The influence of Montgomery`s sexual deviation on Nicolette`s personality development as seen in Gwen Hunter`s betrayal - USD Repository








Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

To Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

In Language Education

  By Cicilia Dyah Hastha Wedaringtyas

  Student Number: 021214096










A Thesis On






Cicilia Dyah Hastha Wedaringtyas

Student Number: 021214096

Approved by:

  Major Sponsor Dr. Wigati Yektiningtyas-Modouw, M.Hum. March 3, 2008 Co-sponsor

  PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI A Thesis On THE INFLUENCE OF MONTGOMERY’S SEXUAL DEVIATION ON NICOLETTE’ S PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT AS SEEN IN GWEN HUNTER’S BETRAYAL By Cicilia Dyah Hastha Wedaringtyas Student Number: 021214096 Defended before the Board of Examiners on March 12, 2008 and Declared Acceptable Board of Examiners Chairperson Ag. Hardi Prasetyo, S.Pd., M.A. ...................... Secretary Made Frida Yulia, S.Pd., M.Pd. ......................


Members Ag. Hardi Prasetyo, S.Pd., M.A. ......................

  Made Frida Yulia , S.Pd., M.Pd. ......................


Markus Budiraharjo, S.Pd., M.Ed. ......................

  Yogyakarta, March 12, 2008




  I honestly declare that the thesis, which I wrote, does not contain the works or part of the works of other people, except those cited in the quotations and the references, as a scientific paper should.

  Yogyakarta, March 4, 2008 The Writer

  Cicilia Dyah Hastha Wedaringtyas 021214096





  Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, saya mahasiswa Universitas Sanata Dharma: Nama : Cicilia Dyah Hastha Wedaringtyas Nomor Mahasiswa : 021214096

  Demi pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan, saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma karya ilmiah saya yang berjudul:


The Influence of Montgomery’s Sexual Deviation on Nicolette’s Personality

Development as Seen in Gwen Hunter’s Betrayal

  Beserta perangkat yang diperlukan (bila ada). Dengan demikian saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma hak untuk menyimpan, mengalihkan dalam bentuk media lain, mengelolanya dalam bentuk pangkalan data, mendistribusikan secara terbatas, dan mempublikasikannya di Internet atau media lain untuk kepentingan akademis tanpa perlu meminta ijin dari saya maupun memberikan royalti kepada saya selama tetap mencantumkan nama saya sebagai penulis. Demikian pernyataan ini yang saya buat dengan sebenarnya. Dibuat di Yogyakarta Pada tanggal: 27 Maret 2008 Yang menyatakan (Cicilia Dyah Hastha Wedaringtyas)


  No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear.

  But when you are tempted, He will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.

  1 Cor 10: 13


  I dedicate this thesis to: My beloved families My delightful friends






  First and foremost, I would like to send my greatest gratitude to my Lord,


Jesus Christ and Mother Mary for the blessing and guidance in every little thing

  I do upon my life. Every little miracle They have given to me makes me believe that They are always with me. I can never pass the hard times in my life without Their loves, especially during the hard times in my study and in the completion of this thesis.

  I am deeply indebted to my major sponsor Dr. Wigati Yektiningtyas-


Modouw, M.Hum. for her prayer, support, patience, kindness, and for her

  willingness to spare her valuable time to read my thesis, to criticize it, to share her knowledge, and to guide me step by step doing this thesis from the beginning until the end. My deep gratitude also goes to my co-sponsor Ch. Lhaksmita


Anandari, S.Pd., M.Ed. for her smiles, prayers, patience, suggestions, and

  willingness to spend her valuable time, and also for her assistance on every page of my thesis writing process.

  I would like to thank all lecturers for their valuable knowledge and guidance. My thanks also go to all staffs in secretariat especially Mbak Dhani and Mbak Tari for their continuous supports. I thank all the librarians who deserve special appreciation for providing my needs in the library services.

  I would like to send my special gratitude to my lovely Mom Chatarina


Diah Sudiati. Her endless love, prayer, care, kindness, and support give me

  strength to face bitterness and happiness in my life. She means the world for me. I


  thank her for her guidance during these years. My special gratitude also goes to my beloved late Father Paulus Singgih Danu Setyo for showing me how to survive in this hard life with dignity and faith in God. There are no enough words to express how much I love and adore him and how much I miss his warm embraces. I hope he will be watching me on my graduation ceremony later with pride and smile from Heaven.

  My special thanks also go to my sweet brothers and sisters Mba’ Noer,


Mas Sigit, Mas Tox (thanks for teaching me how to catch my dreams with

  struggles and prayers), Mba’ Janty, Mba’ Dhanie, Mas Moko (My dream comes true because of him. I was nothing without his love and care), and Mba’ Rossa (my sister in happiness and sorrow). They are all precious ones for me. I also thank my sweet nieces and nephews Vitha, Linda, Ayu, Galih, Yayank, Tika

  “Ndhuut”, and Nesya. They are my little angels.

  My sincerest thanks go to Letda Inf Fictor J. Situmorang “Toru Beib”. I am grateful for having kind, wise, and funny friend like him. He always knows how to make me smile and how to give me strength during my hard days. I also thank Letda Arm Ihalauw Garry Herlambang “Ghe” for being my nice friend and for the friendship we have had, Letda Inf Yudhison Rianta Tarigan


“Taggy” for the prayers, Lettu Cpn I Gede Winarsa “Abangkoe” for the

  smiles, prayers, supports, advices, and suggestions, Letda Pnb Agus Trianto


“Mas AGT” for the prayers and supports, and also to my best friend Mba’ Dessy

  for the friendship we share, all the times we have had, and all the moments we share. I am glad that I have her.


  Those whom I could not forget are my precious friends of PBI 2002: Arai,


Mbakyu Ikas, Regina, Grace for the beautiful moments we have shared. This

  friendship means a lot for me. I would also thank Whida (she is so special),


Sasha, Lissa, Trondol, Galih, Udjo, Vie, Echi, Itha, Maw, Rury, Ook, Deddy,

Mas Yanu ’98, and others who I can not mention one by one here. I thank them

  all for smiles, jokes, supports, and prayers. They know how to color my life with their own ways.

  with love, -Sishiel-


  TITLE PAGE ................................................................................................... i APPROVAL PAGES ...................................................................................... ii STATEMENT OF WORK’S ORIGINALITY ................................................ iv

  LEMBAR PERNYATAAN PUBLIKASI ........................................................... v

  PAGE OF LIFE MOTTO ................................................................................ vi DEDICATION PAGE...................................................................................... vii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ............................................................................... viii TABLE OF CONTENTS................................................................................. xi ABSTRACT..................................................................................................... xv


ABSTRAK ....................................................................................................... xvi

CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................

  1 1.1 Background of the Study....................................................

  1 1.2 Objectives of the Study ......................................................

  4 1.3 Problem Formulation .........................................................

  4 1.4 Benefits of the Study..........................................................

  4 1.5 Definition of Terms............................................................

  5 CHAPTER 2 REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE ...............................

  7 2.1 Review of Related Theories ...........................................

  7 2.1.1 Theory of Critical Approaches............................

  7 2.1.2 Theory of Character ............................................

  8 2.1.3 Theory of Characterization .................................



  12 2.2 Review of Related Studies .................................................

  12 2.2.1 Personality Development ..........................................

  13 2.2.2 Changes in Personality..............................................

  13 Characteristics of Changes in Personality..... Conditions Responsible for the Person to Change .....................................................


  17 The Influences in Development Process .......

  18 2.2.3 Theory of Sexual Deviation ......................................

  20 Theory of Incest ............................................

  22 The Incest Taboo...........................................

  2.3 Criticism............................................................................. 23

  25 2.4 Theoretical Framework ......................................................

  CHAPTER 3 METHODOLOGY ..................................................................


  27 3.1 Subject Matter ....................................................................

  3.2 Approach ............................................................................ 28

  3.3 Procedure ........................................................................... 28

  29 3.4 Organization of the Study ..................................................

  CHAPTER 4 ANALYSIS..............................................................................


  32 4.1 The Personality of Nicolette and Montgomery..................

  33 4.1.1 The Personality of Nicolette .....................................

  33 Stubborn ........................................................ Tough ............................................................ 35 Religious ....................................................... 36

  PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Loving and being Submissive to Her Husband ................................................


  39 4.1.2 The Personality of Montgomery ............................... Possessive...................................................... 39 Mysterious..................................................... 41

  42 Having Two Personalities .............................

  45 4.2 Montgomery’s Sexual Deviation .......................................

  4.2.1 Montgomery’s Sexual Deviation to His Daughter, Dessie ............................................


  4.2.2 Montgomery’s Sexual Deviation to His Sister, Bella Cecile DeLande..........................


  4.3 The Influence of Montgomery’s Sexual Deviation on Nicolette’s Personality Development...........

  49 CHAPTER V CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS...............................


  5.1 Conclusions ........................................................................ 61

  5.2 Suggestions ........................................................................ 63

  63 5.2.1 Suggestions for Future Researchers ..........................

  64 5.2.2 Suggestions for Teaching Learning Activities.......... REFERENCES................................................................................................. 67 APPENDICES ................................................................................................. 69 Appendix 1 The Cover of Betrayal .................................................................. 69 Appendix 2 The Portrait of Gwen Hunter........................................................

  70 Appendix 3 The Biography of Gwen Hunter...................................................


  Appendix 4 The Summary of Betrayal ............................................................

  73 Appendix 5 The Implementation of Teaching Intensive Reading II................

  74 The Implementation of Teaching Public Speaking IV.................




  Wedaringtyas, Cicilia Dyah Hastha: (2008) THE INFLUENCE OF MONTGOMERY’S SEXUAL DEVIATION ON NICOLETTE’S PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT AS SEEN IN GWEN HUNTER’S BETRAYAL. Yogyakarta: English Education Study Program, Department of Language and Arts Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sanata Dharma University.

  This thesis discusses a novel by Gwen Hunter entitled Betrayal. The analysis focuses on the personality development of Nicolette Dazincourt DeLande, the main character in the novel. Betrayal tells about the bitterness of life. Betrayal becomes a remarkable novel to read. This is a very interesting novel because it describes a phenomenon of life which resembles our real life and we can take the valuable lessons Gwen Hunter tries to deliver. There are two problems that become the basis of this thesis. The first problem is the description of Nicolette’s and Montgomery’s personalities. The second problem is how Montgomery’s sexual deviation in the novel influences Nicolette’s personality development.

  To achieve the aims, this thesis employs library research in collecting the data. There are two kinds of data, primary and secondary data. The primary data are gained from the novel Betrayal. The secondary data are gained from Abram’s and Perrine’s theories of character; Murphy’s theory of characterization; Rohrberger and Woods’ theory of critical approach; Hurlock’s, Craig’s, and Pikunas’ theories of personality; and Rosen, Fox, and Gregory’s and Baron’s theories of sexual deviation. The approach used in this study is the psychological approach.

  Based on the analysis, two conclusions may be gained. First, in the beginning of the novel, Nicolette is described as stubborn, tough, religious, and submissive to her husband. Finally, her personality changes for worse under the influence of Montgomery, her husband. Second, her husband’s sexual deviation which is incest has influenced Nicolette’s personality development. Montgomery has betrayed her by sexually abusing their daughter and by having sexual relationship with his sister. Montgomery’s sexual deviation makes her become sensitive, rebellious to Montgomery, and being a cold-blooded killer. This thesis also gives suggestions for the future researchers and the implementation of literature in teaching English especially in teaching speaking and reading.



  Wedaringtyas, Cicilia Dyah Hastha: (2008) THE INFLUENCE OF MONTGOMERY’S SEXUAL DEVIATION ON NICOLETTE’S PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT AS SEEN IN GWEN HUNTER’S BETRAYAL. Yogyakarta: Program Studi Bahasa Inggris, Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

  Skripsi ini membahas tentang Betrayal, sebuah novel karangan Gwen Hunter. Obyek dari analisa di dalam skripsi ini difokuskan pada perkembangan kepribadian Nicolette Dazincourt DeLande, tokoh utama di dalam novel tersebut.

  Betrayal menceritakan tentang kepahitan hidup. Betrayal menjadi sebuah novel yang luar biasa untuk dibaca. Novel ini sangat menarik karena novel ini menjabarkan sebuah fenomena kehidupan yang menyerupai kehidupan nyata kita dan kita juga dapat mengambil hikmah dan nilai-nilai hidup yang coba disampaikan sang pengarang, Gwen Hunter.

  Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut, skripsi ini menerapkan studi pustaka untuk mengumpulkan data. Ada dua jenis data, data utama dan data pendukung. Data utama diperoleh dari novel Betrayal. Data pendukung diperoleh dari teori karakter Abrams dan Perrine; teori karakterisasi Murphy; teori pendekatan literature Rohrberger and Woods; teori kepribadian Hurlock, Craig, dan Pikunas; dan teori penyimpangan seksual Rosen, Fox, dan Gregory dan Baron. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam studi ini adalah pendekatan psikologi.

  Berdasarkan hasil analisa, ada dua hal yang dapat disimpulkan. Pertama, di awal cerita Nicolette digambarkan sebagai orang yang keras kepala, keras hati, beriman, dan penurut pada suaminya. Di akhir cerita, kepribadian Nicolette berubah menjadi lebih buruk di bawah pengaruh suaminya, Montgomery. Kedua, penyimpangan seksual suaminya yaitu incest telah mempengaruhi perkembangan kepribadian Nicolette. Montgomery telah menghianatinya dengan melakukan kekerasan seksual pada putri mereka dan dengan melakukan hubungan seksual dengan adik kandung Montgomery. Penyimpangan seksual yang dilakukan Montgomery membuat Nicolette menjadi rapuh, pemberontak terhadap suaminya, dan menjadi seorang pembunuh berdarah dingin. Skripsi ini juga memberikan saran bagi peneliti di masa mendatang dan penerapan karya sastra dalam pengajaran Speaking dan Reading.





1.1 Background of the Study

  Consciously or unconsciously, every single thing that people have experienced can be a factor that may change and shape their personalities.

  However, during their lives, people can experience the changes in their personalities. Then, it may change for better or for worse. It can be influenced by biological process they face, their experiences, their past life, their surroundings, their circumstances, or even by other’s behavior.

  We can take a look at reality which often happens in our circumstances. Crimes seem to be a part of life, whereas we never expect those things happen in our lives. In fact, it cannot be destroyed or wiped out easily. Everyday, there are always cases of crimes that we can see or hear from news program on television or radio. For instance, there are some cases where a father has assaulted his own daughter or a brother has assaulted his own sister. Such cases really happen in this life.

  We can really find a real case which happened to a girl, called Sha, 14 years old (Nova, No. 935/ XVIII, January 29, 2006). She had experienced a terrible thing in her life. She was sexually abused by her mother and her grandfather for several years. Since she was 8 years old she was wrongly taught about sexual intercourse by her mother. In that time, she was taught and forced to do sexual activity with her. After that, her mother gave her to her grandfather and


  three of them conducted sexual activity together, so-called threesome. That terrible experience which had happened for several years made her change her personality. She has lost her happy childhood and she has experienced trauma. Thus, she became hopeless. Moreover, she became a lesbian and a hypersexual. Based on this actual case we can conclude that incest itself as one of the sexual deviations can be a factor that influences the changes of one’s personality.

  Betrayal shares a story about a woman, Nicolette Dazincourt who gets married to a wealthy and charming man named Montgomery Beauregard DeLande, whose family is the finest and oldest in Louisiana; a man whom she loves, respects, and adores so much; a man who has the authority to control the politics, the law, and the money; a man who can afford to fulfill all her and her parents’ financial needs; a man who has given her four sweet children; a man whom she does not know at all. Because she loves Montgomery so much and she is afraid of losing him, she never has the willingness to ask him about the bad rumor of his strange family outside and to learn about his families’ tradition.

  However, one day, her point of view towards her husband changes when knowing that her daughter who is still six years old has been sexually abused by her husband and her brother-in-law. It is difficult for her to realize the truth that her handsome, kind, possessive, and charming husband can become a devil. Her days become nightmares. She just wants to escape from him without any signs that she has known his evil deeds of sexually assaulting his own daughter.

  However, her suffering and her willingness to protect her children make her does a crime. She has killed Montgomery whom she really loves, respects, and adores.


  She is forced to do it in order to save her children from him. She confesses to the police of what she has done, then, she is arrested. However, in the court, finally, the truth of Montgomery’s sexual deviation is uncovered. The court verdicts she is innocent. It is because of her friends, witnesses, and outsiders who have supported her.

  There are some reasons that underlie my interest of conducting the study. The main reason is because I am interested in Nicolette’s personality development which is influenced by her husband’s sexual deviation. It is a new thing for me to know that sexual deviation can be one of the factors that influences someone’s personality to change. This case is similar to the actual case which happened to Sha (Nova, No. 935/ XVIII, January 29, 2006). It is amazing to find a story where a woman faces the most terrible and hardest problem in her life, her husband’s betrayal to her, which leads her personality to change for the worse.

  The second reason is I am interested in the author’s style in telling the story. Gwen Hunter knows well how to present the story well and give it a rhythm. She also knows well how to take and bring the readers into the story so that the readers can feel the same fear, happiness, sacrifice, and sorrow as Nicolette feels in the story. Gwen Hunter successfully presents the reaction of the characters so that the readers find the story flows naturally.

  The third reason is because this novel challenges me to dig more about human’s conflicts in life which are rich of moral values. Therefore, it can be a reflection for the readers.


  1.2 Objectives of the Study

  This study is intended to find out how someone’s personality development can be influenced by someone’s behavior, and to expose how sexual deviation can be a factor that changes and influences someone’s personality development. In the Gwen Hunter’s Betrayal we will find out that incest, as one of sexual deviations, influences the changing of Nicolette’s personality development.

  1.3 Problem Formulation

  The problems of this study are formulated as follows:

1. How are the personality of Nicolette and Montgomery portrayed in Gwen

  Hunter’s Betrayal?

  2. How does Montgomery’s sexual deviation influence Nicolette’s personality development?

1.4 Benefits of the Study

  As this thesis tries to explore Nicolette’s development in the novel which is influenced by Montgomery’s sexual deviation, the readers are hoped to get a better understanding about the story, the personality of Nicolette, the personality of Montgomery, and Nicolette’s personality development in the novel.

  I hope this thesis is beneficial for the readers to have a better understanding about how sexual deviation often appears in real life, then, by having a better understanding, they realize that incest is taboo and must be avoided, so they can prevent incest in their lives.


  Next, it is hoped that anyone who wants to learn more about literature can use this study as a reference which can enrich their knowledge. Then, hopefully, through this study the readers can get important values as the basic for them in facing their life.

1.5 Definition of Terms

  There are some terms that need to be defined to avoid misconception. They are:

  1. Sexual deviation According to Baron (567), sexual deviation or so-called paraphilia is a sexual disorder involving choices of inappropriate sexual objects; such as young children, or the inability to experience arousal except in the presence of specific objects or fantasies.

  In my study, sexual deviation is a sexual disorder suffered by Montgomery involving choices of inappropriate sexual objects that is by having sexual relationship with his daughter and his sister, whereas the two of them have close blood relation with him.

  2. Personality Development According to Hurlock (463), personality development means the way the personality changes and develops based on the factors that are responsible for the changes that will affect someone’s life. Thus, personality development in this study means the process of changing that happened to Nicolette which caused changes to her personality for


  3. Betrayal Fay A. Klinger defines betrayal as the act of not being loyal to a person who believes you are loyal to him/her, often by doing something that hurts that person ( html, accessed on Saturday, October 20). In this study, betrayal is Montgomery’s act of being disloyal to Nicolette who believes Montgomery is loyal to her by assaulting their daughter and by having sexual relationship with his sisters.

  4. Incest Rosen, Fox, and Gregory (288) define incest as sexual activity between persons whose blood relationship is closer than is sanctioned by the culture. In this study, incest is a sexual activity between Montgomery and his daughter, Dessie, and also between Montgomery and his sister, Bella Cecile DeLande whom both of them have very close blood relationship with. Montgomery.


CHAPTER 2 REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE This chapter deals with review about related theories and also involves

  some criticisms about Gwen Hunter and her novel Betrayal. In addition to this chapter, I also present theoretical framework.

2.1. Review of Related Theories

  This part consists of two main points, namely theory of literature and theory of psychology. The theory of literature is to give some explanations that can help the reader to understand the novel, while theory of psychology is to provide some psychological explanations that can help in analyzing the characters in the novel.

  2. 1. 1. Theory of Critical Approaches

  When we want to analyze a novel, we need to know some critical approaches. The approaches help us to decide how we will analyze the novel, so that we can understand it. Rohrberger and Woods (6-15) mention five kinds of critical approaches. They are formalist approach, biographical approach, sociocultural-historical approach, mythopoeic approach, and psychological approach.

  The formalist approach concentrates on the importance to comprehend the


  literary work without concerning reference from outside literary work itself. The second approach is the biographical approach. In the biographical approach, the biography of the author is the basic unit in understanding a literary work. The third approach is the sociocultural-historical approach. In this approach, the readers analyze the literary work based on the civilization that produces the literary work. The fourth approach is the mythopoeic approach. This is used to discover certain universally recurrent patterns of human thought which share the same universal belief to certain community mind. The last approach is the psychological approach. In this approach, the reader analyzes the literary work from the psychological point of view of human being.

  I decide to use the psychological approach to analyze this novel in accordance with the matter of this thesis. In this approach, I analyze the literary work from the psychological point of view of human being. Rohrberger and Woods (14) state that the psychological approach uses the theory of human psychology as the reference to understand the character in the story. This approach also insists that each character’s behaviors could be referred to the psychology of human being. Through this approach, the character’s thought and behavior can be analyzed. I also choose the psychological approach since this study focuses on the character’s personality development.

  2. 1. 2 Theory of Character

  A character plays an important role in a story. It makes the story vivid and


  her dialogue and activity. The following theories will be helpful in getting better understanding about the characters in the novel and in analyzing whether the character is static or dynamic.

  Abrams (65) defines a character as the person, in a dramatic narrative work, endowed with moral and dispositional qualities that are expressed in what they say, i.e., the dialogue and what they do (the action).

  A character, according to Perrine (71), can be classified into two categories that are static character and dynamic character. Static character is a character that does not undergo any changes in his/ her outlook/ personalities during the course of story as at the beginning. This character is described without many details and he/ she is not changed by the circumstances. On the other hand, dynamic character is a character who undergoes many changes in some aspects of their characters, personalities, ways of thinking, or outlook from the beginning until the end of the story.

  Furthermore, Perrine (71) also states that in order to be more convincing, the changes in a character need to meet three conditions. Those conditions are first, it must be within the possibilities of the character that makes it; second, it must be motivated by the circumstances in which the character finds him/ herself; and third, it must be followed by sufficient time for a change of its importance to take place.

  2. 1.3 Theory of Characterization

  This study deals with personality development of a character in the novel


  characterization in order to see the author’s ideas about the character. The following theories will be helpful in getting better understanding and in analyzing the characterization of Nicolette and Montgomery in Gwen Hunter’s Betrayal in chapter four later.

  There are some techniques which an author can use to make his characters understandable and come alive for the readers as he expected. According to Murphy (161-173), there are nine ways of characterization. They are personal description, character as seen by another, speech, past life, conversation of others, reaction, direct comment, thoughts, and mannerism.

  The first way is personal description. Using this method, the author can describe a person’s appearance in terms of build, face, skin-color, hair, and clothes in order to describe the character. From this personal description, human character can be portrayed as a hero, soldier, strong, weak, and blind.

  The second way is character as seen by another. Instead of describing a character directly, the author can describe the character through the eyes and opinions of another. Therefore, the readers can get a reflected image.

  The third way is speech. Using this technique, the author can give the readers an insight into the character as one of the persons in the book through what that person says. Whenever a person speaks, whenever he/she is in conversation with another, whenever he/she gives an opinion, he/she gives us some clues of his/her character.

  The fourth way is past life. The author can give us clues to events that


  about a person’s past life. This can be done by direct comment by the author, through the person’s thought, through his conversation or through the medium of another person.

  The fifth way is through the conversation of others. The author can also give the readers clues to a person’s character through the conversation of other people and the things they say about him. People talk about other people. Therefore, the things they say often give us a clue to the character of the person spoken above.

  The sixth way is reactions. The author can also give the readers a clue to a person’s character by letting us know how that person reacts to various situations and events. For example, the readers will know that a person is tough through his/her reaction in facing some problems.

  The seventh way is direct comment. The author can describe or comment on a person’s character directly. Usually, the author gives his comments through the narrator’s eyes.

  The eighth way is thoughts. The author can give the readers knowledge of what a person is thinking about. In this respect, he is able to do what we can not do in real life. He can tell the reader what different people are thinking. The readers have a secret listening to the inmost thoughts of a person in a novel.

  The last way is mannerism. The author can describe the person’s mannerism, habits, or idiosyncrasies which may also tell something about his character. For example, the habit of a character who cares to other people who need his/her help shows that she/he is a kind person.


  From those nine ways, the author usually does not apply only one in describing the story, but he blends up skillfully to bring the reader into the stream of narrative. Thus, the readers are usually unaware of the skill with which the author is revealing characters and personalities as piece, so that the reader will tend to think of the author’s creations as real people.

2.2 Review of Related Studies

2.2.1 Personality Development

  People change throughout their lifetime. This is so because people live in a certain place with certain people that are called society. This situation affects our behavior and personality. Therefore, according to Hurlock, there is always desire to follow the surroundings and it makes us change (108). Further, Hurlock says change here means to alter or to vary; it does not necessarily mean that the alteration or variation will be complete.

  The personality pattern can change in some areas and remain persistent in others. The change does not always result with improvement, but it can be for better or for worse. It depends on the input and the output from the society and also depends on the person who accepts it. Craig (10) states that there are some developments such as parental growth, physical changes which are influenced by biological factors. However, there are also developments that depend highly on the environment, for example one’s personality development. In other words, one’s development is also influenced by his interaction with his environment.

  Therefore, we can say that personality development will be understood as a


  process of someone has to be better or worse. This theory will be helpful to analyze what influences the character’s personality development in Gwen Hunter’s Betrayal. The character experiences a process of changes in her personality for worse. The character deals with some factors that influence her personality development during her life. Her interaction to her family, including her husband take an important role in the process of her personality development, whether the process she has becomes better or worse.

2.2.2 Changes in Personality

  Changes in personality may happen to anyone. It may happen to children, adolescents, or adults. Then, the factors of the personality changes can vary. Characteristics of Changes in Personality

  Hurlock (120-122) classifies changes in the personality into three major categories. Those categories are the personality that changes for the better and the personality that changes for the worse, the personality in quantitative and qualitative changes, and the personality that occurs slowly and rapidly. Therefore, these following theories will be helpful in analyzing the characteristics of changes on Nicolette’s personality.

  The first category is the personality which changes for the better and for the worse (120). Personality which changes for the better or for the worse reflects the kind of life adjustment the individual is making at the time. People experience the development process on their personalities during their lives. There are many


  factors that influence the changes on their personalities. People who make successful adjustment during their development process will develop their personalities better. On the other hand, people who fail to adjust will develop their personalities for the worse. Generally, personality changes for the worse frequently happen at puberty and middle age, and these changes should be recognized as danger signals. For example, a person becomes sensitive, weak, hopeless, and introvert after experiencing the hardest moments in his/her life. The example above shows us that his/her personality changes for the worse.

  The second category is the personality in qualitative and the personality in quantitative changes (121). In qualitative changes, characteristics already present are reinforced, strengthened, or weakened. This changes the undesirable actions into desirable ones. For example, a cruel husband who always punishes his wife regrets his mistake and changes into a loving husband after he experiences the moment where his wife is dying. The stronger the motivation to win social approval and acceptance, the stronger will the motivation be to strengthen desirable traits.

  Quantitative changes may create the impression that the person has personality pattern-self-concept, whether it is weakened or strengthened by the action. These changes happen more commonly and more frequently than qualitative changes and usually in the direction of movement.

  The third category is the personality in slow and in rapid changes. Hurlock clarifies that changes regarded as slow if they are barely perceptible, while rapid changes are readily apparent to all (122). Normally, personality changes are slow


  and gradual. Every change happening in personality involves the violation of previous habit and the learning of a new habit to replace it. Conditions Responsible for the Personality to Change

  People experience changes during their lives. One of the changes is changes in their personalities. Therefore, there are some conditions which can influence the changes in their personalities. The following theories will be helpful in analyzing some conditions which influence the changes on Nicolette’s personality.

  Hurlock (124-129) mentions the changes in personality do not occur by themselves; they are physical changes, changes in environment, changes in significant people, changes in social pressure, changes in role, strong motivation, and changes in self-concept and psychotherapy.

  Hurlock states that physical changes may come from maturation and decline from illness, injuries, or some other conditions resulting from the person’s life pattern. A person will find it is difficult to adjust him/her into new condition when physical changes immediately occur. As a result, the physical changes will influence the person’s self-concept (124).

  Changes happen in either physical or in the social environment will not guarantee an improvement in personality although the changes may have the opposite effects. Just by moving to a new environment will not automatically


  or not will depend largely on how well we are accepted in the new environment and whether it meets our needs or not (Hurlock 125). A person must have significant people in their life that may affect their personality. When the significant people in an individual’s life change and when the individual tries to adapt the pattern of behavior, attitudes, beliefs, values, and aspiration to theirs, changes in his personality pattern are inevitable (Hurlock 126).

  One’s role may change because of a change in age, in economic conditions, or a change in society. One will experience changes for the better in his/her self-concept, if the results are in more favorable status. A child changes from being a dependent to being economically independent when he/she is old enough to be a wage earner. Ordinary people are strongly motivated to change his/her personality than one who is popular. The motivation comes because they believe it will improve their social relationship and broaden their social acceptance. When the motivation is strong enough to happen, changes can be affected (Hurlock 126-127).

  Self-concept is the core of the personality pattern, which determines the kind of adjustment the person will take. Therefore, a change in self-concept will lead to change in the entire personality pattern. This change becomes increasingly more difficult as people grow older. Changing the self-concept requires remarkable self-insight and this means that a person must be able to see him/herself as he actually is, not as he would like to be or as others perceive


  2. 2.2. 3. The Influences in Development Process

  Pikunas (58-73) states that there are five factors that influence the development process. Those factors are environment, family, peers as models, society, and culture.

  The first factor is environment. The environment is the place in which a person lives, both physically and socially. The environment influences the development process of a person. During his/her life, a person lives, interacts, or depends on their environment. Therefore, the environment, which consists of physical and social factors can continually affect in shaping their traits, features, or personalities. Location, climate, size, and convenience of the home can be some examples of physical factors.

  The second factor is family. The family is an enduring social group based on marriage and blood relationship. The family’s orientation and atmosphere grow out of commitments of husband and wife to each other and their children. The family takes important role on the person lives around the family which affect him/her in shaping and developing traits, features, or personalities.