3 GPW 2102 Methods and Technique of Social and Economic Analysis


  Faculty of Geography Department of Development Geography Regional Development Study Program Sekip Utara, Bulaksumur, Yogyakarta 55281 Telp. +62 274 6492340 / 589595 Em

  Undergraduate Programme in Regional Development

  Telp : +62-274-6492340 | 589595


  Email Module name Methods and Technique of Social and Economic Analysis Module level, if applicable Bachelor Code, if applicable GPW - 2102 Subtitle, if applicable -- Courses, if applicable Methods and Technique of Social and Economic Analysis Semester(s) in which the module is taught

  3 rd semester Person responsible for the module Department of Development Geography Lecturers Dr. Lutfi Muta’ali


Joni Purwo Handoyo, S.Si., M. Sc.

Dodi Widiyanto, S.Si. M. Reg. Dev.

  Language Bahasa Indonesia Relation to curriculum Compulsory course in the third semester Bachelor Degree Type of teaching, contact hours

  100 minutes per week

Workload Total workload 70 hours, which consist of 100 minutes lectures per

week for 14 weeks, 100 minutes structures activites per week, and 100 minutes individual study per week, including mid and final examination. Credit points

  2 Requirements according to the examination regulations Students have taken Methods and Technique of Social and Economic Analysis course and have examination card where the course is stated on. Recommended prerequisites Methods and Technique of Social and Economic Analysis (Exercise) in same semester. Module objectives/intended learning outcomes

  After completing this course the students should have : CLO 1. Understand of the various techniques of socio-economic analysis and scope socio-economic survey techniques, CLO 2. Able to identify, analyze various socio-economic analysis techniques for the case of regional development, the advantages and disadvantages of various socio-economic analysis techniques, and the preparation of regional profiles, CLO 3. Ability to apply a variety of socio-economic analysis techniques, arrange potential and obstacles in action plan and decision making on regional development. Content

  1. The Scope’s of socio-economic analysis,


2. Population and employment analysis,

  3. Regional economic and financial analysis,

  4. Social analysis and service,

  5. Analysis of space structure, analysis of carrying capacity of the region, regionalization and level of regional development,

  6. Analysis of decision-making

  7. Processes and procedures for the preparation of regional profiles and regionalization as the basis of regional planning


8. Regional decision-making strategy

  9. Analyze the potential and constraints of regional development and

formulate it in the form of an action plan.

Study and examination The final mark will be weighted as follows: requirements and forms of No Assessment methods (components) Weight (percentage) examination

  1. Final Examination (FE) 40%

  2 Mid-Term Examination (MTE) 30%

  3 Class Activities: Quiz, Homework, etc. (A) 30% Teaching Aid Board, LCD Projector, Laptop/Computer Reading List

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  Anto Dajan. 1978. Pengantar Metode Statistik, LP3ES, Jakarta

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  Bendavid-Val Avrom. 1983. Regional and Local Economic Analysis For Practitioners. Prager Publisher. New York.

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PLO and CO Mapping


  X – A1 – B1 – C1 – D1 – D2 CLO 1 (FE-MTE-A)