Journal of Home Affairs Governance

  Jurnal Bina Praja Journal of Home Affairs Governance

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  VOLUME 8 | ISSUE 2 | NOVEMBER 2016 Aim and Scope

   Article Management

  Electronic edition is available at:

  ISSN electronic: 2503-3360

  ISSN print: 2085-4323

  JBP is published by Research and Development Agency, Ministry of Home Affairs and managed to be issued twice in every volume. The first issue should be in May and the second issue is in November.

  7. Other Issues in Public Admin- istration Imprint

  6. Regional Fiscal Policy and Development

  5. Regional Election and Re- gional Innovation

  4. Population and Civil Regis- tration

  3. Territorial Administration and Rural Governance

  2. Politics and Public Adminis- tration

  1. Local Autonomy and Bureau- cracy

  Jurnal Bina Praja (JBP) is a journal that provides scientific information resources aimed at researchers, research institutions, government agencies, and stakeholders. The journal publishes original research manuscripts, review articles, studies, and case studies that focus on:

  Jurnal Bina Praja is Indexed by:

  Jurnal Bina Praja Journal of Home Affairs Governance

  Ismi Dwi Astuti Nurhaeni

  Graphic Designer Elpino Windy

  Acknowledgement for Reviewer Abdul Gaffar Karim

  Governance Sciences

  Augustina Situmorang


  Public Administration

  Human Resources Management



  Slamet Rosyadi

  Public Administration

  Sudarsono Hardjosoekarto


  Yeremiar T. Keban

  Language Editor Juni Triani

  Sorni Paskah Daeli

  VOLUME 8 | ISSUE 2 | NOVEMBER 2016 Editor-in-Chief Asrori

  Niyan Nurin Ridha Putri

  Public Policy

  Managing Editor Moh. Ilham A. Hamudy

  Politics and Governance

  Yuddy Kuswanto

  Frisca Natalia Hutabarat

  Public Policy sittiaminah.kemendagri@gmail. com

  Elpino Windy

  Associate Editors Ajib Rakhmawanto

  Public Management

  Imam Radianto ASP

  Public Administration

  Sitti Aminah

  Management and Public Policy This page is left blank

Jurnal Bina Praja Journal of Home Affairs Governance

  VOLUME 8 | ISSUE 2 | NOVEMBER 2016 Foreword from Editor-in-Chief

  The Long and Winding Road, as the title of an old song from The Beatles, seems appropriate to describe the long and winding journey of Bina Praja Journal (JBP), now in its second edition in 2016. It is long since it has passed through many stages and legitimacy of some parties. And, arguably winding for going through the pros and cons debate. Although it is already in its second publishing, JBP still experiences a constraint. The constraint is in fact not from outside, but from the internal of JBP. Not many officials are aware of the importance of an online scientific journal publishing and in the English version. As a result, the management of JBP is struggling to explain and reassure the policy makers to understand it. In fact, the response of readers since JBP was firstly issued in May is excellent. The enthusiasm of researchers, lecturers, and government observers is quite high. This can be evidenced by the many articles submitted to the editor (there are 54 articles for November issue) and the number of viewers who visited the JBP page. Since its launch in late December 2015 until the middle of this November alone, there are nearly 67,000 readers who open the JBP page. As a result, JBP also received an appreciation from the Indonesian Institute of Science (LIPI) on the drastic change that has been made by the management of JBP. In this November 2016 issue, JBP comes back to fulfill the commitment established since the beginning. Referring to suggestions and criticism that go to the editorial board, JBP attempts to fix any shortcomings. Praise the Lord for various improvements made, this time JBP is already indexed in 6 indexer institutions with good reputations. On 22 November 2016 JBP has also been indexed in the Directory of Open Access Journal (DOAJ).

  Finally, by saying Alhamdulillah, we are grateful that JBP may be present again before the readers. We hope that the articles that we provided are useful for the researcher community and the loyal readers of JBP.

  Jakarta, November 2016 Editor-in-Chief

  Jurnal Bina Praja Journal of Home Affairs Governance


List of Contents

  The Effects of Social Capital for the Management of Environment Cleanliness in Adipura Programme


Ida Bagus Made Agung Dwijatenaya, Mutiara Kartika Dewi ................................................................................................175-185

  Public Policy in Managing Modern Stores for Community Development


Suroso ........................................................................................................................................................................................................187-197

  Regional Autonomy and Local Democracy: Independent Candidates Cases


Suryanto, Tony Murdianto Hidayat .................................................................................................................................................199-208

  Multidirectional Networks of Government Transparency: A Preliminary Model Ahmad Subhan ......................................................................................................................................................................................


  Poverty and Human Rights: New Direction in Poverty Eradication Pihri Buhaerah ......................................................................................................................................................................................


  The Widespread Use of Foreign Word on Artificial Element Topographical Name in the District and the City of Bogor


Asadi ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 231-242

  The Implementation of Administrative Registration on Population Migration (Case of Surabaya City, East Java Province)


Abdul Halik ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 243-251

  Concurrent Village Head Election (Pilkades) Disputes (Analysis of Handling Pattern and Dispute Resolution Process in Tapos, Talagasari, and Dukuh Villages of Tangerang Regency)


Ray Septianis Kartika .......................................................................................................................................................................... 253-262

  e-Government Maturity Model Based on Systematic Review and Meta-Ethnography Approach


Darmawan Napitupulu ...................................................................................................................................................................... 263-275

  The Optimization of Budget Outcome to Create Trust in Public Expenditure Allocation on Local Budget Hendri Koeswara ..................................................................................................................................................................................


  The Local Initiator Role in the Adoption of Biogas Energy Innovation for Household Needs in Rural Areas Hartiningsih ...........................................................................................................................................................................................


  The Implementation of SWOT Analysis of People Economic Empowerment Business Loan (KUPEM) in Jambi Province Susi Desmaryani ...................................................................................................................................................................................


  The Modelling of Strengthening Indicators Development in Regional Innovation System and Its Effect on the Gross Domestic Product

  Rislima F. Sitompul, Ophirtus Sumule ...........................................................................................................................................


  Poverty Reduction for Extremely Poor Households of Malang City by the Implementation of Program Keluarga Harapan Wimmy Haliim .......................................................................................................................................................................................


  Jurnal Bina Praja Journal of Home Affairs Governance

  Jurnal Bina Praja, November 2016, vol. 8, no. 2, p. 175- 185, 1 ill, 5 tab, 30 ref.

  Modern stores have grown rapidly in Pati Regency but some of them are out of control, such as too near traditional markets. The objective of the research is to analyse the existence of modern stores, the distribution of them, the local government regulation of them, and to analyse advantages and disadvantages of them for community development. This research uses descriptive quantitative approach. Data collecting is conducted by observation, interview, and field events. This research uses descriptive analysis. There are five main findings in the research. Firstly, modern stores in the study area have grown rapidly. Secondly, the distribution of modern stores is not well managed, in which 19 out of 53 modern stores (35, 84 %) are established in the sites near traditional markets. Thirdly, the existence of modern stores is not well controlled because 9 out of 53 modern stores are in problems with their permits. Fourthly, there are 20 modern stores which have roles in community development by providing retail space for informal traders. Fifthly, the local government policy concerning minimarket is not well formulated being not governed the distance between modern store to the pre-existing traditional markets and being to conduct a moratorium of permit serving for the establishment of modern stores, which does not refer to national law. Therefore, the existing local policy in managing modern stores should be reviewed to support community development.

  Jurnal Bina Praja, November 2016, vol. 8, no. 2, p. 187- 197, 0 ill, 4 tab, 11 ref.

  Public Policy in Managing Modern Stores for Community Development

  1 Research and Development Office, Pati Regency)




  (Author) Keywords: social capital, environment cleanliness, Adipura programme.

  Social capital is a decisive factor in the management of environment cleanliness in Adipura Programme. Tenggarong City in achieving clean city has attempted various strategies, including by considering the community social capital factor. Adipura Award for Tenggarong City is unsustainable, indicating that the role of community social capital is not yet optimized. This research aims to analyse the effects of social capital for the management of environmental cleanliness. The instrument used is the questionnaire. The sampling collection technique uses the simple random sampling method, with the sample of 100 respondents. The analysis instrument used to test the hypotheses is Product Statistics and Service Solution (SPSS) Program version 13.0 for windows. The research result shows that community social capital positively and significantly affects the management of environmental cleanliness. Trust element positively and significantly affects the management of environment cleanliness. Cooperation and social norm elements positively but not significantly affect the management of environment cleanliness. It is recommended to Kutai Kertanegara Government to always optimize the active role of community. Community Social Capital should be used optimally.

  Agency (Balitbangda) of Kutai Kartanegara Regency) The Effects of Social Capital for the Management of Environment Cleanliness in Adipura Programme


Abstracts Sheet

  2 Regional Research and Development

  Kutai Kartanegara,

  1 Quality Assurance Agency (BPM) Universitas



  , Mutiara Kartika Dewi


  Ida Bagus Made Agung Dwijatenaya

  e-ISSN: 2503-3360 p-ISSN: 2085-4323 Date of Issue: 30 November 2016 The descriptions given are free terms. This abstracts sheet may be reproduced without permission or change.

  (Author) Keywords: community development, modern store, public policy. Suryanto


  Pihri Buhaerah

  Information Agency (BIG)) The Widespread Use of Foreign Word on Artificial Element Topographical Name in the District and the City of Bogor

  1 Geospatial Training Center-Geospatial




  (Author) Keywords: poverty, income, human rights, capability.

  The purpose of this paper is to support the argument that poverty is multidimensional and part of human rights concern. In doing so, this paper uses relevant literature review on poverty issues. This paper finds that the capability approach is a useful conceptual framework to link conventional approach with human rights and support the argument that poverty is multidimensional. Under this perspective, there are two prerequisites cases of non-fulfillment of human rights can be counted as poverty, namely (i) the human rights involved must be those that correspond to the capabilities that are considered basic by a given society; and (ii) inadequate command over economic resources must play a role in the causal chain leading to the non-fulfillment of human rights. Furthermore, there are three different ways in which human rights can be relevant to poverty: constitutive relevance, instrumental relevance, and constraint-based relevance.

  Jurnal Bina Praja, November 2016, vol. 8, no. 2, p. 221- 230, 3 ill, 1 tab, 24 ref.

  of National Commission of Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia)

  1 Sub-Commission of Study and Research



  (Author) Keywords: governance network, network approach, government transparency.

  , Tony Murdianto Hidayat

  This article reviews some literature in theoretical level regarding two concepts: governance network and government transparency, in order to search for theoretical linkages and to build an alternative framework that can support the implementation of public disclosure. Transparency agenda has been implemented in various forms at international, national, and local level. Transparency application was also followed by Indonesia with the implementation of Public Information Disclosure Law since 2008. This enthusiasm is quite reasonable because transparency is believed to be one of the human rights principles; as well as a key to better governance, that can help democracy consolidation, prevent corruption, strengthen the legitimacy and improve efficiency. In order to maximize transparency, the government can use a network approach because of some changes at this time, such as democratization, decentralization, and liberalization has placed the government in a position where there is not one actor who manages the state power without stakeholder’s participation. In this context, the government needs to build synergies with other institutions in a reciprocal relationship with all stakeholders. Therefore, adopting the theory of government networks can be one of the strategies to strengthen government transparency. The findings of this article indicate that the government transparency application needs to develop networks in all directions: intragovernmental, intergovernmental and collaborative networks. These three types of network in contrast with the popular belief that government transparency is interpreted only as a procedural activity to outside parties. A preliminary model in this article gives an overview about the arena of government transparency with multi-directional networks more comprehensively.

  Jurnal Bina Praja, November 2016, vol. 8, no. 2, p. 209- 219, 3 ill, 1 tab, 46 ref.

  Jambi Provincial Government) Multidirectional Networks of Government Transparency: A Preliminary Model



  Ahmad Subhan

  (Author) Keywords: individual candidates, Regional Election, local democracy.

  One of the efforts to achieve local democracy is through the participation of independent candidates in the Direct General Election in the region. The presence of independent candidates in the Direct General Election gives a great hope to change the political structure of the shackles of the old forces. This paper aims to discuss the implication of regional heads coming from independent candidates on the effectiveness of local governance and the implementation of substantive democracy in the region. The method used is a qualitative approach using descriptive research method. The data collection is done through literature approach. Processing data uses Milles and Huberman interactive models, which includes data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. The study concluded three things: First, the presence of independent candidates in the Direct General Election gives the opportunities to achieve local democracy that is getting bigger, Second, Regional Heads elected from independent candidates face the challenges of the ineffectiveness of regional government, and Third, within certain limits, the power of elected regional heads from independent lane leads to the realization of democracy that is not substantial.

  Jurnal Bina Praja, November 2016, vol. 8, no. 2, p. 199- 208, 1 ill, 2 tab, 26 ref.

  Center for Decentralization and Local Autonomy, National Institute of Public Administration (LAN)) Regional Autonomy and Local Democracy: Independent Candidates Cases

  1, 2



1 Research and Development Office of

  Jurnal Bina Praja, November 2016, vol. 8, no. 2, p. 231- 242, 5 ill, 2 tab, 31 ref.

  Agency, Ministry of Home Affairs (BPP Kemendagri)) Concurrent Village Head Election (Pilkades) Disputes (Analysis of Handling Pattern and Dispute Resolution Process in Tapos, Talagasari, and Dukuh Villages of Tangerang Regency)

  Maturity model based on e-Government portal has been developed by a number of researchers both individually and institutionally, but still scattered in various journals and conference articles and can be said to have a different focus with each other, both in terms of stages and features. The aim of this research is conducting a study to integrate a number of maturity models existing today in order to build generic maturity model based on e-Government portal. The method used in this study is Systematic Review with meta-ethnography qualitative approach. Meta-ethnography, which is part of Systematic Review method, is a technique to perform data integration

  Jurnal Bina Praja, November 2016, vol. 8, no. 2, p. 263- 275, 1 ill, 6 tab, 55 ref.

  System and Testing Technology (P2 SMTP), Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI)) e-Government Maturity Model Based on Systematic Review and Meta-Ethnography Approach

  1 Research Center for Quality



  Darmawan Napitupulu

  (Author) Keywords: dispute, Pilkades, village government.

  The appointment of a village head often causes turmoil in some regions. Ranging from internal problem to the resolution through legal channels. This study aims to assess the extent of the Pilkades disputes in Tapos, Talagasari, and Dukuh Villages in Tangerang Regency. By using qualitative analytical descriptive method, the results of this study are (1) the absence of Pilkades dispute resolution medium at the regency, district and village levels, (2) by regulation, PP No 72 of 2005 does not explain the categorization of violations and sanctions against offenders, (3) There is an implied term campaign ends, as amended, Regulation 7 of 2006 article 54, paragraph 8, (4) lack of traction on the role of Head in controlling and supervising corresponding PP No 72 of 2005 and Regulation 7 of 2006, (5) the lack of an audit role, (6) the absence of a competent team of investigators administration. Suggestions that we can recommend is (1) to make the legislation or local regulations that elevate one article about the elections and dispute resolution, (2) Effectiveness muspika role in the elections and, (3) promoting Pilkades order.

  Jurnal Bina Praja, November 2016, vol. 8, no. 2, p. 253- 262, 3 ill, 3 tab, 11 ref.

  1 Research and Development

  Lately, found many artificial elements topographical names for the names of residents, apartments, and modern markets in a foreign language, especially English. Referring to the legislation governing the use of topographical names, then the provision of topographical names must use Indonesian or local languages. Unfortunately, the obligation to use Indonesian in the provision of topographical names has not been properly socialized and the violation is not accompanied by legal sanctions. This paper examines the issues that are currently going on and developed in society towards topographical naming of artificial elements and the factors that cause the use of foreign names. The method used in this study is a descriptive qualitative method. The result of the study concluded that the English naming for the topographical name of artificial elements due to the influence of globalization, marketing strategy by housing developers, legislation that has not been properly socialized, and the absence of sanctions against violations of the obligation to use Indonesian in the topographical naming of artificial elements. It is expected that this paper can provide awareness to all parties to use Indonesian in the topographical naming of the artificial elements.



  Ray Septianis Kartika

  (Author) Keywords: migration, administrating, population.

  The purpose of this study is to describe the policy implementation of administrative registration on population migration and the factors supporting and hindering the implementation of the policy in the city of Surabaya. The study uses a qualitative method. The result of this research shows that the policy implementation of administrative registration on population migration in the city of Surabaya for this is still classified as less good because there are still many weaknesses in its implementation. Potential factors supporting the implementation of administrative registration on population migration in the city of Surabaya is regulation clarity, adequacy of facilities, adequacy of costs, and the ability of the implementers. The factors inhibiting are the lack of community participation, low commitment to implementing, lack of executive officers, and the characteristics of the population.

  Jurnal Bina Praja, November 2016, vol. 8, no. 2, p. 243- 251, 0 ill, 0 tab, 22 ref.

  Ministry of Home Affairs (BPP Kemendagri)) The Implementation of Administrative Registration on Population Migration (Case of Surabaya City, East Java Province)



  Abdul Halik

  (Author) Keywords: topographical names, residents, modern markets.

1 Research and Development Agency,

  to obtain theories and concepts with a new level of understanding that is deeper and thorough. The result obtained is a maturity model based on e-Government portal that consists of 7 (seven) stages, namely web presence, interaction, transaction, vertical integration, horizontal integration, full integration, and open participation. These seven stages are synthesized from the 111 key concepts related to 25 studies of maturity model based e-Government portal. The maturity model resulted is more comprehensive and generic because it is an integration of models (best practices) that exists today.

  Research Centre (PAPPIPTEK), Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI)) The Local Initiator Role in the Adoption of Biogas Energy Innovation for Household Needs in Rural Areas

  Jurnal Bina Praja, November 2016, vol. 8, no. 2, p. 305- 315, 4 ill, 3 tab, 25 ref.

  Agency (Balitbangda) Jambi Province) The Implementation of SWOT Analysis of People Economic Empowerment Business Loan (KUPEM) in Jambi Province

  1 Regional Research and Development



  Susi Desmaryani

  (Author) Keywords: local initiator, adoptions, innovation, biogas, EBT.

  The need for Kerosene is very high. When energy crisis hit Indonesia, it caused the scarcity and soaring prices of kerosene. Hence, finding alternative energy sources is needed, especially a renewable energy to households. One is which is Biogas energy. Biogas is an energy that uses simple technology, which uses raw materials of animal waste. Many rural communities do not know about it, so it requires a pioneer, called the local initiator. The local initiator is an agent of change that comes from the local community, who has the initiative to make changes and become a guide passage of the change process in an organization or community, in order to achieve the expected goals. Local initiator becomes an important factor in the success of biogas innovation adoption. Biogas is used for household needs such as cooking, water heating, and lighting. Biogas program has been reinforced by Presidential Decree No 5 of 2006, Minister of ESDM Regulation (Permen ESDM) No 3 of 2013, Permen ESDM No 10 of 2015, and Minister of Rural Affairs Regulation (Permen Desa) No 5 of 2015. This paper aims to examine the role of a local initiator as an agent of change and the most dominant factors in the successful adoption of biogas for the needs of rural households. This study uses a qualitative method by using a case study approach and conducting a descriptive analysis. The focus of the data analysis is only performed on the local initiator in the successful adoption of biogas in Haurngombong village in West Java and Pandua-North Lombok, NTB. The result of the study shows that the successful adoption of biogas in Haurngombong Village and Pandua Village is strongly influenced by the local initiator. The local initiator success is not determined by the position, age, and gender, but is determined by the experience in the use of biogas, biogas sector knowledge, dissemination strategies, and communication among stakeholders of biogas program. The key to the success of local initiators in the adoption of biogas innovation lies in good communication with the public.

  Jurnal Bina Praja, November 2016, vol. 8, no. 2, p. 293- 304, 2 ill, 1 tab, 25 ref.

  1 Science and Technology Development

  (Author) Keywords: e-Government, maturity model portal, meta- ethnography.




1 Department of Public Administration,

  (Author) Keywords: budget outcome, public trust, public expenditure management, budget pathology.

  Planning and budgeting process is the most crucial process in the administration of local government. Results of previous studies in Solok, the increase in the total budget is not accompanied by spending management capabilities. Expenditure of public service has always fluctuated, but ideally should always increasing. This study aimed to analyze the outcome of the budget in the allocation of public spending in an effort to realize the presence of trust on the budget in Solok West Sumatra Province. This study uses qualitative research methods with the type of research that is selected using descriptive type. While the techniques of data collection are done through an interview, observation and documentation study. This study further highlights the emic perspective, is the voice of the informant, not the personal opinion of the researchers (etic). Then, the data analysis is done categorically and chronologically, viewed repeatedly, and will continue to be encoded. To test the verification of data, triangulation is done by comparing the results of interviews with documents obtained in the field and testing of concepts used by researchers with the information given by the informant. The results showed that the pathology was found that budget allocations reflect inefficiencies as a failure of the link between policy, planning, and budgeting as a fragmented system. But on the other hand, it must be admitted there has been “trust” among policymaking actors in allocating public expenditure budget in playing the role in the budget policy.

  Jurnal Bina Praja, November 2016, vol. 8, no. 2, p. 277- 291, 11 ill, 5 tab, 23 ref.

  Faculty of Social Sciences and Political Science, Universitas Andalas) The Optimization of Budget Outcome to Create Trust in Public Expenditure Allocation on Local Budget



  Hendri Koeswara

  The problems of SMEs today are generally only able to survive but rarely oriented towards growth and capacity development of the company. One of the problems that hinder the growth of SMEs is financing problems. The government has tried to provide financing assistance in the form of soft loans, one of which is KUPEM, but SMEs do not have the commitment to running the business with loans that have been granted by the government. This study aims to determine the implementation strategy of People Economic Empowerment Business Loan (KUPEM) in the Province of Jambi. The research method used was a case study with descriptive research type. The sample consists of 125 respondents. Sampling is conducted in a nonprobability sampling and purposive sampling. Data were analyzed using SWOT analysis. The results showed that the implementation of KUPEM by the Provincial Government of Jambi through internal analysis indicates the value of the power factor is still below the weakness factor. External analysis of People Economic Empowerment Business Loan still has a big opportunity than a threat factor. Therefore, People Economic Empowerment Business Loan continues because it can help the growth of the community effort by making strategic changes. Result of the study recommend to strengthen internal factors which are the analytical skills of relevant agencies that are trusted to provide recommendations for KUPEM loans, (1) Relevant agencies create mentoring programs to enhance the ability of SMEs actors, (2) Through the relevant agencies forming a group of associations between groups of SMEs, (3) Increasing motivation to make MSMEs business through counseling activity, and improve the competence of field educators, (4) Conduct analysis of the suitability of business in accordance with local conditions (in this case the state of nature, the public taste and the target market).

  This study aims to revise the indicators of measuring Regional Innovation System (SIDa) component in order to simplify the measurement such that it can directly influence the improvement of success indicators in a region or district. Measuring the components of SIDa for all regions are necessary as the baseline of policy parameters for the Government in developing SIDa so that the implementation the policy on innovation systems become more effective. In this study, the modeling is focused on refining the existing parameters that have been previously developed for strengthening policy implementation of SIDa applied in each region. Modeling and development of these indicators are required in order to result as a reference for solving problems in the implementation of SIDa and can be used as reference material to establish an appropriate and effective patterns of regional development approach. The analysis tool used is multiple regression analysis using an Ordinary least square technique. Results of regression modeling produced a valid model with all independent variables significant and positive impact on the SIDa. Regression analysis shows that strengthening SIDa of all provinces in Indonesia provide significant and positive impact in increasing the Gross Domestic Products (GDP). Likewise, the success indicators show the positive effect, which means that implementation of SIDa has proven to increase the benchmark indicators of the region.

  This research is based on the low access of poor families to basic education and health care in Malang City that have an impact on social welfare and poverty problem. To overcome these problems, Ministry of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia through Malang City Government and Social Department of Malang City implements Program Keluarga Harapan (PKH) in the form of conditional cash transfers to the Extremely Poor Households (RTSM). The result showed that the implementation of PKH has been implemented properly and according to the procedure and the number of RTSM recipients of PKH from year to year has decreased. Nevertheless, this program implementation does not significantly impact the number of poor people in the city of Malang in general.

  Jurnal Bina Praja, November 2016, vol. 8, no. 2, p. 331- 340, 0 ill, 0 tab, 30 ref.

  Universitas Brawijaya) Poverty Reduction for Extremely Poor Households of Malang City by the Implementation of Program Keluarga Harapan

  1 Department of Political Sciences,



  Wimmy Haliim

  (Author) Keywords: regression analysis, GDP, the Joint Regulation, SIDa, innovation system.

  Jurnal Bina Praja, November 2016, vol. 8, no. 2, p. 317- 329, 4 ill, 7 tab, 16 ref.

  (Author) Keywords: SWOT analysis, credit, SMEs.

  Directorate, Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Kemenristekdikti)) The Modelling of Strengthening Indicators Development in Regional Innovation System and Its Effect on the Gross Domestic Product

  2 Innovation Systems

  Technology Development Center (PPTTG), Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI),

  1 Appropriate



  , Ophirtus Sumule


  Rislima F. Sitompul

  (Author) Keywords: program implementation, poverty, Program Keluarga Harapan. This page is left blank