L8– Integrated Water Resources

M odu le 3 – ( L8 - L1 1 ) : I n t e gr a t e d W a t e r sh e d M a n a ge m e n t


I n t r odu ct ion t o I n t e gr a t e d Appr oa ch , I n t e gr a t e d W a t e r Re sou r ce s

M a n a ge m e n t , Con j u n ct ive Use of W a t e r Re sou r ce s, Ra in w a t e r

H a r ve st in g; Roof Ca t ch m e n t Syst e m

I n t e gr a t e d W a t e r Re sou r ce s



L8 – I n t e gr a t e d L8

W a t e r Re sou r ce s M a n a ge m e n t M t

   

Topics Cove r e d Topics Cove r e d

    I nt roduct ion t o int egrat ed approach, I nt roduct ion t o int egrat ed approach, I nt egrat ed wat er resources m anagem ent , I nt egrat ed wat er resources m anagem ent , I nt egrat ed wat ershed Managem ent I nt egrat ed wat ershed Managem ent approach, Case st udy approach, Case st udy

    I t I nt egrat ed approach, I nt egrat ed I nt egrat ed approach, I nt egrat ed I t t d h t d h I t I t t d t d

  Keywords: Keywords: Keywords: Keywords: Wat er Resources m anagem ent , I WMA Wat er Resources m anagem ent , I WMA

  Prof. T I Eldho, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Bombay

I n t r odu ct ion t o I n t e gr a t e d Appr oa ch I n t r odu ct ion t o I n t e gr a t e d Appr oa ch

   

I ssu e s: I ssu e s:

  • – Resources under pressure
  • – Populat ion under w at er st ress
  • – I m pact of pollut ion I t f ll t i
  • – Wat er governance crisis


Ch a lle n ge s

  • – Securing w at er for people
  • – Securing wat er for food product ion
  • – Developing ot her j ob creat ing act ivit ies; p g j g
  • – Prot ect ing vit al ecosyst em s;
  • – Dealing w it h variabilit y of wat er in t im e and space
  • – Managing risks Managing risks
  • – Creat ing popular aw areness and underst anding
  • – Forging t he polit ical will t o act ;
  • – Ensuring collaborat ion across sect ors and boundaries Ensuring collaborat ion across sect ors and boundaries

  Prof. T I Eldho, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Bombay I nt egrat ed Approach I nt egrat ed Approach www.valleyviewcampus.org

   Nat ural syst em - Crit ical im port ance for resource

  availabilit y & qualit y

  • – I nt egrat ion of freshwat er & coast al zone m anagem ent I nt egrat ion of freshwat er & coast al zone m anagem ent
  • – I nt egrat ion of land and wat er m anagem ent
  • – I nt egrat ion of surface & ground wat er m anagem ent
  • – I nt egrat ion of quant it y and qualit y in wat er resources I nt egrat ion of quant it y and qualit y in wat er resources m anagem ent
  • – I nt egrat ion of u/ s & d/ s wat er- relat ed int erest s


H m an s st em Hum an syst em - Det erm ines resource use, w ast e Det e m ines eso e se ast e product ion & pollut ion & developm ent priorit ies et c

  • – Mainst ream ing of wat er resources
  • – Macro- econom ic effect s of wat er developm ent s
  • – I nfluencing econom ic sect or decisions
  • – I nt egrat ion of all st akeholders in planning & decision
  • – I nt egrat ing wat er and wast ewat er m anagem ent

  Prof. T I Eldho, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Bombay I nt egrat ion of Land & Wat er Managem ent I nt egrat ion of Land & Wat er Managem ent 

  Land use developm ent s & veget at ion cover ( crop select ion) influence t he physical dist ribut ion and qualit y of w at er influence t he physical dist ribut ion and qualit y of w at er


  Consider in overall planning & m anagem ent of w at er resources


  Prom ot ion of cat chm ent and river basin m anagem ent Prom ot ion of cat chm ent and river basin m anagem ent – Logical planning unit for I WRM


Gr e e n w a t e r : Wat er direct ly used for biom ass product ion

  and lost in evapot ranspirat ion d l t i t i t i

   Blu e w a t e r : Wat er flow ing in rivers and aquifers


  Most ly w at er m anagem ent focus on t he blue w at er only


  Managem ent of green w at er having significant pot ent ial for w at er savings, increasing w at er use efficiency

  Prof. T I Eldho, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Bombay www.cimic-coe.org

  5 Hum an syst em int egrat ion Hum an syst em int egrat ion

I n t e gr a t ion of a ll st a k e h olde r s in t h e pla n n in g a n d

de cision Pr oce ss

  Key elem ent in obt aining balanced & sust ainable K l t i bt i i b l d & t i bl ut ilizat ion of resources


  Generally st akeholders represent conflict ing int erest s y p g & t heir obj ect ives concerning wat er resources m anagem ent m ay subst ant ially differ

   

  Hence I WRM should develop operat ional t ools for Hence I WRM should develop operat ional t ools for conflict m anagem ent and resolut ion


  Essent ial t o ident ify t he wat er resources m anagem ent funct ions based on lowest level of im plem ent at ion


  I n t hat process, relevant st ake holders should be ident ified and m obilized ident ified and m obilized

  Prof. T I Eldho, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Bombay Efficiency, Social Equit y & Sust ainabilit y 

  Efficiency in wat er use is core principle of I WRM:

  w at er m ust be used wit h m axim um possible efficiency w at er m ust be used wit h m axim um possible efficiency

  • – Econom ic efficiency

   Social equit y: Means all people m ust have access t o

  w at er of adequat e quant it y and qualit y f d d l

  • – Part icipat ion in w at er m anagem ent by all st akeholders st akeholders – Best w ay t o ensure equit y Best w ay t o ensure equit y

   Sust ainabilit y : To achieve ecological sust ainabilit y

  • – Current wat er use should be m anaged in such a w ay t hat does not affect fut ure generat ions h d ff f i


  I W RM : I nt egrat ion of: Efficiency, Equit y & Sus a ab Sust ainabilit y y

  Prof. T I Eldho, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Bombay


  8 I n t e gr a t e d W a t e r Re sou r ce s M a n a ge m e n t



  • “ A process w hich prom ot es - coordinat ed developm ent & t & m anagem ent of w at er, land & relat ed resources, t o f t l d & l t d t m axim ize result ant econom ic & social w elfare in an equit able m anner w it hout com prom ising t he sust ainabilit y of vit al ecosyst em s " ( by ecosyst em s. ( by Global Wat er Part nership Global Wat er Part nership GWP) . GWP)


  involve applying know ledge from various disciplines as well as


insight s from diverse st akeholders t o devise & im plem ent

  efficient equit able and sust ainable solut ions t o efficient , equit able and sust ainable solut ions t o w at er & w at er & developm ent problem s.


  A com prehensive, part icipat ory planning & im plem ent at ion t t ool for m anaging & developing l f i & d l i sust ainable t i bl Wat er Resources W t R


  Open & flexible process – involve st ake holders & decision

  m akers Ref: w w w.gw p.or g


Prof. T I Eldho, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Bombay

I W RM Pr in ciple s -- GW P GW P p p

  I W RM Pr in ciple s


  From Dublin St at em ent :

  • – Fresh wat er - a finit e & vulnerable resource – Fresh wat er - a finit e & vulnerable resource, essent ial t o sust ain life & developm ent .
  • – Wat er developm ent & m anagem ent - based on a h l l

  part icipat ory approach- users, planners & policy m akers at all levels.

  • – Wom en play a cent ral part . Wom en play a cent ral part .
  • – Wat er – public good wit h socio- econom ic value.
  • – Equit able & efficient m anagem ent – sust ainable use.


  I WRM: Feeding t he world, A world of cit ies, Deplet ed resources, working t oget her across sect ors, social change, Wat er is key t o developm ent . c a ge, a e s ey o de e op e

  Prof. T I Eldho, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Bombay Ref: w w w .gw p.or g I WRM Concept s & Com ponent s 

  I WRM -- Concept s & Com ponent s

  I WRM C Mult iple uses, Holist ic m anagem ent , M l i l H li i

  I WRM Concept s:

  Mult iple perspect ive, Part icipat ory approach & Wom en involvem ent .


  I WRM Com ponent s: 

  Wat er allocat ion – t o m aj or users & uses


  River basin planning – priorit ies River basin planning priorit ies


  St ake holders part icipat ion – basis of decision m aking


  Pollut ion cont rol - Managing pollut ion using pollut er pays principles & appropriat e incent ives – m inim ize environm ent al & social im pact s


  Monit oring – im plem ent effect ive m onit oring syst em


  Econom ic & financial m anagem ent – sust ainable benefit s


  I nform at ion m anagem ent

  Ref: w w w .gw p.or g Prof. T I Eldho, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Bombay I WRM – Planning Planning 

  I WRM –

  I WRM – Basic Pillars:

   En a blin g e n vir on m e n t - suit able policies, st rat egies

  & legislat ion for sust ainable I WRM & legislat ion for sust ainable I WRM


  I nst it ut ional fram e work – pract ice t he policies, st rat egies and legislat ion


  Set t ing t he Managem ent I nst rum ent s for im plem ent at ion

   

  I W RM Pla n n in g Cycle : St udy t he syst em > St udy t he syst em - >

  I W RM Pla n n in g Cycle :

  Analyze gaps - > Building com m it m ent t o act ions - > I m plem ent fram ework - > Monit or & evaluat e progress

  • > Est ablish st at us & goals - > Build com m it m ent t o > Est ablish st at us & goals > Build com m it m ent t o reform process - > Cont inue

  Ref: w w w .gw p.or g Prof. T I Eldho, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Bombay I WRM Procedure 

  I WRM Procedure

  Managing wat er at t he basin or wat ershed - int egrat ing

  land & w at er, upst ream & dow nst ream , groundw at er & surface w at er, & coast al resources. surface wat er & coast al resources

   Opt im izing supply – conduct assessm ent of surface &

  groundw at er; analyze w at er balance; w at er conservat ion & reuse reuse

   Managing dem and – w at er efficient t echnologies


  • – effect ive w at er user’s

  Providing equit able access g q

  associat ion


Est ablishing policy – eg. im plem ent at ion of t he pollut er-

  pays principle, w at er qualit y norm s and st andards pays principle, w at er qualit y norm s and st andards


  decision m aking,

  I nt er- sect oral approach- im plem ent at ion & m anagem ent .

  Prof. T I Eldho, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Bombay I WRM -- Basis Basis 


  Basic principles: wat er as social & econom ic good, holist ic perspect ive, involvem ent of st akeholders


  Balancing econom ic efficiency, environm ent al B l i i ffi i i t l sust ainabilit y, social equit y


  Aligning int erest s and act ivit ies t hat are t radit ionally g g y seen as unrelat ed or not well coordinat ed ( horizont ally and vert ically)

   

  Not j ust wat er - int egrat ing wat er in overall Not j ust wat er - int egrat ing wat er in overall sust ainable developm ent processes.


  I WRM I ncorporat es: I nt egrat ion, Equit y, and

  Efficiency t o achieve Sust ainabilit y Prof. T I Eldho, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Bombay

H ow t o I m ple m e n t I W RM ?. H ow t o I m ple m e n t I W RM ?

   

  The enabling environm ent : Nat ional/ provincial/ local The enabling environm ent : Nat ional/ provincial/ local

  • – From t op t o bot t om ; From com panies t o com m unit ies From t op t o bot t om ; From com panies t o com m unit ies –

   

  The role of governm ent : enabler, cont roller, regulat or, service provider, The role of governm ent : enabler, cont roller, regulat or, service provider, im provem ent of public sect or, Gov. & privat e sect or, w at er m arket s, im provem ent of public sect or, Gov. & privat e sect or, w at er m arket s,

    Wat er legislat ion: fram ework, polit ical will t o enforce, requirem ent s. Wat er legislat ion: fram ework, polit ical will t o enforce, requirem ent s.  

  Cross sect oral & u/ s d/ s dialogue: allocat ion, coordinat ion & Cross sect oral & u/ s d/ s dialogue: allocat ion, coordinat ion & im plem ent at ion. im plem ent at ion. ll


  Financing st ruct ures and invest m ent allocat ions for wat er resources infrast ruct ure: public invest m ent s, privat e sect or, cost of wat er


  C Co- operat ion w it hin int ernat ional river basins t i it hi i t t i l i b i

   The inst it ut ional roles: capacit y building. 

  Managem ent inst rum ent s


  Wat er resources assessm ent : availabilit y and dem and W il bili d d d


  Com m unicat ion and inform at ion syst em s


  Wat er allocat ion and conflict resolut ion


  Regulat ory & econom ic inst rum ent s, Direct cont rol, Self regulat ion

  Prof. T I Eldho, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Bombay

I n t e gr a t e d W a t e r Re sou r ce s I n t e gr a t e d W a t e r Re sou r ce s M a n a ge m e n t M a n a ge m e n t g g

   Maximum development of water resources from a basin based on the quantitative information for planned beneficial use

    I nvolves awareness of present status of development, socio I nvolves awareness of present status of development socio- economic considerations and policy formulation

   Flood routing

   R Reservoir regulation i l ti

  IWRM is Prerequisite 

  River forecasting 

  Conjunctive use of water resources 

  Concentration of population irrespective of natural resources situation – Migration to cities 


I WRM involves Conjunctive use, deferred & maximum perennial

yield computation of gross additional reserves available in basins


I WRM involves Conjunctive use, deferred & maximum perennial

  I nvolves integration of scientific inputs into the local management

Prof. T I Eldho, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Bombay

  15 I WRM – Developm ent & Managem ent 

Wat er is a basic nat ural resource which nurt ures life.

 

  Wat er for 3 Sect ors Wat er for 3 Sect ors : : Food Food – irrigat ion; – irrigat ion; People People

  • – – drinking, sanit at ion; Nat ure - ecology

   Due t o variabilit y of it s availabilit y in t im e and space , it needs ‘ d ‘ developm ent d l ’ ’ i.e. st orage for surface wat er f f and pum page from groundwat er.

   Developed ( D) Developed ( D) resource need resource need m anagem ent ( M) m anagem ent ( M) . D & . D & M go hand in hand.

   They have t o be int egrat ed – I WRDM: I nt egrat ed Wat er Resources Developm ent & Managem ent Wat er Resources Developm ent & Managem ent .

   Product has t o be sust ained.

  Prof. T I Eldho, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Bombay I nt egrat ed Wat er Resources Developm ent & Managem ent Developm ent & Managem ent 

  I nt egrat ion of - g  River basin resources- surface and groundw at er. 

  Dem ands - consum pt ive and non- consum pt ive, and supplies.

   Facilit ies - m ega t o m icro.  Hum an and eco- syst em s. 


S&T and engineering w it h social, econom ic,

synergic needs synergic needs.

  Prof. T I Eldho, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Bombay


I n t e gr a t e d W a t e r sh e d M a n a ge m e n t I n t e gr a t e d W a t e r sh e d M a n a ge m e n t

 

  Obj ect ives: Obj ect ives:

  • – – Wat er has m ult iple uses & m ust be m anaged in an Wat er has m ult iple uses & m ust be m anaged in an int egrat ed w ay int egrat ed w ay int egrat ed w ay. int egrat ed w ay.
  • – – Wat er should be m anaged at low est appropriat e level. Wat er should be m anaged at low est appropriat e level.
  • – – Wat er allocat ion should t ake account of t he int erest s of Wat er allocat ion should t ake account of t he int erest s of ll h ff t d ll h ff t d all w ho are affect ed. all w ho are affect ed.
  • – – Wat er should be recognised & t reat ed as econom ic good. Wat er should be recognised & t reat ed as econom ic good.

    St rat egies: St rat egies: – – A long t erm , sust ainable fut ure for basin st ake holders. A long t erm , sust ainable fut ure for basin st ake holders.

  • – – Equit able access t o wat er resources for wat er users. Equit able access t o wat er resources for wat er users.
  • – – The applicat ion of principles of dem and m anagem ent for The applicat ion of principles of dem and m anagem ent for pp p p g pp p p g efficient ut ilisat ion. efficient ut ilisat ion.
  • – – Prevent ion of furt her environm ent al degradat ion ( short t erm ) & Prevent ion of furt her environm ent al degradat ion ( short t erm ) & rest orat ion of degraded resources ( long t erm ) . rest orat ion of degraded resources ( long t erm ) .

  Prof. T I Eldho, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Bombay

I ntegrated Watershed Management Approach

I W M is t h e pr oce ss of pla n n in g a n d im ple m e n t in g w a t e r is t h e pr oce ss of pla n n in g a n d im ple m e n t in g w a t e r a n d n a t u r a l r e sou r ce s …… a n e m ph a sis on in t e gr a t in g t h e bio- ph ysica l, socio- e con om ic a n d in st it u t ion a l a spe ct s

  I W M

  High Pr oj e ct su cce ss ith n o ti servation, nomic, n, ic w tion ation a a n n n n o o g g rvation r a a p p o m m ip ter ic r c a rt te a conse P

  Socio-ec wa particip c ning, desi inly w lic partici li lementatio ater cio-econo nservation n n a a b b b b p p o o w w u co S M P

  Pu pla im Low

  1970 1980 1990 2000 Watershed development program Socia l issu e s: in volve m e n t of w om e n a n d m in or it y. Com m u n it y le d w a t e r u se r s gr ou ps h a ve le d t h e Com m u n it y le d w a t e r u se r s gr ou ps h a ve le d t h e im ple m e n t a t ion e ffor t s.



  The four engineering and m anagem ent t ools for effect ive and sust ainable developm ent of wat er resources in sem i- p arid rural I ndia: -

  • – Appropriat e t echnologies
  • – Decent ralised developm ent syst em p y
  • – Cat chm ent based wat er resources planning
  • – Managem ent inform at ion syst em

   

  I n past t he effort s were m ore on t he soil conservat ion and I n past t he effort s were m ore on t he soil conservat ion and t aking m easures on t he land w here as w e used t o neglect t he w elfare of t he land users.

   

  For sust ainable w at ershed m anagem ent t here is need t o For sust ainable w at ershed m anagem ent t here is need t o int egrat e t he social and econom ic developm ent t oget her wit h soil and wat er conservat ion

  Prof. T I Eldho, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Bombay I nt egrat ed Wat ershed Managem ent –Met hodology Managem ent –Met hodology I m port ant m easures used are:

  • Soil and wat er conservat ion
  • Wat er harvest ing for supplem ent ary irrigat ion • Com m unit y part icipat ion.
  • Wat er regulat ion. g • Considerat ion of scale.
  • Joint forest m anagem ent . g

  Photos: Singh, Photos: Singh, 07. 2001 07. 2001 Prof. T I Eldho, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Bombay


  2 2 2

  l (2002) e

  I W M A – M ode lin g t h r ou gh Adva n ce d Te ch n ologie s Te ch n ologie s

I W M A: Com m u n it y pa r t icipa t ion & loca l ca pa cit y bu ildin g p y g

Ret hinking developm ent focus on people and com m unit y em powerm ent

  Natural Social Resources Mapping Mapping M Mapping i Village Volunteers Volunteers Participatory Participatory Appraisal

  I mplementation Prioritising g Options

  Typica l I W M A: Com m u n it y Pa r t icipa t ion & Loca l Ca pa cit y Bu ildin g p y g D e ve lopm e n t of n e w villa ge le ve l in st it u t ion s & loca l ca pa cit y bu ildin g . Ope r a t ion & m a in t e n a n ce of st r u ct u r e s, r e gu la t ion of fin a n cia l m a t t e r s, & con flict r e solu t ion . con flict r e solu t ion

  I WRM Case St udy: I nt egrat ed Managem ent of Chilika Lagoon Managem ent of Chilika Lagoon 

  D e scr ipt ion : I nt egrat ed lagoon basin m anagem ent including

  int ervent ions in bot h coast al processes & River basin - for rest orat ion of a det eriorat ed lagoon w it h an ecosyst em approach. i f d i d l i h h


  Hydrologically, Chilika is influenced by 3 subsyst em s: i) Mahanadi river delt a, ii) m inor rivers flowing in lagoon from West ern cat chm ent & iii) t idal out let t o t he Bay of Bengal cat chm ent & iii) t idal out let t o t he Bay of Bengal


  Const ruct ion of m aj or hydraulic st ruct ures upst ream in t he Mahanadi alt ered flow pat t ern & det eriorat ed Chilika.

   

  Long shore sedim ent t ransport along t he coast of Bay of Bengal Long shore sedim ent t ransport along t he coast of Bay of Bengal annually t end t o shift lagoon m out h opening t o t he sea every year - affect t he t idal exchange.

   Problem s: Less flow, Silt at ion, w eed growt h, decrease in salinit y g

  y w w w.chilika.com

  Prof. T I Eldho, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Bombay I WRM Case St udy: I nt egrat ed Managem ent of Chilika Lagoon Managem ent of Chilika Lagoon 

  Act ion Taken: holist ic approach of int egrat ion of

  coast al processes and lagoon basin in t he p g m anagem ent planning.


  Hydro- biological m onit oring of t he lagoon

  Applicat ion of GI S and rem ot e sensing t ools Applicat ion of GI S and rem ot e sensing t ools m onit oring and assessm ent of t he lagoon.

  •  


  Based on st udies - Locat ion of opening of t he inlet was m oved closer t o t he cent ral part s of t he lagoon – m oved closer t o t he cent ral part s of t he lagoon

  art ificial m out h 


Dredging of channel - reduced lengt h of t he out flow

  channel by 18 km h l b 18 k


  Environm ent al im pact assessm ent – before & aft er opening t he m out h

  Prof. T I Eldho, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Bombay I WRM Case St udy: I nt egrat ed Managem ent of Chilika Lagoon g g

   Out com e- Significant im provem ent of

  t he ecological healt h of t he lagoon. g g


  Significant im provem ent s of t he salinit y gradient – less fluct uat ion

   

  I m provem ent in fish generat ion & I m provem ent in fish generat ion & product ivit y.


  Subst ant ial per capit a incom e of t he fishing com m unit y fishing com m unit y


  Typical case of m anagem ent fram eworks of num erous im port ant coast al wet lands in t he Asian region. coast al wet lands in t he Asian region w w w.chilika.com

  Prof. T I Eldho, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Bombay Case st udy: I WRM -- Chilika Lagoon Case st udy: I WRM y y g

   I m plem ent at ion success of Chilika Developm ent Aut horit y ( CDA) - relat ed t o t he non- bureaucrat ic organizat ional set up.

   

  Support ed by a Governing Body wit h polit ical backing com bines Support ed by a Governing Body wit h polit ical backing com bines st abilit y of a Gov. aut horit y wit h flexibilit y of privat e sect or


  CDA- Managem ent philosophy- pragm at ic & out com e- focused, im plem ent ed by innovat ive leadership. p y p


  CDA - involved in local socio- econom ic act ivit ies in support of local com m unit ies.


  Backed by st rong out reach program m e wit h act ive part icipat ion of local com m unit ies, NGOs & com m unit y based organizat ions.

   Hydrological int ervent ions - im proved it s fishery resources, wat er qualit y & posit ive im pact on biodiversit y of t he lagoon.


  Cont ribut ed in increase of per capit a incom e of t he com m unit y b d f f h

   I ncrease in product ivit y level - in wet land & wat ershed due t o good environm ent al pract ices - povert y alleviat ion of t he com m unit y.

   C Com m unit y part icipat ion and st ewardship it t i i t i d t d hi m ade t he success. d t h

  Prof. T I Eldho, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Bombay

Re fe r e n ce s Re fe r e n ce s

   

  GWP/ I NBO ( 2009) , Handbook for I WRM in Basins GWP/ I NBO ( 2009) , Handbook for I WRM in Basins


  Raham an, M.M. & Varis, O. 2005. I nt egrat ed wat er resources m anagem ent : evolut ion, prospect s and fut ure challenges.

  S Sust ainabilit y: Science, Pract ice, & Policy 1( 1) : 15- 21. t i bilit S i P t i & P li 1( 1) 15 21 

  Raham an, M.M., Varis, O. & Kaj ander, T. 2004. EU Wat er Fram ew ork

  Direct ive Vs. I nt egrat ed Wat er Resources Managem ent : The Seven Mism at ches Mism at ches  ht t p: / / www.gwp.org/ en/ The- Challenge/ What - is- I WRM/ Key- I WRM- concept s/

    ht t p: / / www.gwpt oolbox.org/ index.php?opt ion com _case&id 219&I t em ht t p: / / www.gwpt oolbox.org/ index.php?opt ion= com case&id= 219&I t em id= 45


  w w w .chilika.com


  Anupam K. Singh, Eldho T. I ., Diet er Prinz, ( 2002) , ‘I nt egrat ed upa S g , d o , et e , ( 00 ) , t eg at ed wat ershed approach for com bat ing drought in sem i- arid region of I ndia: A case of Jhabua wat ershed’, J. of Wat er Science and Technology, Vol. 46( 6- 7) , 2002, pp. 85- 92.

  Prof. T I Eldho, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Bombay

Tu t or ia ls - Qu e st ion !.?

   I llu st r a t e t h e I n t e gr a t e d W a t e r Re sou r ce s M a n a ge m e n t a ppr oa ch for

Ru r a l W a t e r sh e d M a n a ge m e n t pla n w it h

a ca se st u dy.

    For ca se st u die s Re f: For ca se st u die s Re f:

ht t p: / / w w w .gw pt oolbox.org/ index.php?opt ion= com _case&id= 219&I

t em id= 45

     

  I dent ify t he problem s. I dent ify t he problem s. I dent ify t he problem s I dent ify t he problem s

    I llust rat e how I WRM approach used t o solve problem s. I llust rat e how I WRM approach used t o solve problem s.   Discuss t he lesson learnt . Discuss t he lesson learnt .

  Prof. T I Eldho, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Bombay

Se lf Eva lu a t ion - Qu e st ion s!. Q

   Why int egrat ed approach is needed in w at er & land m anagem ent ?. & land m anagem ent ?


Discuss t he im port ance of efficiency, social

equit y & sust ainabilit y relevant t o I WRM. equit y & sust ainabilit y relevant t o I WRM

   Discuss im port ant com ponent s of I WRM.  

I llust rat e I nt egrat ed Wat ershed Managem ent I llust rat e I nt egrat ed Wat ershed Managem ent Approach w it hin t he perspect ive of I WRM

  Prof. T I Eldho, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Bombay P f T I Eldh D t t f Ci il E i i

  IIT B b

Assign m e n t - Qu e st ion s?. g Q

   Discuss int egrat ed approach in t erm s of “ nat ural syst em ” & “ hum an syst em ” nat ural syst em & hum an syst em .

   What are t he im port ant principles of I WRM?. 

  I llust rat e I WRM procedure. I llust rat e I WRM procedure  Discuss how t o im plem ent I WRM. 


Discuss role of m odern t echniques in I WMA. Discuss role of m odern t echniques in I WMA

Prof. T I Eldho, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Bombay

Un solve d Pr oble m !. Un solve d Pr oble m !

   

For your Wat ershed area, prepare a m ast er For your Wat ershed area, prepare a m ast er

plan based on I WMA principles discussed. plan based on I WMA principles discussed.

    I dent ify t he w at ershed problem s. I dent ify t he w at ershed problem s.  

Check t he applicabilit y of m odern Check t he applicabilit y of m odern t h i h GI S & t i t h i h GI S & t i t echniques such as GI S & rem ot e sensing. t echniques such as GI S & rem ot e sensing

  • – – Carry out det ailed survey Carry out det ailed survey
  • – – Consider int egrat ed approach for land & wat er Consider int egrat ed approach for land & wat er Consider int egrat ed approach for land & wat er Consider int egrat ed approach for land & wat er
  • – – Consider opt ions for w at er harvest ing Consider opt ions for wat er harvest ing
  • – – I llust rat e t he st ake holders part icipat ion in I WMA I llust rat e t he st ake holders part icipat ion in I WMA

  S t I WMA b d t h d l S t I WMA b d t h d l – – Suggest I WMA based m et hodology Suggest I WMA based m et hodology

  • – – I llust rat e: how t o achieve efficiency, equit y & I llust rat e: how t o achieve efficiency, equit y & sust ainabilit y sust ainabilit y

  Prof. T I Eldho, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Bombay

  Dr. T. I. Eldho Dr. T. I. Eldho Professor, Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, p p g g g g Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai, India, 400 076. Mumbai, India, 400 076. Email: Email: Email: Email: eldho@iitb.ac.in eldho@iitb.ac.in eldho@iitb.ac.in eldho@iitb.ac.in Phone: (022) – Phone: (022) – 25767339; Fax: 25767302 25767339; Fax: 25767302 http://www. http://www. civil.iitb.ac.in civil.iitb.ac.in