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  Budo Training in Aikido was originally published as Budo Renshu in 1933, and remains the first and foremost resource on the topic. Since the art of Aikido has splintered into many different factions there is a developing trend to return to its "roots" and Budo Training in Aikido will appeal to this growing number of Aikido purists.Written by the founder of modern Aikido this reissue provides the full text of the original with minor editorial corrections (obvious errors have been corrected to match the 424 original illustrations). The principles and essence of technique (standing and rear, sitting, half-sitting, and others) are explained in detail with technical illustrations throughout. Budo Training in Aikido provides an all-encompassing and essential guide to modern Aikido. Sales Rank: #1947770 in Books Published on: 1997-10 Original language: English Number of items: 1 Dimensions: 10.50" h x 7.50" w x .50" l, Binding: Paperback 212 pages Most helpful customer reviews 0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. authentic deep philosophical theories and teachings based on love and flow. Ueshiba sensei was 50 years old at the time this volume was published. It is a lot of fun to go through this book and compare the techniques with those used in modern forms of Aikido, as well as related schools like Hapkido. If you're interested in the development of grappling arts or in considering the development of Aikido as an art, this book will be useful for you. 9 of 11 people found the following review helpful. A good book to show what Aikido techniques are about. By A Customer Budo Training in Aikido is a book filled with 166 different Aikido techniques with steps on how to do each of them. This book, however, has very little written about the founder or the style itself. It talks a little about the techniques that are in the book and includes some Budo poems. This is more of a manual of the techniques of Aikido rather than an explanation for the style itself. If you are looking for a good book that explains everything about Aikido and our founder, Morihei Ueshiba, rather than one that walks through 166 techniques, then I would strongly recomend looking for a different book, such as "Aikido and the Dynamic Sphear", and "Invincable Warrior", both by John Stephens. See all 7 customer reviews...


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