1. Module tppba.py - Implementasi Kombinasi Beaufort Cipher Dan Affine Cipher Pada Three-Pass Protocol Untuk Pengamanan Data


1. Module tppba.py

  import random import time z=['A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M','N','O','P','Q ','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z','0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7' ,'8','9','a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j','k','l','m','n','o', 'p','q','r','s','t','u','v','w','x','y','z','.',',','!','&','*','#',' ^','(','$','%',')','{','}','[',']','+','-','=','<','>','/',':', ';', '_', '?', '|', '`', '~', '\\', '@',' '] #93 lz = len(z) def Lehmann(p): trial = 10 for i in range (0, trial): BilRand = random.randint(2, p - 1) temp = (p - 1)//2 L = pow(BilRand, temp, p) if ((L != 1) & (L - p != -1)): return False return True def genPrime(x): BilRand = random.randint(pow(10, x - 1), pow(10, x) - 1) p = BilRand // 2 * 2 + 1 while not (Lehmann(p)): BilRand = random.randint(pow(10, x - 1), pow(10, x) - 1) p = BilRand // 2 * 2 + 1 return p def key(k): ky = "" for x in range(len(k)): BilRand_Key = random.randint(10, 99) temp = (z.index(k[x]) + BilRand_Key) % lz ky = ky + z[temp] return ky def EnkBeaufort (Plainteks, kunci): hasil1 = "" for x in range(len(Plainteks)): temp = (z.index(kunci[x]) - z.index(Plainteks[x])) % lz hasil1 = hasil1 + z[temp] return hasil1 def EnkAff(m, b, data): hasil2 = "" for x in range(len(data)): temp = (m * z.index(data[x]) + b) % lz hasil2 = hasil2 + z[temp] return hasil2 def DekBeaufort (data, kunci): hasil3 = "" for x in range(len(data)): temp = (z.index(kunci[x]) - z.index(data[x])) % lz hasil3 = hasil3 + z[temp]

return hasil3 t0 = time.time() def DekAff(m, b, data, data2): hasil4 = "" for x in range(len(data)): temp = (z.index(data[x]) + (m - 1)* z.index(data2[x]) + b) % lz hasil4 = hasil4 + z[temp] return hasil4 def geser(y) : b = random.randint(0, pow(10,y)) return b def karakter(c): kr = len(c) return kr def waktuAlgo(t0,t1): tot_waktu = t1 - t0 return tot_waktu

2. Modul pintu.py

  import sys sys.path.append("d:\kode\program") def pintu (fungsi): if (fungsi == "BilPrima"): import tppba from tppba import genPrime hasil = genPrime(c) print(hasil, end = '') elif (fungsi == "shiff"): import tppba from tppba import geser hasil1 = geser(c) print(hasil1, end = '') elif (fungsi == "EnkripBeaufort"): import tppba from tppba import EnkBeaufort C1 = EnkBeaufort(d,e) print(C1, end = '') elif (fungsi == "EnkripAffine"): import tppba from tppba import EnkAff C2 = EnkAff(b,c,d) print(C2, end = '') elif (fungsi == "DekripBeaufort"): import tppba from tppba import DekBeaufort C3 = DekBeaufort(d,e) print(C3, end = '') elif (fungsi == "DekripAffine"): import tppba from tppba import DekAff Pl = DekAff(b,c,d,e) print(Pl, end = '') elif (fungsi == "KunciBeau"): import tppba

from tppba import key kunci = key(d) print(kunci, end = '') elif (fungsi == "HtgKarakter"): import tppba from tppba import karakter kar = karakter(d) print(kar, end = '') global a a = str(sys.argv[1]) global b b = int(sys.argv[2]) global c c = int(sys.argv[3]) global d d = str(sys.argv[4]) global e e = str(sys.argv[5]) pintu(a)

3. Header pada SharpDevelop

  using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Drawing; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Diagnostics; using System.IO; using System.Dynamic;

  4. Fungsi Membuka Directory File Teks (*.doc)

  void Button1Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { OpenFileDialog dialog = new OpenFileDialog(); dialog.Filter = "Document (MsWord)|*.doc"; dialog.Title = "Open file doc : "; dialog.RestoreDirectory = true; if(dialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK){ string dirName = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(dialog.FileName); string drive = dirName.Split(System.IO.Path.VolumeSeparatorChar)[1]; textBoxCari.Text = dirName + "\\" + dialog.SafeFileName.ToString(); } }

  5. Fungsi Membaca Directory File Teks (*.doc)

  void ButtonBukaClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Application wordApp = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.ApplicationClass(); object filenameO = textBoxCari.Text.ToString(); object objFalse = false; object objTrue = true; object missing = System.Reflection.Missing.Value; object emptyData = string.Empty; try{ Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Document aDoc = wordApp.Documents.Open(ref filenameO, ref objFalse, ref objTrue, r


ef missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref m

  issing, ref missing, ref objTrue, ref missing, ref missing, ref missi ng, ref missing); aDoc.ActiveWindow.Selection.WholeStory(); aDoc.ActiveWindow.Selection.Copy();

  IDataObject data = System.Windows.Forms.Clipboard.GetDataObject(); String fileText = data.GetData(System.Windows.Forms.DataFormats.Text).ToString(); System.Windows.Forms.Clipboard.SetDataObject(string.E mpty); textBoxBuka.Text = fileText; } catch(Exception err){ MessageBox.Show(err.Message); } finally{ MessageBox.Show("File berhasil dibaca"); } }

6. Fungsi Kunci Beaufort

  void Button3Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string Plainteks1 = textBoxBuka.Text.ToString(); ProcessStartInfo p = new ProcessStartInfo(); p.RedirectStandardOutput = true; p.FileName = "c:\\python31\\python.exe"; p.RedirectStandardOutput = true; p.UseShellExecute = false; p.Arguments = "d:\\kode\\program\\pintu.py " + "KunciBeau 0 0 " + "\"" + Plainteks1 + "\"" + " y"; try { using (Process runProses =Process.Start(p)) { StreamReader s = runProses.StandardOutput; string keluar = s.ReadToEnd(); string k = keluar; textBoxKunciBeau.Text = k.ToString(); } } catch { throw; } }

  7. Fungsi Enkripsi Beaufort Cipher

  void Button5Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string Plainteks2 = textBoxBuka.Text.ToString(); string kunciB = textBoxKunciBeau.Text.ToString(); ProcessStartInfo p = new ProcessStartInfo(); p.RedirectStandardOutput = true; p.FileName = "c:\\python31\\python.exe"; p.RedirectStandardOutput = true; p.UseShellExecute = false; p.Arguments = "d:\\kode\\program\\pintu.py " + "EnkripBeaufort 0 0 " + "\"" + Plainteks2 + "\"" + " " + "\"" + kunciB +"\""; try { using (Process runProses = Process.Start(p)) { StreamReader s = runProses.StandardOutput; string keluar = s.ReadToEnd(); string k = keluar; if (k != "") MessageBox.Show("Berhasil", "Info", MessageBo xButtons.OK); textBoxEnkBeau.Text = k.ToString(); } } catch { throw; } }

  8. Fungsi Dekripsi Beaufort Cipher

  void ButtonDekBeauClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { string Plainteks3 = textBoxEnkAff.Text.ToString(); string kunciBe = textBoxKunciBeau.Text.ToString(); ProcessStartInfo p = new ProcessStartInfo(); p.RedirectStandardOutput = true; p.FileName = "c:\\python31\\python.exe"; p.RedirectStandardOutput = true; p.UseShellExecute = false; p.Arguments = "d:\\kode\\program\\pintu.py " + "DekripBeaufort 0 0 " + "\"" + Plainteks3 + "\"" + " " + "\"" + kunciBe + "\""; try {

  using (Process runProses =Process.Start(p)) { StreamReader s = runProses.StandardOutput; string keluar = s.ReadToEnd(); if (keluar != "") MessageBox.Show("Berhasil", "Info", MessageBo xButtons.OK); textBoxDekBeau.Text = keluar.ToString(); } } catch { throw; } }

9. Fungsi Pergesesan Affine Cipher

  void ButtonAcakAffClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { int nilai = 3; ProcessStartInfo p = new ProcessStartInfo(); p.RedirectStandardOutput = true; p.FileName = "c:\\python31\\python.exe"; p.RedirectStandardOutput = true; p.UseShellExecute = false; p.Arguments = "d:\\kode\\program\\pintu.py " + "shiff 0 " + nilai + " x" + " y"; try { using (Process runProses =Process.Start(p)) { StreamReader s = runProses.StandardOutput; string keluar = s.ReadToEnd(); string k = keluar; textBoxGeser.Text = k.ToString(); } } catch { throw; } }

  10. Fungsi Bilangan Prima Affine Cipher

  void ButtonAcakAffbClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { int nilai = 3; ProcessStartInfo p = new ProcessStartInfo(); p.RedirectStandardOutput = true; p.FileName = "c:\\python31\\python.exe"; p.RedirectStandardOutput = true; p.UseShellExecute = false; p.Arguments = "d:\\kode\\program\\pintu.py " + "BilPrima 0 " + nilai + " x" + " y"; try { using (Process runProses =Process.Start(p)) { StreamReader s = runProses.StandardOutput; string keluar = s.ReadToEnd(); string k = keluar; textBoxBilPrima.Text = k.ToString(); } } catch { throw; } }

  11. Fungsi Enkripsi Affine Cipher

  void ButtonEnkAffClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { string Plainteks4 = textBoxEnkBeau.Text.ToString(); int b1 = Convert.ToInt32(textBoxBilPrima.Text.ToString()); int g1 = Convert.ToInt32(textBoxGeser.Text.ToString()); ProcessStartInfo p = new ProcessStartInfo(); p.RedirectStandardOutput = true; p.FileName = "c:\\python31\\python.exe"; p.RedirectStandardOutput = true; p.UseShellExecute = false; p.Arguments = "d:\\kode\\program\\pintu.py " + "EnkripAffine " + b1 + " " + g1 + " " + "\"" + Plainteks4 + "\"" + " y"; try {

  using (Process runProses =Process.Start(p)) { StreamReader s = runProses.StandardOutput; string keluar = s.ReadToEnd(); if (keluar != "") MessageBox.Show("Berhasil", "Info", MessageBo xButtons.OK); textBoxEnkAff.Text = keluar.ToString(); } } catch { throw; } }

12. Fungsi Pergesesan Affine Cipher

  void TextBoxEnkBeauTextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { } void ButtonDekAffClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { string data2 = textBoxEnkBeau.Text.ToString(); string data1 = textBoxDekBeau.Text.ToString(); int b1 = Convert.ToInt32(textBoxBilPrima.Text); int g1 = Convert.ToInt32(textBoxGeser.Text); ProcessStartInfo p = new ProcessStartInfo(); p.RedirectStandardOutput = true; p.FileName = "c:\\python31\\python.exe"; p.RedirectStandardOutput = true; p.UseShellExecute = false; p.Arguments = "d:\\kode\\program\\pintu.py " + "DekripAffine " + b1 + " " + g1 + " " + "\"" + data1 + "\"" + " " + "\"" + data2 + "\""; try { using (Process runProses =Process.Start(p)) { StreamReader s = runProses.StandardOutput; string keluar = s.ReadToEnd(); string k = keluar; if (k != "") MessageBox.Show("Berhasil", "Info", MessageBo xButtons.OK); textBoxDekAff.Text = k.ToString(); } } catch { throw; } }

  13. Fungsi Pergesesan Affine Cipher

  void ButtonKarakterClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { string kalimat = textBoxBuka.Text.ToString(); ProcessStartInfo p = new ProcessStartInfo(); p.RedirectStandardOutput = true; p.FileName = "c:\\python31\\python.exe"; p.RedirectStandardOutput = true; p.UseShellExecute = false; p.Arguments = "d:\\kode\\program\\pintu.py " + "HtgKarakter 0 0 " + "\"" + kalimat + "\"" + " y"; try { using (Process runProses =Process.Start(p)) { StreamReader s = runProses.StandardOutput; string keluar = s.ReadToEnd(); string k = keluar; textBoxKarakter.Text = k.ToString(); } } catch { throw; } }

  14. Fungsi Reset

  void ButtonUlangClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { textBoxCari.Text = ""; textBoxBuka.Text = ""; textBoxKunciBeau.Text = ""; textBoxEnkBeau.Text = ""; textBoxBilPrima.Text = ""; textBoxGeser.Text = ""; textBoxEnkAff.Text = ""; textBoxDekBeau.Text = ""; textBoxDekAff.Text = ""; textBoxKarakter.Text = ""; } } }

  Full Name : Azizah Mei Sari Sebayang Sex : Female th

  Place, Date of Birth : Medan, May, 5 1993 Nationality : Indonesia Height, Weight : 150cm, 49 kg Health : Perfect Religion : Moslem Address : Jl. Pinus VII No. 6 Perumnas Simalingkar


Kec. Medan Tuntungan

Mobile-phone : 08216082 8964 Email Educational Background 1997 : Kindergarten Siti Hajar, Medan

  • – 1998
  • – North Sumatera 1998 - 2004 : Elementary School at IFDS Siti Hajar, Medan – North Sumatera 2004 - 2007 : Junior High School at IFDS Siti Hajar, Medan – North Sumatera 2007 - 2010 : Vocational High School at Telkom Sandhy Putra Major in Networking, Medan – North Sumatera 2010 - Present : Computing Science, Computing Science and Information Technology Faculty, University of North Sumatera

   IT Abilities Bahasa : Bahasa Indonesia, Inggris Bahasa Pemrograman : Python, PHP, C# .NET, C++ Database : MySQL Simulator : Paket Tracert

  Language Bahasa : Native Language English : Medium Working and organizational experience 2005 - 2006 : Head of Department of Education OSIS Junior High School

  IFDS Siti Hajar 2007 - 2008 : Secretary of Department BKM ROHIS Telkom Shandy Putra 2008 - 2009 : Deputy secretary of OSIS Telkom Shandy Putra 2010 - 2011 : Staff on division PW (Pengembangan Wawasan) BKM Al

  Khuwarizmi 2010 - 2011 : Private Teacher on LCC (Lily Course Center)

2011 - 2012 : Staff on division PP (Pemberdaya Perempuan) PEMA FMIPA USU

2011 - 2011 : Laboratory Assistant on Information System IKLC Fasilkom-TI USU

2011 - 2012 : Laboratory Assistant on Computing Science Introduction

  IKLC Fasilkom-TI USU 2010

  • – 2011 : Staff on division Jurnalism IMLKOM Fasilkom-TI USU 2012
  • – 2012 : Secretary of LSO IT (Lembaga Semi Otonom Islamic Teaching) UKMI Al Khuwarizmi Fasilkom-TI USU 2013 – 2014 : General Secretary of IMLKOM Fasilkom-TI USU 2013
  • – 2014 : Secretary of PSDM SGC USU 2013
  • – Now : Member Of RTIK Sumut (USU)


 Finalist from Medan “Toyota Eco Youth” Organizers by Toyota and

Government (Environment Minister), Jakarta 2007  CCNA I Certified for Networking Academic from CISCO, 2009

 Third winner on Islamic Scientific Papers with tittle "Mekah (Ka’bah) adalah

  Golden Ration Point Dunia" Organizers by MTQ and UKMI Ad Dakwah USU, Medan, 2010


 Finalist PKM (Program Kreatiffitas Mahasiswa) from USU with tittle “Internet

Sehat untuk Tenaga Pendidik Yayasan Pendidikan Islam Amal Shaleh,

Organizers by DIKTI, 2011

   Delegation Student of MTQMN 2013

   Mahasiswa Berprestasi I 2013 Jurusan Ilmu Komputer Fasilkom-TI USU

   Mahasiswa Berprestasi I 2014 Fasilkom-TI USU

   Mahasiswa Berprestasi VI 2014 USU