25. Present Tense (do/does) 7 53.85 %

  19. Days, Months, Dates 9 69.23 %

  20. Describing Activities 9 69.23 %

  21. Present Continuous 8 61.54 %

  22. Demonstratives 8 61.54 %

  23. Quantities 8 61.54 %

  24. Describing Daily Routines 8 61.54 %

  26. Adverb of Place 7 53.85 %

  17. Cardinal and Ordinal Numbers 9 69.23 %

  27. Identifying Oneself 7 53.85 %

  28. Expressing Likes and Dislikes 7 53.85 %

  1. Menurut Anda, apakah Anda setuju dengan teknik “Using Pictures” untuk menjelaskan 28 topik tersebut? Jika jawaban Anda setuju, alasan Anda: ___________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Jika jawaban Anda tidak setuju, alasan Anda: _______________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________

  2. Apakah teknik “Using Pictures” tersebut sesuai dengan tingkat pemahaman para siswa? Ya, sebutkan alasan Anda: ______________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Tidak, sebutkan alasan Anda: ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________

  3. Bagaimanakah respon siswa terhadap teknik “Using Pictures” tersebut? ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________

  4. Selain “Using Pictures”, apakah ada teknik lain yang Anda gunakan untuk menjelaskan 28 topik tersebut? Jika ya, sebutkan teknik tersebut dan alasan Anda:___________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Jika tidak, sebutkan alasan Anda: _________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________

  18. Regular and Irregular Plurals 9 69.23 %

  16. Indefinite Articles 9 69.23 %

  Dari 13 staf pengajar yang telah mengisi kuisioner, 7 – 13 staf pengajar tersebut mengajarkan 28 topik berikut dengan teknik “Using Pictures”: No. Topics Teachers Percentages

  7. Weathers and Seasons 13 100 %

  1. Family Members 13 100 %

  2. Rooms 13 100 %

  3. Clothes 13 100 %

  4. Foods 13 100 %

  5. Parts of the Body 13 100 %

  6. Animal and Pets 13 100 %

  8. Preposition 12 92.31 %

  15. Units of Measures 10 76.92 %

  9. Uncountable and Countable Nouns 12 92.31 %

  10. Shapes 12 92.31 %

  11. Places 12 92.31 %

  12. Following Directions 12 92.31 %

  13. Describing Locations and Objects 11 84.62 %

  14. Comparative and Superlative Adjectives 10 76.92 %

  Perpustakaan Unika

  5. Berikanlah gambaran sederhana mengenai kegiatan kelas yang menunjukkan adanya aplikasi teknik “Using Pictures” (dengan atau tanpa penggunaan teknik lain) untuk menjelaskan salah satu atau beberapa dari 28 topik tersebut! ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________

  8 Inverted question (Is . . . ?, Are . . . ?) 10 76.92%

  16 Present tense (do/does) 9 69.23%

  15 Present tense (to be) 9 69.23%

  14 Possessive adjective (my) and possessive pronoun (mine) 9 69.23%

  13 Expressing likes and dislikes 10 76.92%

  12 Days, months, and dates 10 76.92%

  11 Question “How . . .?” 10 76.92%

  10 Regular and irregular plural (cat-cats, mouse-mice) 10 76.92%

  9 Quantities (a lot, a little) 10 76.92%

  7 Demonstratives (this, that, these, those) 10 76.92%


  6 Simple greetings and introduction 10 76.92%

  5 Identifying oneself: name, ages, addresses, telephone numbers 11 84.62%

  4 Uncountable and countable nouns 11 84.62%

  3 Past tense (regular and irregular verbs) 11 84.62%

  2 Subject pronoun (I) and object pronoun (me) 11 84.62%

  1 Comparative and superlative adjectives (antonym: young x old, big x small) 12 92.31%


  Drill Out Teachers

  Dari 13 staf pengajar yang telah mengisi kuisioner, 7 – 12 staf pengajar tersebut mengajarkan 51 topik berikut dengan teknik “Drill Out”: No. Topics

  Perpustakaan Unika

  17 Present continuous 9 69.23%

  32 Making requests and suggestions 9 69.23%

  43 Units of measure (a cup of coffee) 8 61.54%

  42 Modal (can/can’t) 8 61.54%

  41 Imperatives (stand up, sit down) 8 61.54%

  40 Adverb of degree (very) 8 61.54%

  39 Adverb of place 8 61.54%

  38 Adverb of time 8 61.54%

  37 Conjunction 8 61.54%

  36 Future (going to) 8 61.54%

  35 Following directions 9 69.23%

  34 Describing about activities 9 69.23%

  33 Describing about daily routines 9 69.23%

  31 Places 9 69.23%

  18 Past tense (to be) 9 69.23%

  30 Animals and pets 9 69.23%

  29 Foods 9 69.23%

  28 Clothes 9 69.23%

  27 Family members 9 69.23%

  26 Shapes 9 69.23%

  25 Weather and season 9 69.23%

  24 Request “May I . . .?” 9 69.23%

  23 Cardinals and ordinals number (1 st , 2 nd ) 9 69.23%

  22 Adverb of frequency (often, every) 9 69.23%

  21 Preposition 9 69.23%

  20 Wh- question 9 69.23%

  19 Past tense (did) 9 69.23%

  Perpustakaan Unika

  Perpustakaan Unika

  44 Rooms in the house 8 61.54%

  45 Parts of the body 8 61.54% Making and responding to

  46 8 61.54% polite request

  47 Stating preferences 8 61.54%

  48 Describing the location of objects 8 61.54%

  49 Stating opinions 8 61.54%

  50 Present tense (have) 7 53.85%

  51 Indefinite articles (a . . ., an . . .) 7 53.85%

  1. Menurut Anda, apakah Anda setuju dengan teknik “Drill Out” untuk menjelaskan 51 topik tersebut? Jika jawaban Anda setuju, alasan Anda: ___________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Jika jawaban Anda tidak setuju, alasan Anda: _______________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________

  2. Apakah teknik “Drill Out” tersebut sesuai dengan tingkat pemahaman para siswa? Ya, sebutkan alasan Anda: ______________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Tidak, sebutkan alasan Anda: ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________

  3. Bagaimanakah respon siswa terhadap teknik “Drill Out” tersebut? ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________

  4. Selain “Drill Out”, apakah ada teknik lain yang Anda gunakan untuk menjelaskan 51 topik tersebut? Jika ya, sebutkan teknik tersebut dan alasan Anda:___________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Jika tidak, sebutkan alasan Anda: _________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________

  5. Berikanlah gambaran sederhana mengenai kegiatan kelas yang menunjukkan adanya aplikasi teknik “Drill Out” (dengan atau tanpa penggunaan teknik lain) untuk menjelaskan salah satu atau beberapa dari 51 topik tersebut! ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________

  Perpustakaan Unika REPETITION

  Dari 13 staf pengajar yang telah mengisi kuisioner, 7 – 11 staf pengajar tersebut mengajarkan 48 topik berikut dengan teknik “Repetition”: Repetition

  No. Topics Teachers Percentages

  1 Imperatives (stand up, sit down) 11 84.62% Possessive adjective (my) and

  2 10 76.92% possessive pronoun (mine) Inverted question

  3 10 76.92% (Is . . . ?, Are . . . ?)

  Adverb of frequency (often,

  4 10 76.92% every)

  5 Request “May I . . .?” 10 76.92% Comparative and superlative 6 adjectives (antonym: young x old,

  10 76.92% big x small)

  7 Shapes 10 76.92% Identifying oneself: name, ages,

  8 10 76.92% addresses, telephone numbers

  9 Making requests and suggestions 10 76.92% Demonstratives

  10 9 69.23% (this, that, these, those)

  11 Wh- question 9 69.23%

  12 Modal (can/can’t) 9 69.23%

  13 Days, months, and dates 9 69.23%

  14 Parts of the body 9 69.23% Making and responding to

  15 9 69.23% polite request

  16 Simple greetings and introduction 8 61.54%

  17 Conjunction 8 61.54%

  18 Adverb of time 8 61.54%

  19 Adverb of place 8 61.54%

  20 Adverb of degree (very) 8 61.54% Cardinals and ordinals number st nd

  21 8 61.54% (1 , 2 )

  22 Question “How . . .?” 8 61.54%

  23 Weather and season 8 61.54%

  37 Present continuous 7 53.85%

  48 Stating opinions 7 53.85%

  47 Describing the location of objects 7 53.85%

  46 Stating preferences 7 53.85%

  45 Units of measure (a cup of coffee) 7 53.85%

  44 Regular and irregular plural (cat-cats, mouse-mice) 7 53.85%

  43 Quantities (a lot, a little) 7 53.85%

  42 Uncountable and countable nouns 7 53.85%

  41 Indefinite articles (a . . ., an . . .) 7 53.85%

  40 Preposition 7 53.85%

  39 Future (going to) 7 53.85%

  38 Past tense (to be) 7 53.85%

  36 Present tense (do/does) 7 53.85%

  24 Family members 8 61.54%

  35 Present tense (have) 7 53.85%

  34 Subject pronoun (I) and object pronoun (me) 7 53.85%

  33 Following directions 8 61.54%

  32 Describing about activities 8 61.54%

  31 Describing about daily routines 8 61.54%

  30 Expressing likes and dislikes 8 61.54%

  29 Places 8 61.54%

  28 Animals and pets 8 61.54%

  27 Foods 8 61.54%

  26 Clothes 8 61.54%

  25 Rooms in the house 8 61.54%

  Perpustakaan Unika

  Perpustakaan Unika

  Jika jawaban Anda setuju, alasan Anda: ___________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Jika jawaban Anda tidak setuju, alasan Anda: _______________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________

  2. Apakah teknik “Repetition” tersebut sesuai dengan tingkat pemahaman para siswa? Ya, sebutkan alasan Anda: ______________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Tidak, sebutkan alasan Anda: ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________

  3. Bagaimanakah respon siswa terhadap teknik “Repetition” tersebut? ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________

  4. Selain “Repetition”, apakah ada teknik lain yang Anda gunakan untuk menjelaskan 48 topik tersebut? Jika ya, sebutkan teknik tersebut dan alasan Anda:___________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Jika tidak, sebutkan alasan Anda: _________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________

  5. Berikanlah gambaran sederhana mengenai kegiatan kelas yang menunjukkan adanya aplikasi teknik “Repetition” (dengan atau tanpa penggunaan teknik lain) untuk menjelaskan salah satu atau beberapa dari 48 topik tersebut! ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________


  Dari 13 staf pengajar yang telah mengisi kuisioner, 7 – 12 staf pengajar tersebut mengajarkan 34 topik berikut dengan teknik “Role Play”: Role Play

  No. Topics Teachers Percentages

  1 Request “May I . . .?” 12 92.31% Making and responding to

  2 12 92.31% polite request

  3 Making requests and suggestions 12 92.31%

  4 Expressing likes and dislikes 12 92.31%

  5 Following directions 12 92.31% Possessive adjective (my) and

  6 11 84.62% possessive pronoun (mine)

  8 Identifying oneself: name, ages, addresses, telephone numbers 11 84.62%

  23 Adverb of place 9 69.23%

  34 Shapes 7 53.85%

  33 Parts of the body 8 61.54%

  32 Clothes 8 61.54%

  31 Weather and season 8 61.54%

  30 Question “How . . .?” 8 61.54%

  29 Adverb of degree (very) 8 61.54%

  28 Present tense (have) 8 61.54%

  27 Present tense (to be) 8 61.54%

  26 Foods 9 69.23%

  25 Rooms in the house 9 69.23%

  24 Days, months, and dates 9 69.23%

  22 Adverb of time 9 69.23%

  9 Stating preferences 11 84.62%

  21 Future (going to) 9 69.23%

  20 Inverted question (Is . . . ?, Are . . . ?) 9 69.23%

  19 Demonstratives (this, that, these, those) 9 69.23%

  18 Subject pronoun (I) and object pronoun (me) 9 69.23%

  17 Describing the location of objects 10 76.92%

  16 Modal (can/can’t) 10 76.92%

  15 Imperatives (stand up, sit down) 10 76.92%

  14 Adverb of frequency (often, every) 10 76.92%

  13 Simple greetings and introduction 10 76.92%

  12 Stating opinions 11 84.62%

  11 Describing about activities 11 84.62%

  10 Describing about daily routines 11 84.62%

  Perpustakaan Unika

  Perpustakaan Unika

  1. Menurut Anda, apakah Anda setuju dengan teknik “Role Play” untuk menjelaskan 34 topik tersebut? Jika jawaban Anda setuju, alasan Anda: ___________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Jika jawaban Anda tidak setuju, alasan Anda: _______________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________

  2. Apakah teknik “Role Play” tersebut sesuai dengan tingkat pemahaman para siswa? Ya, sebutkan alasan Anda: ______________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Tidak, sebutkan alasan Anda: ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________

  3. Bagaimanakah respon siswa terhadap teknik “Role Play” tersebut? ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________

  4. Selain “Role Play”, apakah ada teknik lain yang Anda gunakan untuk menjelaskan 34 topik tersebut? Jika ya, sebutkan teknik tersebut dan alasan Anda:___________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Jika tidak, sebutkan alasan Anda: _________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________

  5. Berikanlah gambaran sederhana mengenai kegiatan kelas yang menunjukkan adanya aplikasi teknik “Role Play” (dengan atau tanpa penggunaan teknik lain) untuk menjelaskan salah satu atau beberapa dari 34 topik tersebut! ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________


  Dari 13 staf pengajar yang telah mengisi kuisioner, 7 – 11 staf pengajar tersebut mengajarkan 21 topik berikut dengan teknik “Theory Exposition”: Theory Exposition

  No. Topics Teachers Percentages

  1 Present tense (to be) 11 84.62%

  2 Present tense (have) 11 84.62%

  3 Present tense (do/does) 11 84.62%

  4 Present continuous 11 84.62%

  5 Past tense (to be) 11 84.62%

  16 Making requests and suggestions 8 61.54%

  4. Selain “Theory Exposition”, apakah ada teknik lain yang Anda gunakan untuk menjelaskan 21 topik tersebut? Jika ya, sebutkan teknik tersebut dan alasan Anda:___________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________

  3. Bagaimanakah respon siswa terhadap teknik “Theory Exposition” tersebut? ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________

  2. Apakah teknik “Theory Exposition” tersebut sesuai dengan tingkat pemahaman para siswa? Ya, sebutkan alasan Anda: ______________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Tidak, sebutkan alasan Anda: ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________

  1. Menurut Anda, apakah Anda setuju dengan teknik “Theory Exposition” untuk menjelaskan 21 topik tersebut? Jika jawaban Anda setuju, alasan Anda: ___________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Jika jawaban Anda tidak setuju, alasan Anda: _______________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________

  21 Stating opinions 7 53.85%

  20 Describing about activities 7 53.85%

  19 Describing about daily routines 7 53.85%

  18 Expressing likes and dislikes 7 53.85%

  17 Inverted question (Is . . . ?, Are . . . ?) 7 53.85%

  15 Making and responding to polite request 8 61.54%

  6 Past tense (did) 11 84.62%

  8 61.54%

  (antonym: young x old, big x small)

  14 Comparative and superlative adjectives

  13 Conjunction 8 61.54%

  12 Following directions 9 69.23%

  11 Question “How . . .?” 9 69.23%

  10 Quantities (a lot, a little) 9 69.23%

  9 Wh- question 9 69.23%

  8 Past tense (regular and irregular verbs) 10 76.92%

  7 Future (going to) 11 84.62%

  Perpustakaan Unika

  Perpustakaan Unika

  ____________________________________________________________________________________ Jika tidak, sebutkan alasan Anda: _________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________

  5. Berikanlah gambaran sederhana mengenai kegiatan kelas yang menunjukkan adanya aplikasi teknik “Theory Exposition” (dengan atau tanpa penggunaan teknik lain) untuk menjelaskan salah satu atau beberapa dari 21 topik tersebut! ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________




  Dari 13 staf pengajar yang telah mengisi kuisioner, 1 – 5 (kurang dari 7) staf pengajar tersebut mengajarkan 51 topik berikut dengan teknik “Pattern or Formula, Electronic Media, Game, Real Object, Survey, Card, Song, and Rhyme”:

  Methods Others Pattern No. Topics

  Electronic or Real Media

  Game Survey Card Song Rhyme Formula Object Subject pronoun (I) and



  1 object pronoun (me) Possessive adjective (my) 2 and



  2 possessive pronoun (mine) Simple greetings and



  1 introduction Demonstratives



  2 (this, that, these, those) Inverted question



  1 (Is . . . ?, Are . . . ?)

  6 Present tense (to be)




  7 Present tense (have)






  8 Present tense (do/does)




  9 Present continuous




  10 Past tense (to be)



  1 Past tense (regular and





  1 irregular verbs)

  13 Future (going to)



  32 Weather and season



  31 Question “How . . .?”



  30 Units of measure (a cup of coffee)



  29 Regular and irregular plural (cat-cats, mouse-mice)





  28 Quantities (a lot, a little)




  27 Comparative and superlative adjectives (antonym: young x old, big x small)





  33 Days, months, and dates

  26 Modal (can/can’t)




  39 Parts of the body




  38 Foods



  37 Clothes




  36 Rooms in the house




  35 Family members




  34 Shapes










  18 Adverb of place





  17 Adverb of time


  16 Conjunction






  15 Preposition




  14 Wh- question



  19 Adverb of frequency (often, every)





  25 Request “May I . . .?”



  24 Imperatives (stand up, sit down)






  23 Cardinals and ordinals number (1st, 2nd)




  22 Uncountable and countable nouns




  21 Indefinite articles (a . . ., an . . .)




  20 Adverb of degree (very)


  2 Perpustakaan Unika

  Perpustakaan Unika

  40 Animals and pets




  41 Places


  1 Identifying oneself: name, 42 ages, addresses,



  2 telephone numbers Making and responding to



  1 polite request Making requests and



  1 suggestions Expressing likes and




  2 dislikes

  46 Stating preferences



  1 Describing the location of




  1 objects Describing about





  1 daily routines

  49 Describing about activities




  50 Stating opinions




  51 Following directions




  1. Menurut Anda, apakah Anda setuju dengan teknik “Pattern or Formula, Electronic Media, Game, Real Object, Survey, Card, Song, and Rhyme” untuk menjelaskan 51 topik tersebut? Jika jawaban Anda setuju, alasan Anda: ___________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Jika jawaban Anda tidak setuju, alasan Anda: _______________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________

  2. Apakah teknik “Menurut Anda, apakah Anda setuju dengan teknik “Pattern or Formula, Electronic Media, Game, Real Object, Survey, Card, Song, and Rhyme” tersebut sesuai dengan tingkat pemahaman para siswa? Ya, sebutkan alasan Anda: ______________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Tidak, sebutkan alasan Anda: ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________

  3. Bagaimanakah respon siswa terhadap teknik “Menurut Anda, apakah Anda setuju dengan teknik “Pattern or Formula, Electronic Media, Game, Real Object, Survey, Card, Song, and Rhyme” tersebut? ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________

  4. Selain “Menurut Anda, apakah Anda setuju dengan teknik “Pattern or Formula, Electronic Media, Game, Real Object, Survey, Card, Song, and Rhyme”, apakah ada teknik lain yang Anda gunakan untuk menjelaskan 51 topik tersebut? Jika ya, sebutkan teknik tersebut dan alasan Anda:___________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Jika tidak, sebutkan alasan Anda: _________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________

  5. Berikanlah gambaran sederhana mengenai kegiatan kelas yang menunjukkan adanya aplikasi teknik “Menurut Anda, apakah Anda setuju dengan teknik “Pattern or Formula, Electronic Media, Game, Real Object, Survey, Card, Song, and Rhyme” (dengan atau tanpa penggunaan teknik lain) untuk menjelaskan

  Perpustakaan Unika

  ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________