Acceptance Miksusanti SMR UNPAD 2011

Biochemistry Program
Faculty of Mathematics and Science,
University of Sriwijaya

14 October 2011

Dear Miksusanti,
On behalf of the organizing committee, I am pleased to inform that based on review by the
scientific committee, your abstract entitled “Antibacterial of Kaempferia pandurata
Essential Oil Tubers on Listeria monocytogenes, Including Mechanism and
Application” has been accepted for oral presentation on the 2nd International Seminar on
Chemistry 2011 (ISC-2011) in Jatinangor, Indonesia, which will be conducted on 24-25
November 2011.
As we will make a seminar proceeding, full paper of your talk must be submitted before 14
November 2011. The template for full paper can be downloaded from our official
website (
Final conference program, practical information and updated information are also available
on our official website.
We will be waiting forward meeting you at the seminar venue. Wishing you a very successful
scientific event.

Sincerely yours,

Dr. Euis Julaeha
Chairperson of the Organizing Committee