Index of /papers/Internet_Business Going Beyond Search

Going Beyond Search
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Are search engines really as good as they should be?
Going beyond just plain search and reaching out to more intelligent solutions.

search, seo, intelligent platform, NLP, linguistic, linguistic agents, natural language

Article Body:
Search, Search, Search, that’s all that people are talking about today. Google, Yahoo and Micr

But do the search engines as they stand today fit the demands and requirements of the next gen

As the internet grows and the amount of information on it becomes so immense that for every si

Search engines must migrate to more intelligent ways of sorting data and handling search queri

An understanding of the information written on the web page and the query typed into the searc

Even some of the most basic elements of understanding are lacking in today’s search algorithms

For example, if a user searches for this: "I really need a cheap car that gives good gas milea
Most of the technologies needed to enable the above mentioned features have been around for a

Imagine a new age of computation where computers understand what they are told. All of this is

Things are going to change as we move to more intelligent applications and "Go Beyond Search".

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