Jam tangan Airplane Watch pdf

Jam tangan Airplane Watch
yonatawatches.com /product/jam-tangan-airplane-watch/

Product Description
Jam tangan Airplane Watch
Ready HITAM, PUTIH, PINK, BIRU muda (tdk sama gambar), HIJAU, ORANGE, UNGU (sesuai stok
yg ada) tanpa box, –hitam kosong
BOX WAJIB beli di etalase kotak jam, silahkan pilih
tanpa box, pecah dlm pengiriman tdk bisa tukar

100% Brand new.
silica gel band, very soft, very comfortable
electronic watch
dial plate shape: U.S. B-2 invisible bomber shape
anti-magnetic, shakeproof, daily waterproof (Not for swimming or Showering)
there are 7 colors light (you can change to any color you like)
excelllent design, very cool, female can also wear it.

Turn on/ change light effects:

Press the A button to turn on the effects. Hold A at least 3 seconds for changing light effect.
Check date:
Press C only once at standard time indication.
StopwatchPress B once and C to start/ pause the stopwatch
Press D for recovering.
Set alarm time:
Under standard time indication, press B twice and enter into the alarm setting mode. C button to
set alarm and D to shift.
Turn on/ off alarm:In normal mode, hold C and press D to turn on/ off alarm.
Adjust time, date, day of week: Under standart time indication, press B thrice and enter into the
time setting mode. C button to set time and D to shift.
Switch 12/24 hour systems: Under time setting mode, 12/24-hour system can be shift while
adjusting Hours.