The Influence of Learning Pattern and Adversity Quotient Towards The Achievement of Javelin-Throw Leson After Controling Student Previous Knowledge - Universitas Negeri Padang Repository



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I n t e r n a t i c d Seminar of
Sport Cul turt and Achielremes\t

"GlobalIsszres ofSpsrt Science &
~ ~
Devel'opmen t"

International Seminar of Sport Culture and Achievement
"Global Issues of Sport Science & Sport Technor'ogy Devslopment"


Faculty of Sport Sciences
Yogyakarta State University
Dr. Lim Peng Han
Dr. Gunathevan AIL Elumalai
Dr. Acbara Soachalerm
Dr. Panggung Sutapa
Dr. Siswantoyo
Erwin Setyo Kriswanto, M.Kes.
Bambang priyonoadi, M.Kes.
Ssryono, M.Or.
Soni Nopembri, M.Pd.
Nur Sita Utami, M.Or.
Satya Perdana, 5.5.
Design & Lay Out
Suqeng S~riaNugroho, A.Md.

Yogyakarta State llniversiv, Indonesia Telo: +62274 550307
Email: issca-201 - Website:

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responsibility for the contents or ~ffectof the writing, still lies on the author.

Article published in the proceedingis considered valid
by the certificate i~cluded
in the prese~tation.

ISBN 978-607-8429-66-5 -




International Seminar of

Sport Culture and Achievement

"Globalissues ofsport Science Rr
Sport Technology Development"


Fakultas !lmu Keolahragaan
Universitas; Negeri Yogyakarta
PA April 2014


Salam Olahraga!
Praise and be grateful to the Lord, so that this proceeding can be issued.The International Semisar

of Sport Culti~reand Achievement with "Global Issues of Sporl Science I t Technology Snort
Developmentntheme is held on 23rd- 24th 4pril2014 at Yogyak~rtaState Lniversity Hotel. 'he
seminar isconducted by Faculty of Sport Sci;.nce,Yogyakarta State 'Jniversity.
The seminar was conducted in order to enliven the 50th anniversary of Yogyakarta State
University.The Seminar aims at revealing any growing sport pc~tentialsand recent woilwide
research results. There are three pillars of sport: recreational spo-ts, physicill education/ sports
pedagogy, and ellite sport that in common have one goal to form characters and support
Hopefully, the publication of this prcceeding can bring benefits t-:, the participants in particular
and readers in general. Finalwords for all thme who have helped th;s seminar, we-thankyou.


Assalammualc~ikumWarrahMatullahi Wabavkatuh
The honorable speakers, Prof. Dr. Djoko Pekik Irianto, M.Kes. AlFO (Deputy of Achievemvnt
Improvement of Sport and Youth Ministry), Dr. Wayne Cotton (Au-,tralia),Dr. Jo5.e Vicente Garcia
Jimenez (Spain), Dr. Achara Soachalerm 'Thailand), Dr. Lim Peng Han (Cingapore), and Dr.
GunathevanA/L Elmulai (Malaysia).The distinguishedguests.
First of all, on behalf of the committee of the International Seminar of Sport Culture and
Achievement, let me express great thank to God Allah SWT who gives us opportunity and hea th,

so that wecan join this internationalseminar on sport is my pleasur~hto
welcome you to the InternationalSeminar of Sport Culture and Achievement in Faculty of Sp3rt
ScienceYogyakartaState University.
The international seminar is in order to c~lebratethe 50th anniversary c~fYogyakarta State
University. In this opportunity, we invite fitre speakers from five countries; they are from Spain,
AustraIia,Thailand, Singaporeland Mslaysia.Theparticipantsof the seminarar?250 participant;.
Finally, allow me to express my gratitude to all audiences, especially the honorable speakers snd
the distinguishedguests for paying attention to this seminar. Ihops that the seminar will run ~nrell
and be succesrful.
Thank you very much.

WassalamualuikumWarrahmatullahi IVabamkatuh

24d April 201 1
airman of ISSCA,

Panggung Sutapa, P.S.


Cover .....................................................................................................
Preface ..................................................................................................
Content ...................................................................................................
Keynote Speaker .......................................................................................
Guess Speakers ..........................................................................................
Manipulative Motions of 2010 Academic Ycxr PPJKR Shtdents Ability of Net "ea.;hing
Amat Komari, Yo~yakartaState Unikersity, Indonesia ..........................................
Ability of Physical Education Teachers in lm~lementing],earning Outdoor Education
(Studies In Outdoor Education Trainees)
Aris Fajar Pambudi, Yogyakarta State Uniwrsity, Indonesia ...................................
Designing Physical Education (PE:) Learning Using Scientific Approach
Aris Priyanto. Sport and Youth Department l,'ogyakarta, Indonesia ...........................
A Cornparati\ e Sh~dyon Sport Education Concept And Movement Education Co.lcept in
Physical Education Teacher Education: an Over View on Existenci;il Phenomeno'ogy
BambangAbduldjabar, Spehe University of F'ducation, Indonesia .............................
Playing Aids and Early Childhood Motor Skill in Kindergarten
Banu Setyo Adi, Yogyakarta State Universit!,, Indonesia ........................................
The Effect of Traditional Games To-ard Phpical Fitness Elementary School Students
DewiSeptaliza, Bina Darma University, Indonesia ................................................

The Human Resource Profile of Early Chilj'1ood Education (PAU3) Teacher for
Motoric Aspect of Early Childhood Children
Endang Rini Sukamti, Yogyakarta State Uni\.ersity. Indonesia ..................................
Big Ball Game Modification for Learning Physical Education
A Erlina Lisparini, Yogyakarta State University. Indonesia ..................................
School as Sport Health Promotion Place to !rr~proveStudents Health Level
Erwin SetyoKriswanto, Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia ...............................
The lnfluenct of Ixarning Pattern and Adversity Quotient towards the Achievement of
Javelin-Throw Lesson after Controlling Student Previous Knowledge
State University, Indoncria ..................................................
Knowledge Level Students PJKR C Forces 201 1 about Violations and Penaltii:~
in Football Game
Nurhadi Santoso, Yogyakarta State Lrniversity, Indonesia ......................................
Study of Information Systems Material Strength Training Program Fitness Activities for
Elementary School Children
Ranu Baskorn Aji Putra, Semarang State University, lndonesia .............................
Learning Model of Physical Education Using Multiple Intelegenscies Approaches and
Influence on Creativity Development
Roesdiyanto, State University Of Malang, Indonesia .........................................................

The Theory of Achievement Motivation Ellic.,t Model in A Physical Educatior
Siti Hajar. Tunas Pembangunan Uni\.ersity. Indonesia ..........................................
Outcome-Based Evaluation of Kasetsart University Students Participated in C u t h o r
Education Camp Program
Suvimol Tangsujjapoj, Kasetsart Universitj.. Thailand ..........................................
The Performance of Health and Physical Edk~cationTeachers in Government 13le~nentar-y
Schools Graduated from Opened UniversiQ of lndonesia in Purworejo
Triyono, Open University of Indonesia, Indonesia ...............................................
Analysis Factors Related to Ovenveiu,ht at Student of Junior High School
WildaWelis, h d a n g State University, Tndoriesia .................................................
Designing Motor Learning in Physical Education at Schools

Yudanto, Yogvakarta State University. lndoriesia ...............................................
Game Volleyball Preparing Attack for Sport and Health Education Learning for First
Class in Junior High School
Yuyun Ari Wibowo, Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia ..................................
The Understanding Level of Tactic and Stratqy of Basketball Game in PJKR Stitdents of
Tri Ani Hastuti, Yogyakarta State Universitj.. lndonesia ........................................
The Influence of Exercise the Barrier Z-lops on Crossing at Students Young Indonesian

Soccer Football Club in Palembang
Ahmad Richard Victorian, Bina Darrna Uni~.c.rsity,Indonesia .................................
Validity and Reliability of Futsal Skil! Test
Agus Susworo Dwi Marhaendro, Yogyakartcl State University. Indonesia ...................
Physical Exercise for TennisAthlete w.ithWeight Tmining
Ahmad Nasru,loh, Yogyakarta State IJniversity, Indonesia .....................................
A Review Nutrition Intake before Competetion and Factors Influencing Women's
Swimming Athletes in Swimming Cli>bPadang
Anton ~ornainil.Tika sebrina2
Padang State University, Indonesia ..............................................................
Physical Exercise fbr Early childhood Taekwondo
Devi Tirtawirya, Yogyakarta State Universiry, Indonesia .....................................
Correlation Between Protein, Fat and Carbohydrate with Arm Power and Leg ?o\ver in
Pencak Silat Combative Pelatda DIY Athlet?
Dwi wahyuningsihl, B.M Wara Kushartanti Arta ~armawatij,B.J. Istiti Kandarina3,
Mirza Hapsari Sakti Titis penggalih5
Gadjah Mada university', Yogyakarta State llniversity 2; GadiahMsda ~ n i v e r s i t ~ ~ ' ;
Indonesia .........................................................................................
Comparasion of Body Composition and Somatotype Characteristics of Sprinter Athletes
at AUE and YSU

Eddy ~urnomo',Nori.katsu Kasuga2, I-iideki 5uzuki3
Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia; 2.".9icki University Of Education, lapan .........
Identification of Management Standards 1nfr;structureand Facilities Management
Fencing Organization in Yogyakarta
Faidillah Kumiawan, Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia ................................
ACTN3 R577x Polymorphism and Body Composition Profile of bidonesian Karate
Rachmah Laksmi Ambardini. Yogyakarta St:lte University, Indonesia .......................
Development of Learning Media Movement Rhytmic Activity Model for Students SD
Form VCD
Siti Nurrochmah, Tatok Sugianto, Sn' Purnsmi, State University of Malang, Indonesia ....
Revitilizing Sepaktakraw Ninja Smach Using Hanging Ball and Mattress
I Ketut Semarayasa, Education University ol'Ganesha, Indonesia ............................
Menstruation and Female Athlete's Performance
Indah Prasetyawati Tri Purnama Sari. Yogyakarta State IJniversity. Indonesia ..............
Identification of Hydration Status wirh Urine Profile Measurement and Drink
Consumption In PencakSilat Athlete In Yopakarta State Universily
Inna ~achmawati'.NeniTrilusiana ~ahmavl:lti',MirzaHapsariSaktiTitis Penggalih', B.J.
lstiti ~andarina".GadjahMadaUniversity, Indonesia .............................................

Model of Mental Training for Swimming Alhletes
Juriana, Jakarta State University, Indonesia .....................................................
The Implementation of Physical and Health Education i n School
Kamal Firdaus, State University Of Dadang. Indonesia ........................................
The Factor That Affects Participants of Kasetsart Un.iversity's Thai-Sword Competition

Kanlapruk ~ o l s o mand
' Dr. Achara ~oachalcrm'
Kasetsart ~niversity'.~,
Thailand ....................................................................
Measuring Service Satisfaction in TirtaKirann's Swimming Pool
S-ates t'niversity, Indonesia .............................
Kurnia Tahki' And ~ u r i a n aJakarta
The Effects of Isotonic Drink, Coconut Water, and Plain Water on Hydration Stan~sof
Football Athlete by Urine Profile Viewing
Mirza Hapsari Sakti Titis Penggalih. Ma Ferma\vati, Retno Sutomo, Muhammad
Nurhadi, Wiryatun Lestariana, Muhammad luffi-ie, Lisandra hlaria Goretti, Hamarn
Hadi, Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia ......................................................
Relationship Between Percentage of Body Fst and Somarorype Ath1;tes of Per~cakSilat
Combative Class Regional Training (PELATDA) Daerah Istimewa Yogyakartit
Nadia Hanun ~ a r n l t i 'B.J.
, lstiti Kandarina2. Arts ~annawati"Mina Hapsari !;akti Titis
penggalih4, Gadjahmada University, Indonesia ...................................................
The Analysis of the Physical Condition, Will Pencak Silat Construction Training Center
Students (PPLP) of West Sumatra
Nurul Ihsan, Padang State University, Indonesia .................................................
Understanding "Sports Hernia" (Athletic Pu5algia) as A Chronic G-oin Injury in Athletes
Sendhi Tristanti Puspitasari
State University of Malang, Indonesia .............................................................
A Study on Achievement Motivation by Gymnastics Floor Atfilete's in Sijunj~ng
Sri Gusti Handayani, Padang State Universit!, Indonesia .......................................
Effect of Stress and Anxiety Swimming Performance Athletes
Sungkowo, Semarang State Universitv, Indonesia ................................................
Effect of Sensitivity Proprioceptive and Plytvnetric Trainning for Jr~mpServe Success or7
Syarif Hidayat, Ganesha Education University, Indonesia ......................................
Analysis of the Grand Strategy of Na~ional:Sport Performance Dev;lopment of 2014 2024
Wawan S. Su'lerman, Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia .................................
' T o Practice, Watch Only": Sport in Consumer Society
Anirotul Qoriah, Semarang State Universitj . Indonesia .........................................
The Field of 1,ecturers Expertise Based on Sport Science Development
& Soni ~ o p e m b r iState
~ , University o f ~ o ~ y a k a r t a ' . ~ . ' .
Bambang ~ r i ~ o n o a d satyono',
Indonesia .............................................................................................
Correlation oCNutrition Status and Dysmenorrhea Painfkl to Fema'e Students S p ~ r t s
Science Departemet Faculty of Sport Science Yogyakarta State University
Cerika Rismayanthi, Yogyakarta State Uniiwsity, Indonesia ..................................
Warming-Up Exercises for Mini-Vol leybal:
DanangWicaksono, Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia ....................................
Gateball as An Alternative Sport to hlaintain Physical Fitness of E'derly
Fatkurahman Arjuna, Yogyakarta State Unia ersity, Indonesia .................................
Survey of the Understanding Level of Physical Education Teachen to Design Gsmes
in Elemantap Schools in Malang
' , pumami2, Dona S:indy y3,State Universily Of Malang,
Febrita P. ~ e ~ n o e kSri
Changes in Blood Lactic Acid Levels after Active, Corstability, and Passive F:ecovery
Hajar Danarc'ono, Tunas Pembangunan Unhersity Surakarta, Indo~esia....................
The Role of Branched Chain Amino .4cids ;I%Dietary Sports Supplzments
I Made satyawan', I Wayan ~ r t a n a ~ ~Cianesha
Education Unikersity, lndonesia'.' .....
The Effect of Side Jump Sprint Training with 1 :3 and 1 :5 Work: Rest Relief Ratio on
Leg Muscle Power
I Nyoman Sudarmada, Ganesha Education I .niversity, Indonesia ............................

Marketing Strategies of Tubing Sports to Increased Tourist to Visit Bali
I Wayan Mul'arta, Kadek Yogi Parta1,esmam. Ganesha Education University, Indonesin
The Importance of Emotional Maturity and tlie Abilityt on Think Positive for Athletes
Komarudin, Yogyakarta State University, Inc!onesia ........................................................
The Effects of Training and Achivement Motivation on Vertical Jumping Ability
Muslimin, Bina Darma University Palemban5, Indonesia ..................................................
Integrated Physical Education in The Conte.. t of 201 3 Indonesian Primary Sct~ool
Soni ~ o ~ e m b r saryono2,
& Ahmatl ~ i t h a r ~ d i n ' . ~ o ~ ~ a State
k a r t aUniversitj.
The Effect of Aerobic and Anaerobic Exerci~eson Premenstrual S:/ndrome (PM!;)
(Experimental Study On Students FibUnp)
Umar Padang State University, Indonesia ........................................................
Neutrophils Percentage after Consuming
Red Guava Juice (PsidiumGuajava L. Red c'ultivar) During Aerob c Exercise
Yuliana Noor Setiawati ~ l v i e ' sugiarto2.
'~utritionStudy Program, University of
Muhammadiyah Semarang '~acultyOf Sport Science, Semarang State Universip ........

lshak Aziz

Padang State University, Indonesia
The objectke of this study is to find oiit the difference between learning pattern and i dversity
quotient. The research was conducted in the Faculty of Sport Science, Universil~shlegeri Pad~ng.This
was an experimental research, using 2 X 2 treatment by level. Mu'i Stage R a ~ d o mSanipling was used
because the mpulations were only 1 12 students. 56 shldentc were for reciprocal learning pattern and
56 students 'or command learning pattern. The experiment was on the inflqence of f e a r n i ~pattern
and adversity quotient towards the achievement of javelin-throw lesson after controlli?g the tudents'
previous knowledge. There are seven conclusions in this research. They art:: 1 ) after controlling the
students' previous knowledge, the achitnrement of reciprocal learning 3anern was hig'ier than
command lesrning pattern, 2) after controlling the students' previous knowled!;e, the achie\ ,:merit of
student's javelin-throw leaming process thnt has high adversity quotient wva; h:tter than low ones, 3)
after controlling the students' previous I.nowledge, there was an influetitisl interaction between
student's learning pattern and adversity qi~otienttowarcls the achievement of j~velin-throwlesson, 4)
after controlling the students' prwlious le3 line
[(A=2)*(B=I)] = 7,891with p va?ue0,001 < 0, 05; Ho is refw;ed and can ht: concluded r'le data is
supporting the hypothesis of reserch. I. can be concluded that especially for B2 group (stlldent who
have low amount of willpower) who trrated by reciprocal F e r n , the 1i:anling oritcomc is lowest
than command ones, after controlling b ~ c i cability.
6. Examine the difference javelin throw wbject learning outccme between student who I ave high
amount of willpower rather than low ones that treated with reciprocal patteni after control ing basic


Table.4. Estimation parameter to test average difference Y between every facto- B
for every level a factor by controlling X.
Std. Error
1 1,696
- 1 -207
0,54 1
[A= I] * [B=2]
6.96 1
[A=l] * [B=l]
[A=2] [B=2]
[A=2] * [B=l ]

Based on statistic value T-Test tonard talde four row [A=I 1*[B=2] value T = 6.961 ~ 4 t hp =- 0,001 <
0.05; it means can be concluded that es~eciallyin A, (student:. who treated in reciprocal learning
pattern) in javelin throw that has h gh amount willpower is higher than stutlenr who has lort amount
of will pou er, after controlling basic abillr?l before.

7. Learning outcome of student in javelin throw subject that trrlated in comrrland pattern ?nd have
low amount of willpower is higher than student who has high amo~lntof willpover after
measuring basic ability.
Based on table four above, the statistic value T-test in row [(Az=2')I*[(B=2)]
= 2.324 wih
p value p = 0,030 < 0.05 therefon: Ho is unacceprable means the data is suitablt toward
hypothesis. It means especiall} in A: (student who treated with commantl learning parern) the
learning outcome is higher than studc~twho have high amwnt of wi Ipower, after cn~itrolling
basic ability.
In this research, javelin throw leami~goutcome is t+e rer3ultthat gained from stud(~~its
motor ability that throw the javelin as far a'; possible by usinq the vies that slated by Porsatu:l*~
Seluruh Indonesia (PASI). In following explanation belcw, it explain about difference between
learning pattern and willpower toward 1 ~velin throw sullject learning outcome after cl\ntrolling
student's basic ability.
The difference javelin throw learnitiq outcome between reciprocal ard command pattern after
controlling basic ability show the result at first hypothesis test. It shows ttat studen: who t-eated in
reciprocal pattern has high result raqher th:irl command ones. In this case can be draw the ccnclusion
that in order to gain the learning purpose. reciprocal pattern is rnore effective rather than c~rnmand
learning pattern.
Based on the result of ca1cul:~tioni t appear that the 3vera;e final score of student prwp who
treated in reciprocal learning pattern is is "4.70 meanwhile in command pattern is 8,63. It rnlzans final
score of student who treated with reciproc;~l learning pattern is b?tter than command learnir c: pattern.
Meyer in hnuhfida (2010 :12) says that the way of reciprocal learning process are : iniilrmation.
instruction, stated in group in module ~ ~ , i d - a ntake
d conclusicn. The be~efitsthat appeqr in this
learning patlern are information task. that ctlldent should to accomplish, and the student can ~ i v ae help
to members of their group about the tasks Thus, every student in the learnirlg group activelc gives an
advice to member of his or her grow.
The difference of learning outcome for student who high amount of wlllpowcr is h;f!her than
who have low amount willpower, after cnitrolling basic ahility. Based on recearch findiny. students
group who have high amount of w l l p o w ~has
~ better final scort- rather than tie low ones. 3ased on
data analysis tonard student groi~paverage score for those who have low aniount of wi1lpow~:ris 9.22
and for high one is 933. It means learning7 outcome for student who have high arnolmt wi-wer
better than the low ones.
The success in javelin throw learriqg process the 1ectun.r not only counts on stuc't nt motor
movement. There is another aspect that Iwturer should pay attention to i:: student will, 111 another
word as acknowledged as willpower. Wit'lout willpower, studeni will not ai:h;i:ve the rnaxirr al result.

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