Institutional Repository | Satya Wacana Christian University: Analysis of Oliver Twist Characteristics in Charles Dicken’s Oliver Twist by Using Reader Response Criticism

Analysis of Oliver Twist Characteristics in Charles Dicken’s
Oliver Twist by Using Reader Response Criticism

By :
Netta Eva Wardani


Submitted to the English Department
To Fulfill Partial Requirement
For The Degree of Sarjana Sastra




Copyright Statement
This thesis contains no such material as has been submitted for examination in any course or
accepted for the fulfillment of any degree or diploma in any university. To the best of my
knowledge and my belief, this contains no material previously published or written by any
other person except where due reference is made in the text.
Copyright© 2016.Netta Eva Wardani and Anna Sriastuti S.Pd, M.Hum
All rights reserved. No part of this thesis may be reproduced by any means without the
permission of at least one of the copyright owners or the English Department, Faculty of
Language and Literature, Satya Wacana University,
Netta Eva Wardani: _________________


Praise and great gratitude to Allah SWT for blessings and help to complete this thesis.
I would like to thank you to all of those who given me help and guidance, so this
thesis can be finished. Completion of writing this thesis, the writer would like to thank to :

1. Best gratitude to Mam Anna Sriastuti S.Pd, M.Hum as my advisor, thank you for
your guadiance, help and support during the writing of this thesis. I’m so thankful
for had you as my advisor.
2. Mam Rindang S.S, M.Hum as my Academic Study, thank you for always helping
and supporting me. And Bu Ristiyanti Prasetidjo as my previous Academic Study.
3. Lecturers of STiBA SW and all of the staffs thanks for the teaching during the
4. The biggest thanks for my parent and family thanks for your love, support and
everything. I’m sorry for being late to finish my thesis.
5. For my cats, Uchino, Alien, Muezza, Mio, Kitty, Laila, Luna, Kuni, Nyan2 and
the kittens,thank you for giving me a reason to smile everyday, I love you to the
moon and back.
6. Thanks to my greatest friend Arnolin Modokh who always accompany and gather
with me always in any condition.
7. And also thank you for 2008’ers, Elya, Rencia, Anik, Yulia, Dylla, Dennis, Ian,
Ega, Adi, Mahendra.
8. My brother from another holes, Yessa, Fajar, Bayu, Eko, Sabryan, Yoel, thanks
for being part of my life, and always help, support and company me in any
condition and whenever I need you guys. And do not forget thank you to Yessa’s
wife Cik Tika and their baby wanna be, Dek Aih who lent me her blazer for

examination day, Agoenk and Benk2. Also for Ngawen and Scomp’s Gangs
Abeb, Ucup, Bagas, Mba Is, Mas Haryo, Kere Tengil, Jamur, Panji. I Love you
guys as always!
9. Wonderfull thanks for Ambar, Ova, Andi, Desi, Nanda who lent me laptop when I
wrote my thesis, Tika, Dian, Ryan, Dinnar, Dadang.
10. Thanks so for my friends from StiBA SW, William, John, Eko, Exa, Dewi, Indri,
Sapta, Andi, Umi, Doni, Juwita, Chila, Ayuk. And also for my respondents,
Erhans, Sandra, Rani, Adi, Ginan without your help I could not finish my thesis.


11. And last for my friend from BMX Salatiga, Central Java and Flat Indo, thank you
for your support during the time.
Final words, I want to say thank you so much indeed for all those who I cannot
mention the names. Hopefully this thesis can be useful for us.


Skripsi ini disusun untuk menemukan respon pembaca tentang karakteristik dari

Oliver Twist sebagai karakter utama dalam novel Charles Dickens, Oliver Twist melalui
konflik yang di hadapinya.Penulis menggunakan teori respon pembaca dari Charless E.
Bressler untuk menemukan response pembaca tentang karakter utama. Dari hasil analisa
dapat di simpulkan bahwa menurut Charless E. Bressler setiap pembaca akan memberikan
reaksi atau pendapat yang berbeda-beda tentang apa yang mereka baca. Dan menurut Laurie
D. Kirszner, karakteristik bisa dilihat dari bagaimana reaksi karakterter sebut terhadap
masalah atau situasi yang dia hadapi dan itu dapat dipengaruhi oleh pemikiran, latar belakang
dan pengalaman pembaca. Dari pendapat di atas, ini lah yang menjadi kesimpulan akhir
tulisan ini di buat.


This thesis was made to find reader response about characteristic of Oliver
Twist as the main character through his conflict in Charless Dickens’s Oliver Twist. The
writer uses Reader Response Criticism from Charless E. Bressler to find out the characteristic
of the main character from reader’s response. From the analysis it can be concluded
according to Bressler, every reader will give a different perspective and reaction toward what
they read, and it can be influenced by the readers’s experience, thought and background.
From the statement above, it becomes the writing final conclusion is made.



TITLE PAGE..............................................................................................................................i
APPROVAL PAGE...................................................................................................................ii
COPYRIGHT STATEMENT...................................................................................................iii
TABLE OF CONTENT......... ................................................................................................viii
CHAPTER I : INTRODUCTION..............................................................................................1

Background of The Study.................................................................................1


Problem Formulation..........................................................................................3


Objective of The Study......................................................................................3


Scope of The Study............................................................................................4


Significance of The Study..................................................................................4


Definition of Term.............................................................................................4

CHAPTER II : THEORICAL REVIEW..................................................................................6
2.1. Review of Related Study........................................................................................6
2.2. Review of Related Theories....................................................................................7
1. Reader Response Criticism............................................................................7

2. Character and Characterization......................................................................8
3. Conflict...........................................................................................................9
2.3. Theorical Framework............................................................................................10
CHAPTER III :RESEARCH METHOD..................................................................................12

3.1. Object of The Study..............................................................................................12
3.2. Approach of The Study.........................................................................................12
3.3. Method of The Study............................................................................................14
CHAPTER IV : ANALYSIS...................................................................................................16
4.1 Oliver Twist’s Conflicts.........................................................................................16
4.2. Readers’ Response Through Oliver’s Conflict....................................................18
4.2.1 Reader Responses about Oliver Twist’s Protest to The Master Who
Gave Little Meal...............................................................................................21

Reader Response on Oliver Twist’s Decision to Run Away to London

after Getting Bad Treatments from Sowerberry’s Family and Noah...............23
4.2.3 Reader Responses on Oliver Twist decided Stay with Thieves and Even

Learned to be A Pick Pocket............................................................................28
4.2.4 Reader Responses toward Situations or Conflicts that Made Oliver Get
4.2.5 Reader Responses on Oliver Twist’s Feeling for Failing to Send Mr.
Brownlow’s Books and Giving back Mr. Brownlow’s Money.....................34
4.2.6 Reader Response of of Oliver’s Contradiction Feeling with the Situation
that Made Him to be A Thief...........................................................................40
4.2.7 Reader Response on Oliver Twist’s Feeling that Put Him on the
4.2.8 Reader Response on Fagin and Sikes’ Reasons to Make Oliver Take A
Part in The Robbery.........................................................................................44
4.2.9 Reader Response on Oliver’s Risk by Taking Part on the Robbery and
Getting Shot in His Action...............................................................................45


4.2.10 Reader Response on Oliver Decision backs to The House That He
Robbed after Get Hurt......................................................................................48
4.3 Oliver Characteristic from Reader Response.........................................................53
CHAPTER V : CONCLUSION..............................................................................................60

5.1 Conclusion..............................................................................................................60
5.2 Suggestion..............................................................................................................62
