Unlock the Psychic Within

Unlock the Psychic Within
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A look at how we can all access our intuitive / psychic ability

psychic, intuition, spiritual, spirituality, steve gunn

Article Body:
Becoming a full time psychic and healer is something that was chosen for me rather than a cons

One of the first things I noticed was that suddenly to many people I’d become some sort of ali

What undoubtedly influenced them, was the word ’psychic’ conjuring up a vision of the archetyp

This stereotype is far from the truth of most psychics’ daily work, which is being someone who

Even with the chuckling and comments received from others when I changed my situation I’ve rar

It’s this fascination that seems to be a part of everyone that makes those of us working in me

You won’t ever meet a psychic who hasn’t been asked to ’prove it’ and yet despite proving it e

To question that 3 dimensional reality for a moment in order to illustrate the pointVery few p

Energy is at the core of our being. It’s emotions, senses, intuition, sensation, spirit, vibra

A classic I often hear when telling someone another does actually love them is "my friends say

When we can allow ourselves the freedom to open our minds and more importantly our instincts t
Unlocking ones own psychic potential isn’t an add-on to our conventional way of living - it’s

Ok so if you’ve managed to stick with me this far, then I guess you may want to know how you c

So we think, that’s how we convene with our daily reality. but while we’re doing this thinking

Cosmic energy is the energy that our souls are made of, the energy that the universe is made o

From this energy psychics sense and feel thoughts and emotions and situations and often-physic

Do we all have this abilityyes, although some can develop to a higher level than others depend
The classic scenario is someone going through a development session and being asked to read a

It’s that suspension of disbelief that sometimes takes years to overcome. And the more intelli
The point here is that we couldn’t even necessarily trust the subjects own account of his/her
This is a vitally important point about psychic reading and it goes a lot deeper into the way

Remember earlier in the article I commented that becoming spiritually developed - more psychic

The actual process of psychic reading is a natural one, the real key issues to address using t

Accept that we are all linked via cosmic energy and suspend disbelief while you explore your a

Don’t think; - sense and feel for the answers. Learning to meditate is an essential to help qu
Understand that there is only one truth to any situation. Stick to that truth and don’t waver
Know. True psychic ability gives us an inner knowing about things, a total surety without the
These things are the hardest part of the path.. Reading itself comes naturally although it is
The secrets of the universe are all there staring us in the face. It’s just that we are never
Have fun on your spiritual journey

Steve Gunn - Master Psychic

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