Where should you look at for a very different Holiday or Vacation

Where should you look at for a very different Holiday or Vacation ?
Word Count:

On occasions people call our offices having previously only travelled to very normal and un-ad

holidays, in, egypt, jordan, hong kong, china, thailand, tours, budget

Article Body:
On occasions people call our offices having previously only travelled to very normal and un-ad

1. Egypt - Egypt is a great destination to go to if you are looking for your first very differ

And if you want to combine your adventure holiday with a bit if traditional rest and relaxatio

2. Jordan - Jordan actually borders Egypt so this is a great country to either visit in its ow

3. China - China really just has to be seen to be believed. It has everything and is a country

Places to definitely include in your visit are Beijing, Shanghai, Xian, Guilin and if you have
4. Hong Kong - Hong Kong may be small, but what it lacks in size in more than makes up for in

5. Thailand - Thailand is a Mecca for shoppers and sun worshipers alike. It also has wonderful

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