

Regional Languages Interference Phenomenon into Indonesian Language

in the Learning Process as Actualization to Reveal Ethics in Speaking

Henny Dewi Koeswanti henny.dewi@staff.uksw.edu

Satya Wacana Christian University, Salatiga-Indonesia Abstract

Language is the main tool to make interpersonal communication in the society. This aim of this study is to describe interference forms in form of regional languages into Indonesian language that is used in the formal communication of Indonesian language learning. Using of qualitative method, the first step is to make a research by using of a write-record technique, making of data transcription, collecting of data according to types of interference, analyzing of interference forms as well as elucidating of contributing factors of interference. Results show that there were some students who still interfere Indonesian language with their regional languages in the formal communication of Indonesian language learning. Language interference in this study classifies in three investigations – Phonology, Morphology, and Lexical. Interference in the formal communication caused by several factors; background, intimacy and prestige made by a speaker. Background factors of regional language interference into Indonesian language in the Indonesian language learning are understanding of second language, understanding of structure, verb composition, mastery of vocabulary, and inappropriateness in words choosing.

Key words: Interference, Indonesian language, discussion, learning


The event of communication is always associated with two contexts, namely the language context and cultural context. Language context in this case leads to the context of speech or context of situation, which may include aspects of participant identity, time and place of communication event, topics of speech, and the purpose of speech. This cultural context implies that every language users in organizing social interaction or communication is always patterned by its culture. Cultural context is the context of a relatively general in the language communities (Levinson, 2000).

Language is a set of oral arbitrary sound and it has meaning. Language has a main function, namely as a means of communication. When a person communicates, he or she cannot be separated from the existence of languages, users, and its usages. What kind of language that will be chosen, certainly it will be related to who is talking to whom to speak, what to say, and where to speak. In order for the purpose of communication is reached, the use of language should consider the speaking strategy. By using the speaking strategy, the purpose of communication is likely to be achieved. This is understandable because the narrative strategy strongly consider the


context of speech, with whom, when, and what kind of speech situation is disclosed. The resulted communication process can be in form of spoken communication or written communication. Each communication that uses language, both spoken and written, must have a goal that would be submitted to the listener or reader. The created communication uses language tailored to the needs and integrity of information in such way that is easily digested and understood. This is emphasized in the written language existing in the community, either in the form of books or other forms.

Language skills in learning of Indonesian language is divided into four aspects, namely listening skill, speaking skill, reading skill, and writing skill. Those four skills are interrelated to each other. Whereas in the implementation of language learning should integrate activities to observe, ask, explore, associate and communicate.


The approach used in this research is qualitative descriptive. This qualitative study was conducted to describe the findings in the field on the forms of interference in the form of local languages into Indonesian language that is used in formal communication. The data obtained by a converse-involve-observe technique. The collected data were analysed with an intra-lingual matching method and a compare-relate technique that equates and differentiates forms of analysed interference. Qualitative descriptive research means that the results of research in the field are noted and recorded, certainly in accordance with their title, and

then they are accurately described so that readers or enthusiasts of language can comprehend clearly. The strategy for this study is case study because the study site at only one place, and as a result, this study is a research with a single case strategy. Because of problems and focuses of the research had been emphasized, more specific strategy had been made called as embedded case study research (Sutopo, 2002 :183). It means that, this study is a case study on student discussion during the learning process.


3.1.Role and Variation of Language Language has three (3) functions, namely communicative, expressive, and descriptive functions. First, communicative function means that a language has function as a means to communicate. Second, expressive function means that a language has function as a means of testifying about the fact of ourselves delivering to other persons. Third, descriptive function means that a language has function enabling creating knowledge about something. These three things can be realized in form of oral speech and written language.

Indonesian language should be uttered in good and correct form. Good means that it ought to be adapted to the circumstances and partner of speaking. Correct means that the language must be delivered in accordance with the rules of the official language and according to the applicable rules. Thus, in uttering of a language, it is not only based on the forms of language but must also it must address aspects of decency and principles of cooperation. Leech (1993) explains that the principle of


cooperation is required to facilitate explaining the relationship between meaning and effort; such explanation is very adequate, especially to solve the problems that arise in the semantics of truth-based approach. But the principle of cooperation cannot explain the human behavior that often use indirect means to convey what they mean; and the relationship between meaning and effort in the types of non-declarative sentences. Thus, in this context, courtesy plays an important role.

Language variation is one of the strategies used by speakers to convey ideas and concepts. Language variation can be derived from the local language, national language, and language that is being learned, second or foreign language or even mother tongue language (Muhtar Hayuni, 2001). Variations in usage of language is usually also influenced by situation, condition of the speaker, place, time and topic of discussion. The same thing also expressed by Fishman (1976: 15) who states "who speaks what language to whom and when". It means who speak, in what language, when the language is used, whether the language is formal or informal, for example: in offices, shops, buses, tourism places, and in educational environment. That statement is related to this study which took environmental education as a research setting. It is because in an environment of education, especially in the process of learning of a second language, it not only uses the second language, but also still affected with the existing structure of the first mastered language.

3.2. Language Interference Phenomenon in the Learning

Interference is understood as an aberration that occurs in bilingualism in the phase of a second language learning. The interference also arises due to the dominance of the system of first language that affects the use of a second language in the event of communication, emotion, sensibility, and attitude of the speaker. The event of language contact that occurs will not cause interference as long as the existing language system in the first language has similarities with the language system in the second language. However, in case of system differences between the first and second language, there will be chaos causing deviations or errors that known asinterference.

The term interference was first used by the Weinreich (1968: 1) to show the change in the language system in relation to the contiguity of the language with elements of other languages made by bilingual speakers. The bilingual speaker is a speaker who uses two languages interchangeably, whereas the multilingual speaker is a speaker who can use many languages interchangeably. Event of interference occurs in bilingual speech of a bilingual speaker as his ability to speak in another language.

Interference can generally be interpreted as mixing or mingling in the field of language. This mingling is a mixture of two languages or the interplay between the two languages. This was stated by Pramoedya (2006: 27) who states that the interference came from the English language, which means interference, violation, and obstruction.

Based on the description of understanding about the interference above, this study will refer to the opinion of Robert Lado (in


Abdul Hayi, et al., 1985: 8) saying that the interference can be regarded as the difficulties experienced by a speaker that arise in the process of a second language learning. The same opinion also expressed by Nababan (in Samino, 2002: 36) who said hat the interference in addition to productive and receptive interferences, there are still another type of interference, namely performance interference and systemic interference. Performance interference often occurs in a bilingual speaker who is learning a second language. Therefore, this deviation phenomenon called as learning interference. This event also still undergoes changes and developments, called as development interference.

Regional or local languages that are included in the speech done by students in Indonesian language learning in the classroom generally occur spontaneously. It is characterized by a process of communication among students that actually it is not designed as sentence speech that must use the local languages. However, in reality, this kind of speech with local languages is the one that they actually comprehend. Thus, the occurring interference is due to the habit of using of the local language spoken in everyday life, so that it influences the process of formal communication in the classroom during the learning of Indonesian language. There are three elements in the process of interference, namely: source language or donor language, the language or absorbent or recipient language, and derivative element. In the event of language contact, there may be that in the event, a language is the donor language, while in another event the language is the recipient

language that is identical to a mutual absorption event which is a common occurrence in a contact of languages. Interference can occur in all components of language. The cause of interference depends on the ability of the speaker to use a particular language so that he will be influenced by other languages. Based on its field, Weinreich (in Markhamah 2000:20) divides the interference into four types, namely: (1) phonology interference, (2) morphology interference, and (3) syntax interference.

3.3.Interference Phenomenon in Learning

The phenomenon of interference can occur in the event of speech at any place including in the learning activities. Learning in a classroom is a core event in the educational activities. It involves several individuals who communicate and discuss a particular topic. In the communication activity, interference often occurs done by the participants of discussion; in this case, they are students. Thus, the event will result an event of bilingualism in the learning process.

Bilingualism is development of two languages on speakers. People who can use two languages interchangeably called as bilingual speakers (Weinreich, 1953). Bilingual speaker is a person who can speak fluently interchangeably in two or more languages (Tarin, 2009: 5). It is certainly different from the understanding of bilingualism in relative meaning. This relativity occurs caused by restriction on arbitrary bilingualism and can hardly be precisely determined. Early bilingualism defined as the ability to use two languages equally well by a speaker, but this opinion


is increasingly unpopular because there is no basis of criteria for determining the extent to which a speaker can use languages equally well, thus it is difficult to measure and hardly to do.

Here are some examples of interference that are frequently used by students when discussing the process of Indonesian language learning.

3.4. Examples of Phonological Interference

(1) A “Menurut saya, bahasa

Indonesia merupakan alat komunikasi bagi manusia dan slalu digunakan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.”

“In my opinion, the Indonesian language is a communication tool for humans and is always used

in everyday life.”

(2) B “Bahasa adalah sarana

komunikasi yang berguna untuk memudahkan dan ngatur pembicaraan

dengan orang lain.”

“Language is a useful means of communication to facilitate and organize the conversation with other


(3) C “Menurut pendapat saya,

secara garis besar, bahasa merupakan seprangkat bunyi yang digunakan sebagai sarana


“In my opinion, in outline, a language is a set of

sounds that are used as a means of communication.” (4) D “Saya sétuju dengan

pendapat Vroni Guteres

bahwa bahasa Indonesia memiliki sifat yang konvénsional.

"I agree with the opinion of Vroni Guterres that the Indonesian language has a

conventionalnature.” (5) E Sélain itu, bahasa

Indonesia juga memiliki sifat yang khas yakni arbitrér. Yang Artinya tidak da hubungan langsung yang spésifik antara benda yang ditunjuk

dengan penamaannya.”

“In addition, the Indonesian language also has a distinctive trait that is

arbitrary, which means that there is no specific and direct relationship between the designated object with itsnaming.”

In the above quotation/transcript, there are three words that experience phonology interference, namely pronunciation of the words of “slalu” (always), “ngatur” (organize) and seprangkat (“a set of”). In this case, the standard and correct form are “selalu” (always), “mengatur” (organize), and “seperangkat” (a set of). Then, the above quoted conversation also there are some words spoken by students that are not in accordance with the standard rules of pronunciation in Indonesian language. The correct pronunciation of those words are “setuju” (agree), “konvensional” (conventional), “arbitrer” (arbitrary), and “spesifik”(specific).

3.5.Examples of Morphology Interference


kesannya mudah tetapi jika dipelajari lebih jauh maka akan semakin kompleks.”

“Indonesian language sounded so easy but if we study it further, it will be increasingly complex.” (7) B “Bahkan, masyarakat

sering menanyai mahasiswa tentang hakikat dan alas an

mengapa mempelajari

bahasa Indonesia.”

“In fact, people often ask

students about the nature and the reasons why they

study Indonesian


(8) C “Sayangnya, banyak orang yang masih mengaanggap bahwa bahasa Indonesia adalah bahasa yang ketinggalan dibandingkan dengan bahasa, Inggris, China, dan Korea.”

“Unfortunately, many people still consider that Indonesian language is an

out-dated language

compared to other

languages, such as English, Chinese, and Korean.”

In the above quotation/transcript, there are morphological form of interference on the words of “kesannya” (sounded), “menanyai” (question), and “ketinggalan” (out-dated) is still affected by the everyday spoken language, especially the Javanese language. The standard words to replace the three words are “terkesan” (impressed), “menanyakan” (ask), and “tertinggal” (out-dated).

3.5. Examples of Syntax Interference

(9) A

“Dalam kegiatan

komunikasi sehari-hari, bahasa Indonesia yang digunakan adalah bahasa Indonesia versi lisan. Seperti apa yang telah disampaikan oleh Mbak Iko Manalu dan Mas Yovantinus tadi bahwa bahasa lisan memang memiliki porsi dan posisi yang khusus dalam komunikasi sehari-hari.”

“In the course of everyday

communication, the used Indonesian language is spoken version of Indonesian language. As what has been delivered by Miss Iko Manalu and

Bro Yovantinus earlier that spoken language is indeed has its special share and position in everyday


(10) B

“Itu juga akan bermakna

bahwa bahasa Indonesia itumemiliki kekhasan dan aturan

yang berbeda dan memiliki regulasi sendiri.”

“It would also mean that

the Indonesian language

that has specific and different rules and has its


In the above transcript quotation (number 9 and 10) there are syntactic forms of interference which speakers incorporate word “Mbak” (Miss) and “Mas” (Bro) on the transcript (9) that comes from Javanese


language. The intended usage of “Mas” (Bro) and“Mbak” (Sister)is an expression of respect to towards the partner of conversation. Then, in the transcript (10) the speaker enters the word of “itu” (that) and “sendiri” (itself) that are taken from construct sentence model of Javanese language. The word of “that” (itu) and “sendiri” (itself) will not actually change the meaning if the two words are omitted.

3.6.Causing Factors of Interference In this case study, a factor that influences the interference of regional languages into Indonesian language that done by students in the learning process is linguistic factor. This linguistic factors includes components of language, namely phonology, morphology, and syntax. Based on the findings in this study, linguistic factors potentially cause interference of regional language into the use of Indonesian language in the learning are: understanding of second language, understanding of structure or grammar, use of verbs, mastery of vocabulary, errors in the choice of words when expressing ideas and concepts in learning process.

First, understanding of the second language in this context is understanding of Indonesian language deeply will help a person to be a good bilingual speaker. That is, if one understands the ins and outs of the language that is being studied both internally and externally, it will be easier to for him to use this language to communicate both in oral language and written language.

Second, the structure of language includes how to assemble phrases, clauses, and sentences to be a good and true discourse in the grammar of the language. It has

been known well that the structure of a language will be different from the structure of another language, though occasionally similarities are found between the two.

Third, the composition of a proper verb in Indonesian language must be adapted to the form of verb and the word base because it will change if it obtains derivation. It will be an interference of a language when forming of verb receives derivation from regional languages, such as Javanese language interference into Indonesian language on words of “kejatuhan” (fallen) and “ketabrak” (hit by).

Fourth, mastery of vocabulary is supporting factor in language skills. Limitation in vocabulary also affects conversational skills. Speaking begins with making a short sentence, later developed into a simple utterance and eventually became a thought which contains ideas and concepts. In the process of speaking, an idea requires configuration between proficiency in speaking related to the structure and mastery of vocabulary and the ability of expressing ideas or thoughts to form unity of a good idea.

Fifth, other factor is a mistake in the wording. This can cause chaos of meaning. That is, when a student expresses ideas and thoughts sometimes chooses not inappropriate diction. In other words, the revealed sentence is often different from what is intended so that the listener has trouble in understanding what the speaker means and has to examine meaning of the sentence.


Interference occurrence is indeed a problem that is difficult to remove, even some linguists claimed that interference cannot be removed because it will always happen when a speaker learning a second language or foreign language. The elements in the first language directly and indirectly will be brought into the use of the second language. In education, it is closely related to the process of language learning. The existence of interference is also referred to as a serious problem that must be followed up as soon as possible even though it also occurs naturally, but a solution must be found to overcome it. Therefore, efforts to reduce and may anticipate interference will be described in the following discussion.

First, in the case of discussion process that performed by students, the role of lecturer of Indonesian language as a facilitator and a language filter is really needed. Particularly, when language interference occurs in an atmosphere of learning in the classroom, a lecturer can remind and correct these errors and provide explanations to students about what must be done at the time of discussion. Lecturers should be more concerned about speaking skills by developing better new methods. Lecturers are also expected to be more open in providing extra time on each opportunity to discuss any difficulties concerning the usage of Indonesian language in formal situations.

Second, students should be more aware and sensitive to mistakes in speaking. The awareness of students about the interference is very important to address this mistakes. In this case, students are expected to be aware of mistakes they make, so that they will be more motivated

to learn more. In addition, students also are expected to frequently practice their speaking skills in formal situations according to standard rules.

Third, students must be willing and able to improve their attitudes in using of language, especially a correct and standard Indonesian language. Anderson (in Sumarsono, 2004: 363) explains the language attitude as a belief system that is relatively long term in nature partly on specific languages, concerning language object that provides a tendency for a person to react in a certain way or with a chosen method. A positive attitude towards a language is a major contribution to the success of the language learning (Sumarsono, 2004: 363). Language attitude can also be seen from the tendency of a person in using of a particular language politely, carefully, with precise choice of words, and grammar in accordance with the rules and norms applicable in a particular language.


Interference as one of fields of sociolinguistics occurs due to the use of a second language in bilingual and multilingual societies. Transfer from the first language to the second language or vice versa that tends to cause adverse or disturbing impacts called as interference. Language Interference can occur at every level of a language and in every language society. Similarly in education, in the learning of a second language, it is possible that interference caused by contiguity of two languages which each of them has similarities and differences. Interference in learning is known as performance interference. Performance interference is common in those who learn


a second language, so that it is called as learning interference.

Interference occurs because there is a tendency on the bilingual speaker to liken the elements that exist in other languages in contact with each other, so that confluence event occurs. It is an unintentional influence from one language to another language. The type of influence is very evident in a bilingual speaker who uses language in everyday communication. This habits affects the communication process in a formal situation, especially in learning of Indonesian language, namely the interference of regional languages into Indonesian language. Factors underlying the interference of regional languages into Indonesian language in learning: understanding about second language, understanding of language structure, verb compositions, vocabulary, and mistake in word selection.

From the above description regarding the perception of interference, it can be argued that the interference is a natural or prevalent thing in the learning process. However, interference is more likely to be harmful, can eventually lead to chaos in its use in the language system being studied. In other words, interference is a serious problem and must be resolved immediately. If interference is not immediately anticipated, it will be more disturbing for those who want to improve their proficiency in Indonesian language. REFERENCES

Abdulhayi, Syaf E. Sulaiman, Sutarna, Suharti. 1995. Intereferensi Grammatikal Bahasa Indonesia dalam Bahasa Jawa. Jakarta: Pusat Pengembangan dan Pembinaan

Bahasa Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan.

Chaer, A. 2004. Sosiolinguistik. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta.

Chaer, Abdul & Leonie Agustina. 2004. Sosiolinguistik Perkenalan Awal (edisi Revisi). Jakarta: Rinneka Cipta. Gunarasa, Singgih D. 2004.Dari Anak sampai

Usia Lanjut, Bunga Rampai Psikologi Perkembangan. Jakarta: Gunung Mulia.

Kridalaksana, Harimurti. 2008. Kamus Linguistik.Jakarta: PT Gramedia. Kreidler, Chrales W.. 1998. Introduction

English Semantic.London: Routledge. Levinson, S.C. 2000. Politeness: Some Universal Indonesia Language Usage. Cambridge: Cambridge Universities. Samino. 2002. Interferensi Fonologi,

Morfologi, dan Leksikal Bahasa Jawa dalam Pemakaian Bahasa Indonesia Lisan dan Tulis. Studi Kasus di SLTPN Kecamatan Jatisrono Tahun Pelajaran 2000/2001. Tesis. Surakarta: Universitas Sebelas Maret Tarigan, Henry Guntur. 2009. Pengajaran

Kedwibahasaan. Bandung: Angkasa. Weinreich U. 1968.Language in Contact. The


Abdul Hayi, et al., 1985: 8) saying that the interference can be regarded as the difficulties experienced by a speaker that arise in the process of a second language learning. The same opinion also expressed by Nababan (in Samino, 2002: 36) who said hat the interference in addition to productive and receptive interferences, there are still another type of interference, namely performance interference and systemic interference. Performance interference often occurs in a bilingual speaker who is learning a second language. Therefore, this deviation phenomenon called as learning interference. This event also still undergoes changes and developments, called as development interference.

Regional or local languages that are included in the speech done by students in Indonesian language learning in the classroom generally occur spontaneously. It is characterized by a process of communication among students that actually it is not designed as sentence speech that must use the local languages. However, in reality, this kind of speech with local languages is the one that they actually comprehend. Thus, the occurring interference is due to the habit of using of the local language spoken in everyday life, so that it influences the process of formal communication in the classroom during the learning of Indonesian language. There are three elements in the process of interference, namely: source language or donor language, the language or absorbent or recipient language, and derivative element. In the event of language contact, there may be that in the event, a language is the donor language, while in another event the language is the recipient

language that is identical to a mutual absorption event which is a common occurrence in a contact of languages. Interference can occur in all components of language. The cause of interference depends on the ability of the speaker to use a particular language so that he will be influenced by other languages. Based on its field, Weinreich (in Markhamah 2000:20) divides the interference into four types, namely: (1) phonology interference, (2) morphology interference, and (3) syntax interference.

3.3.Interference Phenomenon in Learning

The phenomenon of interference can occur in the event of speech at any place including in the learning activities. Learning in a classroom is a core event in the educational activities. It involves several individuals who communicate and discuss a particular topic. In the communication activity, interference often occurs done by the participants of discussion; in this case, they are students. Thus, the event will result an event of bilingualism in the learning process.

Bilingualism is development of two languages on speakers. People who can use two languages interchangeably called as bilingual speakers (Weinreich, 1953). Bilingual speaker is a person who can speak fluently interchangeably in two or more languages (Tarin, 2009: 5). It is certainly different from the understanding of bilingualism in relative meaning. This relativity occurs caused by restriction on arbitrary bilingualism and can hardly be precisely determined. Early bilingualism defined as the ability to use two languages equally well by a speaker, but this opinion


is increasingly unpopular because there is no basis of criteria for determining the extent to which a speaker can use languages equally well, thus it is difficult to measure and hardly to do.

Here are some examples of interference that are frequently used by students when discussing the process of Indonesian language learning.

3.4. Examples of Phonological Interference

(1) A “Menurut saya, bahasa Indonesia merupakan alat komunikasi bagi manusia dan slalu digunakan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.” “In my opinion, the Indonesian language is a communication tool for humans and is always used in everyday life.”

(2) B “Bahasa adalah sarana komunikasi yang berguna untuk memudahkan dan

ngatur pembicaraan

dengan orang lain.”

“Language is a useful means of communication to facilitate and organize the conversation with other people.”

(3) C “Menurut pendapat saya, secara garis besar, bahasa merupakan seprangkat bunyi yang digunakan

sebagai sarana


“In my opinion, in outline, a language is a set of sounds that are used as a means of communication.”

(4) D “Saya sétuju dengan

pendapat Vroni Guteres

bahwa bahasa Indonesia memiliki sifat yang konvénsional.”

"I agree with the opinion of Vroni Guterres that the Indonesian language has a conventionalnature.” (5) E Sélain itu, bahasa

Indonesia juga memiliki sifat yang khas yakni arbitrér. Yang Artinya tidak da hubungan langsung yang spésifik antara benda yang ditunjuk dengan penamaannya.” “In addition, the Indonesian language also has a distinctive trait that is arbitrary, which means that there is no specific and direct relationship between the designated object with itsnaming.”

In the above quotation/transcript, there are three words that experience phonology interference, namely pronunciation of the words of “slalu” (always), “ngatur” (organize) and seprangkat (“a set of”). In this case, the standard and correct form are “selalu” (always), “mengatur” (organize), and “seperangkat” (a set of). Then, the above quoted conversation also there are some words spoken by students that are not in accordance with the standard rules of pronunciation in Indonesian language. The correct pronunciation of those words are “setuju” (agree), “konvensional” (conventional), “arbitrer” (arbitrary), and “spesifik”(specific).

3.5.Examples of Morphology Interference


kesannya mudah tetapi jika dipelajari lebih jauh maka akan semakin kompleks.”

“Indonesian language sounded so easy but if we study it further, it will be increasingly complex.” (7) B “Bahkan, masyarakat

sering menanyai

mahasiswa tentang hakikat dan alas an

mengapa mempelajari bahasa Indonesia.”

“In fact, people often ask students about the nature and the reasons why they

study Indonesian


(8) C “Sayangnya, banyak orang yang masih mengaanggap bahwa bahasa Indonesia adalah bahasa yang ketinggalan dibandingkan dengan bahasa, Inggris, China, dan Korea.”

“Unfortunately, many people still consider that Indonesian language is an out-dated language compared to other languages, such as English, Chinese, and Korean.”

In the above quotation/transcript, there are morphological form of interference on the words of “kesannya” (sounded), “menanyai” (question), and “ketinggalan” (out-dated) is still affected by the everyday spoken language, especially the Javanese language. The standard words to replace the three words are “terkesan” (impressed), “menanyakan” (ask), and “tertinggal” (out-dated).

3.5. Examples of Syntax Interference

(9) A

“Dalam kegiatan

komunikasi sehari-hari, bahasa Indonesia yang digunakan adalah bahasa Indonesia versi lisan. Seperti apa yang telah disampaikan oleh Mbak Iko Manalu dan Mas Yovantinus tadi bahwa bahasa lisan memang memiliki porsi dan posisi yang khusus dalam komunikasi sehari-hari.” “In the course of everyday communication, the used Indonesian language is spoken version of Indonesian language. As what has been delivered by Miss Iko Manalu and Bro Yovantinus earlier that spoken language is indeed has its special share and position in everyday communication.”

(10) B

“Itu juga akan bermakna bahwa bahasa Indonesia itumemiliki kekhasan dan aturan

yang berbeda dan memiliki regulasi sendiri.”

“It would also mean that the Indonesian language that has specific and different rules and has its ownregulations.”

In the above transcript quotation (number 9 and 10) there are syntactic forms of interference which speakers incorporate word “Mbak” (Miss) and “Mas” (Bro) on the transcript (9) that comes from Javanese


language. The intended usage of “Mas” (Bro) and“Mbak” (Sister)is an expression of respect to towards the partner of conversation. Then, in the transcript (10) the speaker enters the word of “itu” (that) and “sendiri” (itself) that are taken from construct sentence model of Javanese language. The word of “that” (itu) and “sendiri” (itself) will not actually change the meaning if the two words are omitted.

3.6.Causing Factors of Interference In this case study, a factor that influences the interference of regional languages into Indonesian language that done by students in the learning process is linguistic factor. This linguistic factors includes components of language, namely phonology, morphology, and syntax. Based on the findings in this study, linguistic factors potentially cause interference of regional language into the use of Indonesian language in the learning are: understanding of second language, understanding of structure or grammar, use of verbs, mastery of vocabulary, errors in the choice of words when expressing ideas and concepts in learning process.

First, understanding of the second language in this context is understanding of Indonesian language deeply will help a person to be a good bilingual speaker. That is, if one understands the ins and outs of the language that is being studied both internally and externally, it will be easier to for him to use this language to communicate both in oral language and written language.

Second, the structure of language includes how to assemble phrases, clauses, and sentences to be a good and true discourse in the grammar of the language. It has

been known well that the structure of a language will be different from the structure of another language, though occasionally similarities are found between the two.

Third, the composition of a proper verb in Indonesian language must be adapted to the form of verb and the word base because it will change if it obtains derivation. It will be an interference of a language when forming of verb receives derivation from regional languages, such as Javanese language interference into Indonesian language on words of “kejatuhan” (fallen) and “ketabrak” (hit by).

Fourth, mastery of vocabulary is supporting factor in language skills. Limitation in vocabulary also affects conversational skills. Speaking begins with making a short sentence, later developed into a simple utterance and eventually became a thought which contains ideas and concepts. In the process of speaking, an idea requires configuration between proficiency in speaking related to the structure and mastery of vocabulary and the ability of expressing ideas or thoughts to form unity of a good idea.

Fifth, other factor is a mistake in the wording. This can cause chaos of meaning. That is, when a student expresses ideas and thoughts sometimes chooses not inappropriate diction. In other words, the revealed sentence is often different from what is intended so that the listener has trouble in understanding what the speaker means and has to examine meaning of the sentence.


Interference occurrence is indeed a problem that is difficult to remove, even some linguists claimed that interference cannot be removed because it will always happen when a speaker learning a second language or foreign language. The elements in the first language directly and indirectly will be brought into the use of the second language. In education, it is closely related to the process of language learning. The existence of interference is also referred to as a serious problem that must be followed up as soon as possible even though it also occurs naturally, but a solution must be found to overcome it. Therefore, efforts to reduce and may anticipate interference will be described in the following discussion.

First, in the case of discussion process that performed by students, the role of lecturer of Indonesian language as a facilitator and a language filter is really needed. Particularly, when language interference occurs in an atmosphere of learning in the classroom, a lecturer can remind and correct these errors and provide explanations to students about what must be done at the time of discussion. Lecturers should be more concerned about speaking skills by developing better new methods. Lecturers are also expected to be more open in providing extra time on each opportunity to discuss any difficulties concerning the usage of Indonesian language in formal situations.

Second, students should be more aware and sensitive to mistakes in speaking. The awareness of students about the interference is very important to address this mistakes. In this case, students are expected to be aware of mistakes they make, so that they will be more motivated

to learn more. In addition, students also are expected to frequently practice their speaking skills in formal situations according to standard rules.

Third, students must be willing and able to improve their attitudes in using of language, especially a correct and standard Indonesian language. Anderson (in Sumarsono, 2004: 363) explains the language attitude as a belief system that is relatively long term in nature partly on specific languages, concerning language object that provides a tendency for a person to react in a certain way or with a chosen method. A positive attitude towards a language is a major contribution to the success of the language learning (Sumarsono, 2004: 363). Language attitude can also be seen from the tendency of a person in using of a particular language politely, carefully, with precise choice of words, and grammar in accordance with the rules and norms applicable in a particular language.


Interference as one of fields of sociolinguistics occurs due to the use of a second language in bilingual and multilingual societies. Transfer from the first language to the second language or vice versa that tends to cause adverse or disturbing impacts called as interference. Language Interference can occur at every level of a language and in every language society. Similarly in education, in the learning of a second language, it is possible that interference caused by contiguity of two languages which each of them has similarities and differences. Interference in learning is known as performance interference. Performance interference is common in those who learn


a second language, so that it is called as learning interference.

Interference occurs because there is a tendency on the bilingual speaker to liken the elements that exist in other languages in contact with each other, so that confluence event occurs. It is an unintentional influence from one language to another language. The type of influence is very evident in a bilingual speaker who uses language in everyday communication. This habits affects the communication process in a formal situation, especially in learning of Indonesian language, namely the interference of regional languages into Indonesian language. Factors underlying the interference of regional languages into Indonesian language in learning: understanding about second language, understanding of language structure, verb compositions, vocabulary, and mistake in word selection.

From the above description regarding the perception of interference, it can be argued that the interference is a natural or prevalent thing in the learning process. However, interference is more likely to be harmful, can eventually lead to chaos in its use in the language system being studied. In other words, interference is a serious problem and must be resolved immediately. If interference is not immediately anticipated, it will be more disturbing for those who want to improve their proficiency in Indonesian language. REFERENCES

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