one of the elements of drama which is character. An appearance of character is very important in a literary work.

  Through the character, a theme, a moral message, and other intrinsic elements of a literary work can be revealed. A character can be used to describe something or to symbolize something.

  In this thesis the writer is interested in one of Moliere’s (1622-1673) plays


Tartuffe, because the play is a satiric comedy, which for some people is

  pleasurable, and can be easily understood. From this satiric comedy, the writer thinks that the audiences can get knowledge by reading or watching the play.

  Molière is known to be one of the greatest playwrights in the history of France. Born in 1622, his given name was Jean Baptiste Poquelin. He has written many satiric comedies. “His plays were what we call "satirical", which basically means he poked fun at everything and everyone! And example of this is in the play Tartuffe.” (Orlando Shakespeare Theater, 2002)

  The writer in this thesis will focus on moral message which is seen in the play Tartuffe, because the writer believes that Moliere, through Dorine, states some moral messages. The writer believes that the moral messages can give knowledge for the audiences which can be used by the audiences as a kind of guidance in their life. In the play Moliere tries to show the moral message from the behaviors of the lady-maid Dorine. Dorine as a minor character in Tartuffe portrays a symbol of roman dramatic comedy. She is a lady maid of Orgon’s family. Even she is just a minor character and a lady-maid, she is used by Moliere to reveal the moral messages in this play. This is shown by many acts given to the character of Dorine and her dialogues with other characters. She is shown in almost every scene. In the play, she is described as a clever lady maid that helps the family overcome all the problems.

  In order to support the study, the writer chooses Tartuffe to be analyzed because it is suitable with the writer’s topic. Tartuffe is very much a play of the world, a satiric comedy. The play is actually a criticism toward the relation between religion and kings in that particular time. Religion had a very strong effect/influence to the authority of a king. The play is set in an urban landscape. The play is about tragedy and romantic comedy-love, honor, loyalty, and of course hypocrisy, and betrayal. Tartuffe tells about a man named Tartuffe that affects the life of a family through Orgon, a king in that particular time. Tartuffe is described as a hypocritical, and Orgon is obsessed with him. It is Orgon’s obsession of Tartuffe which is used by Tartuffe to take over all Orgon’s properties. Moreover, Tartuffe uses Orgon to fulfill his own fantasy of autonomy and authority. It is because Tartuffe realizes that Orgon always do what he said. Tartuffe transforms him into a kind of monster. Orgon comes near to selling his daughter, disinheriting his son, allowing his wife to be raped, and losing his family’s property and fortune. Orgon does not realize that what he did is advantages Tartuffe and makes him suffer a loss. When he realizes that, he lost all that he has. However, through the cleverness of Dorine, he can get back everything he has lost.

  The writer chooses Tartuffe because Moliere tends to draw the moral messages through the character of Dorine.

B. Problem Formulation

  Referring to the background of study in the previous part, there are two questions formulated as follows.

1. How are Dorine’s characters portrayed in Moliere’s Tartuffe?

2. How are the moral messages portrayed through the character of


  C. Objectives of the Study

  The aim of this thesis is to present a discussion about moral messages on Moliere’s Tartuffe. The discussion is mainly to answer the two questions in the problem formulation. The objectives of the study are presented as follows.

  Firstly, the writer tries to describe the characteristics of Dorine in the play. In this discussion, the writer will analyze the characteristics of Dorine as a minor character in the play. Secondly, the writer tries to know how the moral messages are revealed through Dorine’s characteristics as seen through the behaviors and the dialogues of Dorine from the beginning of the play until the end of the play.

  D. Definition of Terms

  In this part, the writer tries to explain some terms in order to help the readers understand this thesis and to avoid misunderstanding in meaning. Some words will be defined to guide the readers in understanding this thesis. The writer gets definition of the specific terms mostly from books, which are considered well

  • qualified.

1. Character and Characterization

  Character means personality; it is the mental and moral quality of a figure, as when we say that X’s character is strong, weak or immoral (Barnet, Berman, and Burto, 1988: 71). The writer can conclude that there is a mental and a moral quality inside someone’s personality.

  According Rohrberger and Woods, characterization is the process by which an author creates a character, the devices by which he makes us believe a character is the particular type of person he is (1971: 80). It means that characterization was aimed to help the readers to understand the character that have been described by the author.

  2. Message

  Message is defined as an idea that someone tries to communicate to people. It also the meaning, thought or idea that is intended to express (Sinclair, 1988: 490). The writer concludes that a message is an idea or thought which is expressed through a literary work. According to Jerome Beaty and J Paul Hudson in New World of Literature (1989: 899), message is the real "meaning" inside that leads to oversimplification and give the illusion that a work of literature exists for its statement. In this study, the message revealed by character is focused.

  3. Moral

  According to John K. Roth's book entitled Encyclopedia of Ethics "moral" is concerned with personally held ethical beliefs, theories of obligation, and the social elements that reinforce ethical decisions. (1978: 367). The writer can conclude that moral is an attitude of someone that able to judge or differentiate between right or wrong. According to “Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary”, moral means concerned with principles of right and wrong behaviours. Moral also means teaching or illustrating right behaviours (1995: 755).

CHAPTER II THEORETICAL REVIEW A. Review of Related Studies Born in the 1622, Moliere, whose given name was Jean Baptiste Poquelin,

  was one of the famous French playwrights. Beside a playwright, he is also known as a great dramatist and a fine comic actor as well and he performed in his own plays. He became an important playwright and both acted and wrote in a splendid series of plays that satirized the manners and morals of elegant society. Those were Les Precieuses Ridicules (1659), Sganarelle (1660), School For Husbands


(1661), School For Wives (1662), Don Juan (1665), The Misanthrope (1666), The

Doctor In Spite Of Himself (1666), The Miser (1668), The Learned Ladies (1672) ,

  and The Imaginary Invalid (1673). Among above, Tartuffe is the best-known work that the writer is interested in.

  Basically, the play Tartuffe is criticism about the relation between the religion and the king in French under Louis XIV. The play is about authority and power. The religion and the king had absolute power in the society. Particularly religion and politics were bound together. Through the idea of Moliere, Tartuffe was created in the form of comedy. Although the comedy pleased the king, the Catholic Church banned it for the strong criticism shown in it.

  However, in this thesis, the writer does not focus on the criticism of the relation between religion and the king, but in the moral messages shown by the character of Dorine. The play does not explicitly offer moral, however, the writer

  7 tries to draw the moral messages. It is why the writer attempts to explore moral issues in this play rather than focusing on the criticism the relation between the religion and the king in French under Louis XIV.

  The character of Dorine and the way she acts are the main idea of the writer to make this thesis. The writer wants to analyze Dorine’s characteristics through her behaviours. Most of actions and dialogues from Dorine will be analyzed to find the moral messages inside the characteristics of Dorine.

  The play of Tartuffe tells the reader about the character Dorine, who has characteristics through the way she acts and from her dialogues with other characters. From these characteristics, she also brings some moral message for the reader. Dorine is a stock character found in many Molière’s comedies, and in fact, has become a type of character found in comedies of all periods. She is a wise servant who sees through all pretence, and while being the inferior. She lives under the absolutism of Orgon and the hypocrisy of Tartuffe. Dorine’s directness and her simple honesty make her interesting to be analyzed. (Alex Went, 2000)

  A lady-maid is a female servant to another female. Typically the lady- maid would help the woman with her bath, do laundry, help with dinner, and other household chores. But in Tartuffe Dorine is not such typical maid. Instead, she is very outspoken and tends to always give her opinion, whether needed or not. She not only does this with her lady, Mariane, but with other family members. For example, in Act I, Scene I, Orgon is trying to convince Damis how wonderful Tartuffe is and that he is not the person that everyone else sees him being. This Tartuffe, however, is not fooling Damis nor Dorine. Dorine is surely giving more opinions than the others about Tartuffe. She frequently satires the man named Tartuffe right in front of Orgon. Later in Scene II, Dorine confronts Orgon about his plans to insist that Mariane must leave Valere and marry Tartuffe. Dorine knows that Mariane loves Valere and that the two should be together, instead of sacrificing their happiness. Dorine is making a mockery of Orgon’s appalling idea. (Gerard Lucas, 2006) Dorine is not simply just a minor character as in other literary works have.

  In Tartuffe, she has a significant role. Her character is depicted as a rational character outside the family. She is the representation of truth. She is an honest lady-maid who is not afraid to point out what is right and what is not. From the beginning of the play to the end, Dorine is there to point out the inconsistencies and the flaws within the characters in the play. Dorine is the actual focal point of the author’s views. She herself is not a hypocrite nor is she blinded by any of Tartuffe’s hypocrisy. Her vision and ability to see the trickery of Tartuffe, and the foolishness of the actions of the family are valuable to the understanding of the play itself. From the explanation above, it can be summed up that through the character and characterization of Dorine, the writer sees that the role of Dorine can reveal the moral message that Moliere want to show. (Mega Essays LLC, 2001)

  Based on these opinions, it is seen that the characteristics of Dorine is interesting to be analyzed. Dorine is a calm thinker, brave, wise, unselfish and caring to Orgon’s family. The writer tries to reveal the message that the readers can achieve from this play through some of Dorine’s characteristics.

  Then the writer has mentioned already that even though the play is about the strong criticism religion and absolute authority in the society, the story of


Tartuffe has other purpose to be revealed. It is to reveal messages or moral values

from a character by analyzing her characteristics.

B. Review of Related Theories

  There are some theories that the writer wants to apply, such as theory on character and characterization, theory on message, and theory on moral. These theories will support the analysis of the play Tartuffe.

1. Theories on Character and Characterization

  Character in a literary work is very important. It is needed so that the readers can understand the story. A character plays an important role in a literary work. Without a character, the story will not run well. Therefore, the theories of character and characterization are needed.

  According to Murphy (1972: 161-173), there are nine ways that an author can apply to present the characterization of characters in a literary work. They are: a.

  Personal description The author can describe a character’s appearance and clothes. The readers will get only a visible look of a character.


  Characters as seen by another The author can describe a character through the eyes and opinions of other characters. The readers get, as it were, a reflected image. c. Speech The author describes a character by giving readers an insight into the characteristics through what he says. Here the readers are able to analyze a character from the sentences he uses.

  d. Past life The author can provide a clue to events that help to shape a person’s characteristics by giving the readers the character’s past life. This is quite helpful to analyze the motives that a character has when he has a particular characteristic or does something special.

  e. Conversation of others The author can also provide a clue to a person’s characteristics through the conversation of other people and what they say about him or her. Readers will learn that what others say about a character may reveal some of his characteristics.

  f. Reactions The author can describe a person’s characteristics by showing how a character responds to various situations and events. The reaction may give a clue to what characteristics a character has.

  g. Direct comment The author may describe a person’s characteristics by directly giving readers comments on the character. This is somehow the best way for the readers to find out any characteristics because they know what exactly the author wants to reveal. h. Thoughts The author gives readers direct knowledge of what a person is thinking about. Here the author is able to do what people cannot do in a real life. He can tell readers what different people are thinking of. In a literary work, it is acceptable. The readers then are in a privileged position; they have a secret listening device plugged in to the inmost thoughts of a character in a novel. i. Mannerism

  The author can characterize a character through the mannerisms, habits or idiosyncrasies. It may tell readers something about his characteristics.

  Abrams says that Characters are the persons presented in a dramatic or narrative work, who are interpreted by the readers as being endowed with moral and dispositional qualities that are expressed in what they say – the dialogue – and by what they do – the action. The grounds in a character’s temperament and moral nature for his speech and actions constitute his motivation (1981: 20).

  The quotation means that characters in literary works are understood by readers as persons whose behavior and individuality are observed through their speeches and actions. Later, their dialogues and actions can serve as clues to their motivations for committing some particular events. This is what is expected for the readers to recognize when they read literary works. They do not only enjoy the aesthetic value of the stories but also identify the reasons for any events.

  Definition of character based Stanton’s A Introduction to Fiction, stated that the term “character” refers to the mixtures of interests, desires, emotions, and moral principles that form the individuals.

  In this study the writer agrees with Barnet, Berman, and Burto’s opinion that the mental and moral quality of a figure can be seen through a figure’s character (Barnet, et al, 1988: 71). A characteristic shows the mental and moral quality of a figure. Based on this theory, the writer tries to reveal the moral from a figure in the story.

  Perrine in his book states that character can be seen through their actions, from what a character thinks or says or does (1974: 68). It means that all the actions can show the character. We can analyze the character from the way they speak with another character or what they think about another character.

  The writer also agrees with Murphy in his book Understanding Unseens that a character can be described through the eyes and opinion of another characters, from the other characters say, from conversation of other people and the things they say about a character or from the reaction of the characters to various situations and events (1988: 161- 173). Based on this theory, a character can be described through the other characters opinion, the other characters say and through the reaction of the characters to various situations and events.

  In the book entitled Approach to Literature (1981: 91) Graham explains that a character can be studied from some aspects. The first is the person basic characteristic which can be seen through the physical condition of the character; including his or her age, the social relationship between other characters or wider relationship a social class and occupation, and the mental qualities, that is typical ways of thinking, feeling and acting. The second is analyzing a person’s appearance from various point view, including how the character sees himself or herself, how various other character see him or her, how she develops or fails to develop during the story.

  Mary Rohrberger and Samuel H. Woods in Reading and Writing about


Literature said that “characterization is the process by which an author creates

  character; the devices by which he makes us believe a character is the particular type of person he is” (1971: 80). From the statement the writer can conclude that characterization has strong relationship with the author, because the author itself creates characterization. Those theories are needed in order to help the writer draws the characteristics and characterization on the play.

2. Theories on Message

  Every work of literature consists of and offer moral message. Of course there are moral lesson conveyed. Fiction, especially play, sometimes may have more than message. More over the interpretations come from many other readers may have not involved them. The types of message occurs in literary work depends on the author’s belief, wish, and interest.

  Henry Hudson in his book “An Introduction to the Study of Literature” states that a good message is a message that discloses new a large possibility they do not realize, most writers would try to tell and to show those possibilities by using their work. In fact, he even tries to create those possibilities themselves. A good message does not tend to follow general pattern or norm but it creates new pattern based on human values (1958: 23).

  John Sinclair in Collins Cobuild Essential Dictionary defines messages as an idea that someone tries to communicate to people, for example in a play, speech, or the meaning, the thought of idea, that is intended, to express (1988: 490). The example of message can be in form of valuable of words, advice, and God’s commandment as guidance to give advice and the like.

  According to Beaty and Hunter in New World of Literature, message is the real meaning or some easy conclusion that can be simply stated or summarized inside a work of art (1988: 899). This means that inside a work of art there is something that an author wants to give which is can be summarized or found through a work of art.

  The model of literary communication is the author encodes a message that the readers receive or the author sees a great truth that he reaches the readers by example. Usually, message seeks to inform or conceive even though it is possible that it seeks to have the readers comprehend and empathize so that the ideas are more broadly accessible.

  Sometimes, message has a relationship with moral. It means that talking about message also discussing moral. It can be said that, in general, moral means a teaching of good and bad (Kenny, 1966:89). However, people’s point of view about moral and values from one place to another is not always the same. Usually their point of view is influenced by their way of life.

  Every work of literature may offer a moral message and there are many types of moral lesson conveyed. The type of message occurring in a literary work depends on the author’s belief, wish, and interest. Moreover the messages have not been involved by the interpretations that come from the readers. Message in a work of art usually reflects the way of the related author. He wants to convey his option about the values of truth. Message in a story is intended as a suggestion related to practical lesson that can be taken by the readers through the story. They are closely related to problems in life, such as attitude, behavior, and the like. The readers can find them in a real life, in the same manners as they are reflected in the story through its characters.

  The message is distributed through those various ways. By contrast, if the readers want to understand or interpret the message, they should do it based on the story and the character’s life.

3. Theories on Moral

  Morality comes from Latin word moralis which means customs or manners. Morality is about the relationship between human being. Thiroux in his book Ethic Theory and Practice states that the area of morality concentrates on human conduct and human values (Thiroux, 1995: 3). The morality of a person depends on their action and their relationship between one and another in the society.

  Another theory is taken from Gardner’s book On Moral Fiction, which is appropriate in this thesis. Gardner says that art is essentially and primarily moral – that is, life-giving-moral in its process of creation and moral in what it says. Gardner also says that the “Good for man, which rightly understood cannot be divorced from what is good for his society and environment, is by another formulation (whenever action is called for) the moral.” Morality is the body, or engine, of the Good. The Good is form: morality is function or at any rate form can no more exist independent of function than time can exist without a natural or man made clock (1933:134) Still from Gardner, he says that morality is definitely complex to be reduced to any code, which is why it is suitable matter for fiction, which deals in understanding, not knowledge (1933: 135)

  Daniel C. Maguire in his book The Moral Choice stated that morality is relational. It means that morality depends on the relation between people. He also said that what is moral for one person may be immoral for another because of the diversity of circumstances (1978: 63). From that statement we can see that people may see morality in different perspectives.

  In the book Norms of The Novel, Harold C. Gardiner stated that: In Aristotle’s concept, art is essentially, if indirectly, a moral activity-the individual act captured in the creative activity always implies a relationship towards ends and purposes. Such a relationship is a moral fact and the portrayal of such relationship is a moral activity (1953:121)

  From the quotation, we can conclude that moral found in art is different from each person’s perspective. It depends on the relationship among people, and the circumstances in which the character lives in the play, or if related to the audiences, then it will depend on the circumstances in which the audiences live.

4. Theory on Moral Teaching

  Every literary work contains and offers moral teaching. There are many types of moral teaching conveyed. Fiction, like plays, sometimes may have more than one moral teaching. Roth states that moral teaching is "a learning that results advancement in thought and emotions from a self-centered orientation to socially responsible and ethically mature" (1998: 571). In this analysis, the writer analyzed the moral teaching based on one of the character from the play. Then the writer finds out the messages in the play to conclude the moral teaching. As we know, not all messages are a kind of moral teaching, however, moral teaching in literary work can be in the form of message. Therefore, the writer also uses theories of message to analyze the moral teaching inside the play.

5. The Relation between Literature and Moral

  According to Guerin, the function of literature is to teach morality and to probe philosophy issues. The reader would interpret literature within a context of the philosophical thought in a period of group existence. (1979: 29)

  Matthew and Arnold, quoting from Guerin’s The Victorian Ethic, state that a great literary work must possess “high seriousness”, in each instance. The critic, working from a moral bent is not unaware of firm, figurative language, and other purely aesthetic considerations but they also added that the important thing is the moral or the philosophical. (1979: 30)

  Gardner says in his book On Moral Nature of Human that literature as an art is essentially and primary moral that is life giving (1978: 15). Gardner wants to say that literary works, such as a novel, may contain moral values reflected from human life and experiences.

  Gardner also states that a work of art, which contains moral lesson, provides values and rouse trustworthy feeling about the best and the worst in human action (1978: 19). This means that throughout literary works, the reader can obtain moral messages as the lesson by understanding the context; in consequence, it is meaningful for human beings.

C. Theoretical Framework

  In this study the writer uses some theories that the writer have explained previously to draw the topic above. The theories have their own contribution to the analysis. The first theory that the writer used is theory character and characterization. This theory is used to analyze Dorine’s attitude and behavior from the beginning to the end of the play and to understand how Dorine’s character develops during the story. After analyzing the description of Dorine’s character, it can be seen that her character bring moral messages for the readers.

  The second theory is theory of message. The theory is used as the basic to reveal the message of the story. The theory is needed to analyze the message that described from Dorine’s character. Through what Dorine’s action, the writer sees that Dorine did what she has to do. She has done the right things. From this point the writer is able to see the lessons given by the character of Dorine through her action. The lessons given by Dorine become the moral messages of the play.

  The next theory is the theory of the relation between literature and moral. The moral message obtained from the play is shown that literature and moral are related each other. Literature, through the play, literature can give moral values to the reader or the audience.

  Based on the writer explanation above it can be seen that those theories are related to each other, one theory supports the others. The writer needs those theories to support the process of analysis.

CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY A. Object of the Study The writer uses Tartuffe , a 17th century satirical comedy which has five

  parts of act. Tartuffe was first performed in a private production for King Louis XIV of France in 1664.

  Tartuffe is a contemporary play that mirrors the religious struggles of the seventeenth century. This is a play about authority and power, and the reality is that “Orgon himself is largely responsible for Tartuffe's imposture” (Gossman, 112). Religion and politics were inextricably bound together, with the way to temporal power being ecclesiastical. It also has to do with the family and its potential destruction by an intruder. This play Tartuffe is written by Moliere. Born in 1622, his given name was Jean Baptiste Poquelin. The play was criticized by Catholic churches for its portrait of hypocritical piety. The church was so upset by this, so that the play has been banned for three times before King Louis the XIV, a big fan of Molière's work, allowed it to be performed. Molière had almost as many enemies as he had friends. In fact, his plays were banned in the cities all over France, including in his hometown.

  Molière is known to be one of the greatest playwrights in the history of France. However, his life was far from glamorous. He took up the pen name "Molière" to protect his family's name, because in those times, theatre people had little respect in the social structure of France. (Orlando Shakespeare Theater, 2002)

  Tartuffe by Moliere is about a life of a family under the hypocrisy. In

  Tartuffe, Orgon, a wealthy family man, takes in a stranger by the name of Tartuffe to stay in his home. Tartuffe appears to be an extremely pious and devout man of religion, and Orgon regards him almost as a saint. Orgon offers Tartuffe his best food and drink and places the needs of his guest above those of his wife, Elmire, and children. He plans to force his daughter, Mariane, to marry Tartuffe and to disinherit his son, Damis, in order to make Tartuffe the sole heir to his fortune. All of Orgon’s friends and family regard Tartuffe as a con man who only pretends to be of the highest moral authority but who does not practice what he preaches.

  Orgon has been warned that Tartuffe may be deceiving him in order to gain both financially and socially, but Orgon is blind to these warnings. Orgon finally learns that he has been betrayed by his guest when he overhears Tartuffe trying to seduce his wife. However, when he orders Tartuffe to leave his house, Tartuffe seeks revenge by trying to seize all of Orgon’s property and to have Orgon arrested. In the end, through the intervention of the King and the help of the lady-maid, Dorine, Tartuffe is arrested, and harmony is restored to Orgon’s household. (Thomson Gale, 2005) B.

   Approach of the Study