Submitted to the Board of Examiners as a Partial Fulfilment

of the Requirement

for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd.)



Ni‟matul Maula











In the name of Allah, The most Gracious and the most Merciful.

  Hereby, the writer declares that this graduating paper is written by the researcher. This paper does not contain any materials which have been published by another people and it does not cite any other people‘s ideas except the information from the references.

  The researcher is capable to account her graduating paper if in future it can be proved of containing others‘ idea or in fact that the researcher imitates the others‘ graduating paper. Likewise, this declaration is written by the researcher, and she hopes that this declaration can be understood. The researcher will also agree if the library of IAIN Salatiga publishes this graduating paper.




“Don‟t be sad. Allah is with us”




  This graduating paper is dedicated to: 1.

  My lord, Allah SWT and Prophet Muhammad SAW Thank to Allah for gives me guidance and strength in my life, especially to finish this graduating paper.

  2. My beloved parent and my brother, who always prays guidance and motivate me. You are the best for me.

  3. My big family who always support for my education and finishing this graduating paper.

  4. My Islamic teacher, KH. Zoemri RWS (Alm) and Hj. Lathifah Zoemri RWS, who always prays and support me. Thanks for everything. You are my parents in this country.

  5. All of my friends in PPTI Al Falah, your smile and support is my happiness and my spirit in finishing this graduating paper.

  6. And everyone who always help and supported me to finish this graduating paper and could not be mentioned one by one.



  Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, In the name of Allah, the most gracious and the most merciful, the king of universe and space. Thank you to Allah because the writer can complete this graduating paper as one of requirement to finish the study in English Department of States for Institute Islamic Studies Salatiga.

  This graduating paper would not have been complete without support, guidance and help from individual and institution. Therefore, I would like to express special thanks to: 1.

  Dr. Rahmat Hariyadi, M.Pd., as the Rector of States for Institute Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga.

  2. Suwardi, M. Pd, as the Dean of the Teacher Training and Education Faculty.

  3. Noor Malihah, Ph. D, as the Head of English Language Teaching Department of States for Institute Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga.

  4. Dr. Ruwandi, S.Pd., M.A as the counsellor who has supported, motivated, and given the researcher advices and suggestion from beginning until the end of this graduating paper.

  5. Lectures in the English Language Teaching Department who have given much knowledge, the writer deeply thanks to you all.

  6. Staffs who have helped the writer in processing of graduating paper administration.

  7. My friends in PPTI Al Falah Salatiga, your smiling and supporting is my motivation to finishing this graduating paper.

  8. My friends of English Education Department. Thanks for your friendship and kindness.

  9. The eighth grade students of SMP ‗Plus‘ Assyafa‘ah Karanggede who as participant in this research.

  10. The teachers of SMP ‗Plus‘ Assyafa‘ah Karanggede which also participate in this researcher.

  Eventually, the graduating paper is expected to be able to provide useful knowledge and information to the readers. The writer is pleased to accept more suggestion and contribution for the improvement of this graduating paper.


  Salatiga, September 10 2018 The Researcher

  Ni‘matul Maula NIM. 11314146



  Maula, Ni‘matul. 2018. Improving Students’ Writing Skills through Wholesome

  Scattering Game of the Eighth Grade Students of SMP ‘Plus’ Assyafa’ah Karanggede in the Academic Year of 2018/2019. A

  Graduating Paper. English Educational Department. Teacher Training and Education of Faculty. State Institute for Islamic Studies of Salatiga. Counsellor: Dr. Ruwandi, S.Pd., M.A.

  The research is mainly aimed to improve students‘ writing skills through wholesome scattering game of the eighth grade students of SMP ‗Plus‘ Assyafa‘ah Karanggede in the academic year of 2018/2019. The subject of this research was 20 students in VIII class. The objective of the study are: (1) To describe wholesome scattering game can improve students‘ writing skills of the eighth grade students of SMP ―Plus‖ Assyafa‘ah Karanggede in the academic year of 2018/2019. (2) To des cribe how wholesome scattering game significantly improve students‘ writing skills of the eighth grade students of SMP ―Plus‖ Asyafa‘ah Karanggede in the academic year of 2018/2019. The methodology of research was classroom action research. It was conducted in 2 cycles which consists of planning, action, observation, and reflection in every cycle. The technique of collecting data was the observation to find out the teacher‘s and students‘ activity during implementation wholesome scattering game in the classroom. The second was written a test to find out the students‘ writing skills in descriptive text. The last one was documentation to find out the data which correlated with the research. The writer found there were improvement in students‘ writing skills through wholesome scattering game, especially in descriptive text. The result of the research was successful. It was shown from the t- test of the first cycle and the second cycle which was higher than the t-table. The t- table was 2.09 and the t-test was 5.99. The mean score of post-test was higher than the mean score of pre-test, (63.3 and 50.6). Besides that, the mean score of post-test in the second cycle was higher than the mean score of pre-test (78 and 66.15). While the score of t-test was 7.09. The impr ovement of students‘ writing skills was significant. It can be seen from the number of the students who passed the passing grade in two cycles. The passing grade was 75. The students who passed the passing grade of pre-test in the first cycle was 5% and the post-test was 25%. While the pre- test in the second cycle was 45% and post-test was 75%. The data showed that the result of the t-test in the first cycle and the second cycle was higher than t-table. It means that the implementation of wholesome scattering game is successful to improve students‘ writing skills in descriptive text.


  TITLE ................................................................................................................ i DECLARATION ............................................................................................. ii ATTENTIVE CO

  UNSELOR‘S NOTE .......................................................... iii CERTIFICATION PAGE ............................................................................... iv MOTTO.............................................................................................................v DEDICATION ................................................................................................ vi ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................. vii ABSTRACT .................................................................................................... ix TABLE OF CONTENT ....................................................................................x LIST OF FIGURES....................................................................................... xiii LIST OF THE TABLES ............................................................................... xiv

  CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Research .................................................................1 B. Problem statements ...............................................................................3 C. Objective of the Research .....................................................................4 D. Limitation of the Research ....................................................................4 E. Significant of the Research ...................................................................4 F. Hypothesis and Success Indicator .........................................................5 G. Research Methodology..........................................................................6 1. Method of Research .......................................................................6

  2. Research Setting .............................................................................8 3.

  Research Subject ..........................................................................14 4. Research Procedure ......................................................................15 5. Technique of Data Collecting ......................................................18 6. Instrument of Research.................................................................19 7. Technique of Data Analysis .........................................................23 F. Graduating Paper Outline ....................................................................26

  CHAPTER II: THE THEORITICAL FRAMWORK A. Previous Research ...............................................................................27 B. Writing ................................................................................................29 1. Definition of Writing ....................................................................29 2. The Purpose of Writing ................................................................31 3. Process of Writing ........................................................................31 4. Genre of Writing Text ..................................................................34 5. Assessment of Writing .................................................................35 6. The Teachers‘ Role in Writing .....................................................40 C. Wholesome Scattering Game ..............................................................42 1. Definition of Game.......................................................................42 2. Wholesome Scattering Game .......................................................43 D. Descriptive Text ..................................................................................45 1. Definition of Descriptive Text .....................................................45 2. The Purpose of Descriptive Text ..................................................45

  3. Types of Descriptive Text ............................................................46 4.

  Language Features of Descriptive Text .......................................48 5. Generic Structure of Descriptive Text .........................................50 E. Minimum Completeness Criteria (KKM) ...........................................52

  CHAPTER III: IMPLEMENTATION OF RESEARCH A. Cycle I .................................................................................................54 B. Cycle II ................................................................................................70 CHAPTER IV: RESEARCH DATA ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION A. Data Analysis ......................................................................................86 B. Discussion .........................................................................................101 CHAPTER V: CLOSURE A. Conclusions .......................................................................................103 B. Suggestion .........................................................................................105 REFERENCES APPENDIXES CURRICULUM VITAE

  LIST OF FIGURE FIGURE 1.1 Kemmis‟ Action Research Model (cited in Burns, 2010:9) ... 17


TABLE 1.1 List of the Teachers and Staffs .................................................. 12TABLE 1.2 List of the Research Activity...................................................... 13TABLE 1.3 List the Member of the Eighth Grade Students in SMP „Plus‟ Asyyafaah Karanggede in the academic year of 2018/2019 ....................... 15TABLE 1.4 The Teacher‟s Observational Sheet .......................................... 20TABLE 1.5 The Students‟ Observational Sheet ........................................... 21TABLE 2.6 Some Factual Genres .................................................................. 34TABLE 2.7 The Rating Scale of Scoring in Writing .................................... 37TABLE 2.8 Generic Structure of Descriptive Text ...................................... 51 TABLE 3.9 Form the Result of Teacher‟s Observational Sheet in Cycle I ... ........................................................................................................................... 63TABLE 3.10 Form the Result of Students‟ Observational Sheet in Cycle I ........................................................................................................................... 66TABLE 3.11 Form the Result of Teacher Observational Sheet in Cycle II ........................................................................................................................... 79TABLE 3.12 Form the Result of Students‟ Observational Sheet in Cycle II ........................................................................................................................... 81TABLE 4.13 The Score of Students‟ Pre-test in Cycle I .............................. 86TABLE 4.14 The Score of Students‟ Post-test in Cycle I ............................ 88TABLE 4.15 The Standard Deviation of Pre-test and Post-test in Cycle I


........................................................................................................................... 90

TABLE 4. 16 The Score of S tudents‟ Pre-test in Cycle II ........................... 93

TABLE 4.17 The Score of St udents‟ Post-test in Cycle II ........................... 95TABLE 4.18 The Students‟ Standard Deviation of Pre-test and Post-test in Cycle II ............................................................................................................. 98TABLE 4.19 The Mean and T-test in Cycle I and Cycle II ....................... 101

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION In this chapter, the researcher discusses the introduction of the study. This

  chapter consists of eight parts. They are the background of the study, problem statements, the objectives of the research, limitation of the research, the significance of the research, hypothesis and success indicator, research methodology, and graduating paper outline.

A. Background of the Study

  Writing is thinking process, because writing is a process of putting ideas down on paper transform thought into words and given them structure coherent organization (Brown, 2001, in Fitri et al., 2017: 2-3). As we know that writing is one of the skills which must measure some aspect of writing before we write, such as the organization, generic structure, language features, and others. Therefore, writing is the most significant skill which must be taught. On the other hand, students are interest in the active learning, it will create the learning environment exciting. Thus, the material can be accomplished and understood by the students deeply. There are needed the effective strategy in teaching writing skill to get what the learning aimed.

  Talak-Kiryk (2010: 4) in Wulandari (2016: 145) states that games are fun activities that promote interaction, thinking, learning, and problem- solving strategies. Therefore, the researcher will apply the wholesome scattering game which is one of the games that can be motivated by the students to improve their writing skill, especially in descriptive text. The implementation of wholesome scattering game is the three students will be asked to write vocabularies which are dictated by the teachers on the board in unusual shape. Both the teacher and students will correct the letter together and the students will imitate what the teacher spelling of the vocabularies. The students will discuss in a group. They will arrange and organize the vocabularies to be a descriptive text. At least, the students present their task in front of the class. After that, the teacher will give a feedback on the teaching- learning process.

  Seeing in the fact, according to the interview with English teacher in SMP ―Plus‖ Assyafa‘ah Karanggede, she faced the problems of the language teaching process in the eighth grade students. The students have less skill in four aspects of English, especially writing skill. They not understand yet about the spelling of words. So, they confused about how to write the English vocabulary clearly and correctly. It can be measured from the students‘ written task score and the students‘ written exercise in the classroom.

  Therefore, the teacher usually implemented imitation strategy in previous of English teaching-learning. Method and technique of teaching are conditional based on the materials which would be tough. Besides that, the students‘ response to English subject also is less enthusiastic. So, the researcher suggested the teacher to implemented the wholesome scattering game in writing class. The researcher believe that it can improve the students‘ writing skills. The students can know how to write and spell the keywords correctly after implementing wholesome scattering game. Besides that, they also know and understand the meaning of keywords. Then, they can produce many sentences using the keywords. They will imagine and predict the content of text about. So, the students can arrange and organize the sentences into a text.

  Finally, both the teacher and the researcher make an agreement to implementing wholesome scattering game in improve students‘ writing skill.

  Based on the problems above, the researcher is very interested in propose a study entitled, ―IMPROVING STUDENTS‘ WRITING SKILLS THROUGH WHOLESOME SCATTERING GAME OF THE EIGHTH GRADE STUDENTS


B. Problem Statements

  Based on the phenomenon above, the researcher would like to arrange the problem as follows:

  1. How can wholesome scattering game improve students‘ writing skills of the eighth grade students of SMP ―Plus‖ Assyafa‘ah Karanggede in the academic year of 2018/2019? 2. How significant can wholesome scattering game improve students‘ writing skills of the eighth grade students of SMP ―Plus‖ Asyafa‘ah

  Karanggede in the academic year of 2018/2019?

  C. The objectives of the Research

  Based on the statement in the problem of the study, the objectives of the study are:

  1. To describe wholesome scattering game improve students‘ writing skills of the eighth grade students of SMP ―Plus‖ Assyafa‘ah Karanggede in the academic year of 2018/2019.

  2. To describe how significant wholesome scattering game significantly improve students‘ writing skills of the eighth grade students of SMP ―Plus‖ Assyafa‘ah Karanggede in the academic year of 2018/2019.

  D. Limitation of the Research

  In this research, researcher limits the material of the study on descriptive text in improving students‘ writing skills through wholesome scattering game of the eighth grade students of SMP ―Plus‖ Assyafa‘ah Karanggede in the academic year of 2018/2019. It‘s a purpose to avoid the whole discussion of this research.

  E. Significance of the Research

  In this graduating paper, the researcher hopes that it‘s can give the advantages to the reader. This research is expected to give theoretically and practically:

  1. Theoretically a.

  The result of research can be used as the reference for those who want to conduct a research in English teaching to build students‘ achievement of writing skills.


  This research will be useful for the teacher in English teaching.

  2. Practically a.

  For the researcher The finding of the research can be used as a starting point for the researcher to get experiences that will be useful in the future as an

  English teacher.


  For English Teacher This research can be used as a consideration in selecting of effective English teaching in future.


  For Students This research can motivate the students to improve their writing skill in English learning.

F. Hypothesis and Success Indicator

  Based on the interview of an English teacher in SMP ―Plus‖ Assyafa‘ah Karanggede, which are described in chapter I, that there are problems in English teaching-learning, especially writing class. Therefore, the researcher tries to overcome those problems by implementing Wholesome Scattering Game in English teaching-learning process. By conducting this research, the researcher proposes a hypothesis: ―Implementing Wholesome Scattering Game can improve students‘ writing skills‖.

  The success indicator of this r esearch is taken from the students‘ skills shown in Lesson Plan. The students‘ success in doing the activities in the cycle I and cycle II which will be assessed by referring to the criterion of Minimum Completeness Criteria (KKM). The Minimum Completeness Criteria of English subject (KKM) in the SMP ―Plus‖ Assyafa‘ah Karanggede is 75. The researcher expects that there are at least 75% of the students who pass the Minimum Completeness Criteria (KKM).

G. Research Methodology 1. Method of Research

  According to Nunan (1991: 3) stated that an important aspect of methodology is the development of teaching routines, materials, and tasks in the classroom. In addition, McNiff (2002: 6) in Vaccarino et al (2006: 7) mentioned that ―action research‖ refers to ―a practical way of looking on your own work to check that it is as you would like it to be‖. In addition, McKay (2006: 16) describing the same idea about action research, as follows:

  ―Action research begins with teacher identifying a concrete problem they have. They then gather data to help solve the problem and, after carefully analysing this data, undertake changes in their classroom to helpfully solve their initial problem.‖

  According to Khasinah (2013: 113) explained that classroom action research is a method of finding out what works best in own classroom so that teacher can improve students learning. According to Burns (2010: 2) stated that the central idea of the action part of Action Research is to intervene in deliberate way in the problematic situation in order to bring about changes and, even better, improvement in practice. On the one hand, Borg, Gall, and Gall (1993: 391) in Khasinah‘s journal (2013: 109) that state five purposes of classroom action research. They are: a.

  It supports the professional development of practitioners by helping them become more competent in understanding and utilizing research finding and carrying out research themselves when appropriate.


  It builds a collegial networking system for sometimes it involves several educators, even students and parents, working together.


  It helps practitioners identify problem and seek solution in a systematic fashion.


  It can be used at all levels and in all areas of education, such as a mean of in-service training for principals.

  In this research, the researcher used classroom action research that does a treatment in every cycle, the cycle I and the cycle II. It is aimed to improve students‘ writing skill, especially in descriptive text. Besides that, it is appropriate to implement of the eighth grade students of SMP ‗Plus‘ Assyafa‘ah Karanggede.

2. Research Setting a. General Situation of SMP “Plus” Assyafa‟ah Karanggede

  The research was conducted in SMP ―Plus‖ Assyafa‘ah, in the academic year of 2018/2019 which is located at Dk. Klencong Rt.

  02/01 Pengkol Karanggede Boyolali. It is one of the Islamic Boarding Home Darul Abror Institution which used full-time activity of teaching and learning process. Arabic and English are learned intensively which is supported by the professional staff and conducive environment. SMP ―Plus‖ Assyafa‘ah Karanggede have been combining of the three curriculum as the educational reference.

  They are: 1)

  Salafiyah boarding home 2)

  Modern boarding home 3)

  The Ministry of Education and Culture (KEMENDIKBUD) On the other hand, it has been giving two of the special quality program as follows:

  1) Special Quality of Kitab Kuning

  The learners are expected, to be able to read and understand the Kitab Kuning correctly and clearly with the instruction of Kyai and the Islamic teacher.

  2) Special Quality of English

  The learners expected to have English speaking skill which can support the learners‘ achievement in the next educational level.

  Then, the more general information of the school described as follows: Name of School

  : SMP ―Plus‖ Assyafa‘ah Karanggede Address : Dk. Klencong Rt. 02/01 Pengkol,

  Karanggede, Boyolali Village : Pengkol Subdistrict : Karanggede Regency : Boyolali Pos Code : 57381 Website Email Phone : 081326517925 Headmaster : Lilis Purwani Rahayu, S. Pd b.

   Vision and Mission of SMP “Plus” Assyafa‟ah Karanggede Vision

  According to the location and the basic foundation of SMP ―Plus‖ Assyafa‘ah Karanggede, it caould be formulate as follows:


“The realization of the graduate who is sholeh, intelligent,

independent, responsible and able to play a role in society.”


  Sholeh, it means that they have to live based on the teaching of Islam.


  it means that the graduate‘s students of SMP ―Plus‖ Assyafa‘ah had

  Independent, they had a thought, sense, and attitude appropriately with the region and nation.

  Responsible, the students can create a better alteration of their self.

  Play a role in society, the students had a thought, sense, and attitude bravely as the rightness.


  Based on the Visi above, SMP ―Plus‖ Assyafa‘ah Karanggede implement the mission as follows: 1)

  Create the students‘ graduate who is Soleh, which have an achievement (academic and non-academic), independent, and is able to play a role in society. 2)

  Create the quality curriculum, they are holistic, according to the students‘ potential and necessity, and the school content.

  3) Create a dynamic, creative, innovative, and a fun condition of teaching-learning process which used the CTL approach.

  4) Crate the educational facilities, and quantity and quality. 5)

  Create the human resources (SDM), educators, and educational system which had professional, responsible, and had the high dedication. 6)

  Create the school management which based on the concept of the Base School Management (Manajemen Berbasis Sekolah).

  7) A defrayal create education which is available. 8)

  Create the whole assessment, authentic, objective, and continued, which be able to measure the whole students‘ competence.

c. The situation and Condition of Educational Facilities

  In order to support of teaching-learning process, the students need facilities in the school. Therefore, it is important to be a priority in the school educational system. The facilities which are given in SMP ―Plus‖ Assyafaah are: 1) : 1

  Headmaster‘s Room 2) : 1

  Administration room 3) : 1

  Teachers‘ Room 4) : 1

  Library Room 5)

  Lab Room. Computers : 1 6) : 1

  Students Hall

  7) : 2 Dormitory Room

  8) : 1 Master‘s Wc

  9) : 2 Students‘ Wc d.

   The Situation of the Teachers and Staff

  The teachers are the main component in education which have been taught, educate and give the knowledge to students. It is aimed they can understand the material well. The teachers and staffs which participate in SMP ―Plus‖ Assyafaah Karanggede, as follows:

  Table. 1.1. List of the Teachers and Staffs. No. The Teachers and Staff

  1. KH. Abdulloh Hafidz Amin

  2. Ika Maya Sari, S.Pd

  3. Muslih, S.Pd

  4. Agung Siswanto, S.Pd

  5. Agung Eko Nugroho, S.Pd

  6. Bekti Prehatin, S.Pd

  7. Bambang Supagi, S.Pd

  8. Lilis Purwani Rahayu, S.Pd

  9. Malikin

  10. Mulyani, S.Pd

  11. Denni Kurniawan

  12. Eka Ester Yustiningrum, M.Pd

  13. Asri Wahidatul Yuliana, S.Kom

  14. Dani Rahman

  15. Zamyuri Ashari Ashar

  16. Nur Isnaini Febriana, S.Pd

  17. Anis Maya Surya, S.Pd

  18. Miftachussalam

  19. Irfanuddin

  20. Supanti, M.Pd

  21. Wahyu Supriyadi e.

   The Setting of Time

  The process of this research are continued of the research planning up to research implementation. The schedule of this research are: Table 1.2. List of the Research Activity.

  No. Date and Time Activities Place

  1. July, 6 th 2017 Observation: pre-

interview to the

headmaster and

observation the facilities

of the school.

  SMP ―Plus‖ Assyafa‘ah Karanggede

  2. July, 17 th 2017 09.30 – 10.30 Observation:

  • Giving a letter to one

    staff at SMP ―Plus‖ Asyyafa‘ah Head master‘s office of SMP ―Plus‖ Assyafa‘ah Karanggede



Interview about the

  • students‘ problem with the English teacher of SMP ―Plus‖ Assyafa‘ah th



3. August, 14 2018 - The teacher office of

Meet up with the teacher English to SMP ‗Plus‘ discuss the lesson Assyafa;ah th plan (RPP). Karanggede.

  4. August, 21 2018 Research cycle I Eighth-grade th classroom

  5. August, 25 2018 Research cycle II Eighth-grade classroom.

  3. Research Subject

  The subject of the research was the students of SMP ―Plus‖ Assyafa‘ah Karanggede in the academic year of 2018/2019. The researcher focuses on the eighth grade students because the material taught exactly in that level class. Thus, it supported in applying of this research. The students consist of twenty students that were thirteen male and seven female students.

Table 1.3. List the Member of the Eighth Grade Students in SMP “Plus” Assyafaah Karanggede in the academic year of 2018/2019

  LlH Female 10.

  MdM Male 17.

  MdKK Male 16.

  MdKL Male 15.

  MdFK Male 14.

  MdBL Male 13.

  MdAW Male 12.

  MlAF Male 11.

  Itk Female 9.

  No. NAME MALE (M)/ FEMALE (F) 1.

  FrK Male 8.

  EkBS Male 7.

  AMu Male 6.

  AlD Female 5.

  ASSa‘ Female 4.

  AgB Male 3.

  AfRS Male 2.

  MdRH Male

18. SiNC

  Female 19. TiMA

  Female 20. ZuF

  Female 4.

   Research Procedure

  According to Kemmis and McTaggart (1988), which are cites by Burns (2010: 7-9), that there are four stages in the cycle of action research.

  The stages of action research are planning, action, observation, and refection, as explained later: a.

  Planning In this phase, the researcher identifies a problem or issue and develop a plan of action in order to bring improvements in a specific area of the research context.


  Action The plan is a carefully considered one which involves some deliberate interventions in the researcher‘s teaching situation that the researcher put into action an agreed period of time.


  Observation In this phase, the researcher involves systematically the effects of the action and documenting the context, actions, and opinions of those involved. d.

  Reflection At this section, researcher evaluates and describe the effect of the action in order to make sense of what has happened and to understand the issue the researcher explored more clearly.

  It will be continued from cycle I until that be achieved the clear result of research. The stages of action research can be imagined as follows:

Figure. 1.1 Kemmis‟ action research model (cited in Burns, 2010: 9).

  In this research, the researcher used four stages in research procedure which are consists of planning, action (implementation of wholesome scattering game), observation, and reflection. Those stages are implemented in every cycle, the cycle I and cycle II.

5. Technique of Data Collecting

  Altrichter et al (1993: 77) in Somekh (2006: 11) states that the data collected at this stage were used to identify problems and hypothesize solutions based on the theoretical insight that could be tasted by planning and implementing action strategy. In this research, the researcher used some techniques in data collection. They are: a.

  Observation Observation will be used as long as teaching-learning activity since the cycle I. It is aimed to know and appraised the activity and condition of the research subject. The researcher used the students‘ observational sheet which is consist of students‘ answered greeting the teacher, students‘ attendance, the students‘ attention, students‘ interest of the wholesome scattering game activity, etc.


  Test A test is a set of questions, each of which has a correct answer, that examines usually answer orally or in writing (Ebel & Frisbie,

  1991: 26). On beside that, Heaton (1988: 5) cites that tests may be constructed primarily as devices to reinforce learning and motivate the student or primarily as a means of assessing the student‘s performance in the language. In this research researcher used pre-test and post- test to measure the students‘ achievement in writing skill of the eight grade students of SMP ―Plus‖ Assyafa‘ah before and after the treatment. The Pre-test is done before implemented of the wholesome scattering game in the classroom. Whereas, a post-test is implemented after the wholesome scattering game.


  Documentation The last technique of collecting data in this research is documentation that searches the data which correlated with this research. They are a field note, book, photos, video, etc. Therefore, the researcher can know the condition and activity of teacher and students as long as the teaching-learning process.

6. Instrument of Research

  Based on the technique of data collecting, the researcher used some research instrument. They are: a.

  The teacher‘s and students‘ observational sheets The instrument that used in this observation is an observational sheet, which is consist of the teacher‘s and students‘ observational sheet. The teacher‘s and students‘ observational sheet are a tool to observe the activities of implementing the wholesome scattering game in the classroom. The teacher‘s sheet is used to observe the teacher‘s activities. Besides that, the students‘ sheet is as a tool to appraise the students

  ‘ activity in the classroom during the implementation of wholesome scattering game. This is directly observed which is the researcher can know and see clearly what the teacher and students doing in the classroom.


Table. 1.4 The teacher‟s observational sheet


  Yes No The teacher‟s Activity 1. The teacher gives greeting to students.

  2. Teacher asks students to prepare their English book.

  3. The teacher checks the students‘ attendance list.

  4. The teacher gives questions to students.

  The teacher explains the materials of descriptive 5. text.

  6. The teacher checks the students‘ attention.

  The teacher implemented the wholesome scattering 7. game in teaching-learning process. The teacher asks three students to write the 8. keywords on the board. The teacher asks the students to check and 9. pronounces the keywords. The teacher asks students to discuss, arrange and 10. organize the keywords in pairs. The teacher guides the students in writing 11. descriptive text. The teacher gives feedback to students about 12. descriptive text.

  The teacher and students pray together in closing the 13. teaching-learning process.

  Table. 1.5 The students‟ observational sheet

No. The Students‟ Activity Yes No

  The students‘ response to the greeting from the 1. teacher.

  2. The students prepare the English book.

  The students‘ response when the teacher checks the 3. students‘ attendance list.

  4. The students answer the teacher‘s questions.

  The students pay attention when the teacher 5. explains the materials in descriptive text. The students understand the descriptive text 6. materials. The students are very enthusiastic to participate in 7. doing the written test of wholesome scattering game.

  8. The students active in teaching learning process.

  The students evaluate the teaching-learning process 9. and listen to the teacher‘s feedback.

10. The students listen to the teacher‘ motivation well.

  The students pray together and the teacher closes 11. the teaching-learning process. b.

  Test Items In this research, the test item is as a tool that used to measure the students‘ writing skill. The form of instrument is written, pre-test and post-test. They are applied before and after a treatment. The imaged of test items of pre-test in the first cycle, as follows:

  Please understand the instructions below! 1)

  Choose one of the topics below!

  a) The Prambanan temple.

  b) My school.

  th c) August.

  The ceremony on 17 2) Describe in the simple paragraph!

  The test items of post-test in the first cycle is imaged: Please read the vocabularies below! Please read and follow the instruction below! 1)

  Choose the correct vocabularies above! 2)

  Arrange and organize into the simple description text (consist of 6 up to 8 sentences) about ―My House‖!

  3) Use the simple present tense formula!

  4) Make sure your text should consist of identification and

  description! c.

  The instrument of documentation.

  Some of the instrument in documentation are photos, videos, field notes, the syllable validity, the lesson plan validity.


  Interview The researcher used 5W + 1 H in the interview of English teacher in the implementation of wholesome scattering game.

7. Technique of Data Analysis a.

  Descriptive Technique (Qualitative) A descriptive technique is used by the researcher in order to analyze the students‘ motivation, interest, and behavior during the teaching-learning process. This technique is supported by the researcher observational sheet.


  Statistical Technique (Quantitative) 1)

  Mean According to Ebel & Frisbie (1991:60), the mean is the average score, obtained by summing all the scores and dividing that sum by the total of scores. The formula of the mean can be represented as follows (Hadi, 1981: 246-258):

  ∑ Explanation: M = Mean of obtained

  = Total of individual scores (the sum of the scores) ∑ X N = Number of students

  2) Difference calculation of the mean

  ∑ Explanation :

  MD = Different of mean = Sum of difference between pre-test and post-test.

  ∑D N = Total number of students.

  3) Standard Deviation

  The formula of standard deviation is: ∑ ∑

  √ ( ) Explanation: SD = Standard Deviation for one sample test.

  D = Difference between pre-test and post-test. N = Total number of sample.

  4) Calculation of t-test

  |∑ |

  | | √

  Explanation: t = t-test for the differences between pre-test and post-test.

  SD = Standard Deviation for one sample t-test. D = Differences between pre-test and post-test. N = Total number of sample. 5) To calculate the standard error for the mean difference, the researcher used the formula as follows:



  Explanation: SE MD = The standard error for the mean difference.

  SD D = Standard Deviation N = The total number of the research

  d.f = N-1

  6) To calculate the T-test the researcher used the formula as follows: Explanation: t = t-test.

  M D = Mean of difference. SE MD = The standard error for the mean difference.