Chapter Three Identifying Stakeholders and Issues

  Canadian Business and Society: Canadian Business and Society: Ethics & Responsibilities Ethics & Responsibilities Chapter Three Identifying Stakeholders and Issues

  Chapter Outline

  Stakeholder: Definition


  Identifying Stakeholders


  Managers’ Responsibilities


  Opposition to Stakeholder Concept


  Argument for Stakeholder Concept


  Issues Management


  Issues Management Process

  Stakeholder: Defnition

  An individual, or group, who can influence and/or is influenced by the achievement of an organization’s purpose.

  Source: Freeman, 1984


  Why are stakeholders important to a firm?


  What can happen to the firm if managers do not properly identify and satisfy the interests of their firm’s stakeholders?


  Do stakeholders have differing goals and power/influence over time?

Chapter 3 Discussion Questions

  Identifying Stakeholders







  Customers or consumers


  Lenders and creditors



  Identifying Stakeholders

  Service professionals


  Dealers, distributors, and franchisees


  Business organizations




  Joint-venture participants


  Non-governmental organizations


  Society at large


  Educational institutions


  Religious groups




  Service, fraternal, cultural, and ethnic associations


  The media



Chapter 3 Identifying Stakeholders


  Identify stakeholders


  Understand how corporation currently views stakeholders


  Examine how each stakeholder will or might influence firm


  Assess opportunities and threats


  Rank stakeholders by influence


  Prepare programs or policies detailing how to cope with stakeholders

Chapter 3 Managers’ Responsibilities


  Problems of categorization (e.g., how to identify and prioritize stakeholders)


  Challenges in meeting expectations (e.g., tradeoffs among the stakeholders)


  Dilution of top management focus (e.g., away from financial performance)


  Impracticality of shared governance (e.g., focus still on shareholders)

Chapter 3 Opposition to Stakeholder Concept


  Simply good business


  Ignoring stakeholder interests can have substantial economic consequences (e.g., employees, customers, lenders, etc.)


  Provides more systematic approach to recognizing stakeholder expectations and deciding how to respond

Chapter 3 Argument for Stakeholder Concept

  Issues Management: Defnition

  A systemic process by which the

corporation can identify, evaluate, and

respond to those economic, social, and

environmental issues that may impact

significantly upon it.

   Issues Life Cycle Stages: 

  Degree of awareness of issue over time (none or little; increasing; prominent; peak; declining)

Chapter 3 Issues Management

  Issues Management Process 1.

  Identification of issues 2. Analysis of issues 3. Ranking or prioritizing of issues 4. Formulating issue response 5. Implementing issue response 6. Monitoring and evaluating issue response

  Sources: Carroll, 1989; Bryson, 1988

  Group Exerciseyou all belong to – like a university - or you all know well (an organisation that In a group – identify one organisation the company. Questions:\ airline) – discuss the stakeholders of that you use – like a beer company, an 2.

  1. stakeholders? How does the organisation manage its How many stakeholders does it have? 3. stakeholders? organisation better at managing its What do you think would make the 5. What are the opportunities or threats 4. influence? Can you rank stakeholders by stakeholders? posed by the most influential