OReilly COM And Dot NET Component Services Sep 2001 ISBN 0596001037 pdf

  COM and .NET Com ponent Services Dedicat ion Foreword Preface Scope of This Book

  Som e Assum pt ions About t he Reader Definit ions and Text Convent ions Ot her COM+ Books and Refer ences How t o Cont act Us

  Acknow ledgm ent s

  1.1 COM+ Com ponent Ser v ices

  1.2 The Com ponent Ser vices Explor er

  1.3 Hello COM+

  1.4 COM+ Configur ed Com ponent s

  1.5 Applicat ions, DLLs, and Com ponent s

  1.6 Configur ing COM+ Applicat ions

  1.7 Debugging COM+ Applicat ions

  1.8 Deploy ing COM+ Applicat ions

  1.9 Sum m ary

  2.1 Encapsulat ion v ia Marshaling in COM

  2.2 Encapsulat ion v ia I nt ercept ion in COM+

  2.3 The Cont ext Obj ect

  2.4 The Call Obj ect

  2.5 Cr oss- Cont ext Manual Marshaling

  2.6 Sum m ary

  3.1 Client Types

  3.2 I nst ance Managem ent and Scaling

  3.3 Obj ect Pooling

  3.4 Just - in- Tim e Act iv at ion

  3.5 Com bining JI TA w it h Obj ect Pooling

  3.6 Obj ect Const r uct or St r ing

  3.7 COM+ I nst ance Managem ent Pit falls

  4.1 Transact ion Basics

  4.2 Transact ion Pr opert ies

  4.3 Transact ion Scenarios

  4.4 COM+ Transact ions Archit ect ur e

  4.5 Configur ing Transact ions

  4.6 Vot ing on a Transact ion

  4.7 Transact ional Obj ect Life Cycle

  4.8 Designing Transact ional Com ponent s

  4.9 Nont ransact ional Client s

  4.10 Transact ions and Obj ect Pooling

  4.11 Com pensat ing Tr ansact ions

  4.12 Transact ion Ex ecut ion Tim e

  4.13 Tracing Transact ions

  4.14 I n- Doubt Transact ions

  4.15 Transact ion St at ist ics

  4.16 COM+ Transact ions Pit falls

  5.1 Obj ect - Orient ed Program m ing and Mult iple Threads

  5.2 Apart m ent s: The Classic COM Solut ion

  5.3 Act iv it ies: The COM+ I nnovat ion

  5.4 COM+ Configurat ion Set t ings

  5.5 Act iv it ies and JI TA

  5.6 Act iv it ies and Transact ions

  5.7 Tracing Act iv it ies

  5.8 The Neut ral Threaded Apart m ent

  5.9 Sum m ary

  6.1 Why Pr ogram t he Cat alog?

  6.2 The Cat alog Progr am m ing Model

  6.3 Cat alog St ruct ur e

  6.4 I nt eract ing w it h t he Cat alog

  6.5 Feat ur es of COMAdm inCat alog

  6.6 The COM+ Cat alog and Transact ions

  6.7 Sum m ary

  7.1 The Need for Secur it y

  7.2 Basic Secur it y Ter m s

  7.3 Role- Based Secur it y

  7.4 Secur ing a Ser ver Applicat ion

  7.5 Secur ing a Librar y Applicat ion

  7.6 Pr ogram m at ic Role- Based Secur it y

  7.7 Secur it y Boundar ies

  7.8 Advanced COM+ Securit y

  7.9 COM+ Secur it y Pit falls

  7.10 Sum m ary

  8.1 Maj or Benefit s of Queued Com ponent s

  8.2 Queued Com ponent s Archit ect ure

  8.3 Com ponent Ser vices Explor er Configurat ion

  8.4 I nvoking Queued Com ponent s on t he Client Side

  8.5 Designing Queued Com ponent I nt erfaces

  8.6 Receiv ing Out put from a Queued Com ponent

  8.7 Queued Com ponent Er ror Handling

  8.8 Queued Com ponent s and Transact ions

  8.9 Sy nchr onous Versus Asy nchronous Com ponent s

  8.10 Queued Com ponent s Secur it y

  8.11 Queued Com ponent s Pit falls

  8.12 Sum m ary

  9.1 Classic COM Ev ent s

  9.2 COM+ Ev ent Model

  9.3 The Event Class

  9.4 Subscript ion Ty pes

  9.5 Deliv ering Ev ent s

  9.6 Ev ent Filt er ing

  10.9 COM+ Obj ect Pooling

  B. COM+ 1.5 B.1 I m prov ed User I nt erface Usabilit y B.2 Legacy Applicat ions and Com ponent s B.3 Disabling Applicat ions and Com ponent s B.4 Pausing Applicat ions B.5 Serv ice Act iv at ion Type B.6 I m prov ed Queuing Support B.7 Applicat ion Pooling and Recycling B.8 Applicat ion Dum p B.9 Applicat ion Part it ioning B.10 Aliasing Com ponent s B.11 Configurable Transact ion I solat ion Level B.12 I m prov ed Cont ext Act ivat ion Set t ing B.13 Pr ivat e Com ponent s B.14 Web Serv ices in COM+ 1.5 B.15 Sum m ary

  A. The COM+ Logbook A.1 Logbook Requirem ent s A.2 Log File Exam ple A.3 Using t he Logbook A.4 Configur ing t he Logbook A.5 How Does t he Logbook Work? A.6 Sum m ary

  10.18 Sum m ary

  10.17 COM+ Loosely Coupled Ev ent s

  10.16 COM+ Queued Com ponent s

  10.15 COM+ Secur it y

  10.14 Pr ogram m ing t he COM+ Cat alog

  10.13 COM+ Sy nchronizat ion

  10.12 COM+ Transact ions

  10.11 COM+ Const r uct or St r ing

  10.10 COM+ Just - in- Tim e Act ivat ion

  10.8 COM+ Cont ext At t ribut es

  9.7 Dist ribut ed COM+ Ev ent s

  10.7 Accessing t he COM+ Cont ext

  10.6 The Descr ipt ion At t r ibut e

  10.5 Applicat ion Act iv at ion Type

  10.4 Configur ing Ser v iced Com ponent s

  10.3 Regist er ing Assem blies

  10.1 Developing Serv iced Com ponent s 10.2 .NET Assem blies and COM+ Applicat ions

  9.12 Sum m ary 10. .NET Serv iced Com ponent s

  9.11 COM+ Ev ent s Lim it at ion

  9.10 COM+ Ev ent s and Securit y

  9.9 COM+ Ev ent s and Transact ions

  9.8 Asy nchronous Ev ent s

  C. I nt r oduct ion t o .NET C.1 .NET Program m ing Languages C.2 Packaging .NET Com ponent s: Assem blies C.3 Dev eloping .NET Com ponent s

  C.4 Wr it ing .NET Client - Side Code C.5 .NET as a Com ponent Technology C.6 Com posing Assem blies Colophon

  D e dica t ion To m y wife, Dana

For e w or d

  I fir st ran int o COM+ back in 1996. I n t hose days, I was w ork ing as a Com m on Obj ect Request Br oker Ar chit ect ure ( CORBA) consult ant and was fr esh out of I BM, wher e I had been heav ily inv olved in I BM’s or iginal CORBA im plem ent at ion. CORBA was t he first of t he ar chit ect ures t hat we m ight describe t oday as Dist ribut ed Com ponent ar chit ect ures, which set t he st age for bot h COM/ DCOM in t he Microsoft space and RMI / I I OP in t he Java space. Back t hen, I was int er est ed in a part icularly k not t y problem relat ed t o dist ribut ed com ponent archit ect ur es. Syst em s built w it h such archit ect ures had a charact er ist ic perform ance pat t ern. They could handle large num ber s of t r ansact ions, as long as t hose t ransact ions originat ed from a sm all num ber of client s. So, for ex am ple, 5,000 t r ansact ions per m inut e div ided bet ween 5 client s wor ked fine. But when t hose sam e 5,000 t r ansact ions per m inut e wer e split am ong 1,000 client s, each pr ocessing 5 t ransact ions per m inut e, t he sy st em s chok ed. This was odd, I t hought . Why should 5 client s, each processing 1,000 t ransact ions per m inut e, be fundam ent ally different t han 1,000 client s, each pr ocessing 5 t ransact ions per m inut e? What is t he difference bet ween t he first 5,000 t r ansact ions per m inut e and t he second? Dist ribut ed com ponent archit ect ures, as t hey ex ist ed in 1996, dict at ed a one- t o- one relat ionship bet ween client s and com ponent inst ances. The business logic of such archit ect ur es is in t he com ponent inst ances. And it is t he business logic t hat m ak es t r ansact ional request s of t r ansact ional r esources, such as t he dat abase. I n order t o m ake t r ansact ional request s, t he com ponent inst ances r equire expensive r esources, such as dat abase connect ions. We run out of st eam ( i.e., t r ansact ional t hroughput ) when one of t wo t hings happen: we over load t he syst em w it h t r ansact ional request s or we run out of resources ( e.g., dat abase connect ions) . Clearly , going from 5 client s, each m ak ing 1,000 t ransact ional request s per m inut e, t o 1,000 client s, each m ak ing 5 t r ansact ional request s per m inut e, has no over all im pact on t he t ransact ional t hr oughput . Therefore, t he r eason why our dist ribut ed com ponent sy st em s m ust be dying is t hat we ar e running out of resour ces. So t he answer t o get t ing lot s of client s on a dist r ibut ed com ponent archit ect ure is not going t o com e fr om increased capabilit y of t he back- end t r ansact ional resources ( e.g., dat abases) . I t will have t o com e fr om som et hing else- som et hing t hat allows r esour ce shar ing. This, t hen, is t he problem I wor ked on back in 1996. How do y ou get several client s t o share resources in a dist r ibut ed com ponent archit ect ure? The solut ion t o t his problem cam e fr om an unex pect ed source. I was asked t o writ e a book on COM and DCOM. I knew very lit t le about COM and DCOM back t hen. As I look ed over t he COM/ DCOM whit e paper s on t he Microsoft web sit e, I quickly recognized it as a t y pical dist ribut ed com ponent archit ect ure and predict ed t he sam e t hr oughput problem s I had seen in ot her dist r ibut ed com ponent sy st em s. As I browsed t hrough t he whit e paper s, I not iced an obscure bet a product called Micr osoft Transact ion Serv er ( MTS) . At first , I dism issed MTS as an API used t o m anage dist ribut ed t ransact ions. But as I read m ore about MTS, I r ealized t hat it had lit t le t o do wit h t r ansact ions. I nst ead, it at t ack ed a m uch m or e int erest ing problem : how t o shar e r esources am ong client s. I n a nut shell, MTS addr essed t he very problem t hat had so v exed t he exist ing dist ribut ed com ponent syst em s- how t o support a large num ber of low- t r ansact ion generat ing client s! I did event ually w rit e t hat book, as well as m any ar t icles on t he im port ance of t he ideas int r oduced by MTS. Many of t hese ar t icles appear ed in m y Obj ect Wat ch newslet t er ( available at

  www.obj ect wat ch.com ) , a newslet t er t hat has, ov er t im e, becom e influent ial in it s space.

  Back in 1996, I predict ed t hat MTS would be a hist or ically im port ant product - one t hat w ould redefine approaches t o scalabilit y in dist ribut ed com ponent sy st em s. I n fact , t hat predict ion has com e t r ue. Today , every infrast r uct ure designed t o suppor t high scalabilit y in dist r ibut ed com ponent syst em s is based dir ect ly on t he ideas, algorit hm s, and pr incipals first int roduced by MTS in 1996. Ent erprise Jav aBeans, for exam ple, t he Jav a scalabilit y infrast r uct ure, is alm ost a direct copy of MTS. But w hat does t his have t o do wit h COM+ , you m ay ask. I t t urns out t hat COM+ and MTS are one and t he sam e. Microsoft , never know n for it s m arket ing savvy , decided t o wait unt il cust om ers finally got used t o t he nam e MTS ( it self a m isleading nam e) , and t hen it pulled a fast one- it swit ched t he nam e! And not j ust any nam e, but one t hat would be as confusing as possible! So t hey renam ed MTS as COM+ . Nat urally, cust om ers assum ed t hat COM+ was t he next release of COM. I n fact , COM+ was t he next release of MTS. Now Microsoft has announced .NET. Once again, t he br illiant Microsoft m ark et ing organizat ion has left m any cust om er s confused. I s COM+ now dead? Far fr om it —.NET is a series of int er est ing new feat ur es, none of which r eplace COM+ . COM+ is st ill t he scalable infrast r uct ure t hat suppor t s resour ce shar ing and deals w it h t he m yr iad of issues ( such as securit y and t r ansact ion boundar y m anagem ent ) t hat ar e so closely relat ed t o r esource sharing and so cr ucial t o dist ribut ed applicat ions. So whet her you ar e rushing int o Micr osoft ’s new .NET t echnology plat for m or t aking a wait and see at t it ude, if y ou need t o put a lot of client s around your sy st em , y ou need t o under st and COM+ . Ther efore, t his book is very t im ely . COM+ is going t o be wit h us for a long t im e. I t s nam e m ay change again, j ust t o confuse t he innocent ; but t he ideas, algor it hm s, and principals will not . COM+ , under what ever nam e, is here t o st ay ! Roger Sessions, CEO, Obj ect Wat ch, I nc. Publisher, Obj ect Wat ch newslet t er ( www.obj ect wat ch.com ) Aut hor, COM+ and t he Bat t le for t he Middle Tier Aust in, Tex as

Pr e f a ce

  This book discusses COM+ com ponent services. Each service is covered in it s own chapt er , and each chapt er discusses a sim ilar range of issues: t he pr oblem t he serv ice addr esses, possible solut ions t o t hat problem , an in- dept h descript ion of t he COM+ solut ion, t r adeoffs, design, and im plem ent at ion guidelines, t ips, and know n pit falls. I have t ried t o prov ide useful design inform at ion and lessons I learned while applying COM+ . I also descr ibe COM+ helper classes and ut ilit ies I developed t hat will enhance your pr oduct ivit y significant ly . ( The COM+ Event s helper obj ect s and t he COM+ Logbook are prim e ex am ples.) This book focuses on t he " how t o" — t hat is, it pr ov ides pract ical inform at ion. You should read t he chapt er s in or der , since m ost chapt ers r ely on inform at ion discussed in t he pr eceding chapt er s. The book also aim s t o ex plain COM+ st ep by st ep. A soft ware engineer alr eady fam iliar wit h COM who want s t o k now what COM+ is and how t o use it can read t his book and st ar t developing COM+ applicat ions im m ediat ely .

Scope of Th is Book

  Her e is a brief sum m ary of t he chapt ers and appendixes in t his book:

  • Chapt er 1 int roduces t he Com ponent Serv ices Ex plorer and

  basic COM+ t er m inology. This chapt er deliberat ely holds your hand as you develop your fir st " Hello World" COM+ com ponent . Subsequent chapt ers do m uch less handholding and assum e y ou ar e fam iliar w it h t he COM+ env ir onm ent . I f you alr eady have experience w it h basic COM+ developm ent, feel fr ee t o sk ip t his chapt er.

  • Chapt er 2 dem yst ifies t he COM+ cont ext by present ing it as

  t he key m echanism for providing com ponent services using call int ercept ion. Generally , y ou need not be concerned wit h cont ext s at all. How ever, t he COM+ cont ext underlies t he way COM+ serv ices are im plem ent ed.

  • Chapt er 3 describes t wo scalabilit y - enabling m echanism s t hat

  COM+ provides for a m odern ent erprise applicat ion: obj ect pooling and Just - in- Tim e Act iv at ion ( JI TA) . The discussion of inst ance m anagem ent , and especially JI TA, is independent of t r ansact ions. Ear ly COM+ docum ent at ion and books t ended t o couple inst ance m anagem ent and t r ansact ions. How ever, I found t hat not only can you use inst ance m anagem ent independent ly of t ransact ions, but it is easier t o explain it t hat way. Besides explaining how t o best use obj ect pooling and JI TA, Chapt er 3 describes ot her act iv at ion and inst ance m anagem ent COM+ serv ices such as t he const ruct or st ring.


Chapt er 4 explains t he difficult , yet com m on, problem s t hat

  • t r ansact ions address, and provides you wit h a dist illed overv iew of t r ansact ion pr ocessing and t he t r ansact ion program m ing m odel. The difficult par t of wr it ing t his chapt er was finding a way t o convey t he right am ount of t r ansact ion processing t heory . I want t o help y ou under st and and accept t he result ing program m ing m odel, but not bur y you in t he det ails of t heory and COM+ plum bing. This chapt er focuses on COM+ t r ansact ion ar chit ect ure and t he r esult ing design considerat ions you have t o be aware of.

  Chapt er 5 first explains t he need in t he com ponent world for a •

  concurr ency m odel and t he lim it at ions of t he classic COM solut ion. I t t hen descr ibes how t he COM+ solut ion, act ivit ies, im pr oves deficiencies of apar t m ent s.


Chapt er 6 shows how t o access com ponent and applicat ion

  • configurat ion inform at ion pr ogr am m at ically using t he COM+ Cat alog int er faces and obj ect s. Pr ogr am m at ic access is requir ed when using som e adv anced COM+ serv ices and t o aut om at e set up and dev elopm ent t ask s. This chapt er pr ov ides you wit h com pr ehensiv e cat alog st ruct ure diagram s, plent y of sam ple code, and a handy ut ilit y.


Chapt er 7 explains how t o secure a m odern applicat ion using

  • t he rich and power ful ( y et easy t o use) securit y infrast r uct ure provided by COM+ . This chapt er defines basic securit y concept s and shows you how t o design securit y int o y our applicat ion from t he ground up. You can design t his secur it y by using COM+ declar at ive secur it y via t he Com ponent Serv ices Explorer and by using advanced program m at ic securit y .


Chapt er 8 explains what COM+ queued com ponent s ar e and

  • how t o use t hem t o dev elop asy nchronous, pot ent ially disconnect ed applicat ions and com ponent s. I n addit ion t o showing you how t o configur e queued com ponent s, t his chapt er addresses required changes t o t he program m ing m odel. I f y ou have ever had t o dev elop an asynchronous m et hod invocat ion opt ion for y our com ponent s, you w ill lov e COM+ queued com ponent s.

  Chapt er 9 covers COM+ loosely coupled ev ent s, why t her e is •

  a need for such a ser vice, and how t he ser vice t ies int o ot her COM+ serv ices described in ear lier chapt er s ( such as t r ansact ions, securit y , and queued com ponent s) . Many people consider COM+ event s t heir fav or it e ser vice. I f you hav e had t o confront COM connect ion point s, you will appreciat e COM+ Event s.

  Chapt er 10 shows how .NET com ponent s can t ake adv ant age

  • of t he com ponent services descr ibed in t he previous chapt ers. I f you ar e not fam iliar wit h .NET, I suggest you read Appendix

  C fir st —it cont ains an int roduct ion t o .NET and C# . Chapt er 10 repeat s in C# m any of t he C+ + or VB 6.0 code sam ples

  found in earlier chapt er s, showing you how t o im plem ent t hem in .NET.

  Appendix A helps you develop a useful and im port ant ut ilit y —

  • a flight r ecorder t hat logs m et hod calls, er rors, and event s in your applicat ion. Logging is an essent ial part of ev ery applicat ion and is especially im por t ant in an ent er prise env ironm ent . The logbook is also an ex cellent ex am ple of t he sy nergies ar riv ed at by com bining m ult iple COM+ serv ices. I t is also a good represent at ion of t he design approaches you m ay consider when com bining ser vices.


Appendix B describes t he changes, im provem ent s, and

  • enhancem ent s int roduced t o COM+ in t he next r elease of Windows, Windows XP. I nst ead of writ ing t he book as if Windows XP were av ailable now ( as of t his w rit ing it is only in bet a) , I chose t o wr it e t he book for t he developer w ho has t o deliver applicat ions t oday, using Windows 2000. When y ou st ar t using Window s XP, all y ou need t o do is read Appendix B —it cont ains t he addit ional inform at ion you need.

  Appendix C describes t he essent ial elem ent s of t he .NET •

  fr am ework, such as t he r unt im e, assem blies, and how t o dev elop .NET com ponent s. The appendix allows a reader who is not fam iliar wit h .NET t o follow Chapt er 10 .

Som e Assu m pt ion s Abou t t h e Re a der

  I assum e t hat you are an experienced COM developer who feels com for t able wit h COM basics such as int erfaces, CoClasses, and apart m ent s. This book is about COM+ com ponent services, not t he com ponent t echnology used t o dev elop a COM/ DCOM or .NET com ponent . You can st ill r ead t he book wit hout t his experience, but you will benefit m or e by having COM under your belt . I assum e y ou dev elop your com ponent s m ost ly in C+ + and ATL and t hat you writ e occasional, sim ple client code in Visual Basic. I also use t rivial C# in Chapt er 10 t o dem onst rat e how .NET t akes adv ant age of COM+ serv ices, but you don't need t o know C# t o r ead t hat chapt er . A .NET developer should also find t his book useful: r ead and under st and t he ser vices in Chapt er 1 t hr ough Chapt er 9 , and t hen use Chapt er 10 as a refer ence guide for t he sy nt ax of .NET at t r ibut es.

D ef in it ion s a n d Te x t Con ve n t ion s

  The following definit ions and conv ent ions apply t hr oughout t his book: A com ponent is an im plem ent at ion of a set of int er faces. A • com ponent is what y ou m ark in your I DL file ( or t ype libr ary ) wit h CoClass or a class in C# . An obj ect is an inst ance of a com ponent . You can creat e

  • obj ect s by calling CoCreateInstance( ) in C+ + , specify ing t he class I D ( t he t ype) of t he obj ect you want t o creat e. I f you use Visual Basic 6.0, you can cr eat e obj ect s using new or


CreateObject( ) . A C# client uses new t o creat e a new

inst ance of a com ponent .

  I use t he following t erm s in t he book: CoCr eat ing refers t o

  • calling CoCreateInstance() in C+ + , or new or

  CreateObject( ) in Visual Basic. Query ing an obj ect for an

  int er face r efer s t o calling

  IUnknown::QueryInterface( ) on

  t he obj ect . Releasing an obj ect refers t o calling IUnknown::Release( ) on t he obj ect . The graphical not at ions in Figur e P- 1 are used in alm ost ev ery

  • design diagram in t he book. The " lollipop" denot es an int er face, and a m et hod call on an int er face is r epresent ed by an ar row beginning wit h a full circle.


Figu r e P- 1 . I n t e r fa ce a n d m e t h od ca ll g r a ph ica l n ot a t ion s

  Err or handling in t he code sam ples is r udim ent ar y. The code

  • sam ples serve t o dem onst r at e a design or a t echnical point , and clut t er ing t hem wit h t oo m uch er ror handing would m iss t he point . I n a pr oduct ion envir onm ent , y ou should ver ify t he ret ur ned HRESULT of every COM call, cat ch and handle except ions in C# , and assert every assum pt ion.

  I use t he following font convent ions in t his book:

  I t alic is used for new t erm s, cit at ions, online links, filenam es,

  • dir ect ories, and pat hnam es.

  Constant width is used t o indicat e com m and- line com put er

  • out put and code exam ples, as well as classes, const ant s, funct ions, int erfaces, m et hods, variables, and flow- cont r olled st at em ent s.

  Constant-width bold is used for code em phasis and user

  • input .


Constant-width italic is used t o indicat e r eplaceable

  • elem ent s in code st at em ent s.

  This icon indicat es a not e or t ip.

  This icon indicat es a war ning.

Ot h er COM + Book s a n d Refe r e n ce s

  This book describes how t o use COM+ com ponent serv ices in y our applicat ion. I t focuses on how t o apply t he t echnology , how t o av oid specific pit falls, and design guidelines. I f you want t o know m or e about COM+ in general and t he nat ure of com ponent t echnology , I recom m end t he following t wo books t hat helped m e a great deal in m y at t em pt t o gr asp COM+ .

  COM+ and t he Bat t le for t he Middle Tier by Roger Sessions ( John

  Wiley & Sons, 2000) is hands down t he best " why" COM+ book. I t explains in det ail, w it h excellent exam ples and in plain language, t he need for soft ware com ponent s and com ponent services. For exam ple, inst ead of t he page or t wo t his book includes on t he m ot ivat ion for using t r ansact ions, Sessions devot es t wo fascinat ing chapt er s t o t he t opic. The book goes on t o com par e ex ist ing com ponent t echnologies ( such as COM, CORBA, and Jav a) and t heir corr esponding suit es of com ponent serv ices. I t also cont ains a few case st udies fr om r eal- life syst em s t hat use COM+ . Roger Sessions also has a unique way of eloquent ly nam ing t hings—pr ov iding t he m ost appr opr iat e t erm , which is oft en not t he nam e Microsoft uses. Whenever it m akes sense, t his book uses Sessions' t er m inology, such as " inst ance m anagem ent " inst ead of t he Microsoft t er m " act ivat ion."

  Underst anding COM+ by David S. Plat t ( Micr osoft Press, 1999) is

  probably t he best " what " COM+ book . The book describes t he serv ices available by COM+ and provides sidebar sum m aries for t he busy reader . I t is one of t he first COM+ books, and Plat t worked on it closely wit h t he COM+ t eam . I also used t he MSDN Librar y ext ensively, especially t he " Com ponent Services" sect ion, w hile writ ing t his book. Alt hough t he infor m at ion in t his libr ary t ends t o be t erse, t he over all st r uct ure is good. Use t his book t o learn how t o apply COM+ product ively and effect ively , and use t he MSDN Librar y as a reference for t echnical det ails and a sour ce for addit ional infor m at ion.

H ow t o Con t a ct Us

  We have t est ed and v erified t he inform at ion in t his book t o t he best of our abilit y, but y ou m ay find t hat feat ures have changed ( or even t hat we hav e m ade m ist akes! ) . Please address com m ent s and quest ions concer ning t his book t o t he publisher: O’Reilly & Associat es, I nc. 101 Morris St reet Sebast opol, CA 95472 ( 800) 998- 9938 ( in t he Unit ed St at es or Canada) ( 707) 829- 0515 ( int ernat ional/ local) ( 707) 829- 0104 ( fax) The web sit e for t he book list s exam ples, err at a, and plans for fut ure edit ions. You can access t his page at :

  ht t p: / / www.or eilly .com / cat alog/ com dot net svs

  To ask t echnical quest ions or com m ent on t his book, send em ail t o:

  bookquest ions@or eilly .com

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  j uval.low y@com ponent w are.net

  For m or e inform at ion about our books, conferences, soft ware, resource cent ers, and t he O’Reilly Net work, see our web sit e:

  ht t p: / / www.or eilly .com

Ack now le dgm e n t s

  A book is by no m eans t he pr oduct of j ust t he aut hor’s work. I t is t he result of m any ev ent s and individuals, like links in a chain. I cannot possibly nam e everyone, ranging from m y parent s t o m y fr iends. I am especially gr at eful for m y t wo friends and colleagues, Marcus Pellet ier and Chris W. Rea. Marcus wor ked wit h m e on large COM+ proj ect s, and t oget her we confront ed t he unknown. Marcus’s t horoughness and t echnical expert ise is a m odel for ev ery program m er . Chris’s com m ent s and insight int o a r eader ’s m ind hav e cont ribut ed great ly t o t his book ’s accuracy, int egrit y , and flow. I w ish t o t hank Yasser Shohoud for v erifying m y appr oach t o t r ansact ion processing and sharing wit h m e his own, Richar d Grim es for r eviewing t he book, and Roger Sessions for writ ing t he For eword. Thank s also t o Johnny Blum enst ock for providing m e wit h a place t o writ e. Finally, t his book would not be possible wit hout m y wife, Dana, whose const ant support and encouragem ent m ade t his book a r ealit y. Thank you, Dana.

Ch a pt e r 1 . COM + Com pone n t Se r v ice s

  By now, m ost developers of lar ge- scale ent erprise applicat ions ar e convinced of t he benefit s of com ponent - orient ed developm ent . They hav e discover ed t hat by br eak ing a large sy st em down int o sm aller unit s, t hey can w rit e code t hat is easier t o reuse on ot her proj ect s, easier t o dist r ibut e across m ult iple com put ers, and easier t o m aint ain. As long as t hese com ponent s adhere t o a binary st andard t hat defines how t hey com m unicat e wit h one anot her, t hey can be inv oked as needed at runt im e and discarded when t hey have finished t heir wor k. This t y pe of applicat ion is also par t icularly suit ed t o t he Web, wher e client s request ser vices of rem ot e applicat ions and t hen, once sat isfied, m ove on t o ot her t asks. For nearly a decade, t he Microsoft Com ponent Obj ect Model ( COM) has been t he st andard for com ponent s t hat r un on Windows m achines, including Windows 9x and Me client s and Windows NT and 2000 server s. The COM m odel is well docum ent ed by t he Microsoft Com ponent Obj ect Model Specificat ion. Tools such as Visual C+ + and Visual Basic m ake it easy t o cr eat e COM com ponent s, and scor es of book s, t raining classes, and art icles are available t o t each pr ogr am m ers how t o use t hem . Many feat ures of t he Windows operat ing syst em are now im plem ent ed as COM com ponent s, and m any com panies have inv est ed heav ily in COM- based sy st em s of t heir own. I n July 2000, Microsoft announced a radically new com ponent m odel as par t of it s .NET developm ent plat form , suddenly calling int o quest ion t he viabilit y of exist ing COM applicat ions. .NET com ponent s bear lit t le resem blance t o legacy COM com ponent s and ar e not backw ards com pat ible. They can be m ade t o int eroper at e wit h COM com ponent s but do not do so nat ur ally. When it com es t o t he services and t ools program m er s use t o build ent er prise- scale .NET applicat ions, how ever, one facilit y cont inues t o prov ide t he necessary runt im e infrast ruct ur e and ser vices: COM+ com ponent services. These serv ices have been available on Windows 2000 since it s release, but t hey will gain great er im port ance in t he m ont hs ahead. As it t ur ns out , t hey offer a bridge bet ween t radit ional COM and .NET applicat ions, m ak ing y our underst anding and m ast er y of t hem as im port ant now as it has ever been. I n t his chapt er, we prov ide a quick over view of t he COM+ suit e of com ponent services and t hen int roduce y ou t o t he Com ponent Serv ices Explorer, your pr im ary t ool for building and m anaging bot h COM and .NET ent erpr ise applicat ions. You will also creat e, debug, and deploy a sim ple COM+ " Hello Wor ld" applicat ion, using a t r adit ional COM com ponent and learning about COM+ applicat ion t y pes and configured com ponent s as y ou do so.

  1 .1 COM + Com pon e n t Ser vice s

  Com ponent s need runt im e services t o work. The original COM runt im e support ed com ponent s locat ed on t he sam e m achine, t y pically a desk t op PC. As t he focus of Windows developm ent shift ed from st andalone PCs t o net worked syst em s, Microsoft found it necessary t o add addit ional serv ices ( see The Evolut ion of COM+


Serv ices ) . Fir st , t hey added support for dist r ibut ed applicat ions, or

  applicat ions whose com ponent s ar e locat ed on m or e t han one m achine ( som et im es r eferred t o as " COM on a wire" ) . Lat er , Microsoft added new services t o support ent er prise applicat ions, whose com plexit y and scale placed new dem ands on t he r esources of a syst em and required an ent irely new level of support . These t r ends were only exacer bat ed by t he m ove t o web- based applicat ions aim ed at huge num ber s of cust om er s connect ed over t he public I nt ernet . Collect ively, t he services t hat support COM and .NET com ponent - based applicat ions ar e known as t he COM+ com ponent ser vices, or sim ply as COM+ .

The Ev olu t ion of COM + Se r v ice s

  COM solved a num ber of pr oblem s facing early com ponent dev eloper s by prov iding a binary st andar d for com ponent s, defining a com m unicat ion int er face, and providing a way to link com ponent s dynam ically. COM freed developer s fr om hav ing t o deal w it h " plum bing" and connect ivit y issues, allowing t hem t o concent rat e on designing com ponent s. By t he m id- 1990s, however , it was clear t hat Windows dev eloper s needed addit ional ser vices t o suppor t dist ribut ed and t ransact ion- or ient ed applicat ions. Dist r ibut ed COM ( DCOM) was released in 1995, a specificat ion and ser vice used t o dist r ibut e com ponent s across differ ent m achines and inv oke t hem rem ot ely. Then, Microsoft r eleased t he Micr osoft Transact ion Serv er ( MTS) in 1998, which provided com ponent developers wit h new ser vices for t ransact ion m anagem ent , declarat ive r ole- based securit y , inst ance act ivat ion m anagem ent , com ponent deploym ent and inst allat ion, and an adm inist rat ion t ool for m anaging com ponent configurat ions. Ther e was m ore t o MTS t han j ust new ser vices. MTS represent ed a program m ing m odel in w hich t he com ponent dev eloper sim ply declared ( using t he MTS adm inist r at ive t ool) which ser vices a com ponent r equired, and left it t o MTS t o prov ide an appr opr iat e r unt im e env ir onm ent . Dev eloper s could now spend even less effor t on low - level serv ice plum bing ( such as int eract ing wit h t ransact ion pr ocessing m onit ors or m anaging t he life cycle of an obj ect ) , and m ore on t he business logic t he cust om er paid for. Yet , MTS had it s lim it at ions. Forem ost was t he fact t hat MTS was built on t op of conv ent ional COM/ DCOM. The underlying operat ing sy st em and COM it self wer e unawar e t hat MTS ev en exist ed. MTS resort ed t o esot eric hacks and kludges t o provide it s serv ices, and MTS could not provide it s ser vices t o every COM obj ect ( m ult it hreaded apart m ent obj ect s were excluded) . Som e serv ices, such as obj ect pooling, were eit her not possible or unav ailable. The developm ent of a new v ersion of t he Windows NT operat ing syst em ( init ially called NT 5.0 and lat er renam ed Windows 2000) , gave Microsoft an oppor t unit y t o cor rect t he deficiencies of MTS and DCOM by fusing t hem int o a new com pr ehensiv e com ponent services suit e. Micr osoft added yet m or e services, including obj ect pooling, queued com ponent s, and event s, and m ade t he package a part of t he core Windows operat ing syst em . The new suit e of serv ices was nam ed COM+ 1.0, t he subj ect of t his book. The nex t version of COM+ , COM+ 1.5, is scheduled for r elease wit h Windows XP in Q4 2001 and is described in Appendix B . The COM+ acronym is an ov erloaded and oft en m isused t erm . Today it is used inform ally t o refer t o bot h t he lat est ver sion of t he COM com ponent specificat ion and t he com ponent services available on t he lat est ver sions of Windows. I n t his book, we use t he t er m COM+ t o refer t o t he COM+ com ponent services. When we speak of COM+ com ponent s, we refer t o COM com ponent s configured t o run under t hose services. Howev er, as y ou will see, a COM+ applicat ion m ay consist of eit her COM or .NET com ponent s ( see COM+ : The Migrat ion Pat h t o .NET ) . Her e is a quick sum m ar y of t he m ost im port ant serv ices prov ided by COM+ :

  Adm inist r at ion

  Tools and serv ices t hat enable program m ers and adm inist rat ors t o configure and m anage com ponent s and com ponent - based applicat ions. The m ost im por t ant t ool is t he Microsoft Managem ent Console Com ponent Serv ices Ex plorer. COM+ also prov ides a st andard locat ion, t he COM+ Cat alog, for st oring configur at ion infor m at ion. The Com ponent Services Explorer is explained in t he following sect ion. The COM+ Cat alog is descr ibed in Chapt er 6 .

  Just - in- Tim e Act ivat ion ( JI TA)

  Serv ices t hat inst ant iat e com ponent s w hen t hey are called and discard t hem when t heir wor k is done. JI TA is ex plained in Chapt er 3 .

  Obj ect pooling

  Serv ices t hat allow inst ances of fr equent ly used, but expensive, r esour ces, such as dat abase connect ions, t o be m aint ained in a pool for use by num er ous client s. Obj ect pooling can im prove t he per form ance and responsiveness of a dist ribut ed applicat ion dram at ically . I t is explained in Chapt er 3 .

  Transact ions

  Serv ices t hat allow oper at ions carr ied out by dist r ibut ed com ponent s and resources such as dat abases t o be t reat ed as a single oper at ion. Transact ion m anagem ent is a requirem ent of m ost com m ercial syst em s. COM+ Tr ansact ion ser vices are discussed in Chapt er 4 .

  Sy nchr onizat ion

  Serv ices for cont rolling concurrent access t o obj ect s. These serv ices are explained in Chapt er 5 .

  Securit y

  Serv ices for aut hent icat ing client s and cont rolling access t o an applicat ion. COM+ support s r ole- based securit y , which is explained in Chapt er 7 .

  Queued com ponent s

  Serv ices t hat allow com ponent s t o com m unicat e t hrough asynchronous m essaging, a feat ur e t hat m ak es possible loosely coupled applicat ions or even disconnect ed applicat ions. Queued com ponent s are discussed in Chapt er 8 .

  Event s

  Serv ices t hat allow com ponent s t o infor m one anot her of significant ev ent s, such as changes in dat a or sy st em st at e. COM+ suppor t s a publish- subscr ibe m odel of event not ificat ion, which is described in Chapt er 9 . To sum m arize, COM+ is about com ponent ser vices and has alm ost not hing t o do wit h t he way a com ponent is developed. The .NET fr am ework allows you t o develop binary com ponent s m or e easily t han does COM, but it cont inues t o r ely on com ponent serv ices available t hrough COM+ . The m anner in which .NET and COM com ponent s ar e configur ed t o use t hese ser vices, howev er , is not t he sam e. Cur rent ly, m ost Windows ent erpr ise developer s are dev eloping applicat ions based on t he exist ing COM st andard using Visual Basic 6 and Visual C+ + 6 wit h ATL. For t his reason, t his book uses COM ex am ples t o dem onst rat e COM+ . However, t hese sam e serv ices are available t o .NET com ponent s as well. Chapt er 10 shows you how t o use t hem . COM+ 1.0 is an int egr al part of Windows 2000 and r equir es no special inst allat ion. Som e COM+ feat ur es ar e av ailable only when bot h t he client and server are running on Windows 2000 m achines, but COM+ client s can usually r un on Windows 9.x and Windows NT m achines as well.

COM + : Th e M igr a t ion Pa t h t o .N ET

  .NET is Microsoft ’s next - generat ion com ponent t echnology and applicat ion developm ent plat for m . ( For a quick overv iew of t he .NET plat for m , see Appendix C .) However , adopt ing a radically new t echnology such as .NET is never an easy endeav or for com panies and dev eloper s. Most have m ade a considerable invest m ent in an ex ist ing, oft en COM- based, code base and t he developer sk ills needed t o m aint ain it . Unless com panies hav e a com pelling reason t o m ove t o .NET or a r easonable m igr at ion pat h, t hey post pone or avoid m ak ing t he change. However, because COM and .NET com ponent s can coexist in t he sam e COM+ applicat ion, com panies can cont inue t o build COM com ponent s t oday , adding .NET ser viced com ponent s t o t heir applicat ions at a lat er t im e when t he advant ages of doing so are m ore com pelling. This is a m igrat ion st r at egy wort h y our considerat ion. When Windows XP is released in Q4 2001, it will include a new ver sion of COM+ com ponent ser vices, COM+ 1.5. This new ver sion im pr oves COM+ 1.0 usabilit y and addr esses som e of t he pit falls of using COM+ 1.0 on Windows 2000, as described in t his book. COM+ 1.5 also adds new feat ur es t o ex ist ing services and lay s t he foundat ion for int egrat ion wit h .NET web serv ices. Appendix B sum m ar izes t he fort hcom ing changes.

  1 .2 Th e Com pone n t Ser vice s Ex plor e r

  COM+ com ponent s and applicat ions ar e m anaged t hrough t he

  Com ponent Services Explorer ( form erly know n as t he COM+ Explorer) .The Com ponent Serv ices Explorer is a Microsoft

  Managem ent Console snap- in and is available on ev ery Windows 2000 m achine. To fir e up t he Com ponent Ser vices Explor er, go t o t he St art m enu and select Set t ings Cont rol Panel. When t he Cont r ol Panel window appear s, select t he Adm inist rat ive Tools direct ory and t hen select t he Com ponent Ser vices applicat ion. The first t hing you should do aft er locat ing t he Com ponent Ser vices Explorer is cr eat e a shor t cut t o it on y our desk t op. As a dev eloper , you need easy access t o t he Com ponent Services Explor er , your m ain gat eway int o COM+ ( see Figure 1- 1 ) . You can use t he Com ponent Services Explorer t o creat e and configur e COM+ applicat ions, im port and configure COM or .NET com ponent s, expor t and deploy your applicat ions, and adm inist er y our local m achine. You can even adm inist er COM+ on ot her m achines on t he net work, provided y ou have adm inist rat ive priv ileges on t hose m achines. A COM+ applicat ion is a logical gr oup of COM+ com ponent s. Com ponent s usually share an applicat ion if t hey depend on one anot her t o accom plish t heir t ask s and when all t he com ponent s requir e t he sam e applicat ion level configur at ion, as wit h securit y or act ivat ion policy . Com ponent s in t he sam e applicat ion are oft en dev eloped by t he sam e t eam , and are m eant t o be deployed t oget her . You can see all t he COM+ applicat ions inst alled on your m achine by opening t he Com ponent Ser vices Explor er and expanding t he

  Com put er s folder in t he Tr ee w indow : Com put ers My Com put er

  COM+ Applicat ions. Ev ery icon in t he COM+ Applicat ions folder represent s a COM+ applicat ion. Each COM+ applicat ion cont ains COM+ com ponent s. Com ponent s m ust be explicit ly im port ed int o t he Com ponent Ser vices Explor er t o t ak e advant age of COM+ serv ices. The Com ponent Serv ices Explorer offers a hier archical approach t o m anaging COM+ serv ices and configur at ions: a com put er cont ains


applicat ions, and an applicat ion cont ains com ponent s. A com ponent

  has int erfaces, and an int erface has m et hods. Each it em in t he hierar chy has it s ow n configurable proper t ies. Not e t hat t he hierar chy allows you t o v iew t he par am et ers of any m et hod list ed in t he hierarchy.


Figu r e 1 - 1 . Th e Com p on e n t Se r vice s Ex p lor e r

1 .3 H ello COM +

  The best way t o becom e acquaint ed wit h t he Com ponent Services Explorer and basic COM+ t erm inology is t o do a t r ivial exam ple. This sect ion walks you t hrough t he COM+ equiv alent of t he canonical " Hello World" pr ogr am . You will build a COM+ applicat ion cont aining a COM com ponent t hat displays a m essage box say ing " Hello COM+ " . When developing your " Hello COM+ " applicat ion, follow t hese st eps:

  1. Cr eat e a classic COM com ponent . All COM+ com ponent s st ar t t heir life as classic COM com ponent s, developed wit h such t ools as ATL, MFC, or Visual Basic 6.0.

  2. Cr eat e a new COM+ applicat ion t o host t he com ponent .

  3. Add t he com ponent t o t he applicat ion.

  4. Writ e a client and t est t he com ponent . The r est of t his chapt er uses t his " Hello COM+ " exam ple t o dem onst r at e v arious COM+ feat ures and capabilit ies. The exam ple is also available as part of t he sour ce files provided wit h t his book ( see t he Preface for inform at ion on how t o access t hese files) .

  1 .3 .1 Bu ildin g a COM Com pon e n t

  We will use ATL 7.0 t o gener at e a classic COM com ponent , alt hough you can also do it in Visual Basic 6.0 wit h alm ost t he sam e ease. St ar t a new ATL pr oj ect in Visual St udio.NET and nam e it Hello. For sim plicit y, do not use At t r ibut ed proj ect ( deselect At t ribut ed in t he ATL Proj ect Wizard under Applicat ion Set t ings) . Also, do not select COM+ 1.0 support . This select ion adds a few int er faces ex plained in subsequent chapt ers t hat are not relevant t o t his ex am ple. Bring up t he Add Class dialog ATL and select t he Sim ple ATL Obj ect it em . This st ep should bring up t he ATL Sim ple Obj ect Wizar d dialog ( see

  Figure 1- 2 ) . Type t he following ent r ies, in order: Message 1. I n t he Short Nam e field, ent er .


2. I n t he CoClass field, ent er .

  Your com plet ed dialog should look like Figure 1- 2 . There is no need t o access t he Opt ions select ion in t he dialog ( j ust use t he default s) . Click OK when y ou’re done.


Figu r e 1 - 2 . Use t h e ATL ob j e ct w iz a r d t o ge n e r a t e a sim p le COM ob j e ct Right - click t he I Message int er face icon in t he Class View, and select Add and t hen Add Met hod... fr om t he pop- up cont ex t m enu. This


  st ep brings up t he Add Met hod Wizar d. Ent er as t he m et hod nam e and click OK. Aft er following t hese st eps, t he ATL Obj ect Wizard will generat e a new int erface definit ion in t he pr oj ect I DL file, and t he new m et hod wizar d will add a m et hod t o t hat int er face. Ver ify t hat t he int erface definit ion in t he I DL file looks lik e t his:

  [ //various IDL attributes ] interface IMessage : IDispatch { [id(1), helpstring("method ShowMessage")] HRESULT ShowMessage( ); };

  Also m ake sur e t hat t he I DL file cont ains a t ype library section wit h t he CoClass definit ion:

  [ //you will have a different CLSID here: uuid(C530E78E-9EE4-47D3-86CC-3B4EE39CBD26), helpstring("Message Class") ] coclass Hello { [default] interface IMessage; };