The English language teaching of the fifth grade students of Ciputra Elementary School Surabaya - Widya Mandala Catholic University Surabaya Repository






This chapter containsthe conclusionof this study and the writer-s
su_ugestions.The conclusion rvill be about the summary of the stud1".
Meanwhile for the suggestionsconcelns to the uriter's suggestion for the
English teachersin teaching English to their studentsso that the studentswill
be motivated to be involved actively in teaching learning processes,and the
$riter's suggestion for further research that will be conducted by other


Norvadays,Englishhas becomean intemationallanguage,rvhich is
rvidely used to communicatethe findings of science and technology.So
by the people.And in Indonesra,
Englishis a languagethat well appreciated
accordingto the 1994 Curriculum, English is a local content subject at
elementaryschool. This is based on the considerationthat children leam
easilywhentheyarein their cntical periodwhich beginsat two years

to children is different from
As a matter of fact, teaching English
environmentfor children is not the
teaching it io adults.The ideal learning
children' teachers should create an
same as that for adults' In teaching

does the obsenation' has
Ciputra, the school rvhere the rwiter
they participate actively during the
assumedthat children rearn better rvhen
is by involving them in rhe
lesson.Horv to make them participateactively
the way the Ciputra's teachers
understandit. Consequently'it is affected on
1o be active tn
present the materials to the students' They demand the students
motivated and interestedin learning
of grade
As the writer has observed,Mr' Roach' the English teacher
the studentsfive, prepares his teaching in such a way that requires
He creates
participation in the classroom,without ignoring the use of media'

in their learning' lbr
activities that make the students involved actively
it' and painting a
example, asking the studentsto make a speech,presenting
know a concept' the
flag, According to him leaming is an experience' To

studentsare askedto plan, to do it, to evaluateit, and to solve the problem. As
an example,fo know the concept ofdemocracy, the studentshave to experience
how to make a speechfor the carnpaign,to do the speech,to be involved in the
election.and how to choosethe presidentin a governmentdemocracysystem'
From that, they can see how the people of a democratic nation have the
just gving them the
Teaching studentsin practical way is far away rvorthy than
theories,that they may not understandthem.
Additionally, the teacher's role during the teaching learning is

He is a
important. Mr. Roach has been great in doing his role as the teacher.
good organizer and motivator in planning and creating the activities'
excellent assessorfor his students, becausebeside he gives conecnons
good efforts and
suggestions to his students, he also praises them for their
guiding his students
accomplishments.He is also a good tutor and resourcein
to accomplishthe assignments'
And finally, the writer can conclude that the English language
their basic rn
teaching in Ciputra make use the activity based learning as
teaching. Learning should allow the students to experience it in a concrete
helps the
interestingway. Therefore,activity basedlearning and the media that
good example
teachersin their teaching,as what Ciputra teachersapply' is one

That way rvill
that teachersfrom other schools can take into considerations.
motivate the students to be actively involved in the teaching and

so the
Becausethroughactivitiesstudentswill enjoy the leaming'
andthe teachingobjectivesareachieved'
teachinglearningis success

5.2 Suggestions
like to give some
Having done the research' the rvriter would
teacher apPlies in their
suggestions concerning the technique that Ciputra
the English teachers of
teaching. First, the suggestion is addressed tc


will be conductedby otherstudents'

for the Englishteachers'
it looks'
TeachingEnglish to young leamers is not as simple as
Teacherscannotjust standin front ofthe class,explainthe
g i v e s o m e e x e rci se sto th e stu d e n ts.Itism or ethanthat.Teacher sshould
the teaching learning
engagethe studentsto participate, to be involved in
a concreteand
activity. Students,especiallyyoung learners'leam easily in
in t e r e s t i n g w a y.T h e yw i l l |e a rn b e tter iftheyexper ienceit.Activiqvbased
learningthat is usedby ciputra teachersis a teachingleaming
leaming' while the
the studentsas the subject and the doer of their own
t e a c h e r s a r eo n |ya sa n o rg a n i ze r,m otivator for thestudents.W hatateacher

threateningbut enjoyableclassroomenvironmentin order to motivate the
andbecominga tutor who helpstudentsto accomplishtheir task.
Therefore,the writer suggeststhat engagingthe studentsin the
activitiesduring the teachingleaming processcan be one of rvaysthat the
Englishteacherscan take into considerationin teachingtheir students.The
teachercanplan andcreatemeaningfuland purposefulactivitiesrvhichinvolve
the studentsas the activeparticipantsin the classroom.It is much betterthan
a lot oftheorieswhichareprobablyconfusingfor the students,
sometimesrvill cause boredom in the classroom.Through activity-based
leaming,the studentswill be motivatedto take part in the teachirrgleaming

5.2.2 Suggestionfor further research.
As for this secondpart of sugg€stion,the rwiter u'ould like to suggest
the other studentswho are going to do a further research.Since this study is a
qualitative research,the writer suggestsother researchersto do the quantitative

one aboutrnoreor lessthe sametopic.
The research can be comparing Ciputra's technique and the
conventionalrvay. The conventional rvay is. for instance.rvhen a teacher
teaches grammar, the teacher explains the form of the grammar, and then
rwites the questionson the blackboard, the studentswrite them in their books,
later on they check it together. In which this study is aimed to see whether the



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