Submitted to th o the Board of Examiners as a Partial Fulfillm llment of the

Requireme ments for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan ( kan (S.Pd)


Islamic Education D on Department of Teacher Training and Educ ducation Faculty

State In ate Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga atiga

Written by:



111 12 209










لﺎﻗ ﮫﻨﻋ ﷲ ﻲﺿر نﺎﻤﺜﻋ ﻦﻋ : ﻠ ﺻ ﷲ ل ﻮ ﺳ ر ل ﺎ ﻗ ﻰ ﻢﻠﺳو ﮫﯿﻠﻋ ﷲ :

َﻢﱠﻠَﻌَﺗ ْﻦَﻣ ْﻢُﻛُﺮْﯿَﺧ ُﮫَﻤﱠﻠَﻋَو َنَأ ْﺮُﻘْﻟا


) ي ر ﺎ ﺨ ﺒ ﻟ ا ه ا و ر (

  From Utsman r.a. said that Rasulullah saw. said: “The best of you are those who learn of Al-Qur’an and teach it”.

  (HR. Bukhari)



  This graduating paper is dedicated to:

  1. My beloved superheroes, Mrs. Dwi Indarti and Mr. Harmanto. Thank you for your praying, support, and everlasting love.

  2. My beloved brothers and sisters, mas Fahmi, dek Afiz, dek Nia, dek Wafa’, and dek Haris, who always cheer me up and support me.

  3. My beloved ones, Hanifah, Irma, Anifa, Rahma, and Sefty. Thank you for always be with me.

  4. My best friends, all of ICP 2012 members who always say that yes we can.

  5. My big family of International Class Program of IAIN Salatiga, KAMMI Salatiga, FALMA Salatiga, Yaa Bismillah, and LDK Fathir Ar-Rasyid, who has spent the time together whether in happy or difficult time.

  6. My kind and joyful friends who always support me to finish this graduating paper in IAIN Salatiga.



  In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. First, the writer would like to thank to Allah SWT. because of His blessing, the writer can finish this graduating paper as a partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Undergraduate Degree of Islamic Education.

  Peace and salutation always be given to our beloved Prophet Muhammad saw. that we hope his blessing in the judgment day.

  However, this success would not be achieved without the support, guidance, advice, help, and encouragement from individuals and institutions.

  Therefore, the writer would like to express the deepest gratitude to:

  1. Dr. Rahmat Hariyadi, M.Pd., as The Rector of the State Institute for Islamic Studies of Salatiga.

  2. Suwardi, M.Pd., as the Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty.

  3. Siti Rukhayati, M.Ag., as the Head of Islamic Education Department.

  4. Sari Famularsih, M.A., as the Head of International Class Program.

  5. Achmad Maimun, M.Ag. and Sari Famularsih, S.Pd.I. MA., as my Academic Counselor thank you for your supports, advices, and helps for this graduating paper from the beginning to the end.

  6. My beloved father (Harmanto) and my beloved mother (Dwi Indarti) thank you for all support, finance, encouragement and pray.

  7. All of the lecturers of IAIN Salatiga, thank you for teaching me.



  Syahidah, Hade Hilma. 2017. A Comparative Study on the Students' Intensity of

  Recalling Al-Qur'an between Students of International Class Program of IAIN Salatiga from Senior High School Alumni (SMA/SMK) and Islamic Senior High School Alumni (MA/MAK) . A Graduating Paper.

  Islamic Department. Teacher Training and Education Faculty. State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga. Counselor: Achmad Maimun, M.Ag. and Sari Famularsih, M.A.


Question of the study from this research are: 1) How is the students’ intensity of recalling

Al-Qur’an for the students of International Class Program of IAIN Salatiga from senior

high school alumni (SMA/SMK)?, 2) How is the students’ intensity of recalling Al-

Qur’an for the students of International Class Program of IAIN Salatiga from Islamic

senior high school alumni (MA/MAK)?, 3) Is there a significant differentiation on the

students’ intensity of recalling Al-Qur’an between students of International Class

Program of IAIN Salatiga from senior high school alumni (SMA/SMK) and Islamic

senior high school alumni (MA/MAK)?.


As a quantitative research, the data collection method that was used by the writer was

questionnaire. Documentation was used to get additional information. The subject of this

research was taken 9 students of International Class Program of IAIN Salatiga from

senior high school alumni (SMA/SMK) and 9 students of International Class Program of


IAIN Salatiga from Islamic senior high school alumni (MA/MAK). The data that

collected, thus it was analyzed with the statistic technique T-test. The result there was no

significant differentiation on the students’ intensity of recalling Al-Quran between

students of International Class Program of IAIN Salatiga from senior high school alumni

(SMA/SMK) and Islamic senior high school alumni (MA/MAK). It proved by t count

value which is lower than t table on the significance level 5% (-0,711 < 2,120).

  Keywords: comparative study, students’ intensity, recalling Al-Qur’an.



  TITLE .................................................................................................................... i DECLARATION .................................................................................................. ii ATTENTIVE CONSELOR NOTES ................................................................... iii PAGE OF CERTIFICATION............................................................................... v MOTTO ............................................................................................................... vi DEDICATION .................................................................................................... vii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................. viii ABSTRACT.......................................................................................................... x TABLE OF CONTENTS..................................................................................... xi LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................. xiv

  CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study .......................................................................... 1 B. Question of the Study................................................................................ 4 C. Purpose of the Study ................................................................................. 5 D. Action Hypothesis..................................................................................... 5 E. Significance of the Study .......................................................................... 6 F. Limitation of the Study ............................................................................. 6 G. Definition of Key Terms ........................................................................... 7 H. Method of Study ..................................................................................... 10 I. Thesis Organization ................................................................................ 15

  CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW A. Recalling Al-Qur’an................................................................................ 17

  1. The Definition of Recalling Al-Qur’an............................................. 17

  2. The Advantages of Recalling Al-Qur’an .......................................... 18

  3. Supporting Factors of Recalling Al-Qur’an...................................... 18

  4. Inhibiting Factors of Recalling Al-Qur’an........................................ 20

  B. The Differences between Senior High School (SMA/SMK) and Islamic Senior High School (MA/MAK)............................................................. 22

  1. The Characteristic ............................................................................. 22

  2. The Curriculum Structure ................................................................. 24

  3. The Islamic Education Material and Al-Qur’an Subject .................. 31

  CHAPTER III RESEARCH REPORT A. Research Setting...................................................................................... 32

  1. Research Location............................................................................. 32

  2. Profile of IAIN Salatiga .................................................................... 32

  3. Profile of Teacher Training and Education Faculty.......................... 35

  4. Profile of International Class Program.............................................. 37

  B. Data Presentation .................................................................................... 39

  1. Participants of Research.................................................................... 39

  2. Data of the Students’ Intensity of Recalling Al-Qur’an..................... 41

  3. The Validity Test .............................................................................. 44

  4. The Reliability Test........................................................................... 45

  CHAPTER IV DATA ANALYSIS A. Preface Analysis...................................................................................... 47

  1. Data Analysis the Students’ Intensity of Recalling Al-Qur’an (Senior High School Alumni) ........................................................... 47

  2. Data Analysis Students’ Intensity of Recalling Al-Qur’an (Islamic Senior High School Alumni) ............................................................ 51

  B. Further Analysis...................................................................................... 56

  C. Hypothesis Test....................................................................................... 59

  D. Discussion ............................................................................................... 62

  CHAPTER V CLOSURE A. Conclusion .............................................................................................. 64 B. Suggestion............................................................................................... 65 BIBLIOGRAPHY APPENDICES



Table 3.3 : The Questionnaire Result Distribution of International Class ProgramTable 3.6 : The Questionnaire Calculation of International Class Program

  Students of IAIN Salatiga from Senior High School Alumni (SMA/SMK)

Table 3.5 : The Questionnaire Calculation of International Class Program

  Students of IAIN Salatiga from Islamic Senior High School Alumni (MA/MAK)

Table 3.4 : The Questionnaire Result Distribution of International Class Program

  Students of IAIN Salatiga from Senior High School Alumni (SMA/SMK)

  Islamic Senior High School Alumni Respondents (MA/MAK)

Table 1.1 : The Indicators of the Students’ Intensity of Recalling Al-Qur’anTable 3.2 : The Students of International Class Program of IAIN Salatiga from

  Senior High School Alumni Respondents (SMA/SMK)

Table 3.1 : The Students of International Class Program of IAIN Salatiga fromTable 2.3 : The Curriculum Structure of SMK/MAKTable 2.2 : The Curriculum Structure of MA (Natural Sciences Program)Table 2.1 : The Curriculum Structure of SMA (Natural Sciences Program)

  Students of IAIN Salatiga from Islamic Senior High School Alumni (MA/MAK)

Table 3.7 : The Validity Test Result (Senior High School Alumni)Table 3.8 : The Validity Test Result (Islamic Senior High School Alumni)Table 3.9 : The Reliability Test Result (Senior High School Alumni)

  Table 3.10: The Reliability Test Result (Islamic Senior High School Alumni)

Table 4.1 : Frequency Distribution of the Students’ Intensity of Recalling Al-

  Qur’an (Senior High School Alumni)

Table 4.2 : Frequency Distribution of the Students’ Intensity of Recalling Al-

  Qur’an (Islamic Senior High School Alumni)

Table 4.3 : Comparison Coefficient on the Students’ Intensity of Recalling Al-

  Qur’an between Students of International Class Program of IAIN Salatiga from Senior High School alumni ( ) and Islamic Senior High School alumni ( )

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study Islam as rahmatan lil ‘alamin religion organizes of all aspects of

  humans’ life, written perfectly in Moslem scripture called Al-Qur’an. Al- Qur’an which is the main source of Islamic teachings, this is the real truth as a way of life (Shihab, 1996:18). Al-Qur’an Al-Kareem revealed himself with various features and natures. One of them, it was authentic scripture that guaranteed by Allah, and was always maintained. Allah SWT. said:

  َن ْﻮُﻈِﻓﺎَﺤَﻟ ُﮫَﻟ ﺎﱠﻧِإَو َﺮْﻛﱢﺬﻟا ﺎَﻨْﻟﱠﺰَﻧ ُﻦ ْﺤَﻧ ﺎﱠﻧِإ

  “We have, without doubt, sent down the message; and We will assuredly guard it (from corruption)”. (Q.s. Al-Hijr: 9) Thus Allah ensures the authenticity of Al-Qur’an, collateral that was provided on the basis of His almighty and omniscient, and because of the efforts that conducted by the creatures, especially by humans. With the guarantee of that verse above, every Moslem believe that what they read and heard as Al-Qur’an not slightly different between what was read by the Messenger Muhammad saw., what was heard and read by his friends also (Shihab, 1996:5).

  Recalling Al-Qur’an is a glorious work, both in front of humans especially in front of Allah SWT. Many eminences and advantages that can be obtained by hufaz, whether it is remainder will obtain in this world or in the hereafter. In addition, hufaz is holding an important role in maintaining purity and authenticity of Al-Qur’an until the end of time (Sugianto, 2004:130).

  Recently Moslems start opened and stirred their heart up into habituating the way of the Messenger Muhammad saw. one of which is recalling of Allah’s commandment on Al-Qur’an. Many activities clearly support for recalling, including musabaqoh hifdzil Qur’an, scholarship for


tahfiz students, television show as “Hafiz Indonesia” RCTI, and others. And

Indonesian Moslems are very enthusiastic to receive them.

  When we are talking about little hufaz, our memory remember one of the participants in a television show “Hafiz Indonesia” RCTI named Musa.

  Musa had has recalled Al-Qur’an at the age that he still very young. He was the trending topic of Moslems in Indonesia. Vice Minister of Religion Prof.

  Dr. Nasaruddin Umar who was judging in the event of “Hafiz Indonesia” was said that he is one of the miracles.

  His achievement goal makes him go to Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Musa was representative from Indonesia included in the international recalling Al- Qur’an competition challenges with hufaz from all over the world. And Musa became the youngest participant who won a perfect score from 25 children in the world.

  The Musa’s success is the result by his father’s strong will and hard work. His father commits to give intensive mentoring to Musa for recalling Al-Qur’an. Moreover, Musa just following his father programs for recalling and he was really becoming a little hufaz (Abubakar, 2016:41-43).

  From the story above, it explained that the parents have an important role in the child’s success in recalling Al-Qur’an. But this role has proven to the parents that have high consistency to do it. It is different with parents who have a busy activities in outside, they only will be hinging on the school environment for their children. And the best quality schools are the target of them, if they want to see a successful life for their children in this world and the hereafter. It is starting from the level of elementary school, junior high school, and senior high school.

  In Indonesia, senior high school to be the last education institution of government programs in education sector namely the program 12 years study.

  According to UU Sisdiknas no.20 Chapter VI Section 18, senior high school divided into Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA) and Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK), while Islamic senior high school divided on a level Madrasah Aliyah (MA) and Madrasah Aliyah Kejuruan (MAK).

  If the family environment that influential on the recalling Al-Qur’an success level, and is the educational background of someone influence it also?. Whereas, basically the subjects of Islamic education that taught in senior high school having a more little time compared with Islamic senior high school.

  Therefore, the writer will observe and compare the students’ intensity of their recalling Al-Qur’an after joining in International Class Program, which is in IAIN Salatiga. Finally, the writer is interested in conducting research entitled “A COMPARATIVE STUDY ON THE STUDENTS’ INTENSITY OF RECALLING Al-QUR’AN BETWEEN STUDENTS OF


B. Question of the Study

  To clarify the problem that is going to be analyzed, the statements of the problems are formulated as follow:

  1. How is the students’ intensity of recalling Al-Qur’an for the students of International Class Program of IAIN Salatiga from senior high school alumni (SMA/SMK)?

  2. How is the students’ intensity of recalling Al-Qur’an for the students of International Class Program of IAIN Salatiga from Islamic senior high school alumni (MA/MAK)?

  3. Is there a significant differentiation on the students’ intensity of recalling Al-Qur’an between students of International Class Program of IAIN Salatiga from senior high school alumni (SMA/SMK) and Islamic senior high school alumni (MA/MAK)?

  C. Purpose of the Study

  In relation to the research question already stated the purpose of this research are:

  1. To find out the students’ intensity of recalling Al-Qur’an for the students of International Class Program of IAIN Salatiga from senior high school alumni (SMA/SMK).

  2. To find out the students’ intensity of recalling Al-Qur’an for the students of International Class Program of IAIN Salatiga from Islamic senior high school alumni (MA/MAK).

  3. Finding a significant differentiation on the students’ intensity of recalling Al-Qur’an between students of International Class Program of IAIN Salatiga from senior high school alumni (SMA/SMK) and Islamic senior high school alumni (MA/MAK).

  D. Action Hypothesis

  Hypothesis is a predicated answer of research problem with data (Arikunto, 2006:102). According to the explanation of theories before, the writer states the hypothesis as follows: there is no significant differentiation on the students’ intensity of recalling Al-Qur’an between students of International Class Program of IAIN Salatiga from senior high school alumni (SMA/SMK) and Islamic senior high school alumni (MA/MAK).

  E. Significance of the Study

  The writer hopes that the results of this research can give information about recalling Al-Qur’an. Such information is expected to be useful for the researcher, parents, students, and institutions, particularly IAIN Salatiga.

  1. Theoretically This research can give a contribution to the Islamic education thought, especially in the field of recalling Al-Qur’an.

  2. Practically

  a. For the Parents The result of this research is expected to give clear information that their children have the same competency and ability in recalling Al- Qur’an.

  b. For the Students The result of this research is expected becomes a consideration and motivation for senior high school alumni and Islamic senior high school alumni in the way of recalling Al-Qur’an.

  F. Limitation of the Study

  The study only conducted to International Class Program of IAIN Salatiga. This study focused on the students’ intensity of recalling Al-Qur’an, and it will compare the students’ intensity of recalling Al-Qur’an from senior high school alumni (SMA/SMK) and Islamic senior high school alumni (MA/MAK).

G. Definition of Key Terms

  To avoid misinterpretation or misunderstanding about the title of this research, the writer would like to clarify and explain the terms that used in this research as follows:

  1. A Comparative Study Comparative study is kind of descriptive research to looking for the natural answer about causality, with analyzing the elements causes of something or certain phenomenon (Nazir, 2005:58).

  2. Students Students are person who studying at college, polytechnic, or university or anyone who studies or who is devoted to acquisition

  (Hornby, 1994:859). In this research, the students are all of member of International Class Program of IAIN Salatiga. The number of all is 69 students that have three study programs; there are 30 students of English Department, 17 students of Arabic Department, and 22 students of Islamic Education.

  3. Intensity of Recalling Al-Qur’an

  a. Intensity Intensity is put up a good fight for having a very strong effect (Hazim, 2005:191). In other words, intensity is the condition where someone excited about doing something that can be measured by the frequency and quantity. b. Recalling Al-Qur’an Recalling Al-Qur’an is effort to remember Al-Qur’an according to the order of contained in mushaf as worship, and maintain the authenticity of Allah’s commandment (Munjahid, 2007:74).

  c. The Indicators of the Students’ Intensity of Recalling Al-Qur’an The indicators of the students’ intensity of recalling Al-Qur’an level based on interview result by the tahfiz lecturer. And the writer presents in the following table:

Table 1.1 The Indicators of the Students’ Intensity of Recalling Al-Qur’an

  The Students’ Intensity of Recalling Al-Qur’an No.

  Number of Dimension Indicators


  a. Muroja’ah the recalling Al-Qur’an continually (Abu bakar, 2016:58).

  1. Good : twice a day


  2. Fair : once a day

  3. Low : sometimes

  b. Routine to listen attentively the recalling Al- Qur’an with friend (Wahid, 2014:98).

  1. Frequency

  1. Good : three times a week


  2. Fair : twice a week

  3. Low : once a week

  c. Frequently listen to the tapes of murottal Al- Qur’an when having a free time (Abu bakar,

  3 2016:71).

  1. Good : always

  2. Fair : sometimes

  3. Low : never

  d. Intense to submit the recalling Al-Qur’an to the lecturer (Wahid, 2014:78).

  1. Good : four times a month


  2. Fair : twice or three times a month

  3. Low : once a month

  a. Juz of Al-Qur’an that has been recalled before join in International Class Program.

  1. Good : more than five juz


  2. Fair : one-five juz

  3. Low : less than one juz

  b. Additional Juz of Al-Qur’an while in International Class Program every semester.

  1. Good : one juz


  2. Fair : half of juz

  3. Low : quarter of juz

  2. Quantity

  c. Additional pages of Al-Qur’an every week to the lecturer (Abu bakar, 2016:88).

  1. Good : two page


  2. Fair : one page

  3. Low : half of page

  d. The number of verses of Al-Qur’an that was recalled very well.

  1. Good : more than 75%


  2. Fair : 50% - 75%

  3. Low : less than 50%

  a. Willingness to comprehend the verses of Al- 3. Comprehension Qur’an.


  1. Good : more than 75%

  2. Fair : 50% - 75%

  3. Low : less than 50%

  b. Comprehend the verses of Al-Qur’an that was recalled (Abu bakar, 2016:89).

  1. Good : more than 75%

  2. Fair : 50% - 75%

  3. Low : less than 50%

  10 H. Method of Study Method of the research are ways that conducted by a researcher to collect the data, classify, and analyze data in a study using measurements and knowledge, this is done to reveal the truth (Koentjaraningrat, 1994:13).

  The role of the method in a research is essential to achieve goals of the study. The method used in this research is:

  1. Approach In this research, the writer uses quantitative approach. Quantitative is a process of getting knowledge by using a number of data as instruments to explain the subject (Margono, 2005:8). It uses and deals with statistical calculation. The statistical calculation is the process of using information discovered from studying numbers by adding, multiplying, subtracting or dividing numbers to judge the number or amount of something.

  2. Subject of the Study Subject is something which is being discussed, considered or studied for the purposes of research. The subject of this study is a number of students called population. From that, sample as the representative of this will be taken from the population mentioned.

  a. Population Population is all members of the research subject (Arikunto,

  2006:130). Best (1981:8) states that “population is any group of individuals that have one or more characteristics in common”. So, in this research, population of the study was the students of International Class Program of IAIN Salatiga.

  b. Sample Sample is a part of the population which is investigated (Arikunto,

  2006:131). If the quantity of research subject less than 100, then it will be better to take all of it. So, it was regarded as a population research.

  But if the quantity of research subject is more than 100, the researcher can take 10-15% or 20-25% from the population.

  This study using stratified random sampling, according to Deni (2014:147) stratified random sampling is a method of random withdrawal and multilayer. This technique was performed when the population consists of several stratums and the sample reflects stratum also, then the respondent will be selected at random from each stratum.

  In this research, the first sample will be taken 9 students of International Class Program of IAIN Salatiga from senior high school alumni (SMA/SMK), this sum of respondent be a permanent number that spread in several stratum. And the second sample will be selected

  9 students of International Class Program of IAIN Salatiga from Islamic senior high school alumni (MA/MAK) at random from each stratum. And the gender (male or female) was not considered in this study.

  3. Technique of Collecting Data

  a. Interview Interview is a way to collect information materials carried by a question and answer dialogue or orally either unilaterally or face to face (Sudjana, 1992:82).

  There are two types of interviews that can be used as collection tool materials, namely:

  1. Guided interview often known as structured or systematic interviews.

  2. Unguided interview or simple interview so the process of data collection is done freely and not systematic.

  In the implementation the writer uses guided and unguided interviews, the meaning is in carrying out the interview, the interviewer only brings outline guidance about the things that will be asked so the implementation of the interview feel more relaxed, calm, and close to the interviewee (Sudjana, 1992:83). The writer uses this method to obtain the data from the tahfiz lecturer about the indicators of the students’ intensity of recalling Al-Qur’an. b. Questionnaire Method According to Sutopo (2006:82), questionnaire method is a technique of collecting data indirectly (researcher did not directly ask the respondent). The instrument also called the questionnaire contains a number of questions that must be answered or responded by the respondent. Respondent has the freedom to give an answer or respond appropriately with their perception or their condition.

  In this research, the questionnaire method used to know the students’ intensity of recalling Al-Qur’an to the students of International Class Program of IAIN Salatiga.

  c. Documentation Robert (2011:149) states that many documents can be useful simply by nature of the details they contain. In other words, documentation is used as evidence to proof the result of research. Soeharto (1989:74) argues that generally evidence is an object to help the writer to decide the problem. The document might in the form of text, images, or monumental works of someone.

  4. Technique of Data Analysis In order to analyze the data, the following step will be applied: a. Preface analysis.

  After obtained the data, the writer will require an accounting early data collected. In this case, the writer uses calculation of percentage analysis. The formula is:

  P = x 100% P : percentage F : frequency of answer N : sum of respondent b. Making the independent T-test.

  The writer uses T-test formula as the technique of data analysis (Utsman, 2015:153).

  The formula is:

  − =

  • t : t count value

  : mean of first sample : mean of second sample

  : variant of first sample : variant of second sample : sum of first subject sample : sum of second subject sample c. Consultation t table in the level of significance 1% and 5%.

  d. If t count is higher than t table, so there is a significant differentiation on the students’ intensity of recalling Al-Qur’an between students of International Class program of IAIN Salatiga from senior high school alumni (SMA/SMK) and Islamic senior high school alumni (MA/MAK).

  e. If t count is lower than t table, so there is no significant differentiation on the students’ intensity of recalling Al-Qur’an between students of International Class program of IAIN Salatiga from senior high school alumni (SMA/SMK) and Islamic senior high school alumni (MA/MAK).

I. Thesis Organization

  To make easier for the reader to understand the contents of the graduating paper, the writer decides to organize this paper into five chapters: Chapter I is the introduction which consists of the background of the study, question of the study, purpose of the study, action hypothesis, significance of the study, limitation of the study, definition of key terms, method of study, and thesis organization.

  Chapter II is a theoretical review. This part presents the research result theories or related research studies on the similar field. Chapter III is present research methodology. It contains the research setting and data presentation. Chapter IV is present data analyze. The research questions will get answer in this chapter. To make it clearer for the readers, the writer suggests the discussions of the findings.

  Chapter V is closing contains the conclusion and suggestion for the further research. The last terms of this research are a bibliography and appendix.


1. The Definition of Recalling Al-Qur’an

  Recalling is a process of repeating something well enough either by reading or listening (Rauf, 2004:47). According to Nur Faizah (2008:97), Al-Qur’an is Allah’s commandment that there is no equal it, sent down to the Messenger Muhammad saw., completed of the prophets and the messengers, with an intermediary Jibril, and written in mushaf then was forwarded mutawatir to us, as well as read and learn that is worship, which begins with Surah Al-Fatihah and covered with Surah An- Nas.

  Recalling Al-Qur’an in Arabic word called hifdz al-Qur’an ( ﻆ ﻔ ﺣ ن آ ﺮ ﻘ ﻟ ا ) is the arrangement of the form of idhofah, which is defined as form of effort to remember Al-Qur’an according to the order of contained in


  with a view worship, keep, and maintain the Allah’s commandment (Munjahid, 2007:74). In other words, recalling Al-Qur’an is a process to maintain and preserve the chastity of the scripture that was given to the Messenger Muhammad saw. by rote to avoid possibly the alterations, counterfeits and can keep from forgetfulness, good as a whole or some of them.

  2. The Advantages of Recalling Al-Qur’an

  Al-Kahil (2010:19-23) explains the advantages of recalling Al- Qur’an as follows:

  a. Al-Qur’an is the Allah’s commandment and recall it includes a great activity.

  b. Recalling Al-Qur’an is like recalling the biggest world dictionary, because it contains about science of the world and the hereafter, story of who ever was and who is to come, about law and act that regulate human life.

  c. Al-Qur’an is the cure for body and soul illnesses.

  d. Human will not waste the time in a pointless manner by recalling Al- Qur’an.

  3. Supporting Factors of Recalling Al-Qur’an

  Many factors that made someone has an excuse to continue have enthusiasm in recalling Al-Qur’an, either from own factor or other. In this case, the supporting factors of recalling Al-Qur’an divides into seven factors, as had been concluded below: a. Health Factor

  Health being the important factor for hufaz, if they have a healthy body so the process of recalling Al-Qur’an will be more easy without any inhibitor from inside. Therefore, hufaz are suggested to maintain their health so when the process of recalling Al-Qur’an is going on there are no obstacles that are complaints because of pain. b. Psychological Factor Besides of the healthy body, the other supporting important factor is the health of psychology. Psychological factor that is capable of supporting in recalling Al-Qur’an it includes calmness soul, both in terms of the mind and heart. To maintain the stability of psychological,


  needs to increase dzikir and makes a positive activity, so they do not get a problem that makes worry until disturbing their recalling Al- Qur’an.

  c. Intelligence Factor The intelligence of everyone is diverse, so this factor is influencing enough on the process of recalling Al-Qur’an. Nevertheless, lack of intelligence is no reason to lose enthusiasm in recalling Al-Qur’an, because for the much needed to care for owned intelligence is the diligence and consistent.

  d. Motivation Factor


  really needs motivation from the closest person, because with this motivation, spirit of someone in recalling Al-Qur’an will be kept. Besides motivation from the family, friends, and the environment; the owned motivation needs to be a priority in recalling Al-Qur’an.

  e. Age Factor Basically, learned are not know the time and the age. It includes recalling Al-Qur’an. This activity can be approached anytime and any age. But it cannot be denied that the more matures the age of someone, the more complex problems mindful of the things. By that reason, the age is recommended for recalling Al-Qur’an is those who are in the productive age (Wahid, 2014:139-142).

  f. Method Factor Every Hufaz wants a quick time and have strong stick recalled in brain memory on the process of recalling Al-Quran. That could be done if hufaz using appropriate methods, and have the persistence and consistent in going through the process. The method that used by hufaz are different according to their wish and capability (Wahid, 2014:65).

  g. Participation of Allah SWT. Factor Recalling Al-Qur’an will not fare well without the participation of Allah, because He is the one who have an intention above everything.

  However, His will is not going down without an effort. The effort that human can do is to pray, especially the parent’s prayer that very efficacious. History has proven that prayer has a tremendous influence for the development of the children’s recalled Al-Qur’an (Abubakar, 2016:51).

4. Inhibiting Factors of Recalling Al-Qur’an

  Several factors that cause the process of recalling Al-Qur’an is hampered, there are: a. Too ambitious to increase a new recalling Al-Qur’an.

  This ambition could have been had a positive impact, on the condition to increase a new recalling Al-Qur’an that accompanied by increase the intensity of muroja’ah. But often that happened to hufaz want to immediately complete their recalling Al-Qur’an, even before the recalling Al-Qur’an is dhabit and fluently, He hasty moved to next recalling Al-Qur’an. This has resulted from the previous recalling Al- Qur’an being disorderly (Wahid, 2014:138).

  b. Not routinely to repeat (muraja’ah) the recalling Al-Qur’an.

  In recalling Al-Qur’an, someone should have a specific schedule to


  his recalling Al-Qur’an, either in prayer or not. So hufaz should be able to set a time, because when they were lazy to repeat it, then their recalling Al-Qur’an will fade sooner (Wahid, 2014:135). According to the word of the Messenger Muhammad saw. the following: “Keep Al-Qur’an by my soul was in his hand. Al-Qur’an is faster separated from the hearts of hufaz than the loss of a camel from the bonds.” (H.R. Bukhari)

  c. Do not want to sound off the recalling Al-Qur’an to others (Al-Kahil, 2010:90).

  If the Messenger Muhammad saw. frequently ask Jibril to listen attentively his recalling Al-Qur’an in every year of Ramadhan, then as a human being, we should not too believe in our own selves because for often it was wrong. And if they are not listened attentively by others, so hufaz will not know where the mistake is (Sugianto, 2004:105).


B. The Differences between Senior High School (SMA/SMK) and Islamic

Senior High School (MA/MAK)

1. The Characteristic

  a. The Characteristics of Senior High School (SMA/SMK)

  Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA) is one form of formal education

  unit that organizes public education at secondary education level as a continuation of SMP, MTs, or other equivalent forms (RPP Dikdasmen Chapter 1 Section 11). This educational unit is under the auspices of the Ministry of Education and Culture (KEMENDIKBUD). This school is known as an education institution curriculum focuses on general subjects. With the Islamic education material only as a subject into a unity subject of Islamic Education (PAI) which is not detailed as in secondary education under the auspices of the religious institutions (Tilaar, 2006:134). Where graduates are expected to compete and continue their studies to university.

  Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) is one form of formal

  education unit that organizes vocational education at secondary education level as a continuation of SMP or MTs. Schools that are under the auspices of Kemendikbud aims to improve intelligence, knowledge, personality, character, and skills of students to live independently and to follow further education in accordance with the vocational program (Ditjen PMPTK, 2008:27). And the graduates are expected to work in accordance with their skill.

  b. Characteristics of Islamic Senior High School (MA/MAK)

  Madrasah Aliyah (MA) is one form of formal education unit that

  organizes public education with the peculiarities of Islamic religion at secondary education level as a continuation of SMP, MTs or other forms equivalent (Regulation of the Minister of Religious Affairs number 60 Year 2015 Chapter 1 Section 6). This educational unit under the auspices of the Ministry of Religious Affairs (KEMENAG) is known as a religious educational institution are therefore more focused on religious subjects. Matter of Islamic Education (PAI) is divided into several parts, namely Fiqh, Aqidah Akhlaq, Al-Quran

  Hadist , Islamic Cultural History, and Arabic. This fifth study various

  aspects of this matter which is expected to bring learners and graduates into private religious and noble character.

  Madrasah Aliyah Kejuruan (MAK) is one form of formal

  education unit that organizes vocational education with the peculiarities of Islamic religion at secondary education level as a continuation of SMP, MTs or other forms equivalent (Regulation of the Minister of Religious Affairs number 60 Year 2015 Chapter 1 Section 7). Just like other vocational schools, MAK also teaches skills appropriate materials respective areas of expertise. And what distinguishes MAK with another vocational school subjects are weighted more PAI, so that students are not only able to master the material but also material vocational religion. This hopes graduates are able to compete and get a job with appropriate skills.

2. The Curriculum Structure

  a. The Curriculum Structure of Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA) and

  Madrasah Aliyah (MA)

  The curriculum structure is a pattern and arrangement of subjects that must be taken on by learners in learning activities (Robandi, 2009:11). The curriculum structure of Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA)/

  Madrasah Aliyah