Grammatical Error Spoken by The First Year Students of English Department at FKIP UIR Pekanbaru.

  Grammatical Error Spoken by The First Year Students of English

Department at FKIP UIR Pekanbaru.

  ( Kesalahan Tata Bahasa Mahasiswa dalam Berbicara Tahun Pertama Program Studi Bahasa Inggris)


  • ) Dosen FKIP Universitas Islam Riau

  ABSTRAK Kesalahan dapat disebabkan oleh interligua, transfer dan konteks pembelajaran.

  Melalui penelitian ini, Penulis mencoba untuk menyelidiki kesalahan tata bahasa siswa dalam berbicara mahasiswa tahun pertama program studi Bahasa Inggris FKIP – UIR Pekanbaru . Subjek penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa tahun pertama Jurusan Bahasa Inggris di FKIP UIR Pekanbaru. Teknik yang digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data adalah dengan merekam presentasi siswa dalam 3 menit. Penulis menggunakan tape recorder sebagai media dan catatan lapangan. dan mengklasifikasikan data yang ditemukan ke dalam lima kesalahan tata bahasa. Topik presentasi adalah tentang pengenalan diri dan aktivitas sehari-hari. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kesalahan tata bahasa yang dibuat oleh mahasiswa adalah kesalahan dalam menggunakan "preposisi","ES","S","ED", artikel dan kesalahan dalam "kata kerja bantu" . Dengan kata lain sebagian besar siswa melakukan kesalahan dalam kategori kebahasaannya.

  Kata Kunci: Kesalahan, Tata Bahasa, berbicara


  Errors can be caused by interlingua transfer, intralingua transfer, and contextual of learning. An Interlingua errors is being the result of language transfer caused by the learner’s first language. Interferences from the students’ own language is becoming the reason for committing errors. Some errors seem to be universal, reflecting learners’ attempts to make the task of learning and using the target language simpler. These errors are common in the speech of second language learners, irrespective of their mother tongue.

  Context of learning is error caused by misleading explanation from the teacher. Misleading explanation here can be faulty presentation of structure or word in a textbook and even the formulation that was memorized in a drill but not contextual.

  There are some categories in speaking errors that have great with influence in speaking, the first, Errors type based on linguist category. This category classifies into errors according to either one or both language component or the particular linguistic constituent the errors effects. Language component include phonology (pronunciation), syntax, morphology (grammar), semantic, and lexicon (meaning and vocabulary) and discourse (style). Second, Error type based on surface strategy category. The category highlights the way surface structures are altered. Students may omit necessary item (omission) add necessary ones addition, misinform item (misinformation) and

  178 disorder them (disordering). Third,

  1. Indefinite article incorrect: a used Error type based on comparative for an before vowel (a ant, a category. It is based on comparison apple, a accident) and an used for between the structure of L2’s errors a ( an little, an student, an teacher and certain other type of construction. ) These comparisons have yielded the

  2. Possessive case incorrect : two major categories; developmental omission of ‘s ( the man feet, or intra-lingual error and inter-lingual Ahmad bicycle, Susi house ) error. Fourth, Error type based on

  3. Third person singular verb communicative effect category. It incorrect : failure to attach –s ( deals with errors from perspective of Jhon work in the office, the bird their effect on the listener or reader. help man), wrong attachment of The category focuses on distinguish s (the apple fall downs, All animal between errors that seem to cause need waters) miscommunication and those that do

  4. Simple past tense incorrect : not. Errors that effect the overall a. Regular past tense: omission of organization of the sentence and –ed (I walk to school hinder successful communication are yesterday) and adding –ed to called global errors while errors that past already formed (he called) affect a single element of the sentence

  b. Irregular past tense : and usually do not hinder regularization by adding –ed( communication are called local errors. he putted the cookie there, she

  In this study, the problems are readed book ), substitution of dealing with the ability of the first year simple non- past (Ani fall in students Speaking of the English water yesterday), substitution Department at FKIP UIR Pekanbaru. of past participle (I been near

  In this case, the writer only focused on to him) linguistics category, especially in

  5. Past participle incorrect : omission grammatical aspect interm of of –ed ( he was call) preposition, errors in singular and

  6. Comparative adjective/adverb plural (omission of S, Omission of incorrect: use of more+

  ES), omission of ed, indefinite article er (he got up more higher). incorrect (errors use a ,an ,the) and

  Dulay and Burt (1982:146) errors in to be state that there are four categories of

  “What kinds of grammatical error errors occur in the process of language do the students make in English learning and language acquisition. The speaking”? taxonomies are as follow:

  In general, the objectives of

  1. Errors type based on linguistics this research is as follow: to find out category. This category what grammatical error made by the classifies errors according to students. And the result will become either one or both language the input for the lectures of English component or the particular department of FKIP UIR Pekanbaru to linguistic constituent the errors help students avoiding the problem by effects. Language component using the suitable teaching strategy. include phonology

  There are some grammatical (pronunciation), syntax, aspects in intralingua errors morphology (grammar), development (Politzer and Ramirez, semantic, and lexicon


  (meaning and vocabulary) and discourse (style)

  2. Error type based on surface strategy category. The category highlights the way surface structures are altered. Students may omit necessary item (omission) add necessary ones addition, misinform item (misinformation) and disorder them (disordering).

  3. Error type based on comparative category. It is based on comparison between the structure of L2’s errors and certain other type of construction. These comparisons have yielded the two major categories. In this category developmental or intra-lingual error and inter- lingual error.

  4. Error type based on communicative effect category.

  It deals with errors from perspective of their effect on the listener or reader. The category focuses on distinguish between errors that seem to cause miscommunication and those that do not. Errors that effect the overall organization of the sentence and hinder successful communication are called global errors while errors affect a single element of the sentence and usually do not hinder communication are called local errors. Pertaining to syntactical errors,

  • –predicate/ verb and determiner-noun.

  Sharp (1992) quoted by Afdhal (2004:16) a state that proposes six categories of syntactical errors, the syntactical errors can be mentioned as follows:

  1. Tenses, means maintaining the correct sequence of verb tenses and time phrase in a sentence. The categories of tenses consist of inconsistent tense and in correct tense. The consistent tense means one sentence contains s two kinds of tenses and usually change from present to past tense, or from past to present tense in the same sentence. On the other hand, the in correct tense means misuse of verb tenses connected with the time phrases.

  2. Constructions, means a grammatical construction which is dealing with verb it consist of gerunds, infinitive, participles, passive an active voices.

  3. Agreement, means selecting subject that agree in person and number with verbs, and selecting pronouns that agree in person and number with deference nouns and other pronouns. It consists of subject

  4. In complete structure, means dealing with omission of the subject, predicate and object.

  5. Parallel structure, means expressing ideas of equal importance with the same grammatical structure. It is consist of series of nouns, verbs, adjective, adverbs, and non-parallel comparisons.

  6. Word order, means that the correct a placement of a word, clause and sentence.


  The design of this research is a descriptive research. This research has only one variable, namely the grammatical error made by the first

  180 year students of English Department of FKIP UIR Pekanbaru in speaking.

  This research is conducted at English department of FKIP UIR Pekanbaru; notably it is focus on the first year students that are in 2009/2010 Academic Year. The instruments used to get the data from the students was speaking test. In this test, the students spoke about the topic (daily activity, introduction) given by the writer. The writer used tape recorder for recording student’s speech in 3 minutes. After listening the result of the students’ speech, the writer analyzed the obtained data through the respondents’ speech recording.

  To analyze the students’ mastery in speaking, the writer classified into five steps for grammatical errors. The first step, the writer checked and analyzed the students speech, whether they made errors in their speech. The second states, the writer checked and analyzed their grammatical. The third step, the writer divided the grammatical errors made by the students. The fourth step, the writer exposed their errors in term of grammatical patterns if there were sentences of their speech those contracts incorrectly. The writer also corrected their errors. Contrary this issue, while the sample is contract correctly, the writer did not explain it.

  The finding shows that there were grammatical errors spoken by the first year students at FKIP Islamic University of Riau from the test given. The topic is about introducing themselves. From the sample, it got six grammatical errors; preposition, errors in singular and plural (omission of S, Omission of ES), omission of ed, indefinite article incorrect (errors use a

  ,an ,the) and errors in to be. To be clear, the error is written below.

  4.1 Errors in preposition

  The writer presented the students’ errors in preposition and choose one for the same error analysis in speaking English. If there were sentences of their speech that they constructed incorrectly, the writer would correct their errors. Contrary with this issue, while the sample was constructed correctly, the writer would not explain the errors that have made by the students.

  1. The 1 st Sample

  “I live at JL. Lestari Marpoyan” There was an error made by her in preposition. She used at as the preposition. It is incorrect preposition. In this statement, she did not inform specific information for addressee, because she did not inform her number and she only said the name of street.

  So, she should use on in that statement.

  In this case, she made substitution error, this occured when the wrong element namely preposition has been chosen. In case, she put preposition at to designate the names of street. At is used if we want to inform the street and number completely. For example, she lives at JL. Lestari V No. 21 in marpoyan. We use on to designate names of street. for example, I live on Kaharudin Nasution street. We use in for the names of land-areas (towns, Countries, States, City and continents). For example, I live in Pekanbaru. Because of she made incorrect statement, she should change her statement. The statement is “I live at Jl. Lestari


  Marpoyan”. The correct statement for

  the statement is “I live on Jl. Lestari Marpoyan”.

  2. The 2 nd Sample

  There was an error made. She told, “My hobby is reading,

  statement. It is incorrect sentence. In this sentence, he told more hobbies. There are fishing and sport as his hobbies. Therefore, it must be put-es in ending of hobby and put “are” as to be. 180 173

  and sport”. There is an error in this

  He said, “My hobby is fishing

  2. The 2 th Sample

  In this case, she made substitution errors. These errors occur when the wrong element that is singular has been chosen for plural form. Where she put in correct to be (is). She put is as a plural to be. It should be change by are. Because of she made in correct statement, she should change her statement. The correct statement is “my hobbies are reading, browsing and singing”.

  error in this statement. It is incorrect sentence. In this sentence, she told more hobbies. There are reading, browsing and singing as her hobbies. Therefore, it must be put-es in ending of hobby and put “are” as to be.

  browsing and singing”. There is an

  1. The 1 st sample

  There was an error that was made by him in preposition. He told, “I live in Karya bersama street”. It is incorrect sentence. In this sentence, he used in as the preposition. Meanwhile, he did not inform a specific information for addressee, because he did not inform his number and he only said the name of street. So, he should use on in that statement.

  The writer presented the students’ errors in omission of “ES” in speaking English.

  A. Ommision of “ES

  4.2. Errors in Singular and plural

  I live on Kaharudin Nasution street. We use in for the names of land-areas (towns, Countries, States, City and continents). For example, I live in Pekanbaru. Because of she made incorrect statement she should change her statement. The correct statement is “I live in Pantai Raja”.

  In this case, she made substitution error, this error occured when the wrong element that is preposition has been chosen. In case, she put preposition at to designate the names of street. At is used if we want to inform the street and number. For example, she lives at JL. Lestari V No. 21 in Marpoyan. We use on to designate names of street for example,

  “I live at Pantai Raja”. There is an error in the statement. It is incorrect sentence. In this sentence, she used at as the preposition. It is incorrect preposition. In this statement, she did not inform specific information for addressee, because she did not inform her number and she only said the name of street. So, she should use in in that statement.

  3. The 3 rd Sample

  In this case, he made substitution error, this error occur when the wrong element that is preposition has been chosen. In case, He put preposition in to designate the names of street. We use in for the names of land-areas (towns, Countries, States, City and continents). For example, I live in pekanbaru. At is used if we want to inform the street and number. For example, he lives at JL. Lestari V No. 21 in marpoyan. We use on to designate names of street. for example, I live on Kaharudin Nasution street. Because of his error, the correct statement for the statement is “I live on karya Bersama Street”.

  182 In this case, he made substitution errors. These errors occur when the wrong element that is singular has been chosen for plural form. Where he put in correct to be (is). He put is as a plural to be. It should be change by are.

  Because of he made incorrect statement, he should change his statement. The statement is “My hobby is fishing and sport”. The correct statement for the statement is “My hobbies are fishing and sport”.

  hobbies are reading book and traveling”.

  In this case, the students also usually made errors in omission and substitution errors. The students made omission errors when they omitted the element of the sentence that is singular and plural forms such as –s and –es to plural nouns in their statement, and they made substitution when they put wrong that is singular and plural forms has been chosen for in more hobby. This error occurs when the wrong element that is singular has been chosen for plural form. Where they put incorrect to be (is). Whereas, they should put as plural to be (are).

3.The 3 th Sample

  es in ending of activity. It should t put es in ending of activity. It cause by

  statement. It is incorrect sentence. He missed plural that is in my activity phrase. In the sentence, he did not put

  missed plural that is in first semesters phrase. There is an error in this statement. It is incorrect sentence. In the sentence, he put s in ending of semester. It should not be s put in the end of semester. It cause by only one of semester that he told. In the case, he made omission errors. This error occurs when the learners omit the element. In this case, those elements that were omitted are singular form.

  Islamic university of Riau “.He

  He said, “I am first semesters of

  1. The 1 st sample

  The writer presented the students’ errors in Omissions of “S” in speaking English. The writer described their errors in Omissions of “S”. If there were sentences of their speech that they constructed incorrectly, the writer would correct their errors. Contrary with this issue, while the sample was constructed correctly, the writer would not explain the errors that have made by the students.

  B. Omissions of “S”

  I get up 6.00 o’clock and preparing everything goes to campus and take a bath”. There is an error in this

  There should be –es in ending of hobby because it shows the some hobby. It should be put are in that sentence because there are two hobby in there. It should be said, “my

  many of activity that he told.

  traveling”. This sentence is incorrect.

  He said, “My daily activity is

  o’clock and prepare everything goes to campus and take a bath”.

  correct statement for the statement is “My daily activities are I get up 6.00

  activity is I get up 6.00 o’clock and preparing everything goes to campus and take a bath”. The

  Because of he made incorrect statement, he should change his statement. The statement is “My daily

  In the case, he made omission errors. This error occurs when the learners omit the element. In this case, those elements that were omitted are singular form. He did not put es in ending of activity.

  Most of students made errors in adding /-es/ for plural nouns. They do not consider that every time they mentioning more “hobby” they should add –es, for hobby. For example: they said, “My hobby is reading book and

  Because of he made incorrect statement, he should change his statement. The statement is “I am first

  Because of he made incorrect statement, she should change his statement. into“my favorite food is bakso”.

  Simple past tense is used to talk about activities or situation that began and ended in the past (example: yesterday, last night, two days ago). There is no s /es with the verbs in the third person singular subject and there is no to be (is, are, or am). Simple past verbs are formed by adding –ed to a verb. For example: I studied at SMA I Siak. However, there are many common verbs have irregular past forms. Such as write, → wrote → written. If there is no verb in the sentence, we have to put to be (was or were). “Was” used for she, he, it, and

  the statement. The error made is omission errors. It caused by the omitted to add ed in the end of “graduate” word. Ed should be put because he stated about activities or situation that began and ended in the past. In past tense, we have to ed for regular verb and irregular verb. In this sentence, he did not put ed in ending of graduate as past form that regular from (graduated) because he stated about activities or situation that began and ended in the past. In past tense, it may not put to be in sentence that has verb.

  SMA I Rengat. There is an error in

  In his speech, there was an error made. He told, “I graduate from

  1. The 1 th sample

  The writer presented the students’ errors in Omissions of “ED” in speaking English. There are 4 students made errors in Omissions of “ED”. The writer described their errors in Omissions of “ED”. If there were sentences of their speech that they constructed incorrectly, the writer would correct their errors. Contrary with this issue, while the sample was constructed correctly, the writer would not explain the errors that have made by the students.

  4.3. Omissions of “ED”

  Most of students made errors in adding /s/ for plural nouns. Omission error-s was made.

  In this case, she made omission errors. This error occurs when the learners omit the element. In this case, those elements that were omitted are singular form. she put s in ending of food .

  semesters of Islamic university of Riau”. The correct statement is “I am the first semester of Islamic university of Riau”.

  “S” that is in ‘food’ word. There is an error in this statement. It is incorrect sentence. In the sentence, she put s in ending of food.

  foods is bakso”. She omission of

  When she told, “My favorite

  3. The 3th sample

  In this case, she made omission errors. This error occurs when the learners omit the element. In this case, those elements that were omitted are plural form. Because of he made incorrect statement, she should change his statement. into “I have three brothers”.

  in brother phrase. There is an error in this statement. It is incorrect sentence. In the sentence, she did not put s in the end of the word brother. It must be s in end of the word brother.

  brother”. She omission of “S” that is

  An error made by the sample when she said, “I have three

  2. The 2 nd sample

  184 I. “Were” used for you, they, plural subject, and we.

  Because of he made incorrect statement, he should change his statement. The statement is “I

  graduate from SMA I Rengat”. The

  statement. The error that she made is omission errors. It caused by the omitted to add the before campus. The should be put because she stated place. In this sentence, she did not put the before campus.

  campus”. There is an error in this

  She told, “Prepare go to

  1. The 1 st sample

  of their speech that they constructed incorrectly, the writer would correct their errors. Contrary with this issue, while the sample was constructed correctly, the writer would not explain the errors that have made by the students.

  an, and the). If there were sentences

  there are not students made errors in article a, an, and the. So, the writer did not described their errors in article (a,

  and the) in speaking English. Because

  The writer did not presented the students’ errors in article (a, an,

  4.4. Errors use “article (a, an, the)”

  We can see there are 3 students made errors in omission of –ed when they were speaking. The errors that usually made by students is omission errors. This error occurs when the students omitted the element of the sentence that is regular verb (ed). The students omitted to add-ed in ending of graduate. –ed should be put because the students stated about activities or situation that began and ended in the past.

  correct statement for the statement is “I graduated from SMA I Rengat”.

  Because of she made incorrect statement, she should change her statement. The statement is “I

  graduate from SMA I Rengat”. The

  this statement. The error that she made is omission errors. It caused by the omitted to add ed in ending of graduate. Ed should be put because she stated about activities or situation that began and ended in the past. In past tense, we have to ed for regular verb and irregular verb. In this sentence, she did not put ed in ending of graduate as past form that regular from (study) because she stated about activities or situation that began and ended in the past. In past tense, it may not put to be in sentence that has verb.

  SMA I Rengat. There is an error in

  She told, “I graduate from

  3. The 3 th sample

  statement for the statement is “I was studied at SMA I Rengat”.

  study at SMA I Rengat”. The correct

  Because of she made incorrect statement, she should change her statement. The statement is “I was

  statement. The error that she made is omission errors. It caused by the omitted to add ed in ending of graduate. Ed should be put because she stated about activities or situation that began and ended in the past. In past tense, we have to ed for regular verb and irregular verb. In this sentence, she did not put ed in ending of graduate as past form that regular from (graduate) because she stated about activities or situation that began and ended in the past. In past tense, it may not put to be in sentence that has verb.

  Rengat. There is an error in this

  There was an error made when she told, “I was study at SMA I

  2. The 2 nd sample

  correct statement for the statement is “I graduated from SMA I Rengat”.

  185 Because of she made incorrect statement, she should change her statement. The statement is “Prepare

  go to campus”. The correct statement

  He said, “My hobby is fishing

  st sample

  In Siti Marsita’s speech, the type of errors that made is errors in to be. Errors in to be occur when the learners omit a certain linguistic or element. She missed to be (is) of those statement. She said, “I live with

  friend. Her name lia”. In this case, she did not put to be of this sentence.

  Because of she made incorrect statement, she should change her statement. The correct statement for her statement is “I live with my

  friend. Her name is Lia

  2.The 2 nd sample

  and sport”. Errors in to be occur

  The writer presented the students’ errors in to be in speaking English.

  when the learners omit a certain linguistic or element. He missed to be (is) of those statement. In this case, he puts to be is of this sentence. It should be change by are.

  Because of he made incorrect statement, he should change his statement. The statement is “My

  hobby is fishing and sport”. The

  correct statement for the statement is “My hobbies are fishing and sport”.

  3.The 3 rd sample

  The type of errors made here is errors in” to be”. Errors “to be” occured when the learners omit a certain linguistic or element. He missed to be (is) of those statement. He said, “My favorite foods is sate

  1. The 1

  4.5. Errors in “To BE”

  for the statement is “Prepare go to the campus”.

  statement for the statement is “I Prepare go to the campus”.

  2. The 2 nd sample

  There was an error that was made by Sania Lavina. She told, “ I

  Prepare go to campus”. There is an

  error in this statement. The error that she made is omission errors. It caused by the omitted to add the before campus. The should be put because she stated place. In this sentence, she did not put the before campus.

  Because of she made incorrect statement, she should change her statement. The statement is “ I

  Prepare go to campus”. The correct

  3. The 3rd sample

  We can see there are 3 students made errors in article “the” when they were speaking. The errors that usually made by students is errors use article “the”. This error occurs when the students omitted the element of the sentence that is stated the name of lace. The students omitted to add-the before campus. the should be put because the students stated about the name of place.

  There was an error that was made by Anggi. She told, “ Prepare

  go to campus”. There is an error in

  this statement. The error that she made is omission errors. It caused by the omitted to add the before campus. The should be put because she stated place. In this sentence, she did not put the before campus.

  Because of she made incorrect statement, she should change her statement. The statement is “ Prepare

  go to campus”. The correct statement

  for the statement is “ Prepare go to the campus”.


  and fried race”. In this case, he t put

  to be is of this sentence. It should be change by are.

  • es to plural nouns in their statement, and they made substitution errors when they put wrong element that is singular and plural has been chosen for in the wrong place. This errors occurs when the wrong element that is singular has been chosen for plural. Where she put incorrect to be (is). She put is as a plural to be. It should be change by are

  Because of he made incorrect statement, he should change his statement. The statement is “My favorite foods is sate and fried race”. The correct statement for the statement is “My favorite foods are sate and

  fried race”.

  The research finding conclusions are in the following:

  1. The students made error in term omission (es, s, ed), article and “to be”, substitution, and addition. The students made omission errors when they omitted the development of the sentence. They made substitution errors when they put wrong element in their statements. It means that they have been chosen in the wrong place. And the last, the students made addition error when they do not only omit the element but also add necessary elements in sentences. It often adds, “be” for predicate verb. Most of sample made errors in addition errors, they put to be (am, is, are) in sentence that has verb as a predicate.

  2. In singular and plural nouns errors, the students made omission and substitution errors. The students made omission error when they omitted the element of the sentence that is singular and plural forms such as the –s and

  3. In preposition, the students made omission and substitution error. The students made omission error when they omitted the element of the sentence that is preposition forms such as in, on, and at in their statement, and they made substitution errors when they put wrong element that is preposition has been chosen for in the wrong place. Where they put incorrect preposition that at for show date, day and year. It should be change by correct prepositions. The preposition that usually errors are at, on, and in.


  4. In omission of -ed, the students made in addition and omission error. The students made addition error when they do not omit the elements but also add unnecessary elements in sentences. The second error usually made by the students are omission error. This error occur when the students omitted the element of the sentences that is regular verb (-


  ). The students omitted to add –


  end ending of graduate. –ed should be put because the students stated about activities or situations began and ended in the past. In

  187 omission of ed, we have to add creates a good condition to

  • ed for regular verb and make the students involved irregular verb. I this sentence, in teaching learning process the students usually did not put especially in teaching –ed in ending of graduate as a speaking. past form that regular form


  (graduated) because they stated Afdhal. 2004. An Analysis of Students about activities or situations

  Errors in Speaking English

  began and ended in the past, In

  at Second Year Students At

  omission, it maybe not put to

  SMAN 6 Pekanbaru. UIN

  be in sentence that has verbs Pekanbaru: Unpublished.

  5. In “to be” errors, most of Thesis. students made errors in Dulay and Burt, 1982. Language Two. omission. The students omitted

  New York: Oxfort University the element of the sentence that Press. is to be (is, are, am).

  Oxford. 2003. Learner’s Pocket

  6. In “to be” error, most of Dictionary. New York. students made errors in University press. omission error. The students

  Politzer and Ramirez, 1973. Error omitted the element of the

  Analisys. Perspective on

  sentence that is “to be” (is,

  Second language are, am, was or were). Acquisition. Londen: longman Press.

  Suggestion Richards, Jack, C and Renandya.

  Based on the result of the 1982. Methodology in research, the writer would like to give

  Language Teaching.

  some suggestion: Cambridge: University press.

  Sudijono, Anas. 2006. Pengantar

  1. The students are supposed to

  Statistik Pendidikan. Jakarta:

  practice a lot and speak in PT Raja Granfindo Persada. outside of class in order to improve their speaking ability and avoid to made errors anymore.

  2. Since the most serious errors made by the students in grammatical, the students should pay attention and improve their grammar when they are speaking

  3. The students need to speak in class by guiding teacher.

  They need to be given some well-defined speaking rules. From their speech, the lecturer can make correction and analysis; motivate the students to avoid the errors,
