Institutional Repository | Satya Wacana Christian University: Prototype Sistem Identifikasi Nomor Polisi Kendaraan untuk Sistem Parkir menggunakan Contactless Smart Card

Prototype Sistem Identifikasi Nomor Polisi Kendaraan
untuk Sistem Parkir menggunakan Contactless Smart Card

Artikel Ilmiah

Peneliti :
Novianto (672008013)
Theophilus Wellem, S.T, M.S

Program Studi Teknik Informatika
Fakultas Teknologi Informasi
Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana
September 2012

Smart card is pocket sized card with chip that have secured data. Smart card can be
used to save data transaction, identity, transportation ticket, etc. STNK is a
registration license of a vehicle with plate number on it. In a parking system which
give a ticket to customer, usually they need to show STNK when they want to leave
parking area. But in a crowded parking area, it will make a long queue when the

customer want to leave parking area. Smart card is the solution to decrease the
quantity of the queue. Design method of this program using prototype method to
identify plate number of the vehicle in parking system. From this prototype,
identification of vehicle's plate number in parking system can be better.