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NIM 200732150









Presented to the University of Muria Kudus

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for Completing the Sarjana Program in English Education




NIM 200732150






  • Lying down is good sleep position, going down is not wise decision.
  • We have been entrusted the dreams by our ancestor.
  • Make come true the dreams that have been entrusted by our ancestor to us is a honor.

This research is dedicated to:  Almighty God who blesses and gives me life, faith and Islam

  • Rosulallah as the greatest prophet.
  • Family, friends and All the people whoever teach, help, recognize, support, suggest, inspire and me.
  • The next researcher.



  This is to certify that the Sarjana Skripsi of Muhammad Anis Rifqil Mujtaba has been approved by the skripsi advisors for further approval by the Examining Committee.

  Kudus, 12 March 2012 Advisor I

  Fajar Kartika, SS, M.Hum NIS. 0610701000001191

  Advisor II

  Nuraeningsih, S.Pd, M.Pd NIS. 0610701000001201

  Acknowledged by The Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Dean,

  Drs. Susilo Rahardjo, M.Pd

  NIP. 19560619-198503-1-002



  This is to certify that the Skripsi of Muhammad Anis Rifqil Mujtaba (NIM: 200732150) has been approved by the Examining Committee as a requirement for the Sarjana Degree in the Teaching of English as a Foreign Language.

  Kudus, March 2012 Skripsi Examining Committee:

  Fajar Kartika, SS, M.Hum Chairman

  NIS. 0610701000001191

  Nuraeningsih, S.Pd, M.Pd Member

  NIS. . 0610701000001201

  Dra. Sri Endang Kusmaryati, M.Pd Member

  NIS. 0610701000001009

  Fitri Budi Suryani, S.S, M.Pd Member

  NIS. 0610701000001155 Acknowledged by The Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Dean,

  Drs. Susilo Rahardjo, M.Pd

  NIP. 19560619-198503-1-002



  Thanks to Almighty God, so I finished my research entitled “ Teaching Vocabulary by Using Jigsaw of Seventh Grade students of MTs mazro’atul Huda Wonorenggo Karanganyar in the Academic Year 2011/2012”.

  I realize, I would not be able to complete my skripsi without help, support, inspiriration, advice and guidance from the others. Therefore, I would like to express my biggest sincerest gratitude to: 1.

  Drs. Susilo Rahardjo, M.Pd as the Dean of Faculty of Teacher Trainining and Education, University of Muria Kudus.

  2. Fitri Budi Suryani, S.S, M.Pd as the Head of Department of English Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Muria Kudus.

  3. Fajar Kartika, S.S, M.Hum. as the first advisor who always gives guidance, advice and idea to me.

  4. Nuraeningsih, SP.d, M.Pd as the second advisor who has carefully read and made several corrections for the improvement of this research.

  5. All of the lecturers and staffs of English Education Department Education Faculty of Teacher Training and Education University of Muria Kudus who have gave their contribution to me for completing this research.

  6. Mr. Ali Mas’adi SP.d, MM the Headmaster of MTs. Mazro’atul Huda Wonorenggo Karanganyar Demak who has permitted to me to do this research at this school.

  7. Ali Yatimin S.Pd as the English teacher of the seventh grade students of MTs.

  Maz ro’atul Huda Wonorenggo Karanganyar Demak who has given guidance in conducting this research.

  8. All of the seventh grade students of MTs. Mazro’atul Huda Wonorenggo Karanganyar Demak in the academic year 2011/2012 for their cooperation.

  9. My beloved parents family friends who always care, pray and give me support.

  10. All of my friends in University of Muria Kudus especially “EED 2007” and who cannot be mentioned one by one.

  11. Everyone who cannot be mentioned one by one, for their support, help, and participation because without all of you this skripsi could not have been completed.

  I realize that my skripsi is not perfect. Therefore, I apologize for any mistakes and happily receive for critics and suggestion. I hope that it will be useful for everyone.

  Kudus, March 2012 The writer

  Muhammad Anis Rifqil Mujtaba




  Mujtaba, Muhammad Anis Rifqil. 2012. Teaching Vocabulary by Using Jigsaw of

  Seventh Grade S tudents of MTs Mazro’atul Huda Wonorenggo Karanganyar Demak in the Academic Year 2011/2012. Skripsi.

  Department of English Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Muria Kudus. Advisors: (i) Fajar Kartika , S.S, M. hum., (ii) Nuraeningsih, S.Pd, M.Pd.

  Key words: Jigsaw, Vocabulary Mastery

  Nowadays, the KTSP vocabulary is taught in Indonesia. The purpose of teaching English based on KTSP is to develop communication skills in English. The skills are reading, listening, speaking and writing not just in four skills but in the mastery of vocabulary is important too. Choosing the appropriate way for teaching vocabulary is necessary because vocabulary is one of the important aspect in learning language so that everybody should has an adequate vocabulary to improve the four language skills. Vocabulary is important for students. Without knowing English vocabulary, the students cannot speak or write in English. For examples in the writing skill, the students will write easily when they find some new vocabularies especially difficult word that is applied in English sentence. In fact, many students still have difficulties in finding of new English words. One of the problems is in treasure vocabulary. Based on the fact, the writer thinks that it would be better using Jigsaw technique to solve the problem. Jigsaw is teaching technique used in small group instruction. It is cooperative learning technique appropriate for students from third to twelfth grade. It helps develop a depth of knowledge, it possibly if the students try learn all of the material on their own.

  The objective of this research is to find out whether or not there is a significant difference between the ability of English Vocabulary of the Seventh Grade students of MTs Mazro’atul Huda Wonorenggo, Karanganyar, Demak in Academic Year 2011/2012 before and after being taught by using jigsaw.

  Pre Experimental Design is the design of this research, by using one group pre-test post-test. The Population is the Seventh grade students in MTs.

Mazro’atul Huda Wonorenggo Karanganyar Demak in the academic year

  2011/2012. The writer used cluster random sampling to gets the sample. The writer got class VII A as experiment, and classVII B as try out. The number of sample is 30 students. The writer used a test as instrument of the research. The test is multiple choice test consist of 20 items.

  From the research the writer finds that the best score that the students achieve before being taught by using Jigsaw is 70 and the lowest score is 40. While the score of mean and standard deviation before being taught by using jigsaw are 54.5 and 9.15. It categorized as low. After they have been taught by using Jigsaw best score that the students achieve is 100 and the lowest score is 75. While the score of mean and standard deviation after being taught by using Jigsaw are 87.6 and 7.07 it is categorized as excellent. The result of t-test (t ) = 17.84 > t-


  table (t t ) = 2.05. So, there is a significant difference between the ability of English vocabulary of the seventh g rade students of MTs Mazro’atul Huda Wonorenggo, Karanganyar, Demak in academic year 2011/2012 before and after being taught by using jigsaw.

  Therefore, the writer suggests the teacher to use jigsaw as a technique to teach vocabulary, because this technique is effective teaching to improve the student’s vocabulary mastery. Moreover, jigsaw is a technique that can make process of teaching and learning more enjoyable and also it can be prepared for any level.



  Mujtaba, Muhammad Anis Rifqil. 2012. Pengajaran Kosakata dengan


Menggunakan Jigsaw Pada Siswa Kelas VII MTs Mazro'atul Huda Wonorenggo

Karanganyar Demak pada Tahun Ajaran 2011/2012. Skripsi. Program Studi

  Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Muria Kudus. Pembimbing: (i) Fajar Kartika, SS, M. Hum, (ii) Nuraeningsih, S.Pd, M.Pd.

  Kata kunci: Jigsaw, Penguasaan Kosakata Saat ini, Kosakata diajarkan di Indonesia berdasarkan ketentuan KTSP. Tujuan pengajaran bahasa Inggris berdasarkan KTSP adalah untuk mengembangkan kemampuan komunikasi dalam bahasa Inggris. Keterampilan membaca, mendengar, berbicara dan menulis tidak hanya dalam empat keterampilan tetapi dalam penguasaan kosa kata juga penting. Memilih cara yang tepat untuk pengajaran kosa kata diperlukan karena kosakata merupakan salah satu aspek penting dalam belajar bahasa sehingga semua orang harus memiliki kosakata yang memadai untuk meningkatkan empat keterampilan berbahasa. Kosakata ini penting bagi siswa. Tanpa mengetahui kosakata bahasa Inggris, siswa tidak dapat berbicara atau menulis dalam bahasa Inggris. Untuk contoh dalam keterampilan menulis, para siswa akan menulis dengan mudah ketika mereka menemukan beberapa kosa kata baru terlebih lagi kata kata yang sangat sulit yang diterapkan dalam kalimat bahasa Inggris. Bahkan, banyak siswa masih mengalami kesulitan dalam menemukan kata-kata bahasa Inggris baru. Salah satu masalahnya adalah dalam menemukan perbendaharaan kosakata. Berdasarkan fakta ini, penulis merasa bahwa akan lebih baik menggunakan teknik Jigsaw untuk memecahkan masalah ini. Jigsaw adalah teknik mengajar yang digunakan dalam instruksi kelompok kecil. Ini adalah teknik pembelajaran kooperatif yang sesuai untuk siswa dari kelas tiga sampai kelas dua belas. Ini membantu mengembangkan pengetahuan lebih dalam, itu memungkinkan jika siswa mencoba mempelajari semua materi itu sendiri.

  Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah ada atau tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan antara kemampuan Kosakata bahasa Inggris siswa kelas VII MTs Mazro'atul Huda Wonorenggo, Karanganyar, Demak Tahun Ajaran 2011/2012 sebelum dan sesudah diajarkan dengan menggunakan jigsaw.

  Eksperimental Design adalah adalah desain penelitian ini, dengan menggunakan satu kelompok pre-test post-test. Populasinya adalah siswa kelas

  VII di MTs. Mazro'atul Huda Karanganyar Demak Wonorenggo pada tahun ajaran 2011/2012. Penulis menggunakan kelompok sampel acak untuk mendapatkan sampel. Penulis mendapat kelas VII A sebagai penelitian, dan classVII B sebagai percobaan. Jumlah sampel adalah 30 siswa. Penulis menggunakan tes sebagai instrumen penelitian. Tes ini adalah tes pilihan ganda terdiri dari 20 soal.

  Dari hasil penelitian penulis menemukan bahwa skor terbaik siswa sebelum diajarkan dengan menggunakan Jigsaw adalah 70 dan skor terendah adalah 40. Sedangkan skor dari mean dan standar deviasi sebelum diajarkan dengan menggunakan jigsaw adalah 54,5 dan 9,15. Ini dikategorikan rendah. Setelah mereka telah diajarkan dengan menggunakan Jigsaw skor terbaik siswa mencapai 100 dan nilai terendah adalah 75. Sedangkan skor dari mean dan standar deviasi setelah diajarkan dengan menggunakan Jigsaw adalah 87,6 dan 7,07 ini dikategorikan sangat baik. Hasil uji-test (untuk) = 17,84> t-tabel (tt) = 2,05. Jadi, ada perbedaan yang signifikan antara kemampuan kosa kata Inggris siswa kelas tujuh MTs Mazro'atul Huda Wonorenggo, Karanganyar, Demak pada tahun akademik 2011/2012 sebelum dan sesudah diajarkan dengan menggunakan jigsaw.

  Oleh karena itu, penulis menyarankan guru untuk menggunakan jigsaw sebagai teknik untuk mengajar kosakata, karena teknik ini adalah pengajaran yang efektif untuk meningkatkan penguasaan kosakata siswa. Selain itu, jigsaw adalah teknik yang dapat membuat proses belajar mengajar lebih menyenangkan dan juga dapat dipersiapkan untuk tingkat manapun.




  COVER ........................................................................................................ i LOGO ........................................................................................................... ii TITLE ........................................................................................................... iii MOTTO AND DEDICATION .................................................................... iv v ADVISORS’ APPROVAL ..........................................................................

EXAMINERS’ APPROVAL ....................................................................... vi

  ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ........................................................................... vii ABSTRACT ................................................................................................. ix ABSTRAKSI ............................................................................................... xi TABLE OF CONTENTS .............................................................................. xiii LIST OF TABLES ....................................................................................... xvi LIST OF FIGURES ..................................................................................... xvii LIST OF APPENDICES ............................................................................... xviii

  CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Research ...............................................................

  1 1.2 Statement of the Problem ....................................................................

  3 1.3 Objective of the Research ...................................................................

  4 1.4 Significance of the Research ..............................................................

  4 1.5 Limitation of the Research ..................................................................

  5 1.6 Operational Definition ........................................................................



  2.1 Teaching English in MTs Mazro’atul Huda Wonorenggo Karanganyar Demak ........................................................................... 7

  2.1.1 T he Curriculum of Teaching English in MTs Mazro’atul Huda Wonorenggo Karanganyar Demak . .................................................... 8

  2.1.2 Purpose of the Teaching of English in MTs Mazro’atul Huda Wonorenggo Karanganyar Demak.......................... ......................... 8

  2.1.3 The Material of Teaching English in MTs Mazro’atul Huda Wonorenggo Karanganyar Demak............. ....................................... 9

  2.1.4 The Method of English Teaching in MTs Mazro’atul Huda Wonorenggo Karanganyar Demak................................. ................... 10

  2.1.5 The Steps of Teaching English in MTs Mazro’atul Huda Wonorenggo Karanganyar Demak............................. ....................... 12

  2.2 The Ability of English Vocabulary....................................... ............... 12

  2.2. English Vocabulary............................................................... ............... 13

  2.2.2 Kinds of English Vocabulary.................................................... ........... 14

  2.3 Techniques.................................... ....................................................... 16

  2.3.1 Jigsaw..................................................................................... ............. 17

  2.3.2 The steps of Jigsaw.................................................................. ............ 18

  2.3.3 The purposes of jigsaw in Teaching vocabulary................................ .. 18

  2.3.4 The Benefit of Jigaw Technique...................................... .................... 19

  2.4 Previous Study........................................................................... .......... 19

  2.5 Theoritical Framework.............................................. .......... .................... 20

  2.6 Hypothesis ..................................................................................... ......... 22


  3.1 Design of the Research............................................................................ 23

  3.2 Population and Sample.......... ............................................................ ...... 25

  3.3 Instrument of the Research................... .................................................. 26

  3.4 Technique of Collecting Data...................................... ........................ ... 28

  3.5 Technique of Analyzing Data ........................................................... ..... 29


  4.1 Research Finding .......................................................................... ...... 33

  4.1.1 The Pre Test Result................................................................. ............. 33

  4.1.2 The Posttest Result............................................................................. .. 35

  4.2 Hypothesis Testing........................................................................ ... ... 36


  5.1 The Significant Difference between the Mastery of English Vocabulary the Seventh Grade Students of MTs Mazro’atul Huda Wonorenggo Karanganyar Demak in the Academic Year 2011/2012 before and after being taught by Using Jigsaw .................................... 38


  6.1 Conclusion ........................................................................................... 40 6.2 Suggestion ...........................................................................................

  41 BIBLIOGRAPHY ........................................................................................

  42 APPENDICES .............................................................................................

  44 CURRICULUM VITAE ..............................................................................




Table Page

  4.1 The Frequency Distribution of tVocabulary Mastery of Seventh Grade S tudents of Mazro’atul Huda Wonorenggo Karanganyar Demak in the Academic Year 2011/2012 before being taught by Using Jigsaw .............................................................................


  4.2 The Frequency Distribution Vocabulary Mastery of seventh grade students of Mazro’atul Huda Wonorenggo Karanganyar Demak in the Academic Year 2011/2012 after being taught by Using Jigsaw

  35 ……………………………………...................................

  4.3 The Result of the Vocabulary Mastery of the Seventh Grade Students in MTs.

  Mazro’atul Huda Wonorenggo Karanganyar Demak in the Academic Year 2011/2012 before and after being Taught by Using Jigsaw

  37 ……………………………………..........



Figures Page

  4.1 The Bar Diagram of Vocabulary Mastery of Seventh Grade S tudents of Mazro’atul Huda Wonorenggo Karanganyar Demak in the Academic Year 2011/2012 before being taught by Using Jigsaw.................................................................................................


  4.2 The Bar Diagram of Vocabulary Mastery of Seventh Grade

S tudents of Mazro’atul Huda Wonorenggo Karanganyar Demak in

  the Academic Year 2011/2012 after being taught by Using Jigsaw................................................................................................




Appendix Page 1. Syillabus ........................................................................................

  44 2. Lesson Plan .........................................................................

  50 3. Table Specification Test.................................................................

  74 4. Table Tabulation Try Out Test ......................................................

  77 5. Calculation Reliability....................................................................


  6. Script Pre-Test and Post-Test Test the Mastery of English

Vocabulary of Seventh Grade Students of MTs Mazro’atul Huda

  Wonorenggo Karanganyar Demak in the Academic Year 2011/2012 taught by Using Jigsaw.............................................................................................


  7. Key Answer Pre-Test and Post-Test the Mastery of English Vocabulary of Seventh Grade Students of MTs Mazro

  ’atul Huda Wonorenggo Karanganyar Demak in the Academic Year 2011/2012 taught by Using Jigsaw.............................................................................................


  8. Score the Mastery of English Vocabulary of Seventh Grade Studen ts of MTs Mazro’atul Huda Wonorenggo Karanganyar Demak in the Academic Year 2011/2012 before being taught by Using Jigsaw................................................................................


  9. The Calculation Mean and Standard Deviation the Mastery of English Vocabulary of Seventh Grade Students of MTs Mazro’atul Huda Wonorenggo Karanganyar Demak in the Academic Year 2011/2012 before being taught by Using Jigsaw.............................................................................................


  10. Score the Mastery of English Vocabulary of Seventh Grade Students of MTs Mazro’atul Huda Wonorenggo Karanganyar Demak in the Academic Year 2011/2012 after being taught by Using Jigsaw..................................................................................


  11.The Calculation Mean and Standard Deviation the Mastery of English Vocabulary of Seventh Grade Students of MTs

Mazro’atul Huda Wonorenggo Karanganyar Demak in the

  Academic Year 2011/2012 after being taught by Using Jigsaw............................................................................................

  87 12. Calculation of t observation (t-test) ............................................

  89 13.Table Significance........................................................................
