Index of /papers/Reference_Education Why.

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Why do some things happen the way they do. Here, I point out some of the unique conundrums exi

humor,humour,jokes,life,puzzles,riddle,riddles,puzzle,why,entertainment,funny facts

Article Body:
Many articles supply answers, but here I do not. Here, I ask the questions. If you want to rac
Should I begin? Ok, here I go:
1) How come Tarzan has no bears even though he grows up with wolves in the jungle?
2) Why does glue not stick to the insides of the tube or can that it comes in?
3) Why do they use sterile injections when executing someone who is condemned to death?
4) Why do we press down harder and harder or the remote controls even though we know that the

5) Why is it that when someone hits us in the ankles with his supermarket trolley and then app
6) Why is it that whatever the color of the bath soap, the bubbles are always white?

7) Why is it that you will never find a day when mattresses are not on sale?

8) Why is it that online casinos always offer big
9) If human beings evolved from monkeys, why is it that there still are monkeys?
10) Why did the Japanese Kamikaze pilots wear helmets during the second World War?

11) Why does Superman stop bullets with his chest but, then, duck when the empty gun is thrown

12) Why do banks charge a commission when you go into debt even though they know that there is

13) Why do people go back again and again to the refrigerator hoping that something new to eat
14) Why do people move their vacuum cleaner over a thin thread lying on the floor, bend down,

15) Why do people believe it when they are told that there are more than four billion stars, b
16) Why does a plastic bag not open at the end where you first try to open it?
17) Why do you never hear jokes about father in laws?
18) Why are there dead insects inside enclosed electric lamps?

19) Why is it that in winter we try and keep the house as warm as it was during the summer whe

20) Why is it that every time you try and catch something that is about to fall off the table,

Life has many oddities and conundrums: some funny, some less. I have mentioned but a few. Thin

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