THESIS Presented as Practical Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Attainment of Sarjana Pendidikan Degree in English Language Education

  um um surabaya surabaya

Universitas Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya Surabaya


  IMPROVING STUDENTS’ CRITICAL THINKING EXPLANATION WRITING EXPLANATION WRITING THROUGH THROUGH TASK-BASED LEARNING IN LEARNING IN SMA NEGERI 13 SURABAYA SMA NEGERI 13 SURABAYA (A Classroom Action Research at Tenth Grade Students (A Classroom Action Research at Tenth Grade Students (A Classroom Action Research at Tenth Grade Students of SMA Negeri 13 Surabaya). of SMA Negeri 13 Surabaya). RIA NOVIA RIA NOVIA NIM. NIM. 20141111111 ADVISORS ADVISORS Linda Mayasari, S.Pd., Linda Mayasari, S.Pd., M.Pd. Waode Hamsia, S.Pd., Waode Hamsia, S.Pd., M.Pd. ENGLISH DEPARTMENT EDUCATION ENGLISH DEPARTMENT EDUCATION ENGLISH DEPARTMENT EDUCATION







(A Classroom Action Research at Tenth Grade Students of SMA

Negeri 13 Surabaya)



Presented as Practical Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Attainment of

Sarjana Pendidikan Degree in English Language Education



NIM. 20141111111





  Pernyataan Tidak Melakukan Plagiat





  First of all, the researcher would like to express her thank for more than million times to Allah SWT, who has been giving the researcher guidance and strength so she can finish this thesis with full of believe and pride. Peace and blessing always be upon to our Prophet Muhammad SAW, his family, companions and followers.

  This thesis is presented to Department of English Education Faculty of Teachers’ Training and Education Muhammadiyah Surabaya University as a fulfillment of the requirement for her degree. The researcher would like to give the deepest thank especially for Mrs. Linda Mayasari, S.Pd., M. Pd. and Mrs. Waode Hamsia, S.Pd., M. Pd., as her advisors who has patiently given guidance and valuable advice to finish this thesis. Her thank also be given to those people who helped her finishing her work, among others:

  1. Her beloved parents, Mr. Umardani and Mrs. Ana Maria and her beloved sisters Imelda Fransiska, Intan Ayu Agustin and Novita Cahaya who always give loves, supports, moral encouragement and motivations to finish this thesis.

  2. Dr. Dr. Sukadiono, M.M., as the head of Muhammadiyah University of Surabaya

  3. Endah Hendarwati, S.E., M. Pd., as the Dean of college the Teacher Training and Education.

  4. Drs. Wijayadi, M. Pd., as the Chair Person of English Department.

  5. All lectures who have educated the researcher so she knows many things.

  6. Her best friends especially in “P2K 2014” class who have always given their best support, care and help.

  7. Owners of DECFN Menganti and Pare - Kediri who always supports and helps the writer in financial and moral encouragement.

  The researcher realizes that this thesis is far from being perfect. Therefore, the researcher expects some suggestions and criticisms for this paper. At last, the researcher hopes this research paper may be useful for all.

  Surabaya, 21 Augustus 2018 Ria Novia

  NIM. 20141111111



“There will be always the possibility; we just need to try, even




“Everybody has to had a change to be somebody”



Umardani and Ana Maria

Beloved parents, homes and inspiring teachers

Imelda Fransiska

Beloved Sister


Intan Ayu Agustin

Beloved Sister

Novita Cahaya

Beloved Sister

  TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE OF COVER ............................................................................................................... i PAGE OF TITTLE .............................................................................................................. ii PERNYATAAN KEASLIAN TULISAN ............................................................................ iii HALAMAN PERSETUJUAN PEMBIMBING ................................................................... iv HALAMAN PENGESAHAN PANITIA UJIAN .................................................................. v ACKNOWLEDMENTS ..................................................................................................... vi MOTTO AND DEDICATION........................................................................................... viii ABSTRACT ....................................................................................................................... ix TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................................... xiii LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................................. xvi LIST OF APPENDICIES .................................................................................................. xvii

  CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................... 1

  1.1 The Background of the Study .......................................................................................... 1

  1.2 Research Questions ......................................................................................................... 3

  1.3 The Objectives of the Study ............................................................................................ 3

  1.4 The Significance of the Study ......................................................................................... 4

  1.5 Scope and Limitation of the Problem .............................................................................. 4

  1.6 Definition of Key Terms ................................................................................................. 5

  1.7 Organization of Writing .................................................................................................. 6

  CHAPTER II LITERARURE REVIEW ............................................................................... 7

  2.1 Review of Theory ........................................................................................................... 7

  2.1.1 Writing ......................................................................................................................... 7 The purposes in Writing ............................................................................................ 8 The steps of Writing ................................................................................................. 8 Explanation Text ..................................................................................................... 10





  CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ................................................................. 19















  4.1 Description of Data ...................................................................................................... 27





 The result of students’ critical thinking .....................................................................41


  CHAPTER V CONCLUSSION AND SUGESSTION ........................................................53


   BIBLIOGRAPHY ...............................................................................................................55

  LIST OF TABLES Table 4.1: The Result of Pre-Test ........................................................................................ 42

  LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix 1: Interview Result ..............................................................................................55


  Axelrod Rise, Cooper Charles R. 1983. The St. Martin’s to Writing. New York: Martin’s Press. Brown, H. Douglas. 2004. Language Assessment. San Francisco University: Longman. Clouse, Barbara F. 2006. The Student Write. McGraw. Hill Companies. Harmer, Jeremy. 2007. How to Teach English. England: Longman. Henry Rogers. 2005. Writing System: A Linguistic Approach. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing. Homby, AS. 2000. Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English,

  th 6 Ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

  Kember, David. 2000. Action Learning and Action Research. London: Kogan Page Ltd. Kemmis, Stephen, McTaggart, Robin Rhonda Nixon. 2014. The Action Research

  Planner_Doing Critical Participatory Action Research. Springer: Verlag Singapore.

  Langan, John. 2006. English Skill: Seventh Edition. New York: McGraw Hill Higher Education. Locido, Spaulding and Voegtle. 2010. Method in Educational Research. San Francisco: A Wiley Imprint. Nunan, D. 2004. Task-based Language Teaching. Cambridge University Press. Orr W. David. 2002. The Nature of Design. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Richard, Jack C. Rodgers, Theodore S. 2002. Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Schafersman, D. Steven. 1991. An Introduction to Critical Thinking. Ur, Penny. 1996. A Course in Language Teaching: Practice and Theory.

  London: Cambridge University Press. Weigle, Sara Cushing. 2002. Assessing Writing. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

  Willis Jane. 1996. A Framework for Task-Based Learning (Longman Handbooks for Language Teachers). Oxford: Addison Wesley Publishing Company. Filename:

  1. Cover etc - Ria Novia (20141111111) Directory: D:\Kuliah\S1\=8th SEMESTER\Skripsi OK\Skripsi Print OK\Skripsi Revisi OK\BURNING 1 - Skripsi (SKRIPSI UM SURABAYA 2018 BY RIA NOVIA (20141111111))\1.

  Pendahuluan Template: C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Templates\Normal.dotm Title: Subject: Author: user Keywords: Comments: Creation Date: 8/19/2018 2:08:00 PM Change Number:

  62 Last Saved On: 9/5/2018 6:03:00 PM Last Saved By: user Total Editing Time: 364 Minutes Last Printed On: 9/5/2018 6:06:00 PM As of Last Complete Printing

  Number of Pages: 18 Number of Words: 2,958 (approx.) Number of Characters: 16,867 (approx.)

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