Jurnal Online Universitas Gadjah Mada template jurnal jkn

Ketahanan Nasional Journal
P-ISSN:0853-9340, E-ISSN:2527-9688
Online since Desember 28th 2015 at http//jurnal.ugm.ac.id/JKN

NO.x,tglx Bulan x Tahun xxxx

Halaman xxx-xxx

Title should not be more than 15 words (Indonesian language),
businesslike, informative, and describe the article content (center, bold,
Times New Roman size 14) the first alphabet title should be written in
capital (sentence case)
First Author*
(Complete author name, Font 12 Italic, Bold, without title and position)
*First author institution/ affiliation, including Country
email: xxxx@xxxx.xxx (official email)
Second Author**
** Second author institution/ affiliation, including Country
email: xxxx@xxxx.xxx (official email)
Third Author*

*** Third author institution/ affiliation, including Country
email: xxxx@xxxx.xxx (official email)
Title in English language (maximum 15 words, Times New Roman Font size 14, italic, bold in sentence
case format). Abstract should be written in English language, maximum 200 words, and written in 1 paragraph
without sub-title. It should consist of research purpose, research method, and research result.
Keywords: 3 – 5 words

Abstrak should describe whole article content, written Indonesian language, maximum 200 words, and written
in 1 paragraph without sub-title. It should consist of research purpose, research method, and research result.
Keywords: 3 – 5 words

The Introduction has to be written in MS format with Times New Roman font size 12 with
1.5 spaces. It should consist of 2 pages. The contents consist of research problem
background, hypothesis (if available), research purpose, and research method. Most articles
are not too extensive. The introduction is inclined to several books as research reference or
basic, and also consists of present time knowledge. Literature review should not be written as
separate part of the introduction. It means the literature review is included in

INTRODUCTION. The reference should be primary, relevant, and current reference. The
literature review should not be too extensive meaning its scope is not too large. Need to be
concerned the article for Ketahanan Nasional Journal should not enclose footnote due to its
ability to disturb reader’s concentration. The research methods written in the article consist of
research object and subject; and should be described in details. Whereas the method refers to
standard procedure the standard should be enclosed
Discussion has to be written with 1.5 spaces. The systematic contents should consist of data/
information related to research purpose, the table should be in simple and open format; and
also the map picture should be focusing on studied object. The file size should not be too
large and complicated (the format should be in .jpg). The table and picture should be
consistent and have to be numbered. The purpose of DISCUSSION is finding author
appreciate the research result; and the border of the research.” To quote a citation written in
Times New Roman size 11” The enhancing representation quality the article, table (Microsoft
Word or Excel format) and picture (JPEG format with minimum resolution 300 dpi) enclosed
in different .
Table and picture representation example:
Table 1
Table Name

Source: xxx



Median (IQR)


Picture 1
Map of Bantul Regency Sustainable Agricultural Land Area PLan

(Source: Bappeda Kabupaten Bantul, 2014, with writer adaptation)

Consists of the discussion foundation short explanation. It should also mention
recommendation included in conclusion. It means recommendation does not stand-alon.

It may come various sources: books, documents, theses, dissertations, newspaper, journal,
and internet. Basically the Ketahanan nasional Journal bibliography is advisable to use
management applications, for example bibliography with Mendeley, Zetero, and Endnote
with Harvard Anglia Ruskin.
The Author has to quote Ketanahan Nasional Journal citation with minimum 3 quotations/
required citations.
(a) The bibliography has to be written alphabetically in one space and without number.
(b) The bibliographies written in the bibliography list are the ones used as references and
quoted in the article. In other word, the quotation in the article should be written in the
bibliography, and vice versa.
(c) Whereas the bibliography was written by multiple authors, the written author’s name is
the last name, followed by first name and middle name (if exist). Then, it is followed by
publishing year, book title, Publishing location, and publisher name.

(d) Whereas the bibliography was written by more than two authors, the first author’s name

should be written according to point (c) followed by the second author and so forth. The
second and so forth author’s name should be reversed as the first author.
(e) The bibliography should not use et al. to replace the second author and so forth.
(f) The bibliography writing is different with one another depending on the cited
bibliographical type. The author’s name, publishing location, and publisher’s name are
not in italic. The italic written words are: (1) book or document’s title (for book and
document); (2) thesis word, dissertation word, newspaper name, journal’s name, website
address; whereas thesis title, dissertation title, newspaper article title, internet article title
should be written ordinary and put between quotation mark

Hall, M 1999, ‘Breaking the silence: marginalisation of registered nurses employed
in nursing homes’, Contemporary Nurse, vol. 8, no. 1, hh. 232-237.
Davis, L, Mohay, H & Edwards, H 2003, ‘Mothers’ involvement in caring for their
premature infants: an historical overview’, Journal of Advanced Nursing, vol. 42,
no. 6, hh. 578–86.
Wijaya, K, Phillips, M & Syarif, H 2002, ‘Pemilihan sistem penyimpanan data skala besar’
, Jurnal Informatika Indonesia, vol. 1, no. 3, hh. 132-140.
Example with internet: