Designing a set of supplementary reading materials using the adaptation of language experience approach for the seventh grade students of SMP N 8 Yogyakarta - USD Repository






Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education



Caecilia Retnaningtyas Sabdojati

Student Number: 011214019












  By Caecilia Retnaningtyas Sabdojati

  Student Number: 011214019 To all the students whom we have taught And from whom we have learned

  T his thesis is dedicated to: M y beloved B apak and I bu M y brothers Y osep and M ati us A nd my only si ster M ari a



  I honestly declare that this thesis which I wrote does not contain the works or part of the works of other people, except those cited in the quotations and the bibliography, as a scientific paper should.



  Praise be to Lord Jesus, the Almighty. Only because of his abundant blessings I could accomplish my thesis. I am also so blessed to have people who have supported and facilitated me. It is a wonderful opportunity for me to express my deepest gratitude to all of them.

  My special gratitude goes to Drs. Concilianus Laos Mbato, M. A., my major sponsor, for his willingness to guide me in writing the thesis. I also thank God for having Made Frida Yulia, S. Pd., M. Pd., as my co-sponsor. I thank her for sharing her occupied time and energy to give valuable criticism towards my thesis. Without both of them, I would not have been able to accomplish my thesis.

  My deepest gratitude goes to my beloved family. I should thank God for giving me Bapak and Ibu. The love, affection and patience they give me make me strong. I am lucky just to ha ve Mas Yosep who always cares about me and gives everything I need. I also owe Dik Matius who has worked hard to help me do this and that. He makes everything easier. I am happy to have my only sister Dik Maria, a very good friend for sharing tears and laughter. She always supports me when I am down. I dedicated this thesis to all of them.

  I should be grateful to have Yohanes Normatyas Prasetyawan. I thank him for his outpouring love and allegiance. I thank him for being an affectionate friend, brother and boyfriend. When everyone walked away, he is always there; standing next to me. He urges me just to be myself. I learn many things from our relations. I cherish the love he gives me.

  I am greatly indebted to the English teachers of SMP N 8 Yogyakarta; Mr.


Priyadi, Mrs. Rosa, Mrs. Septi, Mr. Ibnu, and also the lecturer of the English

Language Study Program of Sanata Dharma University, Miss. Mitha. I thank Sr.


Margarate O’Donohue FCJ for correcting my thesis and for giving me chances to

  share everything with her. I thank her for encouraging me to do the best I can. They gave me a hand during the process of my thesis writing with open arms.

  I have been through so many things to accomplish this thesis. I thank Mas


Anwar for giving me a favor in making the CD’s label and cover look magnificent. I

  thank Angga who was willing to facilitate me and share everything, Mbak Mis who has become a nice sister, Nita and Bagus who make my family more cheerful, Widya and Iwuk who are very generous and helpful. I am happy that we always together through thick and thin. I also thank Indah, my lovely sister, for her affection and attention. I would not have accomplished it without them. I thank Henry for sharing experiences, ideas, and everything. Next is to my boarding house friends; Bebex,


Nina, Tatia, Santi, Endang, Eka, Agnes, Ani, Hari, and Rina. They are all unique. I

learn so many things about understanding, loyalty, and patience through togetherness.

  I would like to give my appreciation to all of my friends during my stud y in Sanata Dharma University, especially Dinta, Wiwied, Marta, Shela, Yuyun, Anita and all my friends of PBI’01. All we have been through are becoming beautiful memories in my mind.

  Finally, my gratitude also goes to those whom I cannot mention by names. May God bless them and make them prosperous.


  Caecilia Retnaningtyas

  TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE PAGE …………………………………………………………..................










  PAGE OF APPROVAL ………………………………………………………….. PAGE OF THE BOARD OF EXAMINERS …………………………………….. PAGE OF DEDICATION ……………………………………………………….. STATEMENT OF WORK’S ORIGINALITY …………………………………... ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ……………………………………………………….. TABLE OF CONTENTS........................................................................................ LIST OF TABLES ………………………………………………………………. LIST OF FIGURES ……………………………………………………………… ABSTRACT ………………………………………………………………...........



  c. Teaching Reading Comprehension…...……………………………… i ii iii iv v vi ix xii xiii xiv xvi

  a. The Concept of Reading……………………………………………… b. Effective Reading Instructions and Grouping Plans………….. …......

  1. Reading…………………….. ………………………………………..

  CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study …………………..………………………. B. Problem Identification ………………………..……………………. C. Problem Limitation …………………………...……………………. D. Problem Formulation ………………………….…………………… E. Research Objectives ………………………………………………... F. Benefits of the Study ……………………………...………………… G. Definition of Terms ………………………………………………… CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW A. Theoretical Description ……………………………………………...

  ABSTRAK …………………………………………………………………………


  2. Language Experience Approach.………...…………………………...
























  a. LEA to Classroom Organization……………………………………...

  D. Data Gathering Techniques……………….…………………………

  b. The Basic Technique of LEA………………………… ………….......

  c. The Adaptation of LEA……………………………………………….

  d. The Stages of Language Acquisition…………………………….. ….

  3. Instructional Design Models...………………………………………..

  a. Kemp’s Model ……………………………………………………......

  b. Yalden’s Model ……………………………………………………… B. Theoretical Framework ……………………………………………...

  CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY A. Research Method ……………………………………………………. B. Research Respondents ………………………………………………. C. Research Instruments ………………………………………………..

  1. Questionnaires.………………………………………………………..

  2. Interview ………………………………………………………...…...

  E. Data Analysis Techniques…………….………………………...……


  F. Research Procedures...……………………………………………..…

  CHAPTER IV RESEARCH RESULTS AND DISCUSSION A. The Stages in Designing the Materials……………………………….

  1. Conducting Needs Survey..…………………………………………...

  a. The Data from the Questionnaire…..………………………………....

  b. The Data from the Interview……………………….. ………………..

  2. Determining Goals, Topics, and General Purposes……... …………..

  3. Specifying Learning Objectives ……………………………………...

  4. Listing Subject Content ………………………………………………

  5. Selecting Teaching Learning Activities and Materials……….………


  6. Designing the Materials………………………………………………

















  7. Evaluating the Designed Materials...…………………………………

  C. The Revision and Improvement of the Designed Materials…...….....

  8. Revising the Materials………………………..……………………… B. The Findings of the Designed Materials Evaluation ………………..

  1. Description of the Respondents of the Post-design Survey……...…...

  2. Data Presentation …………………………………………………….

  a. Descriptive Statistics ………………………………………………....

  b. Respondents’ Opinions on the Designed Materials... ………………..

  c. Respondents’ Suggestions on the Designed Materials……………….

  D. Presentation of the Instructional Materials Design ………………….


  CHAPTER V CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS A. Conclusions …………………………………………………………. B. Suggestions …………………………….............................................. REFERENCES ………………………………………………………..………….. APPENDICES ……………………………………………………………............ Appendix A The Letter of Permission………...………………………... Appendix B The Needs Survey Questionnaire…………………………. Appendix C The Evaluation Questionnaire……………………..……… Appendix D The Interview Guidance …………………………………. Appendix E The Results of the Needs Survey.………………….…….... Appendix F The Basic Competencies………….…………..…………… Appendix G The Indicator(s)…………………………………………… Appendix H Syllabus…………………………………………………… Appendix I The General Description of the Designed Materials………. Appendix J The Presentation of the Designed Materials ……….………









  Table 1: Respondents of the Survey Study (Blank)………………….………… Table 2: Points of Agreement on the Designed Materials...…………………… Table 3: The Respondents’ Opinions on the Designed Materials (Blank)…......

  Table 4: The Results of the Needs Survey………..…………………………..... Table 5: The Basic Competences……………….……………………………… Table 6: The Indicator(s)……………………………………………....…….… Table 7: The Description of the Respondents………….…………………….....








  LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1: Kemp’s Model ……………………………………………………............

  Figure 2: Yalden’s Model ………………………………………………………….. Figure 3: The Writer’s Framework Adapted from Kemp’s and Yalden’s Models.....






  Sabdojati, Caecilia Retnaningtyas. 2007. Designing a Set of Supplementary Reading


Materials Using the Adaptation of Language Experience Approach for the Seventh

Grade Students of SMP N 8 Yogyakarta. Yogyakarta: English Language Education

  Program, Sanata Dharma University.

  The study aims to design a set of supplementary reading materials using the adaptation of Language Experience Approach for the seventh grade students of SMP N 8 Yogyakarta. Developing materials using the adaptation of the Language Experience approach is potential in improving students’ motivation and reading skills.

  The study deals with two problems: (1) How is a set of supplementary reading materials using the adaptation of Language Experience Approach for the seventh grade students of SMP N 8 Yogyakarta designed? and (2) What does the set of supplementary reading materials using the adaptation of Language Experience Approach for the seventh grade students of SMP N 8 Yogyakarta look like?

  To solve the first problem, the writer adapted and combined the instructional design models offered by Kemp and Yalden. There were eight steps to design the materials, namely: (1) Conducting a Needs Survey, (2) Determining Goal, Topics, and Gene ral Purposes, (3) Stating Learner’s Objectives, (4) Listing Subject Contents, (5) Selecting Teaching Learning Activities and Resources, (6) Designing Materials, (7) Evaluating the Designed Materials, and (8) Revising the Materials.

  The writer conducted educational research and development (R&D) in which the research process was used to develop a set of supplementary reading materials. To gain data for material development, the writer conducted survey research. It was divided into two stages, pre-design survey and post-design survey. In conducting the survey study, the writer used two instruments, namely questionnaires and an interview. The first questionnaire was distributed to 38 students of class VII-5 of SMP N 8 Yogyakarta to assess learners’ needs. Besides, the writer conducted an interview with their English teacher to collect additional information. Having finished designing a set of materials, the writer distributed the second questionnaire to a lecturer of English Language Study Program of Sanata Dharma University and four English teachers of SMP N 8 Yogyakarta to obtain opinions, comments, criticisms, and suggestions on the designed materials.

  To solve the second problem the writer presented the final version of the designed materials. There are two major parts in each unit. The first is “Prior


Project”. A number of tasks should be completed before starting the lesson. The

  second consists of four sections, namely (1) Tell Your Story! (2) Let’s Write and Read

  They are done It! (3) Explore Your Story! (4) Word Bank and Story Collections. during the learning process in class. The presentation of the final version of the designed materials can be seen in Appendix J.

  Based on the results of the post-designed survey, the writer concluded that the designed materials were acceptable and appropriate. It was shown from the data presentation of the descriptive statistics in which the grand mean is 4 (four). However, some revisions and improvements were still made to present better designed materials.

  Finally, the writer expects that the designed set of materials will be useful for the students and for the teachers who will implement the materials and also inspire other researchers who will conduct a research and English teachers who will develop materials which in relation to these developed materials.



  Sabdojati, Caecilia Retnaningtyas. 2007. Designing a Set of Supplementary Reading


Materials Using the Adaptation of Language Experience Approach for the Seventh

Grade Students of SMP N 8 Yogyakarta. Yogyakarta: Program Studi Pendidikan

  Bahasa Inggris, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

  Studi ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan materi membaca pelengkap dengan menggunkan adaptasi Language Experience Approach untuk siswa kelas tujuh SMP N 8 Yogyakarta. Mengembangkan materi dengan menggunakan adaptasi Language


Experience Approach berpotensi untuk meningkatkan motivasi dan kemampuan


  Terdapat dua permasalahan dalam studi ini: (1) Bagaimana merancang satu set materi membaca tambahan dengan menggunakan adaptasi Language Experience Approach bagi para siswa kelas tujuh SMPN 8 Yogyakarta? (2) Bagaimana tampilan materi tersebut?

  Untuk memecahkan permasalahan pertama, penulis mengadaptasi dan menggabungkan dua model yang dikemukakan oleh Yalden dan Kemp. Ada delapan tahap dalam perancangan materi, yaitu: (1) melakukan survei untuk mengetahui kebutuhan siswa, (2) menentukan tujuan, topik dan tujuan umum, (3) merumuskan tujuan pembelajaran, (4) mengurutkan materi belajar, (5) memilih aktifitas belajar/ mengajar dan sumber pembelajaran, (6) merancang materi, (7) mengevaluasi, dan (8) memperbaiki.

  Untuk memecahkan permasalahan kedua, penulis menampilkan hasil akhir materi. Ada dua bagian utama di setiap unit. Pertama adalah “Prior Project”. Sejumlah tugas harus dikerjakan sebelum memulai pelajaran. Kedua terdiri dari empat bagian, yaitu: (1) Tell Your Story!, (2)Let’s Write and Read It!, (3) Explore


Your Story!, (4) Word Bank and Story Collections. Kegiatan tersebut dilakukan

selama proses belajar di kelas. Penyajian materi dapat dilihat pada Lampiran J.

  Penulis melakukan penelitian pengembangan yang proses penelitiannya digunakan untuk pengembangan materi. Untuk memperoleh data bagi pengembangan materi, penulis mengadakan studi penelitian yang terbagi dalam dua tahap; pra perancangan materi dan paska perancangan materi.Untuk melakukan penelitian, penulis menggunakan dua alat, yaitu: kuisioner dan wawancara. Kuisioner yang pertama dibagikan kepada 38 siswa kelas VII-5 SMP N 8 Yogyakarta untuk mengetahui kebutuhan siswa. Selain itu, penulis juga mengadakan wawancara dengan guru Bahasa Inggris untuk memperoleh informasi tambahan. Setelah materi selesai dirancang, penulis kemudian membagikan kuisioner kedua kepada seorang dosen Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris dari Universitas Sanata Dharma Yogyakarta dan empat orang guru Bahasa Inggris SMP N Yogyakarta untuk memperoleh pendapat, komentar, kritik dan saran tentang materi yang telah dirancang.

  Berdasarkan hasil penelitian paska perancangan materi, penulis menyimpulkan bahwa rancangan materi dapat diterima dan sudah sesuai. Hal ini ditunjukkan dari sajian data statistik deskriptif di mana nilai total rata-rata adalah 4 (empat). Namun demikian, beberapa perbaikan masih tetap dilakukan untuk menyajikan suatu rancangan materi yang lebih baik.

  Akhirnya, penulis mengharapkan bahwa materi ini dapat berguna untuk siswa dan para guru Bahsa Inggris yang akan menggunakan materi ini dan akan mengilhami penulis lainnya yang akan melakukan penelitian dan guru Bahasa Inggris yang akan mengembangkan materi yang berkaitan dengan materi yang telah dikembangan ini.

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION To reveal a thorough discussion of the main problems of the study, the writer

  presents several important points. Systematically, chapter one elaborates the background of the study, problem identification, problem limitation, problem formulation, objectives of the study, benefits of the study, and definition of terms.

A. Background of the Study

  Reading can draw imagination to see whatever physically eyes could not see and go wherever the mind wants to be. When someone enjoys reading, his imagination visits places and sees any objects that fascinate him without leaving his place. Reading takes us out of our country and ourselves. It provides experiences through which the individual may expand greater knowledge achievement of anything that exists in the world.

  Reading has power to refresh our mind and entertain us. Reading is the most rewarding use of the expanded leisure. When people read a novel or a short story, for example, they create their own settings, atmosphere, sound and each detail, so that they are emotionally involved in the story that is being read. Reading helps people to reduce tension and in some ways, reading can bring inspiration to people in overcoming their problems.

  Solita Sarwono (2002), a psychologist, affirms that reading stimulates imagination and analytical concept. It is believed that the habit of improving imagination is beneficial to sharpen the wits. Let us look at Indonesian history about the vice president of Indonesia in 1978-1983, Adam Malik (2005: 29). It is written there that only few people know that this intelligent man only finished his primary education. However, people should believe that it was his amusement at reading that formed his intelligence. Reading books had extended his knowledge and enabled him to possess critical thinking so that he could struggle and dedicate his thought to the development of the country. Hence, everyone needs to form reading habits in order that he can take the advantages of reading.

  There is a reasonable explanation why people who are avid readers possibly have good communication skill in social intercourse. Bright and McGregor (1973: 52) say that general knowledge depends on reading. It means that the content of reading can enrich the knowledge of the reader, thus he would be able to participate confidently in all topics of discussion. It helps someone to enter various classes of society easily. Reading also forms the reader’s mind to be more realistic and logical.

  He would be accustomed to expressing ideas in comprehe nsible and logical sequences so that other people could understand the points of discussion. As a result, an effective communication will always occur.

  Considering the remarkable advantages, reading should be seen as the fulfillment of the human necessity in life. Unfortunately, Indonesian citizens have poor reading awareness. Prof. Riris K. Toha Sarumpaet, Ph. D. (2005: 53), a lecturer of cultural science faculty of UI, states that Indonesian people do not believe that reading can make them happier and more intelligent. They lacked motivation to read.

  The students’ poor reading motivation influences their ability in reading English. Based on the results of the questionnaire distributed to the seventh grade students of SMP N 8 Yogyakarta and the interview with one of their English teachers, the students faced some problems in reading English texts. First, there were too many difficult words. Inevitably, they could not find the meaning of what they read.

  Second, sometimes the students were given unfamiliar topics to read. They did not have an adequate background of knowledge which is needed to comprehend the reading text. The last, the reading activities were monotonous. Therefore, the students were often reluctant to do the tasks. Presumably, those problems in reading affected their reading interest and motivation.

  Motivation is a key to learning by which the students have impulse or desire to do it. Motivation is seen as the fulfillment needs. The EFL student who is meeting needs in learning to read the language will be positively motivated to learn. However, there is no single or simple way to change all students’ attitudes toward reading.

  In order to be able to design appropriate reading materials for the seventh grade students of SMP N 8 Yogyakarta, the writer needs to take account of three main problems mentioned before. Therefore, the writer focuses on the creation of reading materials which the learning activities will be enjoyable and effective in improving their motivation and reading skills.

  Indone sian schools commonly use Basal Reader Approach, which is the common practice involving the use of textbook as the approach in teaching reading. It seems preferable to use this approach because the program has been presented as a safe, well-controlled system for teaching reading (Dixon and Nessel, 1983: 10). There are sequence charts which appear to provide systematic instruction that teacher can use when conducting the lesson.

  However, the writer considers that Basal Reader Approach will be difficult to help the students to enhance their reading motivation since the students are demanded to follow the fixed instruction. The learning activities can be enjoyable and effective in improving the students’ motivation and reading skills when the program is able to accommodate their interest and adjust to the English proficiency level in determining the topics and learning activities. Thus, the writer needs to focus on creating a body of materials that students find interesting. Gebhard (2000: 213) mentions some indicators as a reference to designing reading materials. “People learn better when something they are studying has considerable meaning for them, when it really comes out of their own lives, when it is something that they in some way commit themselves to or invest themselves in.” Therefore, students need a reading program that considers some points. First, the reading topics provided should rely on their reading ability and interest. It can be obtained by conducting a needs survey. Second, the program should provide many activities in which the students can learn in an encouraging class situation, such as giving songs and games. Third, the selected activities should make the students active and enable them to do all the activities based on their own life experiences, for instance, sharing and discussion about the results of observations and interviews. A careful comprehension toward students’ ability and interest is required to conduct enjoyable as well as effective reading activities.

  In the study the writer introduces the adaptation of Language Experience Approach (LEA) as the basis for designing a set of supplementary reading materials for the seventh grade students of SMP N 8 Yogyakarta. LEA was first introduced in 1960 by Professor Roach Van Allen ( He showed how it creates a most natural bridge between spoken language and written language.

  “What I can think about, I can talk about. What I can say, I can write. What I can write, I can read. I can read what I can write and what other people can write for me to read.”

  Based on the concept of LEA, the students use their own vocabulary, language patterns, and personal experiences to create reading text s and make reading a meaningful process. In practice, the teacher gives a certain topic which is interesting for the students and asks them to discuss it with some friends or with the whole class.

  Each student is given freedom to dictate his personal experience related to the topic, and then the teacher or the student himself writ es it down as the reading text.

  Meaningful materials are learned more quickly and easily when the students have personal experience. By doing this process, the students can learn reading in a relaxed and encouraging manner and finally it will help the students to develop their reading skill. Besides, the students learn to give self-esteem and appreciation to others. As researcher and theoreticians began suggesting, reading would be easier when the reading text closely matches the learner’s own experiences and oral language patterns (Tierry, Readance, and Disher, 1980 as cited by Dixon and Nessel, 1981: ix).

  LEA is initially intended to teach reading to the students of English as a second language. However, this approach has been adapted by many experts for the necessity of teaching reading to the students of English as a foreign language. Considering the students’ English ability and the function of English as a foreign language, some experts develop learning media based on LEA to help the students learning reading. Language Experience Charts and key word are the adaptation of LEA which are used to help students learn using LEA. Further discussion can be found in Chapter II.

  The designed materials begin with simple instructions, especially in the session of creating one’s own story, which can be hard for the students to do. For example, the teacher provides an incomplete reading text. Some words are missing and the teacher asks the students to fill in the blank spaces. Another example, the teacher provides an unfinished story. Students may complete the story based on their personal experiences. Those activities can help the students to be familiar with the new techniques.

  In conclusion, by using the adaptation of LEA, the writer intends to create more interesting reading materials. Therefore, the students will find a new and enjoyable way of learning. Besides, LEA involves all the communication skills. Dictation is preceded by discussion of the topics or stimulus for the story. The students have the opportunity both to listen to what others in the group are saying and to participate verbally in the discussion, thereby practicing oral language in a natural communication setting. The dictation itself serves as the basic material for developing reading ability. Writing their personal stories is a natural extension. The reading program by using the adaptation of LEA is well-designed, allowing maximum adjustment to learning needs and improving self-confidence and self worth.

B. Problem Identification

  The world where humans live today has witnessed a tremendous progress in the field of science and technology affecting all facets of life and shrinking this expansive world. People should be aware of the changes in the human life and the environment that could bring profit or even loss to human life. Certainly, people need to keep up with what is going on today. It is reading that can be one of the information sources. Besides, reading helps people sharpen the intellectual quality and possess critical thinking, which are totally useful in determining the best way to live.

  Indonesian people, as a part of the world society with no exception, needs to keep up with the actual information in order to adjust with the progress, which can be obtained by reading. Unfortunately, the society still has poor reading habits. Bonneff (1998: 93) affirms that Indonesia is one of the countries whose people have the lowest reading awareness. Therefore, this attitude can influence students’ awareness about the importance of reading. Many students do the reading activity only when their teacher asks them to do so. In brief, they only read for their academic purposes. This manner, however, will lead students into failure in forming their appreciation towards reading and will not have awareness of the importance of reading which is found useful in facing the challenges of their future life.

  The fundamental consideration is that a teacher needs to find the best method of teaching reading to the seventh grade students in relaxed and encouraging circumstances. In the end, the students will have the habit of reading and take extraordinary advantages of it. Therefore, the writer introduces Language Experience Approach (LEA) as the basis for designing a set of supplementary reading materials for the seventh grade students of SMP N 8 Yogyakarta. LEA is characterized by the students’ active learning which involves close relation between thinking, talking, writing and reading while teacher has the duty to stimulate, monitor and evaluate the students’ learning activity. LEA to reading instructions is based on the student’s experience. This approach is considered suitable for Indonesian students’ needs of learning reading. Students of English as a foreign language would best accomplish reading instruction when the reading materials are based on the real life experiences that are meaningful to them. They need many opportunities to practice reading in a setting which is both comfortable and familiar.

C. Problem Limitation

  The problems to discuss in this study are limited to designing and presenting a set of supplementary reading materials for the seventh grade students of SMP N 8 Yogyakarta. The study is not meant to be developed into experimental research. The writer only designed the materials and did not test the materials to see their effectiveness. The designed materials are intended to help the students gain greater competence of reading in enjoyable and encouraging ways.

  LEA uses a natural way of helping students acquire all language skills. Therefore, the writer attempts to develop a set of reading materials by heavily emphasizing the use of adaptation of the Language Experience Approach (LEA). The central concept of LEA is the use of experiences to create a reading text and make reading a meaningful process. This method can make the students interested in learning reading.

  The chief target of implementing the adaptation of LEA is to help students to learn reading in a more comfortable and encouraging way by giving the students freedom to create reading materials based on their experiences. Consequently, the teacher encourages the students to create meaningful reading. He should not force the students to use appropriate vocabulary and language pattern during the dictation, because it can lead them into a frustrating learning situation. Otherwise, the teacher should be able to make enjoyable activities.

  The materials developed in this study are intended to facilitate and stimulate the students to share, discuss, listen, tell, dictate, and read back each reading text since it takes its direction from the personal experiences. In order that the students are familiar with the topic discussed, the teacher can provide Language Experience Charts and key word to record their own experiences and background knowledge.

D. Problem Formulation

  Referring to the previous explanation, the writer formulates two problems that are to be discussed. They are stated as follows.

  1. How is a set of supplementary reading materials using the adaptation of Language Experience Approach for the seventh grade students of SMP N 8 Yogyakarta designed?

  2. What does the designed set of materials look like? E.

   Objectives of the Study

  In accordance with the problem formulation above, this study aims to: 1. design a set of supplementary reading materials using the adaptation of Language Experience Approach for the seventh grade students of SMP N 8 Yogyakarta.

  2. present the designed set of materials.

F. Benefits of the Study

  This study is expected to give beneficial contribution to those who are concerned with education especially for:

1. English teachers

  The materials presented in this study may assist the teachers of the seventh grade of junior high school in teaching reading by implementing Language Experience Approach as a new method to help the students enhance their reading enjoyment and motivation and to develop their reading skill.

  2. The seventh grade students of junior high school The students are hopefully encouraged to build their reading motivation by learning using Language Experience Approach since the students are given freedom to participate in creating the reading materials pursuant to their interest and daily life experiences. Furthermore, assisted by the teacher, the students could learn integrative language skills: speaking, listening, writing, and reading.

  3. Other researchers The results of the study hopefully provide beneficial information and give a stimulus for further study. By using the adaptation of Language Experience

  Approach, better and more interesting materials could be presented.

G. Definition of Terms

  The following are some definitions of terms which are used by the writer in the study.

  1. Design Design is defined as “the general arrangement of developing plan to guide educational activity in situation” (Ho ule, 1978: 230). In the study, the writer develops a set of supplementary reading materials using the adaptation of Language Experience Approach.

  2. Supplementary materials The word “supplementary” is the adjective form of the verb “supply”.

  In Oxford Advanced Learners’ Dictionary, (Hornby, 1995: 1200) supply means ‘’to give something that can be added to something else to improve or to complete it.” Thus, supplementary means addition of something to improve something else. In this study, supplementary means that a set of reading materials is designed to improve or to develop the existing reading materials used in the classroom.

  3. Reading Reading is regarded as “the ability to make sense of written or printed symbols. The reader uses the symbols to guide the recovery of information from his memory and subsequently uses this information to construct a plausible interpretation of the writer’s message” (Mitchell, 1983: 1). According to Ibson and Levin (1979: 5), reading is extracting information from a text. It is stated that the text is not merely the printed words but also the combination of text and pictures, diagrams, graphs, illustration and so on. In this study, reading can be understood as the ability to make sense of the combination of printed words with pictures, diagrams, graphs, illustration and so on by recalling the information based upon individual experiences.

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The Correlation between students mastery of vocabulary and their reading ability: a case study at the grade students of SMP YMJ Ciputat

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The effectiveness of extensive reading towards students' vocabulary mastery: a quasi-experimental study at the seventh grade students of SMP Darussalam Pondok Labu Jakarta.

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Gender representation in the english textbook: a content analysis of bright for seventh grade students published by Erlangga

4 14 65

Developing materials of listening comprehension for the English department students

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