Billiard. What exactly is the definition of this word

Billiard. What exactly is the definition of this word?
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Find out what the word billiard really means. Are you a pool player? Do you call the game pool

billiard,billiards,pool player,pool billiards

Article Body:
What is Billiard? I mean what is the true definition?

We hear people talk about playing pool or sometimes it is referred to as billiards. I did some

The definition to me has always been a ball deflecting off another and striking another. (targ
I did a search on Ask dot com.

Most of the online dictionaries including Webster´s referred to it as the singular of Billiard
Below I provided Wikipedia´s definition.

A billiard is a dynamical system where a particle alternates between motion in a straight line

This means that if you hit the edge of the one ball with the edge of the cue ball, and then th

Last night in a BCA Pool League match, I had solids (small number balls) and my opponent had s

I made a billiard on his stripe and executed a safety in the same shot. Cool. My opponent fail
Billiard shots will come up quite often if you know what to look for. I wrote this article to
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