LPSE Kementerian Dalam Negeri Request EOI Bangda


Jalan Medan Merdeka Utara Nomor 7 Jakarta-10110. Tlp (021) 3450038 Pst. 2645

For hiring of:
Institutional Development for Community-Based Flood Risk Management (IDCBFRM) Consultant for Flood Management in Selected River Basins (FMSRB)
Project to be financed by ADB Loan 3660-INO
The Government of the Republic of Indonesia has received an ADB loan to finance
Flood Management in Selected River Basins (FMSRB) Project located in Banten
(Serang, Pandeglang and Lebak) and Maluku (Kota Ambon) which will be implemented
in 2017-2022. Part of this loan will be used for payment under the contracts named
A consulting service, i.e: Institutional Development for Community-Based Flood Risk
Management (ID-CBFRM)Consultant will be recruited by Directorate General of
Regional Development, Ministry of Home Affair. The consultant will be stationed in
Jakarta, Serang (Banten) and Ambon (Maluku) and would be responsible for supporting
the Project implementation in the following 3 activities/sub-outputs:

Institutional strengthening, planning and coordination for implementation of
IFRM plans in the 3 Cis and Ambon - Seram RBTs. To develop the institutional
capacity of local government to initiate, plan, design and implement Flood Risk
Management plans in the river basins. The specific objectives are (i) strengthening of
local government officers capacity to address FRM, (ii) development of FRM knowledge
and introduction of replicable best practices, (iii) formulation of district FRM plans for the
basins with balanced structural and non-structural measures, (iv) Integration of FRM
plans in regional development and spatial land use plans, (v) development of river
corridor management and building code with proper regulation, monitoring and
evaluation mechanisms and, (vi) coordination of central, provincial and district level
authorities for implementation of integrated FRM measures.
(ii) Improved runoff and erosion control in 3Cis RBT and Ambon-Seram RBT.To
improve conditions of the critical land in upper 3 Cis and Ambon - Seram RBTs to control
soil erosion through better land management, and reduce runoff through rainfall runoff
interception and other land and water conservation measures.The specific objectives are
to (i) install rainfall harvesting facilities at household level, (ii) construct small farm ponds
to serve dual purposes for on-farm water supply and as retention and sedimentation
ponds, (iii) develop the critical public lands by terracing, plantation of multi-purpose
trees, forming vegetated waterways and other practical conservation measures, (iv)
regulate the land use by rules and regulations endorsed and supervised by the local

government, (v) improve livelihoods of farmers by generating income through land and
water conservation practices and (v) promote community participation and joint action for
the sustainability of the adopted systems.

(iii) Enhanced capacity for community-based flood risk management in the 3 Cis
and Ambon - Seram RBTs. To mobilize communities by organizing each community to
enable them to build effective mutual and self-help capacity. The specific objectives are
to (i) conduct awareness campaigns, (ii) develop community organizations (iii) develop
communities’ capacity and implement community based IFRM activities, (iv) promote
gender equity, (v) expose communities to best practices and support their active
participation and (vi) encourage communities to initiate their own activities to mitigate
their risk by various means.
The consultant will be required to mobilize multiple international and national team for
parallel and intermittent assignments according to the project tasks and requirements as
specified in the detailed TOR. The assignment will require a total input of about 670
person-month (PM) with 34 PM of international experts and 648 PM of national experts.
The procurement of the consultant will be in conformity with ADB’s Guidelines on the
Use of Consultants (March 2013, as amended from time to time).
Interested consultants may download the TORs and the Expression of Interest (EOI)
format from www.cms.adb.org. The EOI shall be submitted by 5 January 2017 through

CMS. EOI submission in hardcopy will not be evaluated.