A Thesis

Submitted to English Applied Linguistics Study Program in
Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of
Magister Humaniora

By :

Registration Number : 8136111030



Royani, Ida. 8136111030. English Students’ Attitudes towards English
Language Teaching and Learning at IAIN Padangsidimpuan. English
Applied Linguistics Study Program. Postgraduate School. State University of
Medan. 2015
This study investigates the English students’ attitudes of IAIN Padangsidimpuan
towards both English language teaching in terms of (a) language-centered, (b)
learner-centered, and (c) learning-centered method; and learning English in terms
of scales (a) attitudes toward long-term English learning, (b) interest in culture
and communication, (c) perception about studying in school context, (d) images
associated with English, (e) English learning activities, (f) exposure to English
outside school, (g) self-rated four English skills, (h) self-reported academic
English grade, and (i) identification of English role models. In addition, this study
also investigates the role of gender in those students’ attitudes by explaining
descriptively how gender account for affecting attitudes. By using qualitative
descriptive design, data are gathered by questionnaire and interview from selected
10 students in which 4 male and 6 female students in 7th semester. Afterwards,
obtained data have been analyzed by steps provided by Gay, L.R and Airasian
(1996). Based on the data analysis, first, English students’ attitudes towards
English language teaching had been found highly on learning-centered method,

followed by learner-centered method in second range, and almost negative view in
language-centered method. Second, English students’ attitudes towards English
language learning were positive in scales; long-term English learning, interest in
communication, and images associated with English. Moreover, English learning
activities in which students expose to English outside school were found.
Unfortunately, four English skills of students were rated at the beginner and
intermediate level and data revealed that students depicted English has important
role. Third, role of students’ gender on English language learning were not found.
Reasons for this statement are (i) status of English as international language and
(ii) equalization of getting education for male and female. Additionally, views on
English language learning had been found different from male and female
students and those had been explained by describing influential factors.
Keywords: Attitude, Language teaching, Language learning, and gender


Royani, Ida. NIM 8136111030. Sikap Mahasiswa Jurusan Bahasa Inggris
terhadap Pengajaran Bahasa dan Belajar Bahasa Inggris di IAIN
Padangsidimpuan. Tesis. Program Studi Linguistik Terapan Bahasa Inggris.

Sekolah Pascasarjana. Universitas Negeri Medan. 2015.
Penelitian ini menginvestigasi sikap mahasiswa jurusan Bahasa Inggris di IAIN
Padangsidimpuan terhadap dua hal, yakni; pengajaran bahasa Inggris dengan (a)
metode mengajar terpusat pada bahasa, (b) metode mengajar terpusat pada siswa,
dan (c) metode mengajar terpusat pada proses pembelajaran; dan belajar bahasa
Inggris dalam hal (a) sikap terhadap belajar bahasa Inggris jangka panjang, (b)
ketertarikan terhadap budaya dan komunikasi, (c) persepsi mengenai
pembelajaran di lingkungan sekolah, (d) pencitraan bahasa Inggris, (e) kegitan
belajar bahasa Inggris, (f) pemerolehan bahasa Inggris di luar sekolah, (g)
penilaian diri sendiri terhadap keempat kemampuan berbahasa, (h) laporan nilai
akademik bahasa Inggris, dan (i) penjelasan peranan bahasa Inggris. Penelitian ini
juga menginvestigasi peranan gender dalam sikap mahasiswa terhadap dua hal
tersebut dengan menjelaskan secara deskriptif hal yang mempengaruhi sikap
tersebut. Dengan menggunakan desain penelitian kualitatif, data dikumpulkan
melalui angket dan wawancara dari 10 mahasiswa yang dipilih secara purposif,
yakni, 4 laki-laki dan 6 perempuan di semester 7. Setelah itu, data yang
terkumpulkan dianalisis menurut Gay, L.R dan Airasian (1996). Berdasarkan
analisis, ditemukan bahwa pertama, sikap mahasiswa ditemukan positif terhadap
pengajaran dengan metode mengajar yang terpusat pada proses pembelajaran,
diikuti lagi dengan metode berpusat pada siswa dan hampir negatif terhadap

metode berpusat pada bahasa. Kedua, ditemukan bahwa sikap mahasiswa
terhadap belajar bahasa Inggris positif terhadap hal-hal; belajar bahasa Inggris
untuk jangka panjang, ketertarikan dengan komunikasi, dan pencitraan bahasa
Inggris. Selanjutnya, juga ditemukan kegiatan belajar bahasa Inggris yang banyak
mengekspos Bahasa Inggris kepada mahasiswa di luar sekolah. Sayangnya, keempat kemampuan berbahasa Inggris mahasiswa masih dirangking pada level
pemula dan menengah. Kemudian mahasiswa juga menyatakan bahwa bahasa
Inggris memiliki peranan penting; baik untuk komunikasi dan pekerjaan. Ketiga,
peranan gender mahasiswa terhadap belajar bahasa Inggris tidak ditemukan. Alas
an pernyataan ini adalah (i) status Bahasa Inggris sebagai Bahasa Internasional
dan (ii) persamaan memperoleh pendidikan baik laki-laki maupun perempuan.
Selanjutnya penilaian mahasiswa terhadap belajar bahasa Inggris berbeda antara
laki-laki dan perempuan yang dijelaskan dengan berbagai faktor-faktor yang
Kata kunci: sikap, pengajaran bahasa, belajar bahasa, dan gender.




Alhamdulillahi rabbil alamin, allohumma shalli ala Muhammad wa
ala ali Muhammad.
All praises to Allah. The writer’s highest gratitude is always
expressed to Allah SWT for His Blessing and Mercy those have enabled
her to finish writing up this research thesis.
In the process of writing of this thesis the writer confesses that
people around her have given her the advice, time, help, and bright ideas
especially for her advisers. Writer would like to express very special
acknowledgement to Prof. T. Silvana Sinar, M.A, Ph.D as her first adviser
and Prof. Dr. Busmin Gurning, M.Pd as her second adviser for suggestion,
comments, support, understanding, and criticism so that thesis has
Writer also would like to express her gratitude to the reviewers and
examiners: Prof. Dr. Berlin Sibarani, M.Pd, Prof. Dr. Lince Sihombing,
M.Pd, and Dr. Eddy Setia, M.Ed, TESP for the valuable input to make this
thesis better. Writer also expresses gratitude to lecturers in English
Applied Linguistics Study Program who have taught her during her study.
Writer’s gratefulness is also given to The Head of Tarbiyah and
Teacher Training Faculty of IAIN Padangsidimpuan, H. Zulhimma, S, Ag,
M.Pd, and Rayendriani Fahmei Lubis, M.Ag for their admittance so that

data collection can be done in that campus. Also writer’s gratitude is
expressed to students of English department who had participated as
research data source.
Writer also gives her very special appreciation to her parents: H.
Mara Togu Hasibuan and H. Nurhalimah Siregar for their support,
encouragement, and patience during the thesis writing. Love and sincere
appraisal are also expressed to writer’s husband, Sojuangon Rambe, S.S,
M.Pd, and her little boy Muhammad Amal al Fikri Rambe for their
patience during thesis completion.


For all friends and classmates in LTBI A2 2013, writer expresses
her sincere gratitude for their support, motivation, help, cooperation, and
information during studying in class until working thesis writing. Thank
you so much for all of you because you are highly appreciated.

Medan, 03 December 2015
The writer,

Ida Royani
Registration Number. 8136111030


ABSTRACT ……………………………................................................................i
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ...................................................................................iii
TABLE OF CONTENTS ......................................................................................v
LIST OF TABLES .............................................................................................viii
LIST OF FIGURES .............................................................................................ix
LIST OF APPENDIX...........................................................................................x

1.1 The Background of the Study ...........................................................................1
1.2 The Problems of the Study.................................................................................6
1.3 The Scope of the Study......................................................................................7
1.4 The Objectives of the Study...............................................................................7
1.5 The Significances of the Study..........................................................................8

2.1 Theoretical Framework
2.1.1 Attitude ....................................................................................................9
2.1.2 Components of Attitude ........................................................................11
2.1.3 English Language Teaching ..................................................................14
2.1.4 Attitudes towards English Language Teaching ....................................19
2.1.5 Attitudes towards English Language Learning ……………….............20
2.1.6 Role of Gender in Language Learning Attitudes ..................................24
2.1.7 English Language Teaching and Learning at IAIN Padangsidimpuan .26
2.2. Relevant Studies .............................................................................................29

2.3 Conceptual Framework ...................................................................................32

3.1 Research Design ..............................................................................................35
3.2 Data and Data Source ......................................................................................35
3.3 Techniques of Data Collection ........................................................................36
3.3.1 Questionnaire ........................................................................................36

3.3.2 Interview ...............................................................................................37
3.4 Techniques of Data Analysis ..........................................................................38
3.5 Trustworthiness of the Study ..........................................................................39

4.1 Data Analysis
4.1.1 Attitudes towards English Langauge Teaching ....................................40
1. Language-centered method ...............................................................40
2. Learner-centered method ..................................................................43
3. Learning-centered method ................................................................45
4.1.2 Attitudes towards English Language Learning .....................................51
1. Attitudes towards long-term English learning ..................................51
2. Interest in culture and communication .............................................52
3. Perceptions about studying English in a school context ...................54
4. Images associated with English ........................................................55
5. English learning activities ................................................................57
6. Self-rated four English skills ............................................................57
7. Self-reported academic English grade ..............................................59
8. Exposure to English outside school ..................................................61


9. Identification of English role models ...............................................62
4.1.3 Role of Students’ Gender in English Language Learning Attitudes .....63
4.2 Findings ...........................................................................................................67
4.2 Discussions ......................................................................................................72
1. Attitudes towards English language teaching ............................................73
2. Attitudes towards English language learning .............................................74
3. Role of gender in English learning attitudes ..............................................77

5.1 Conclusions .....................................................................................................81
5.2 Implications .....................................................................................................83
5.3 Suggestions .....................................................................................................84

REFERENCES ....................................................................................................85




Appendix A

Questionnaire (English version) ....................................................88

Appendix B

Administered Questionnaire (Indonesian version) .................................93

Appendix C

Interview Questions ......................................................................98

Appendix D

Interview Transcription .................................................................99





Figure 4.1

Students’ self-rated English skills .................................................59

Figure. 4.2

Students’ reported academic English grade...................................60



1.1 The Background of the Study
English has spread over the world in accordance with increasing global
communication which creates intelligibility of language in every nation. English
as international language also has affected every dimension of human life includes
education for teaching and learning that makes use of teaching and learning
English as mother tongue, second language and foreign language and it
educationally attempts to elevate the quality of human. There has been noted that
in one parts of region in globe i.e., Asia continent, „English as Asian language‟.
Schneider (2014) commented to this notion by saying that there is nothing
hesitation that Asia has the number of English speakers‟ mostly increased rapidly
and dynamic development is more pronounced than anywhere else on the globe.
He continuously said, “Based on the European Union affords 24 official
languages, into which all parliamentary proceedings have to be translated!
Notably, half of ASEAN‟s member states, including Cambodia, Laos, Thailand or
Indonesia, have had no British colonial background and no special relationship
with English before”. The interesting thing is that in those countries English now
enjoys learning as obligatory subject but it is not yet spoken widely especially in
In Indonesia, teaching English is recognized as foreign language where
mostly of Indonesian English learners are bilingual for both local and national
languages. Teaching English in context of foreign language in Indonesia aims at
communicative competence. Competencies are inclusive to the literacy skills,
productive skills and receptive skills in which many scholars have investigated for


many years over the regions in Indonesia, various types and levels of education,
and significantly in urban to rural areas (Budiawan: 2008).
In the level of university learners, English has its own department in which
hopefully Indonesian students will be English teachers, experts in English
literature, or others relevant to the job of English users. The only state higher
education institution in Padangsidimpuan, State Institute for Islamic Studies
(Institut Agama Islam Negeri: IAIN) Padangsidimpuan had become the interest of
the investigation for the practice of teaching English as foreign language.
There were many students found studying English who were going to be
English teachers at IAIN Padangsidimpuan. The students were expected to be
competent in three subjects areas: 1) language: structure and grammar,
vocabulary, pronunciation, pattern practice, error analysis, and so on, 2) the four
skills: reading, writing, speaking and listening, and 3) teaching practices: microteaching, teachers‟ code and ethics in Indonesia, and TEFL, course design and so
Considering that the students must be well acquainted with the three
subjects‟ areas as requirement to be English teacher, practices of learning the
subjects in and outside classroom should had been relevant with essence of each
in term of knowledge, ability and or skills. In the following there was
identification a number of problematic areas of the students practices in English
study program of IAIN Padangsidimpuan.
Firstly, learning English in the classroom was mostly done by presentation
with discussion session between lecturer and students. Nevertheless, presentation
with powerpoint was used to deliver material through reading aloud, no


explanation and responses to presenter rarely found. In the discussion that was
expected to appear situation asking and giving opinion, stating argument, and
questioning, however, based on pre observation, desire to participate in the
classroom activity had not been found.
Secondly, learning English was also shown by one agenda of English
students organization known as HMJ TBI (Himpunan Mahasiswa Jurusan Tadris
Bahasa Inggris) by having study club three days a week done by group of five or
six students. Around several years ago, 2010-2012, this activity had followed by
several students by at least two groups of a class. They joined the club to study
English grammar, speaking and exercise. However, after it was observed, today
this activity had not be found because of unkown yet reason. It was indicated by
no activity report and learning view around English area. Then after it had been
confirmed, indeed it was still written in the annual program of HMJ TBI as agenda
of English students to improve English skills but out of realization.
Another problematic view was no English library visiting. Based on its place
which is easy to access and books shelf which provided English books for every
subject, probably English library will be visited day by day to accompany students
in learning. However, based on observation in five days the library was quite
where few students read or borrow English books. After confirming to librarian
who was also as the head of English study program, indeed the books here were
free to be read and borrowed by English students for a week without payment.
Additionally, the library was visited mostly by students who were writing
graduate thesis and it was used to be rarely.


Lastly, last year recently IAIN Padangsidimpuan emerged „Tutorial English
subject‟ to English students of a chosen class. Doing this class, students were
expected to have individual tutorial in four skills of English. However based on
obsevation and clarification of students and lecturer, only four female students
came to class to learn since fisrt meeting untill the rest of meeting before final
examination. After lecturer treated students by saying that those who were not
coming ten meetings of lecturing, students would not be passed. Then, three
meetings left all students of class come joining learning.
Preliminary data that had shown situation English learning in IAIN
Padangsidimpuan inspired to be studied in deep. Previously last year, one research
was conducted by one of English lecturer there in Reading subject focus. Based
on the result of the English subjects in the final semester, the learners‟
achievement were far from the expectation that is 70% of the grade standard.
Harida (2014) found that the students‟ ability in understanding text was still low,
they had many problems in understanding English texts, and they also could not
apply the appropriate reading strategies in their reading activities. Their abilities
were still low in reading comprehension based on their capability to apply reading
strategies, actually reading strategies could increase students‟ ability in reading
Such situation in deed invited attention to investigate attitude of students
towards their English learning. As it was known, studying attitude was important
to do since attitudes, based on experts determined achievement and
underachievement of learning English language. According to Dehbozorgi (2012)
learning a language, there has an important issue that becomes as affective


variable. By dealing with Noels, et.al (2000: 35) it is agreed that in fact, attitude
as affective variables, it is also as well as orientations, anxiety, and motivation
which had been shown to be at least as important as language aptitude for
predicting second language achievement. Also, it was supported by some scholars
that there were seven areas which have been defined for affective factors
encompassing acculturation, ego, personality, emotion, beliefs, attitude, and
motivation (Dehbozorgi (2012).
Apple & Musyken, (2005: 92) agreed social-psychological factors related
strongly to achievement in second-language learning. This meant that the learner's
attitudes towards the language they learn were believed to affect learning success.
They also continuously said “Because the motivation to learn the second language
is determined by attitudes”. Inferring this statement, highly motivated learners
learn the language better than that of those who oriented to others such as
commercial, educational obligatory or other instrumental reasons.
Deriving from above scholars‟ definitive conclusions on attitude as one key
element that was very crucial and influential in language learning especially in
second and foreign language context, English students‟ attitudes towards the
learning and teaching at IAIN Padangsidimpuan had been investigated.
Many studies recently had been conducted that support this view empirically
(Hosseini and Pourmandnia (2014), Rukh (2014), and al Mamun, et.al (2012)).
For instance, priory Gardner et al. (1976) found positive correlations between
motivational factors and the achievement in French of English Canadians.
Comparison between the scores for integrative and instrumental motivation


showed that the first ones were consistently better predictors of second language
In Asian context, Chihara and Oller (1978) conducted research on attitudes.
They concluded that there was a relatively strong correlation between positive
attitudes and success in learning English. The study did not, however, focus on
different varieties of English or provide information about the sample on the basis
of variables such as sex or age.
Another point is female and male differences in viewing language learning.
There have been noted that female students were highly motivated than male
students which resulted more commitment in learning (Dornyei: 2006). It was also
in line with last issue that had been already observed in preliminary data above.
There showed male students came into English Tutorial subject fewer than that of
female students. This difference made interest in deep investigation.
These researches‟ recognition on the evidence that attitude was close related
to language learning above, so it was important to figure out the above
problematic issues in relation to the English students‟ attitude towards the English
language teaching and learning at IAIN Padangsidimpuan.
1.2 The Problems of the Study
Based on the above background of the study, research questions were
directed as follows:
1. What are students‟ attitudes towards English language teaching?
2. What are students‟ attitudes towards English language learning?
3. What is role of students‟ gender in English language learning attitudes?


1.3 The Scope of the Study
The study that had been conducted in IAIN Padangsidimpuan focused on the
English students‟ attitude towards the English language teaching and learning at
English study program in Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Faculty. Gathered data
from the English students in the seventh semester consisted of two parts; attitudes
towards English language teaching in terms of language teaching based
Kumaravadivelu (2006) included language-centered method, learner-centered
method and learning-centered method; attitudes towards English learning in terms
of attitude towards long-term English learning, interest in communication and
culture, perceptions about studying English in school context, images associated
with English, learning activities, self-rated four language skills, self-reported
academic English grade, exposure to English outside school, and identification of
English role; and the role of gender on those attitudes.
1.4 The Objectives of the Study
The present research aimed at answering research questions above generally
and research objectives specifically were in the following:
1. To investigate students‟ attitude towards the English language teaching
2. To investigate students‟ attitude towards the English language learning
3. To describe role of students‟ gender in English language learning


1.5 The Significances of the Study
This research was significant in general to dimension of education and
research literature. For specific, the research was expected to be significant for:
1. Teachers/ lecturers: knowing that attitude as learners‟ personal traits that
is crucial and influential in English language learning, then teachers/
lecturers can make use of attitude to be more directed to improve the
learners‟ behavior better in learning English.
2. Learners: considering that attitude can affect the English language
learning, and then learners with their own awareness of it make controls
of attitude to build positively view and value on English learning
inclusively to three aspects of attitude to English language learning.
3. Researcher: having investigated for English language learning, then
attitude towards attitudinal objects can be widened broadly to other
related variables. This will provide a frontier to other researcher forwards
to conduct research in various subjects of learning and other relevance.


5.1 Conclusions
Based on research findings presented in the previous chapters, the
conclusion of the study can be stated as in the following which according to the
answer of the research problem.
1. English students’ attitudes towards English language teaching have been
found positive in learning-centered method followed by learner-centered
method and language-centered method.
2. English students’ attitudes towards English language learning were
positive. Otherwise, specifically, students attitudes towards learning
English can be shown by each indicator.
1) Attitude towards long-term English learning is viewed positively
2) Interest in culture and communication indicator students were evaluated
positively and negatively view which viewed interest in communication
mostly and harmful to attached to culture and life style of western
English-speaking countries.
3) Perception on studying in school context have been viewed pleasant but
also it depends on lecturers’ teaching.
4) Images associated with English have demostrated English as cool,
intelligent, and educated language, also beneficial for successful job and
worthy to earn money.



5) English Learning activities and (6) exposure to English outside school
were found from extra course, internet, book,film, chatting, music,
TV,banner, advertisement, dictionary, hospital, office, radio, videos,
songs, ga. jme, library, family, and friend.
7) Self-rated four English skills’ students were at the beginner and
intermediate level.
8) Self-reported academic English grade of students were spread evenly from
2.75 to 3.80, and higher grade was directed to female students.
9) Identification of English role was argued as important for future such as
being professional English teacher, getting easiness for occupation, being
modern, great and cool woman and interacting globally with people abroad
as it is international language and choosing ‘halal’ foods means good based
on Islam because of using English ingredients.
3. Role of students’ gender on English language learning were not found. Some
reasons are equalization of opportunity to get knowledge and rights to master
international language as well as English. Differences of students’
achievements in learning English in which female students have higher grade
than that of male students dealt with laziness and personal effortless and
nothing to do with gender.
However, their views on English learning differ from male and female
students. Male students likely viewed English for communication target,
linguistics, and personal satisfaction on language, whereas female viewed
English learning as intrumental and character attachment similar to English
value. Even male and female students depicted to value English positively, but


there were things account for it differently to direct their behaviors negatively
or positively as presented in Table 4.7 and also male or female students had
affirmed environmental and pedagogical factors had related-influence to those
5.2 Implications
Based on reserach findings and discssion, there are some implications that
can be generated in order to develop attitudes towards English teaching and
learning, as follows.

Teachers can make a valuable contribution in developing a friendly
relationship with their students,in order to develop a positive attitude towards
learning English language, and to conduct English teaching as learningcentered and learner-centered methods.


Positive psychological classroom atmosphere needed for learning language,
and the errors are considered as a natural part of the process of learning
English language.


Teachers should motivate the students to learn better English, by highlighting
its importance as they need English for getting employment purpose in future,
even it is with compulsion.


Educators and parents should always encourage learners to read materials
written in English like newspapers and magazines as known their exposure of
learning English outside campus contributed more.


Educators who qualify to teach English must have received a relevant training
and qualification in English. If the above condition is taken care of learners


would receive proper knowledge which would help them to develop
confidence and they will be competent in the world.
5.3 Suggestions
In accordance with research findings and discussion, there are some
suggestions that can be derived for the next research in the attitudes dimension on
applied linguistics as follows.

There should be studies which conduct in depth qualitative approach in order
finding can investigate more pattern and reason that is participatory of
researcher to enter research context and research data source.


There should be studies which announce importance of learner’s motivation
and other related traits.


There should be studies which collaborate English teaching attitude to
learning styles.


There should be studies which investigate the students-lecturer/teacher
relationship to gather further attitudes patterns.


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