Hidra Amnur, SE, M.Kom

E-mail Marketing Masterclass Hidra Amnur, SE, M.Kom Su m be r : D a ve Ch a ffe y w w w .da ve ch a ffe y.com E-mail marketing is getting tougher!

  w w w .dm a.org.uk Sign- up for m y E- m ar ket ing Essent ials br iefing at w ww.dav echaffey.com

  2 For more inf ormat ion about how RedEye can help your business make more money t hrough For more inf ormat ion about how RedEye can help your business make more money t hrough

  Sign- up for m y E- m ar ket ing Essent ials br iefing at w ww.dav echaffey.com

  3 But email still works! How are you doing? Sour ce: UK DMA Benchm arks, Published Aug 2007

  Sign- up for m y E- m ar ket ing Essent ials br iefing at w ww.dav echaffey.com

  4 Your biggest challenge? 1.

  Getting Emails delivered (deliverability)

  2. Inbox cut-through (open rates) 3.

  Creative effectiveness (clickthrough rates)

  4. Long-term engagement (list / response decay)

Agenda - the biggest mistakes in Email Marketing Not

  1. Setting list quality targets and segment tracking 2.

  Taking deliverability seriously enough

  3. Insufficient care over From and Subject line 4.

  Refining email template design

  5. Having an effective email masthead / lead copy 6.

  Having a well-defined contact/targeting strategy

  Poor welcome strategy, use of event triggers ►

  Reactivation strategy, unsubscribe follow-up ► 7.

  Using reminders sufficiently – integrate through time Integration with direct mails.


  8. Getting the

balance of value & interactivity right.

  9. Getting the timing or frequency right

  10. Setting the right tone with copywriting D ow n loa d pr e se n t a t ion : w w w .da ve ch a ffe y.com / pr e se n t a t ion s

  Sign- up for m y E- m ar ket ing Essent ials br iefing at w ww.dav echaffey.com

  5 About Dave Recognised by the CIM in 2004 as one of 50

  An e-marketing “guru”! people who have ‘shaped the future of www.davechaffey.com marketing’ and by DTI in 2005 as a key contributor to the development of UK E- commerce in the last 10 years ► Internet Marketing

  Author of 6 best-selling business books ► E-business and e-commerce Mgt

► Total E-mail Marketing

Clients include 3M, BP, CIPD, Euroffice, HSBC,

  E-marketing trainer and IDM, Intel, Siebel and Tektronix. consultant Analyst at . www.e-consultancy.com E-marketing consultant at . www.cScape.com

  ► Cranfield School of Management Visiting lecturer at leading gu r u a religious leader or t eacher in t he Hindu or

  UK business schools ► Leeds University Business School Sikh religion or , m ore generally , a per son w ho is

  2 respect ed for t heir know ledge of a part icular subj ect

  ► Warwick (E-business) and w ho gives advice

  ► Previously Birmingham, Derby Sign- up for m y E- m ar ket ing Essent ials br iefing at w ww.dav echaffey.com

  6 For more inf ormat ion about how RedEye can help your business make more money t hrough

Q1. How serious are you (and your others in your organisation) about List Quality?

  For more inf ormat ion about how RedEye can help your business make more money t hrough

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  8 Q1. How serious are you about list quality?

  The biggest mistake: ►

  Not enough focus on reviewing and improving list quality ►

  Questions to ask? ►

  How do we measure list quality? ►

  Value : report per 1000 emails ►

  Engagement / responsiveness / activity levels ►

  How do we assess responsiveness of different segments: ►

  Time on list – 0-1 month, 1-3 months, 3-6 months, etc ►

  Demographics – what % click and response by segment ► Average time since last click, sale, by type etc.

  ► How do we follow-up on bounces – addresses no longer valid?

Some list quality targets

  Volume: ►

  Subscriber number / unsubscribes and % change ►

  Coverage (% of database) ►

  Quality of… ►

  Permission (to different communications %) ►

  Profile (level 1 to 3) ►

  Deliverability (% bounces) ►

  Response activity (% opens / clicks across year) ►

  May want to breakdown by segment ►


Add to database to profile, e.g. last response date, activity level

  Value delivered ►

  (Revenue/Cost/Profitability per list member) May want to breakdown by segment

  ► Sign- up for m y E- m ar ket ing Essent ials br iefing at w ww.dav echaffey.com

  9 What is your list engagement? Engagement Index (EI) = (D x V x CTR x 100).

  ► Email engagement Index, 0-3 months = 11

  ► Delivery rate = 90%

  ► Views = 35%

  ► Clickthroughs = 36%

  ► Email engagement Index, 9-12 months = 4

  ► Delivery rate = 73%

  ► Views = 31%

  ► Clickthroughs = 18%

  ► Source: Analysis of UK ESP B2B and B2C list s

  Sign- up for m y E- m ar ket ing Essent ials br iefing at w ww.dav echaffey.com

  10 For more inf ormat ion about how RedEye can help your business make more money t hrough

Measuring list activity – email engagement Tip. Measure the overall health of your list through activity / inactivity levels

  Sign- up for m y E- m ar ket ing Essent ials br iefing at w ww.dav echaffey.com

  11 The Motley Fool uses personas to improve content relevance Asks questions to determine customer “types” beyond demographics

  Source: Forrester Tip. Welcome strategy should initiate conversation about customer needs Sign- up for m y E- m ar ket ing Essent ials br iefing at w ww.dav echaffey.com

  12 For more inf ormat ion about how RedEye can help your business make more money t hrough

Wells Fargo times emails to match customer purchase processes Source: Forrester

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  13 Gaining customer insights Sign- up for m y E- m ar ket ing Essent ials br iefing at w ww.dav echaffey.com

  14 For more inf ormat ion about how RedEye can help your business make more money t hrough For more inf ormat ion about how RedEye can help your business make more money t hrough

  Sign- up for m y E- m ar ket ing Essent ials br iefing at w ww.dav echaffey.com

  15 What should we track to assess list & email marketing quality?


Tip. Track responses by segment

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  16 Are you evaluating customer perception of value?

Q2. Is your deliverability well managed?

  For more inf ormat ion about how RedEye can help your business make more money t hrough

  w w w .dm a.org.uk Sign- up for m y E- m ar ket ing Essent ials br iefing at w ww.dav echaffey.com

  18 The two main deliverability factors

  Content: ►

  Limit use of spam keyphrases ►

  Test against tools at www.davechaffey.com/email-tools ►

  Reputation: ►

  Educate users about how to add to safe senders list

  ( whitelist)

  ► Remove bounces from list

  ► Respond to complaints to reduce blacklisting ► Review user-generated blacklists, e.g. AOL, Cloudmark

  ► Review authentication and accreditation options:

  ► Microsoft Sender ID / SPF , Yahoo! DomainKeys, Bonded Sender, Habeas, GoodMail Tips.

  Use test accounts with all major ISPs or Lyris Email Adviser

  Track deliverability PLUS NB opens and clicks by webmail provider

Q3. Are your subject line and “From” effective?

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  21 Keep subject lines brief (35 characters or fewer)

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  22 Recommendation – Test alternate subject lines Subject line 1: “Autumn offers start today - £20 cash-back” Open rate 23.4% Subject line 2: “£20 cash-back this week only” Open rate 36.8% Subject line 1: “Travel is fun, not a high street trek” Open rate 39% Subject line 2: “A click away from all your foreign currency” Open rate 34% Source: HSBC

  Presented to MAD conference With permission

Q4. Are your Email templates effective?

Prompts to add to whitelist, view in browser

Table of contents

  For more inf ormat ion about how RedEye can help your business make more money t hrough

  Sign- up for m y E- m ar ket ing Essent ials br iefing at w ww.dav echaffey.com

  ► That don’t look like templates…

  ► Templates that work in the inbox?




  ► Search and category browse on site



  ► With full range of relevant standard features?

  ► With pods or blocks for tailoring content? That prioritise offers?

  ► That

support your brand – explain your proposition?

  ► Structured around key outcomes required?

  ► That are scannable and skimmable?

  ► For different marketing activities?

  ► Do you have templates:

Update profile


Forward to a friend

  24 Q. Do I have the best templates to gain response & support other objectives?

Scanning, Skimming and multi-column formats

  To scan: ►

  M u lt i- colu m n for m a t s w or k w e ll

  To look over quickly

  Sca n h e a dlin e and systematically

  Secondary The m ain m essage is here. m essages

  “ ► To look over or leaf

  Key m essages at st art Are here through hastily” Of paragraphs.

  To skim: ►

  Sca n su b- h e a d As you skim read t he You also

  “ To read or glance

  ► m ain colum n skim t his through quickly or

  Scanning is helped superficially” by t int ed panels

  ( HTML background)

Apply t h e “t e st of 2 s”

  h What st ands out in 2 se conds h What st ands out , 2 m e t r e s from screen

  Sign- up for m y E- m ar ket ing Essent ials br iefing at w ww.dav echaffey.com

  25 Using Eyetracking research to improve Email marketing Need to deliver Scannability and Skimmability 1. Heading and subhead copy critical

  First 2-3 words most important

  • Make hyperlinked • 2.

  Large fonts work well 3. Images often missed Use text link calls-to-action •

  4. Readers scan down the left of an E-mail

  5. First part of para important F shape eyetrack • 6.

  Email intros skipped Use to personalise and engage • e.g. with hyperlinks

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  26 For more inf ormat ion about how RedEye can help your business make more money t hrough

HP E-newsletter ticks the boxes

  Sign- up for m y E- m ar ket ing Essent ials br iefing at w ww.dav echaffey.com

  27 Be for e Aft e r Aim s: h Use le ft colu m n h D isr u pt sym m e t r y h Use sca n n a ble h e a dlin e s h I n t r odu ce e dit or ia l

  Sign- up for m y E- m ar ket ing Essent ials br iefing at w ww.dav echaffey.com

  28 For more inf ormat ion about how RedEye can help your business make more money t hrough For more inf ormat ion about how RedEye can help your business make more money t hrough

  Sign- up for m y E- m ar ket ing Essent ials br iefing at w ww.dav echaffey.com

  29 Templates that work in the inbox – beware image blocking

  Sign- up for m y E- m ar ket ing Essent ials br iefing at w ww.dav echaffey.com

  30 Q. Is your email clear within the preview pane? Ensure email width < 500 pixels, key messages on left… Sign- up for m y E- m ar ket ing Essent ials br iefing at w ww.dav echaffey.com

  31 Q5. Is the Email masthead and lead-in copy effective?

  For more inf ormat ion about how RedEye can help your business make more money t hrough

  For more inf ormat ion about how RedEye can help your business make more money t hrough

  Some more headline ideas ►

  Repeat ed call- t o- act ion at base Alt ernat ive

  Call- t o- act ion in preview pane Det ail of offer in subheading

  Thin “ view em ail” Cont ext t hrough heading

  34 An effective masthead Thin branded banner

  Quotes’ Sign- up for m y E- m ar ket ing Essent ials br iefing at w ww.dav echaffey.com

  Offer to teach ► Ask a provocative question ► Use ‘

  Add news ►

  Get right sort of attention ►

  Appeal to personal self-interest ►

  Give news ►

  Sign- up for m y E- m ar ket ing Essent ials br iefing at w ww.dav echaffey.com

  Offer to teach ►

  Provocative statement ►

  Ask a question ►

  Include a direct or indirect benefit ►

  Powerful headlines: ►

  Should encourage immediate impulsive click ►

  Should connect to lead para or offer ►

  Should add to subject line ►

  What is a headline for? ►

  33 The power of headlines

  ‘find out m ore’ calls- t o- act ion Alt ernat ive im age call- t o- act ion Personalised lead copy Addit ional but t ons Phone for offline calls

Q6. How refined is your automated communications strategy? Communications strategy “Right Touching” is: A Multi-channel Communications Strategy

  Customised for Individuals


  Delivers the

Right Value Proposition

  Accompanied by the Right Message With the

Right Tone

  At the

Right Time

  With the

Right Frequency and Interval

  Using the

Right Media / Communications channels

To achieve…

  Right balance of value between both parties Sign- up for m y E- m ar ket ing Essent ials br iefing at w ww.dav echaffey.com

  36 For more inf ormat ion about how RedEye can help your business make more money t hrough For more inf ormat ion about how RedEye can help your business make more money t hrough

  Sign- up for m y E- m ar ket ing Essent ials br iefing at w ww.dav echaffey.com

  37 How well are you using ‘Sense & Respond’ marketing

  Source, adapt ed from : Sign- up for m y E- m ar ket ing Essent ials br iefing at w ww.dav echaffey.com

  38 Examples of Welcome strategy emails B2B registration + 2 week follow-up B2C registration + 1 day follow-up

Email Campaigns that Build… Tim e - W e lcom e Offe r lim it e d Em a il Ex t e n sion offe r

  Sign- up for m y E- m ar ket ing Essent ials br iefing at w ww.dav echaffey.com

  39 Case study – Audible.co.uk Conversion Retention

  Acquisition 5% 5% Ï in revenue; in revenue;

  Ï 5% 5% in acquisit ions in acquisit ions

  Ï Ï Email sales 25% Email sales Ï Ï 25% 40% bet t er wit h M/ F 40% bet t er wit h M/ F split split

  Sour ce: Thank s t o Louis Wahl, Mar ket ing Dir ect or at w w w .audible.co.uk Sign- up for m y E- m ar ket ing Essent ials br iefing at w ww.dav echaffey.com

  40 For more inf ormat ion about how RedEye can help your business make more money t hrough

Audible.co.uk Campaign targeting matrix

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  41 Acquisition Email Sent to new leads, daily

  ► Two test offers – ’30-

  ► day Free Trial’, ‘£6.99 per month’ Targeted by gender

  ► Limited to first send

  ► only High open rates

  ► Acquisition

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  42 For more inf ormat ion about how RedEye can help your business make more money t hrough For more inf ormat ion about how RedEye can help your business make more money t hrough

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  43 Retention – dynamic container

  Sent to members and customers, weekly ►

  Targeted by customer status ►

  A la Carte vs AudibleListener ►

  Repeat sending to opening, non-purchasers ►

  25% more conversions than single send Sign- up for m y E- m ar ket ing Essent ials br iefing at w ww.dav echaffey.com

  44 Conversion – reactivation - dynamic

  Sent to dormants, at ‘end of life cycle’

  A/B tested against other generous offers

  Best performing offer sent to bulk

  Repeat sending to opening, non-purchasers

  Male vs Female

Example New account welcome: Email No. 1

  Welcomes customers to their new account Product information welcomes customers to their new account

  Source: Forrester Sign- up for m y E- m ar ket ing Essent ials br iefing at w ww.dav echaffey.com

  45 Example Account usage: Email No. 2 Encourages customers to activate their Portfolio Management credit card

  Source: Forrester Encourages customers to activate their Portfolio Management check card

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  46 For more inf ormat ion about how RedEye can help your business make more money t hrough

Example Cross-sell: Email No. 3

  Cross-sell message: online banking Cross-sell message: Bill pay and online statements

  Source: Forrester Sign- up for m y E- m ar ket ing Essent ials br iefing at w ww.dav echaffey.com

  47 Example Up-sell: Email No. 4 Up-sell message: Personal loan and lines of credit Up-sell message: Home equity loan or line of credit with your mortgage

  Source: Forrester Sign- up for m y E- m ar ket ing Essent ials br iefing at w ww.dav echaffey.com

  48 For more inf ormat ion about how RedEye can help your business make more money t hrough

Q7. Are you using reminders effectively?

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  50 Response increases by 25% for campaign First Campaign, Open rate, 8 to 10% CCR = 0.2% Second Campaign, Open rate, 50 to 75% CCR = 0.2% Q3. How often do you use reminder Emails based on previous response?

  Source: E-consultancy Masterclass 2005 - BCA Remailing to opening-non converters For more inf ormat ion about how RedEye can help your business make more money t hrough

  Sign- up for m y E- m ar ket ing Essent ials br iefing at w ww.dav echaffey.com

  51 Response increases by 40% for campaign First Campaign, CCR = 0.2% Second Campaign, CCR = 0.2% Re-mailing with urgency

  Source: E-consultancy Masterclass 2005 - BCA Sign- up for m y E- m ar ket ing Essent ials br iefing at w ww.dav echaffey.com

  52 Combined response from e-mail and direct mail is 125% better than no e- mail. Pre-mail, with online response

  Response increases, 100% for direct mail piece. Teaser e-mail. No online response Direct Mail Direct Mail Combining with offline communications Source: E-consultancy Masterclass 2005 - BCA

Q8. Are you getting the balance of value right?


  For more inf ormat ion about how RedEye can help your business make more money t hrough

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  54 Delivering value in an E-newsletter

  ► Make my work easier

  ► Help me develop

  ► Make me look good

  ► Give me a great deal



  Make my life easier

  Help me learn / have fun

  Make me look good

  Give me a great deal For more inf ormat ion about how RedEye can help your business make more money t hrough

  Sign- up for m y E- m ar ket ing Essent ials br iefing at w ww.dav echaffey.com

  55 Is the Sell/Inform balance right? How interactive is your e-newsletter?

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  56 Measuring customer value Customer potential Customer quality high low low high One time shoppers with low potential Average customers Good customers Very good customers 15 % 15 % 60 % 10 % Indicators for customer quality Indicators for customer potential

  ♦ Order value per received catalogue ♦ Order value per season ♦

  Gross margin in % of net sales ♦

  Returns in % of order value ♦ Last date of purchase ♦ Number of active seasons ♦

  Channel usage score ♦

  Number of different product categories Source: Chris Poad, Ot t o, E- consult ancy m ast erclass 2006

Q9. Are you sending emails at the right time? When is the best time to send email?

  Source: eROI Sign- up for m y E- m ar ket ing Essent ials br iefing at w ww.dav echaffey.com

  58 For more inf ormat ion about how RedEye can help your business make more money t hrough

UK Case study : When should you send an email?

  Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Measure

  Email pushed to 35,000 prospects on a Friday at Open % 59% 20% 9% 10% 3pm: of total Click % 62% 22% 10% 5%

  Total opens 40.1% / ► of total Clicks 8.3%/ Clicks from opens 0.8% % Cicks 21% 23% 22% 9% from opens 88% of total opens

  ► occurred Fri-Sun 94% of clicks occurred

  ► Fri-Sun

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  59 Q. What is the best frequency for emails Source: UK DMA National Benchmarking Survey ( www.dma.org.uk )

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  60 For more inf ormat ion about how RedEye can help your business make more money t hrough

Q10. Is the copy effective? Is your copy chunked?

  Chunking Are blocks of l-2 sentences only

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  62 For more inf ormat ion about how RedEye can help your business make more money t hrough

Is your copy conversational?


Dear <name>

You already know how easy it is to get instant online insurance cover from

  Norwich Union. But did you

know that

  Norwich Union can also offer you online access to low-cost life-cover. For example, £100,000 would cost you as little as 20p* per day. Cover or an instant quote are available now at www.norwichunion.com for the amounts of cover you require.

  Apply now Button.

  Sign- up for m y E- m ar ket ing Essent ials br iefing at w ww.dav echaffey.com

  63 Are you getting the tone right? Sign- up for m y E- m ar ket ing Essent ials br iefing at w ww.dav echaffey.com

  64 For more inf ormat ion about how RedEye can help your business make more money t hrough For more inf ormat ion about how RedEye can help your business make more money t hrough

  Sign- up for m y E- m ar ket ing Essent ials br iefing at w ww.dav echaffey.com

  65 Is your copy convincing?

  Connect ►

  Buzzwords ►

  Combine ►

  Feature/ Benefit ►

  Proove ►

  Facts/ numbers ►

  Testimonials ►

  Photos ►

  Emphasise: ►

  Font size ►

  Bold ►

  Empathise: ►

  Show you understand Sign- up for m y E- m ar ket ing Essent ials br iefing at w ww.dav echaffey.com

  66 Clinique use different styles and tones for girls and boys segments Free Delivery for Men at Clinique Clinique Bonus Tim e in Associat ion wit h Marie Claire

Final Question - How can I build in more testing to my campaigns? Twelve testing ideas

  1. Testing copy in e-mail headers – different subject lines and from addresses. 2. offers – does 10% discount or £50 off work best – it is

  Different usually the latter. Are secondary offers useful in elevating the overall response?

  3. Timing of broadcast on different days of the week, times of day

  4. Text vs HTML, Embedded versus linked images 5.

  Tone of voice in copy / personality of e-mail.

  6. Long vs short copy 7.

  Calls-to-action (number and location of links) 8. Personalisation for targeting and dynamic messaging

  9. Integration with other media (e.g. e-mail teaser before DM or response mechanism after DM).

  10. Which newsletter or solus e-mail template is most effective?

  11. Which frequency interval for a newsletter maximises revenue (while avoiding perceptions of SPAM) 12.

  Touch strategy for event triggered e-mail – which sequence of offers and intervals between them work best?

  Sign- up for m y E- m ar ket ing Essent ials br iefing at w ww.dav echaffey.com

  67 Discussion and Q & A Format:

  ► Split into groups to discuss agreed topics

  ► Possible topics

  ► Using email for acquisition

  ► Retention communications strategy,

  ► Creative effectiveness tips

  ► Testing

  ► Deliverability, etc. ►

  Report back at 12:00 with: ►

  Best practice recommendations and examples of ► approaches Questions

  ► Sign- up for m y E- m ar ket ing Essent ials br iefing at w ww.dav echaffey.com

  68 For more inf ormat ion about how RedEye can help your business make more money t hrough

  1. Retention / ongoing engagement Best practice:

  ► Relevance is all

  ► Use customer profile, e.g. Asda use 9

  ► different profiles - personas Order and quote confirmation are most

  ► important for setting future engagement Use dynamic content or landing pages within

  ► emails, e.g Moonpig use dynamic content to avoid too many messages in separate email Combine online and offline response data –

  ► use cust channel prefs

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  2. Testing ► If testing different formats – don’t cut-off time frames – may be longer impact Don’t ignore negative – understand why

  ► format different work - Don’t ignore wastage – damaging brand

  ► ► Sign- up for m y E- m ar ket ing Essent ials br iefing at w ww.dav echaffey.com

  70 For more inf ormat ion about how RedEye can help your business make more money t hrough

  3. Acquisition Cold list poor cf customer / partner data for

  ► cross-sell Test direct sales pull against info offers

  ► MGM / forwarding works well

  ► Sign- up for m y E- m ar ket ing Essent ials br iefing at w ww.dav echaffey.com


  4. Creative Consider usability testing for insights

  ► Account summary for email

  ► Have regular feature e.g. competitions at base of e-

  ► newsletters Make design look scrollable to flow continuously –

  ► not separate blocks Usage of humour – for different offers – different

  ► times Be selective with main offer, e.g. podcasts

  ► To cut down on copy, reduce image

  ► Use a range of CTA – not just click here, but value

  ► Try handwritten style of font

  ► Sign- up for m y E- m ar ket ing Essent ials br iefing at w ww.dav echaffey.com

  72 For more inf ormat ion about how RedEye can help your business make more money t hrough

Thank you!

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  73 For more inf ormat ion about how RedEye can help your business make more money t hrough

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