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Information & Management 35 (1999) 155±168

Case study

Requirements-driven data engineering
Peter Aiken1,a,b,*, Youngohc Yoona, Belkis Leong-Hongc


Information Systems Research Institute, Virginia Commonwealth University, 1015 Floyd Avenue, Richmond, VA 23221-3931, USA
Of®ce of the Chief Information Of®cer, Defense Information Systems Agency, 701 South Courthouse Road, Arlington, VA 22204-2199, USA
Principal Deputy Director and Chief Information Of®cer, Defense Security Service, 1340 Braddock Place, Alexandria, VA 22314, USA
Received 7 November 1997; revised 10 December 1997; accepted 23 July 1998

In the early 1990s, the effectiveness and ef®ciency of the information systems (IS) supporting the US Department of Defense's
non-combat operations was questioned. As had many organizations, the support had evolved into multiple, redundant,
unintegrated, undocumented, stove-piped IS. These systems require unnecessarily large non-combat IS expenses, supporting
war ®ghting efforts. Lack of integration hindered the Department from effectively providing mission support information.

DOD's efforts to re-engineer the non-combat IS is one of the ®rst attempts to apply requirements-driven data engineering to a
large systems environment. Its application to DOD's non-combat IS data environment has provided tangible results: (1) from
the top down, an enterprise model (EM) now speci®es Department-wide requirements capable of guiding future integration
and development efforts; (2) from the bottom up, non-combat IS are being signi®cantly reduced, simplifying the overall
problem; and (3) data quality engineering methods, guided by the EM, are being developed and applied to the remaining IS.
This success has achieved a prerequisite necessary to increase the effectiveness and ef®ciency of the systems. # 1999 Elsevier
Science B.V. All rights reserved
Keywords: Data engineering; Data architecture; Enterprise integration; Reverse engineering; Department of Defense (DOD);
Legacy systems re-engineering; Case study

1. Introduction
At the start of the 1990s, the US Department of
Defense (DOD) faced challenges in effective maintenance of its large information system (IS) environment. DOD's non-combat support (i.e. personnel,
*Corresponding author. Virginia Commonwealth University,
Department of Information Systems, 1015 Floyd Avenue, Richmond, VA 23284±4000.
Please direct all correspondence at: 1504 Sunset Lane,
Richmond, VA 23221±3931.

payroll, transportation, logistics, etc.) had evolved into

redundant, un-integrated, undocumented IS. Perhaps
more importantly, these systems were `stove-piped' ±
each developed as if it existed in a vacuum with no
requirements to exchange information with any other
systems. In order to support war-®ghting efforts these
systems required unnecessarily large, non-combatrelated expenses. Lack of integration hindered the
Department's ability to provide mission-supporting
information effectively. `Desert Storm' experience
highlighted speci®cs that could not be ignored by
DOD management. In part as a response to this,

0378-7206/99/$ ± see front matter # 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved
PII: S-0378-7206(98)00082-2


P. Aiken et al. / Information & Management 35 (1999) 155±168

improving the ef®ciencies and effectiveness of noncombat IS became a key focus of the Corporate
Information Management (CIM) initiative implemented in 1989.

While the speci®c competitive advantage and the
strategic goals sought may be different, DOD's needs
to leverage its data resources strategically, namely
allow them to be shared with other organizations
[1]. To those facing similar challenges, a key research
question continues to be: How can one implement data
engineering in an operational environment while continuing to provide required day-to-day support? By
adopting a requirements-driven data engineering
approach, DOD effectively responded to such challenges.
2. DOD's data engineering challenge
In the history of US defense operations, the Department of Defense is a relative newcomer. For two
centuries prior to World War II, defense forces had
existed as separate, unintegrated organizations. Each
developed complex, fail-safe procedures ensuring
mission completion. After this consolidation, progress
toward integrating these operations was restricted to
`live' condition requirements. Over time, manual procedures were automated as IS, implementing `servicespeci®c' variations in a bottom-up fashion, each supporting localized procedures. Consequently, DOD
wound up with multiple systems supporting numerous
basic process variations.
DOD's 1990 IT environment included [2, 3, 4]:

1. approximately seventeen hundred largely unintegrated and often duplicative IS, as well as many
`unof®cial' IS;
2. approximately one point four billion lines of associated code; and
3. thousands of data centers running these IS.
DOD has attempted to keep its `overhead' low to
ensure that it has suf®cient resources to carry out its
primary mission: `providing for the common defense'
[5]. However, according to the Defense Science Board
August 1996 Task Force on Outsourcing and Privatization, DOD's support functions had consumed
between US $120 and $160 billion annually. This
indicates that 70 percent of the total defense dollars
are consumed by non-combat operations. Maintaining

functionally duplicative systems has, therefore,
caused DOD IT spending to be unnecessarily high:
this is estimated as ca. $9 billion annually in 1990 [6];
for instance, 37 functionally duplicative pay systems
and support personnel were then being used to pay
DOD civilian employees. Lack of standardized data
and data structures across systems hindered DOD's

ability to extract information from its IS. Moreover,
submitting the same query to several different systems
resulted in multiple con¯icting responses; these were
often impossible to consolidate.
In 1991, the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait led to the US
forces operating in `Desert Storm'. It highlighted
several IT problems, including:
 The Military Airlift Command (MAC) and the
Tactical Air Command (TAC) recognized that their
two command and control systems had to exchange
data directly. The MAC theater airlift management
system and the TAC computer-assisted force management system command post operators required
12 h to integrate data manually when developing
Air Tasking Orders. This provided insuf®cient turnaround time to implement President Bush's desire
for a more intensive air campaign. Developing a
solution to this problem took days and served as a
trigger for management action because combat
operations were delayed due to this data integration
problem [7].
 Logistics systems had been built to track supplies to

®xed supply points. When some of them were
relocated, the associated supplies were `lost' by
the systems. This resulted in thousands of misallocated containers, hurting war-®ghting efforts due to
lack of delivery of essential supplies.
 Some DOD manpower tracking systems lost data
when reserves were mobilized for duty overseas.
The systems listed the reservists as absent without
leave (AWOL). Incorrect year end personnel statements were also received at the holiday season,
arriving about the same time as some US congressional delegations who were visiting combatants
from their districts to ®nd out how they were and
their attitudes.
Although these examples are not typical of all
operations, they did indicate speci®c problems. These
and others were intensi®ed as DOD's budget began
shrinking. The ®scal year (FY) 1995 budget of $252.2

P. Aiken et al. / Information & Management 35 (1999) 155±168

billion was down one-third from what it was ®ve years
previously, providing an additional incentive to

attempt to ®nd savings.

3. The CIM initiative: a data engineering
In response to problems and budget reductions,
former Deputy Defense Secretary Atwood started
the CIM initiative. His written motivation stated:
``until now the Department has had to plan improvements on a function-by-function basis, with only
limited ability to achieve cross-functional integration
and top-down strategic planning. This has led to
`stove-pipe' functions and systems that are:
 Lacking in interoperability ± cannot exchange command and control information, or effectively link
the battle®eld to its support base
 Slow and in¯exible ± cannot be re-con®gured
rapidly to meet new situations. The inventory of
existing assets and capabilities cannot be re-used to
capitalize on DOD's existing investment in people
and materiel.


 Wasteful and costly ± do not share common elements, but duplicate them'' [8].
As shown in Fig. 1, CIM was initiated as an attempt
to develop a seamless, global, secure, end-to-end data
architecture of interoperable/integrated systems, that
shares standard data and provides ¯exible and affordable information services to support common defense
needs. CIM activities were thus intended to develop
integrated process and data models making up an
enterprise model (EM). These models would be developed in conjunction with business re-engineering. A
primary output was to be the development of standard
data, made available to other DOD development
activities using a DOD Data Repository. Data standards were to be used to develop interoperable systems. Standardized data across systems was found to
be essential to make integration possible with other
enterprise-integration activities, as well as directly
impacting DOD's war ®ghting efforts [9].
DOD established Data Administration (CIM/DA)
as an integral CIM function. Fig. 2 gives its mission,
and guiding principles were drawn from, and are
typical of those being implemented industry-wide.
The CIM/DA mission was to develop data standards,

an organizational repository, and, to the extent possi-

Fig. 1. A DOD chart used to present CIM concepts to both, top management and DOD personnel/contractors charged with implementing


P. Aiken et al. / Information & Management 35 (1999) 155±168

for details). The general approach to requirementsdriven data engineering addressed the situation using
three simultaneous strategies:

Fig. 2. CIM/DA mission and guiding principles.

ble, single-point of entry data. Its program areas
included data program management, enterprise data
engineering, and business functional data engineering.
CIM/DA's role was to:
1. specify achievable organizational information
requirements-supporting Departmental missions;

2. manage Departmental data assets required to deliver the required organizational information
requirements strategically; and
3. maintain integration with other strategic level DOD
frameworks, such as those organizing the DOD
process, its communication network, and staf®ng
model architectures.
4. The requirements-driven solution
The data engineering solution required: understanding; modeling; analyzing; maintaining; and evolving
requirements to support the mission. Since future
requirements were expected to change dramatically
but were unknown, the prudent course for data administration was to organize and maintain data resources
in their most ¯exible and adaptable state, based on the
past and current departmental information requirements. Requirements speci®cation and integration
was accomplished by maintaining them as integrated
process and data models. Once the requirements were
understood, they were organized into an architecture.
The process involved deriving the current data requirements and architecture from existing systems, formalizing them into a validated model for analysis, and
using them strategically. Sometimes the most effective
way to obtain speci®c requirements was by reverse
engineering legacy systems (see, e.g. Ref.. [10] or [11]

 Top down: Specifying a DOD EM. Because the
magnitude of the challenge involved assessing thousands of legacy systems, it became clear that an
architecture-based approach was needed in developing and implementing strategic level data
resource management. The Department recognized
the need for strategic level data planning and
coordination and followed current practice in developing a strategic level enterprise model (EM) [12,
 Bottom up: Reducing the number of non-combat IS.
The bottom up strategies involved examining the
systems required to provide mission support. By
removing redundancies, three goals could be
accomplished: (1) there were less data attributes
and entities to be understood and maintained; (2)
the integration requirements were simpli®ed; and
(3) the effort required to maintain the organizational
data resources was reduced.
 Data quality engineering methods application. The
third part involved developing and applying data
quality methods to the remaining IS. It was easier to
develop suitable architecturally based data quality
engineering methods with fewer systems.
Implementing these strategies involved the six coordinated activities shown in Fig. 3.
4.1. Functional area requirements specification
DOD functional areas were charged with specifying
their speci®c requirements by de®ning data needs and
performing an analysis of the IS inventory. The
requirements were speci®ed using facilitated joint
application development session-like model re®nement and validation sessions. Use of common data
and process modeling methods facilitated subsequent
integration. The result is a preliminary functional area
data model (FADM).
4.2. Functional data/system analysis, designation of
migration systems
It was next necessary to understand the true
dimensions of the IS inventory of each functional

P. Aiken et al. / Information & Management 35 (1999) 155±168


Fig. 3. DOD approach to requirements-driven data engineering.

area by analyzing existing systems and data assets.
The systems were evaluated for potential data
architecture contribution and their ability to satisfy
the functional data requirements. Another analysis
goal was to determine stewards for systems/
data and the contribution of individual data assets
toward overall DOD requirements. The prevailing
mind-set was that data `belonged' to each functional
area. However, the realities of data-sharing promoted responsibility for the protection, quality
control, and controlled distribution of functional area
The analysis also identi®ed candidate systems for
data reverse engineering (DRE) analysis to identify
speci®c requirements satis®ed by the `best-of-breed'
systems in the functional area. The reduction process
involved designating these as migration systems supporting the evolving functional area: user; infrastructure; standardization; and other requirements.
Migration systems were used to consolidate needed
data and functionality from multiple systems into a
single system capable of serving the area. For example, once selected, the pay area migration system was
enhanced to satisfy the requirements for the entire pay
function, and plans were made to consolidate all other
pay data into this system. DOD was determined to
identify a relatively short list of migration systems that
it would continue to support while terminating redundant systems.

4.3. Data architecture engineering
The purpose of data architecture engineering was to
develop a data architecture guiding DOD IS development and enhancement. The EM was developed to
serve as strategic level guidance. The EM is
``a critical element in the overall CIM initiative. It is
the principle mechanism for senior leadership to
understand their missions and functions, plan and
direct improvements from a DOD-wide perspective,
and measure overall progress toward established
goals'' [14].
It is composed of the Defense data architecture
(DDA) and the activity model (AM). The DDA, in
turn, is composed of the strategic Defense data model
(DDM), a set of FADM, and standard data elements.
When integrated with other DOD architectures, the
DDA speci®es Departmental data requirements for
data evolution and system development activities.
Once the DDM was established, it was integrated with
the AM, producing a major architecture development
phase. Fig. 4 shows how DDA re®nement occurred on
three tiers: the DDM, FADMs, and operational level
models of each system developed by DRE analysis,
etc. The DDA was developed by combining the DDM,
FADM, and DRE analysis outputs, with additional
reference materials. Strategic-level entity de®nitions


P. Aiken et al. / Information & Management 35 (1999) 155±168

Fig. 4. Defense data architecture (DDA) development and re®nement.

were too abstract to provide speci®c guidance to
developers. Therefore, FADM were developed to provide linkage to strategic DDM guidance for implementers, thereby ensuring DOD-wide coordination.
Each FADM, integrated into the DDA, linked strategic
and functional requirements and extended the DDA
while making it more useful simplifying data engineering.
4.4. Data reverse engineering
DRE is an analysis method that produces the data
requirements speci®cations for an existing IS. Analysis of the IS identi®es candidates for DRE. The goal of
the analyses is to produce validated data assets (i.e.
what data supports what processes, used by what
users, at what locations, by what systems). Once
developed, these data assets contain precise information, unavailable before the analysis, about the target
system. Key to successful DRE is identifying required
data assets in light of analysis objectives [15].
As architecture development progressed, certain
EM components were developed ahead of others. Data
models and other domain-speci®c knowledge
obtained by DRE were used to develop/re®ne data
architecture components. DRE outputs, shown in
Fig. 4, in¯uenced the data architecture by validating
and re®ning architectural components. Many of the
designated migration systems were reverse engineered
to obtain a knowledge base for replacement systems.

4.5. Data evolution
Other systems were reverse engineered to obtain
metadata required to develop a plan for changing the
association of data from the target system to the
migration system. This often involved transforming
data, as it had to be integrated into some migration
systems. Aspects of data evolution are popularly
described as:
 Data migration ± the process of changing the
location of the data from one system to another.
 Data conversion ± the process of changing data into
another form, state, or product.
 Data quality engineering (or sometimes data scrubbing) ± the process of comprehensively inspecting,
verifying, and manipulating, manually re-coding,
re-keying, or other preparation of data for subsequent use.
It is during data evolution, that data quality methods
must be developed and applied as data is prepared for
its new use(s). To help developers understand the
evolution of data standards, DA de®ned three data
categories to communicate strategic aspects of data
quality to developers. Data associated with legacy
systems was `Category 3', migration systems data
was labeled `Category 2', and when it was approved
as a data standard, it became `Category 1'. The data
evolved from Category 3 to Category 1 through data
architecture development, DRE, and data quality engi-

P. Aiken et al. / Information & Management 35 (1999) 155±168

neering activities. The volume of data was also
4.6. Data architecture-based systems development
Policy makers wanted IS development sponsors to
demonstrate their architectural compatibility before
approving funding. Developers were encouraged to
adopt data engineering practices and use of Category 1
data to aid this process. A series of project funding
checkpoints were developed to document architectural
compatibility and use of standard data [16].

5. Initial results, critique, and redirection
CIM/DA achieved preliminary results and, as a
result, received some re-direction. By mid-1993,
CIM funding sponsored initiatives that produced
results at all three architectural levels. At the enterprise level, CIM had established a Department Data
Administration Council and other governance structures, developed a repository system, and facilitated
data engineering efforts. At the functional level, CIM
sponsored process and data modeling produced many
of the DDA requirements. The FADM were developed
and used to extend and validate the DDA. These
efforts increased mid-level DOD management's
awareness of their data requirements and the value
of sharable data. Also, to facilitate operational-level
participation, CIM/DA established a training program
so that participants would know the necessary processes in which they were to participate and how to
contribute to them. Hundreds of DOD personnel participated in process and data modeling classes. A
number of migration systems were reverse engineered,
producing data architecture components that were
used to start, validate, and re®ne various FADMs.
However, CIM/DA also suffered some constructive
criticism, as mentioned in the following:
 Speci®c technical expertise required to staff the
projects was dif®cult to identify, locate, attract,
and retain.
 There were disagreements over modeling methodologies. The initial usefulness of some models
was disappointing, perhaps due to use of limitedcapacity modeling methods [17, 18]. Application of


more modern methods (such as those suggested by
[19] may prove useful here.
 Creating the repositories using dated technology
made them dif®cult to use.
 There was little apparent progress at the operational
level. Even with pressure from management to
show quanti®able results, the repositories contained
few standard data elements. Many personnel had
been trained and were ready to begin modeling, but
the required architectural guidance was incomplete.
In an effort to give strong visibility to and stimulate
the program, the then Deputy Secretary of Defense
Perry made his principal staff assistants responsible
and accountable for completing data standardization
within a three-year period [20]. CIM/DA was speci®cally redirected to consolidate the repository system
and speed up data standardization. The existing repository system was to be made more accessible to the
user community via Internet technologies, migrating it
to a common data management environment, and
consolidating it into a single repository. Eliminating
another barrier, CIM/DA subsequently developed a
PC-based system that enabled users to access a historical repository extract using then popular 386-based
Wintel platforms, further extending the accessibility
of data architecture to data engineers.
CIM/DA also sped up the data element approval
procedure. In a move similar to discarding the system
of military speci®cations (milspecs), CIM/DA recognized a number of external as well as existing functional-based data quality efforts and standards. Instead
of waiting for CIM/DA to populate functional views
by extending the EM, functional areas could now
leverage in-progress data standardization efforts by
submitting them for approval as interim data standards
(IDS). These were made available as interim functional guidance before being integrated with the DDA
as guidance for other functional areas. They could then
be used to guide existing functional area development
efforts. The revised data element standardization process (Fig. 5) shortened the amount of time and work
required to develop functional data standards. Adding
interim data standards provided developers with functionally standardized data more rapidly but introduced
multiple data standards for functional areas. This
modi®cation altered the focus of data architectural
development efforts from top down to bottom up,


P. Aiken et al. / Information & Management 35 (1999) 155±168

Fig. 5. Revised CIM/DA data standardization procedure for transition legacy data to formal data standards (Note: new category designations).

resulting in a more dif®cult technical and functional
integration problem. It involved integration of greater
numbers of lower level components before the
FADMs could be completed.

6. Technical results
By May 1996, the CIM data engineering program
had achieved tangible and intangible results. They
 Increased CASE literacy levels and awareness of
data engineering methods on the part of developers
who were associated with CIM/DA projects, particularly where object, CASE, and DBMS technologies were successfully employed.
 Model-based development had been institutionalized throughout DOD as CIM/DA project experiences have been assimilated. Model-based thinking
now helps developers to consider departmental
context and task foci.
 A move toward more integrated systems development [21].
Tangible bene®ts include development of the DOD/
EM, reduction in the number of non-combat IS,
development of data standards, and the application
of data quality standards.

Fig. 6. Enterprise model: DDA component (shown unnormalized ±
all associations are many-to-many).

6.1. Enterprise model and strategic guidance
The EM was released, circulated for comment,
re®ned, based on FADM integration and, subsequently, re-released as guidance. Fig. 6 shows that
the EM consists of 13 principal data entities integrated
with the four major processes (A1±A4) and 15 subprocess (A11±A44) shown in Fig. 7. In addition,
governance structures were established to provide


Fig. 7. Enterprise model: activity model component.

P. Aiken et al. / Information & Management 35 (1999) 155±168


P. Aiken et al. / Information & Management 35 (1999) 155±168

Fig. 8. Non-combat IS reduction progress by functional area.

speci®c functional area guidance and coordination as
needs arise to enhance and re®ne portions of the data
architecture. CIM/DA now supports an accessible
repository containing valuable user and data requirements for use by developers.

to maintenance than to replace with another, possibly
new, system ± until now [22].) Migration plans to
eliminate more than 900 IS were developed. Fig. 8
illustrates how requirements-driven data engineering
has resulted in functional area migration systems and
corresponding overall IS reduction.

6.2. Reducing non-combat IS
6.3. Developing data standards
DOD has taken steps to reduce the number of noncombat existing legacy IS from approximately 1700 to
174. (Legacy systems can be broadly de®ned as
systems that have been more economical to continue

Perhaps most tangibly, by May 1996 data standardization efforts had produced almost 12 000 data
standards. Fig. 9 shows the categories 1±3 data enti-

Fig. 9. Repository entities classi®ed by functional areas and data quality categories.

P. Aiken et al. / Information & Management 35 (1999) 155±168


Fig. 10. Repository attributes classi®ed by functional area and data quality categories.

ties, and Fig. 10 the categories 1±3 attributes. Thousands of approved organizational standard data items
are currently available for use by development and
maintenance activities throughout DOD. In addition,
CIM/DA also began the development of a metric
framework for assessing initial results. The framework
consisted of an iterative cycle for estimating reverse
engineering projects, learning from the experiences,
and re®ning the estimating process (see [23] for
details) (Fig. 11).

6.4. Application of data-quality standards
Once the functional requirements had been speci®ed, it was possible to develop and apply data quality
standards. Application of data quality methods was
concentrated on the ®nal 10% of the migration systems [24]. The organization-wide application of data
engineering techniques such as data parameter checking [25], data integrity analysis [26], data quality
engineering [27] simply could not be undertaken for

Fig. 11. Abbreviations used in Figs. 9 and 10.


P. Aiken et al. / Information & Management 35 (1999) 155±168

almost 1700 systems. Nor would it have been productive to do so, because these techniques fail to address
the structural data-quality challenges posed by duplicative, stove-piped systems. Data engineering techniques are most effective when applied to Category 1
data: there coordinated application of DOD-wide
structural data quality methods range from statistical
sampling to data performance metric recording.
7. Conclusions
Application of requirements-driven data engineering to DOD systems has made signi®cant contributions by reducing the resources necessary to maintain
non-combat IS. The approach has the potential to
reduce the number of DOD non-combat IS by an
order of magnitude: from almost 1700 to 174. Several
thousands of individual data elements have been
integrated through shared Departmental data, data
modeling, and common data architecture techniques
making it possible to guide future systems development. This has also produced thousands of approved
standard data items available in repository format for
use by systems development and maintenance activities at data centers. The repository provides access to
and management of more than 12 000, categories 1±3
DOD data standards. Developers now can access the
repository information using Internet and workstationbased techniques to retrieve DOD-wide organizational
data requirements, metadata and data quality standards. These accomplishments are allowing DOD to
improve its IS effectiveness.
However, because of failure to meet the original
timetable, these accomplishments have not drawn
unconditional praise from management (see [28, 29]
and the press ± with one internal Pentagon assessment
labeling ``the entire CIM initiative... a failure'' [30].
DOD's experiences and results are typical of organizational approaches to dealing with burdened IS
environments. Results are obtainable but are constrained by technical integration requirements- and
managerial considerations.
Data architects should incorporate political realities
into their technical planning activities. In order to
correct an imbalance between existing systems and
operational needs and ensure high levels of quality in
DOD data, the Department needs to adopt a long-term

perspective to data engineering and not allow pressure
for short-term results to undermine the value of the
The ever-increasing importance of data within DOD
was reinforced by a recent Joint Chiefs-of-Staff report
detailing future war ®ghting capabilities, including
electronic warfare and information warfare, which
require effective IT implementation [31]. The CIM/
DA initiative was the ®rst step in enterprise engineering the entire DOD non-combat operations. In view of
the increasingly critical role that IT plays in supporting war ®ghting activities, DOD's efforts must continue, regardless of the mixed reviews on the CIM

This paper bene®ted enormously from critiques by
several of our colleagues within the US Department of
Defense, our colleague Sean O'Keefe ± the VCU Data
Administrator, and several anonymous reviewers. Literally hundreds of DOD employees and service members participated in the CIM initiative and related
projects. In describing these results, we have
attempted to detail a highly involved effort using just
5000 words. Our apologies to those whose story and
participation have not been explicitly addressed and

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[4] Status of the Department of Defense Corporate Information
Management (CIM) Initiative, October 1992 ± reprint ed.
[5] The DOD EM Volume 1, 11 January 1994, page 1 available
from DOD Data Administration.
[6] Paul Taibl, Outsourcing and Privatization of Defense
Infrastructure (Business Executives for National Security
National Of®ce, 1717 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Suite 350,

P. Aiken et al. / Information & Management 35 (1999) 155±168













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Systems, Data Standards, and Process Improvement Memorandum for Secretaries of the Military Departments, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Of Staff, Under Secretaries of
Defense, Assistant Secretaries of Defense, Comptroller,
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Secretary Of Defense, Director of Administration and
Management, Directors of the Defense Agencies (on the
web at, October
13, 1993.
S. Butler, D. Diskin, N. Howes, K. Jordan, Architectural
design of the common operating environment for the global











command and control system, IEEE Software 13(6), 1996,
pp. 57±65.
C. Finkelstein, P. Aiken, Data Warehousing and Decision
Support: Knowledge Management for a Connected
World, McGraw-Hill, 1996, New York. ISBN 0-07-9137059.
P. Aiken, P. Piper, Estimating data reverse engineering
projects, Proceedings of the 5th Annual Systems Reengineering Workshop (Johns Hopkins University Applied
Physics Laboratory Research Center Report RSI-95-001),
February 7±9, 1995, Monterey CA, pp. 133±145.
P.H. Aiken, Y. Yoon, Implementing the Organizational Data
Quality Framework: A Case Study. Information Resource
Management Journal (accepted for publication).
R. Morey, Estimating and improving the quality of information in a MIS, Communications of the ACM 25(5), 1982, pp.
M. Svanks, Integrity analysis ± methods for automating data
quality assurance, Information and Software Technology
30(10), 1988, pp. 595±605.
S. Broussard et al., Data Quality Engineering Handbook
Defense Logistics Agency, Alexandria, VA 1994.
E. Paige Jr., From the Cold War to the Global Information
Age, Defense Issues 10 (34) (Prepared remarks by Emmett
Paige Jr., assistant secretary of defense for command,
control, communications and intelligence, to the Catoctin
Chapter of the Armed Forces Communications±Electronics
Association, Fort Ritchie, Md., Feb. 27, 1995).
Enterprise Reengineering, Who's Talking Now: Cynthia
Kendall on Reengineering the Defense Department, Enterprise Reengineering March 1996, p. 38.
P. Constance, DISA tries to save some of CIM as Pentagon
kills off program, Government Computer News 1±2 6±
E. Paige Jr., Six Emerging Trends in Information Management, Defense Issues 11 (16) (Address by Emmett Paige Jr.,
assistant secretary of defense for command, control,
communications and intelligence, at the American
Defense Preparedness Association's Information Management for the War®ghter Symposium, Vienna, Va., Feb. 29,

Dr. Peter H. Aiken is a Research Director with Virginia
Commonwealth University's Department of Information Systems/
Information Systems Research Institute and held the position of
Computer Scientist with the Office of the CIO of the Defense
Information Systems Agency. Project experience and publications
have been in the areas of systems engineering, data reverse
engineering, hypermedia-based software requirements engineering
tools and techniques. He has managed numerous re-engineering
efforts for government and industry and is the author of Data
Reverse Engineering (McGraw-Hill 1996) and the co-author with
Clive Finkelstein of Data Warehouse Engineering (McGraw-Hill
1998). His e-mail address is:
Youngohc Yoon is an associate professor in the Department of
Information Systems at Virginia Commonwealth University. She
received her M.S. from the University of Pittsburgh and her Ph.D.


P. Aiken et al. / Information & Management 35 (1999) 155±168

from the University of Texas at Arlington. She was an assistant
professor of the CIS department at Southwest Missouri State
University. She has published over twenty articles in leading
journals such as MIS Quarterly, Decision Support Systems, Journal
of Management Information Systems, Information and Management, Journal of Operation Research Society, and others.

Belkis Leong-Hong is the former DOD Data Administrator and is
a former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Plans and
Resources. She is currently serving as the Principal Deputy
Director and Chief Information Officer of the Defense Security
Service. Her address and e-mail are: 1340 Braddock Place,
Alexandria, VA 22314/