Fundamental Theory of eBusiness


Drs. Wiyata, M.AB

Introduction to E-Business DEFINISI

   E-business dapat didefinisikan sebagai kegiatan bisnis yang

dilakukan secara otomatis dan semiotomatis dengan menggunakan

sistem informasi komputer (Lou Gerstner CEO IBM).

   E-business dapat didefinisikan penerapan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi (TIK) dalam mendukung semua kegiatan bisnis

Introduction to E-Business PENGERTIAN

   E-bisnis memungkinkan suatu perusahaan untuk berhubungan

dengan sistem pemrosesan data internal dan eksternal mereka secara

lebih efisien dan fleksibel. E-bisnis juga banyak dipakai untuk berhubungan dengan suplier dan mitra bisnis perusahaan, serta memenuhi permintaan dan melayani kepuasan pelanggan secara lebih baik.

   E-bisnis memberi kemungkinan untuk pertukaran data di antara satu perusahaan dengan perusahaan lain, baik lewat web, Internet, intranet, extranet atau kombinasi di antaranya.

   E-bisnis tidak hanya menyangkut e-dagang (perdagangan elektronik atau e-commerce) saja. Sebagai bagian dari e-bisnis, e- dagang lebih berfokus pada kegiatan transaksi bisnis

  Implement Implement Opportunity Opportunity Analysis Analysis Re- Re- Assess Assess Understand Business Understand Business Implementation Implementation Planning Planning

  ‘ Traditional’:

  Traditional’: Implement Implement Opportunity Opportunity Analysis Analysis Re- Re- Assess Assess Understand Electronic Business Understand Electronic Business Implementation Implementation Planning Planning

  ‘ ‘

  E-Business’: E-Business’:

   Definitions of the future are ‘fuzzy’

   Permanent and unpredictable change in the business and technology environment

   Time to market and speed are major competitive factors

   Continuous learning & fast adaptation is required

   Definitions are clear

   No change in the business and technology environment

   High time pressure

   Continuous learning

  Traditional business organization ‘develop step by step’:

  Business vs e-Business

Characteristics of an “Electronic Business journey”:

  e-Business vs e-Commerce

E-Business: E-Business: Improving business Improving business performance through low cost and performance through low cost and open connectivity: open connectivity: E-Commerce: E-Commerce: E-Commerce E-Commerce

  • marketing
  • marketing

  New technologies in the value chain

New technologies in the value chain

  • selling
  • selling
  • Connecting value chains across

Connecting value chains across

  • buying of
  • buying of


businesses businesses

products and products and services on the services on the in order to : in order to : Internet Internet

  • Improve service/reduce costs Improve service/reduce costs Open new channels

Open new channels

  • Transform competitive landscapes

  Transform competitive landscapes

MODEL E-Business :

   B2B (Business to Business) : Interaksi teknologi antara perusahaan dengan perusahaan.

   B2C (Business to Consumers) : Interaksi teknologi antara perusahaan dengan konsumen.

   B2E (Business to Employe) : Interaksi teknologi antara perusahaan dengan tenaga kerja.

   B2G (Business to Government) : Interaksi teknologi antara perusahaan dengan pemerintah.

   G2G (Government to Government) : Interaksi teknologi antara pemerintah dengan pemerintah.

  MANFAAT E-Bisnis


Bagi organisasi

   Memperluas pasar  Menekan biaya pengiriman  Terwujudnya spesialis bisnis  Menekan biaya sediaan dan produksi  Dapat menerapkan kostumisasi produk  Menekan waktu pembayaran dan penerimaan produk  Meningkatkan produktivitas  Menekan biaya telekomunikasi


Bagi konsumen

    Memberikan pilihan produk dan pemasok lebih banyak

 Memungkinkan memperoleh produk lebih murah  Pengiriman lebih cepat (real time)  Memperoleh informasi produk lebih cepat  Memungkinkan pelanggan dapat berinteraksi MANFAAT E-Bisnis


Bagi masyarakat luas

    Beberapa barang bisa dijual lebih murah  Memperoleh layanan yang mudah untuk diwujudkan  Penyampaian jasa publik dapat dinikmati masyarakat Sistem Informasi yang Menjalankan Fungsi Bisnis 

  Sistem Informasi Pemasaran (e-Marketing) 

  Sistem Informasi Manufacturing (e-MRP) 

  Sistem Informasi Sumber Daya Manusia (e-HRD) 

  Sistem Informasi Akuntansi (e-Accounting) 

  Sistem Informasi Keuangan (e-Financial) 

  Sistem Informasi Pengadaan (e-Procurement)


   E-Business sistem alami memiliki risiko keamanan yang lebih besar daripada sistem bisnis tradisional, oleh karena itu penting untuk e-bisnis sistem akan sepenuhnya dilindungi terhadap risiko ini. Sebuah jumlah yang jauh lebih besar orang memiliki akses ke e-bisnis melalui internet daripada akan memiliki akses ke bisnis tradisional. Pelanggan, pemasok, karyawan, dan orang lain banyak menggunakan sistem e-bisnis tertentu setiap hari dan mengharapkan informasi rahasia mereka untuk tetap aman. Hacker adalah salah satu ancaman besar bagi keamanan e-bisnis. Beberapa kekhawatiran keamanan bersama untuk e-Bisnis mencakup menjaga bisnis dan pelanggan informasi pribadi dan rahasia, keaslian data, dan integritas data. Beberapa metode untuk melindungi e-bisnis keamanan dan menjaga informasi aman termasuk langkah-langkah keamanan fisik maupun penyimpanan data, transmisi data, anti-virus perangkat lunak, firewall, dan enkripsi untuk daftar beberapa.


   Jaringan telekomunikasi yang banyak dipergunakan oleh perusahaan untuk melakukan e-Business antara lain :

  1. Local Area Network (LAN)

  2. Wide Area Network (WAN)

  3. Virtual Private Network (VPN) 

  4. Internet (WEB) Experimentation and Learning

  Supplier network Customer network Customer service Outbound logistics Sales Marketing Product development Inbound logistics Production Procurement

  Emerging e-Strategy Emerging e-Strategy

  Short Strategy Formulation loops Short Strategy Formulation loops

Being a Connected Enterprise Being a Connected Enterprise

  Continuous experimentation through specific Solutions Prototyping Continuous experimentation through specific Solutions Prototyping aw ar en es s aw ar en es s le ar ni ng le ar ni ng le ar ni ng le ar ni ng

  1997-1999 - e-Business Mania Strikes!

   E-Business becomes a major economic force

   NASDAQ hits 5,000

   Venture capital in abundance


Focus on new economy, new business models, growth


   no attention to traditional fundamentals

   bricks and mortar viewed as liability

   Traditional businesses shake in their boots at the threat of new non-traditional nimble bold competitors

   Dot.Com start-ups in every field

   Dot.Com multi-millionaires made over night

  B2B and B2C - Huge Potential

The Projected Canadian Electronic Commerce Market

  80 100

  Business to Consumer Business to Business

Business to Consumer Business to Business The Projected US Electronic Commerce Market 200 400 600 800





  03 Source: IDC U S $ B il li on


























  C dn $ B il li on Online Retail Sales - Likewise!

Growth of Online Retail Sales (US)

  $0 $5,000 $10,000 $15,000 $20,000 $25,000

  1997 2001

  Books & Music Travel Entertainment Ticket Event Sale PC Hardware & Software Apparel & Footware

  CAGR 42.9% 53.7% 44.9%

Financial Services

  124.3% 73.5% 83.4% 63.0%

Source: Forrestor $ U S M M

  2000 - The Dot.Com Bubble Bursts!

   The Demise of Dot Com Retailers. Weak financials, intense competition, and investor flight will drive many of today's online retailers out of business in 2000.

  Those that survive must refocus funding on building hard assets to achieve scale, service, and speed.

   Wall Street will run out of patience. Financial markets exasperated with non-existent online profits will turn a deaf ear to persistent "investment mode" rhetoric and soundly

punish merchants who bleed red ink. Recent stock disasters like Value America and

eToys -- whose market caps as of January 11, 2000, are down $3.1 billion and $7.7

billion respectively from 1999 highs -- serve as bad omens for online stores that lack a unique approach or technology.


The revenge of the brick-and-mortars will begin. The narrowing of the playing field

  in 2000 will rationalize but not resolve online retail competition. It will usher in a new era characterized by a few large players that exploit deep customer relationships and a

presence across multiple channels to entrench themselves. To measure their success,

these firms will ditch new economy platitudes in favor of unfashionable old metrics like margins, profits, and customer retention costs. Valuations Plummet - AMZN - PCLN - IPET - eBay Same Trend in Canada


1-year trend Lessons Learned

   Fundamentals important, bottom line important


Traditional bricks and mortar assets can represent

significant competitive strengths

   logistics, inventory, distribution

   choice in terms of customer access

   strength and brand

   e-Business becomes an element of overall business strategy - not the total business strategy

   e-Business still widely seen as a way of transforming business operations and thinking

  ‘Bricks and Clicks’ - A Hybrid Model

  Traditional Pure Web - “Bricks and Mortar” “Clicks” Combines strengths from Hybrid traditional and pure Web “Bricks and Clicks” approaches Emergence of the Hybrid Strategy

  Phases of e-Business Development


Four stage model in E-Business maturity relates business value to e-business leverage

Convergence Cross-Industry Supplier/Customer

  Just under 15% are in the Just under 15% are in the convergence integration phase. integration phase.

  Connections to suppliers Connections to suppliers and customers are fully E-


  and customers are fully E- Business enabled.

  Over 50% are in the channel Business enabled.

  Over 50% are in the channel phase of

  Industry transformation, phase of

  E-Business development E-Business development achieve competitive e with a web presence but no u with a web presence but no advantage infrastructure tie-in. infrastructure tie-in. al


  r s ive Integrate with

Dr es n

  customers si Channel u and suppliers B Brochureware and buying /selling ler Enab E-Business Leverage

  Source: PricewaterhouseCoopers Phases of e-Business Development

  The Journey Requires Investment


Signifcant multi-year investment predicted

  The Journey Requires Investment


Signifcant multi-year investment predicted

  The Benefts of e-Business

   Integrated channel management

   Acquire know-how

   Keeping options open

   Not to miss the boat

   Address younger customer segments

   Leadership enterprise

   Applying innovative technologies

   Improve Image / Position Brand

   Proactive and personalized offerings

   Know more about your customers

   Generate additional Revenues

   Customer Retention (‘Added Services’ and ‘Virtual Community’)

   Synergies with other initiatives

   Reduce IT variety and -complexity

   Process efficiency

   Reduce Costs (Integration and ‘Collaboration’)

   New customers

   New products

   New markets

   Focused investments e-Business and Brand

   Research from Mainspring…

   Online financial services customers are initially motivated by price sensitivity, but that influence declines as they realize the benefits of convenience

   Brand is more important online than offline

   When researching insurance purchases online, 56% of customers went straight to name-brand sites as compared with 32% for aggregation sites.

   When initiating a purchase online, 60% went to name- brand sites as compared to 32% for aggregation sites. Online Insurance

Growth of Internet-Enabled Insurance (US) 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001

  Source: Forrestor US $ MM Other Auto Homeowners Life Online Advice

When will you offer financial advice online? Why will you offer financial advice online?

  To improve our online Don't know offering Customers want online advice > 3 years

  Enhance customer 1 to 2 years relationships Help customers make < 1 year decisions Now

  Competitive pressures











  50 % % Source: Forrestor

  Source: Forrestor Online Advice vs Face to Face

   Forrester: Few financial companies believe that online advice will

replace the human advisor. Except for a small group of low-end, self-

directed customers, consumers are expected to continue to seek advice

from financial advisors. More than half of our respondents believe that

online advice solutions will never be a compelling alternative to working with one of their advisors, even as the technology improves.

   Almost half of financial institutions believe that online advice will enable advisors to deliver additional value to their customers.


As automated advice vendors piece together the elements of the new

advice creation process,we believe that use of online advice will surge.“

   Customers don ’t care about the data-entry and number-crunching

aspect of advising -- they pay for the conversation they have after the

analysis is done. These online solutions will enable our advisors to spend more time with their customers.” (Insurer)