Rasisme Dalam Film Java Heat.

Sone Puguh Apriliawan, 210110060129, 2013. Skripsi ini berjudul
Rasisme Dalam Film Java Heat. Pembimbing utama Dr. Asep Suryana., M.Si
dan pembimbing pendamping Agus Setiaman, S.Sos., M.Ikom. Konsentrasi
Communication Training and Consulting, jurusan Manajemen Komunikasi,
Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Padjadjaran, Jatinangor.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menjelaskan simbol-simbol
rasisme dalam film Java Heat. Dalam penelitian ini peneliti menggunakan metode
deskriptif kualitatif dan dengan analisis semiotika. Teknik pengumpulan data
yaitu melalui analisis teks media, dokumentasi, observasi, dan studi pustaka.
Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa adanya simbol-simbol rasisme yang
terdapat di dalam perilaku yang ditunjukkan oleh pelaku dalam film Java Heat.
Rasisme sendiri berasal dari pemikiran budaya masing-masing orang, adapun
yang melatar belakanginya yaitu berasal dari pemikiran stereotipe, etnosentrisme,
prasangka, dan segregasi.
Simpulan dari penelitian ini, bahwa film merupakan media yang
menunjukkan budaya dalam realitas sosial masyarakat. Perilaku rasisme terjadi
karena adanya pergesekan antara dua budaya yang bebeda karena masing-masing
budaya memiliki sudut pandang berbeda terhadap satu sama lainnya. Rasisme
tidak harus selalu dipandang negatif, tetapi ada juga rasisme yang bersifat positif.
Oleh karena itu dalam memandang budaya yang berbeda, rasisme negatif haruslah

dihindari agar terciptanya masyarakat yang rukun, saling menghormati nilai-nilai




mempertemukan banyak budaya yang berbeda.






Sone Puguh Apriliawan, 210110060129, 2013. The title of this thesis is
Racism In The Java Heat Movie. The researcher’s main advisors is Dr. Asep
Suryana., M.Si and the advisors companion is Agus Setiaman, S.Sos., M.Ikom.
The concentration of Communication Training and Consulting, majoring in
Communication Management, faculty of Communication Science, Padjadjaran
University, Jatinangor.
The aim of this studies is to know and described the symbols of racism in
the movie of Java Heat. This study use qualitative descriptive as the research
method with semiotics as the analitical research. The techniques of data
collecting are through media text analitics, documentations, observation and
literatural studies.
The result found that there are some symbols of racism that could be found
in the behavior that showed in the Java Heat movie. Some racism that the
researcher has found were emerge from the cultural point of view the person
themselves, this point of view were coming from stereotype, ethnosentrism,
prejudice / prejudgement, and segregationism of the person themselves
The conclusion of this research is that a movie is a media that shows us
the culture in the social reality in the community. Racism behavior emerged

because there were some friction between two different culture further more each
culture has several different point of view towards each other. Racism were not
always viewed as a the negative thing, but also this research found that there
were also some positive things in the view toward racism. Accordingly the way we
view negative side in the different culture should be avoided in order to emerged
the harmonious society, and we should respect the humanitarian values to face
the globalization, because it will confront some different cultures together.
