Public Speaking 9 Characteristics Of The Greats

Public Speaking: 9 Characteristics Of The Greats
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There’s more to speaking than sharing a few words. Here are the top nine characteristics of pu

1. Solid Content. Even a person lacking charismatic gifts can develop solid content. Always sh

2. Humorous. It’s hard to hate someone you laugh with. The best speakers find a way to get peo

public speaking, presentation skills

Article Body:
There’s more to speaking than sharing a few words. Here are the top nine characteristics of pu

1. Solid Content. Even a person lacking charismatic gifts can develop solid content. Always sh

2. Humorous. It’s hard to hate someone you laugh with. The best speakers find a way to get peo

3. Organized. There’s no excuse for rambling through a presentation. Have your notes structure

4. Approachable. Some speakers try to get in and get out as fast as possible, but the audience

5. Authenticity. It’s said that honest arrogance is preferred over false humility. We all want

6. Growing. Great speakers continue to grow in the knowledge and application of the craft. The

7. Giving. The best in this profession give without expecting return. Most big name speakers g
8. Natural. Last night I actually watched BookSpan for the first time. I’ve flipped by before

9. Passionate. Speaking transfers energy with words. The more passion passes through the messa

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