Night Eating Syndrome and Sleep Walking

Night Eating Syndrome and Sleep Walking
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Eating while sleeping? Night eating syndrome, also known as sleep-related eating, is considere

Eating disorders, night eating disorders, sleep disorders, sleepwalking, parasomnia.

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Eating while sleeping? It’s probably a disorder.
Has this happened to you?

You woke up one morning, and you found that there were wrappers of candy bar all over your kit
Probably not, In fact, the symptoms show that you probably have a night eating syndrome.

Night eating syndrome, also known as sleep-related eating, is considered by medical doctors as
What is night eating disorder?
Also known as nocturnal sleep-related eating disorder or NS-RED, night eating disorder is not

The people suffering from this disorder are not conscious during NS-RED episodes. That is why

When people suffering from night eating disorder learn that they have such a problem, they fee
The food consumed during the disorder periods are most likely to be high-sugar, high-fat food
How can you get NS-RED?

According to recent statistics, about three to nine people or about one to three percent of th
Many of those affected by the syndrome diet (or at least try to) during the day, leaving them
How can you eat and unable to remember doing so?

Actually, that could really happen. While research on this disorder is still not that comprehe
Is NS-RED curable? What should you do if you have it?

Thank god, treatment is available for your night eating disorder. Treatment starts with a medi

Yes, there is treatment. It begins with a clinical interview and a night or two at a sleep-dis

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