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No. 2 Juni 2009


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Pratomo Widodo*




Penelitian ini bertujuan lmtuk mendeskripsikan konstruksi predikat bahasa Jerman
FunktionsverbgeFge dan padanannya dalarn bahasa Indonesia, serta mendeskripsikan persamaan dan

perbedaan di antara keduanya. Metodeanalisis gramatika kontmtif diunakan untuk rnembandirtgkan
konstruksiFunktionsverbgefigedan padanannya dalam bahasa Indonesia. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan
Mwa kedrrakansmhi prsdikatt e d w t terdiri atasdm unsur,yaitu verbal dan nominal. Kedmkmsmksi
memiliki bentuk, rnakna,dan fungsi yang sama, smentara perbedaannyaterletak pada distribusi unsur-

Koy W

d Construction, Funkrim-,

FundonVerb, FunctjonNoun


Halaman 203 212

There are some similarities between


mBell~8mb--boswMartatus related to tense, number, mood, and
voice. The lexical meaning of the FVG

case you can w e the following example
(sentence (2).
(2) Zehn Teilnetwner aus 9cM mch-n
Landern brachten die Werke von
Stockhausen~ A u f f l h n u l g .
is a systematk relath
the semantic
Ten participants from eight diffwmt coun- factor and the morph syntactic form of the
tries pehmred the work of Stockhausen' verbs. The function verbs have meanings
The FVG in sentence (2) above consists related to t h e aspecte of each uttemnm.
of the function verb M e n (the past tense These three semantic dassihtions of the
of bringen)Yo bring' and t h p~r q m s h ~mun
and causative.
verbs are duraxive, ,-i
group zurAuffUh~~ng
as a function noun. The

function noun is morphologioally a matter of
wrbal nominalizatim (mwnina & wnbal).As
the predicate of the senten-, the both
of the FVG m s W a n must come (ds Bewi&en &mr -Lu&a
becausethey area unity. barsdIii#y (Helbig4% &uscha, 1996).
vrEiwbs,thefun~onwKtzshgve~ore~n The lexical meaning in the FVO
changed their meaning (Wlbig & B
1DUDEN, 2005). The function verb fm9h
in sentence (1)has n 0 m i t r s - m
m d it can bs.combined only with the mun lkie
htseheidung 'the decision'. As a normat verb,
bffen still has its lexical meaning 'to meet'
end it can be combined with any mun phmw The combination of verbal and naminal
ae a direct objed, Fmunde M8n 'to meet elements in the FVQ w n s
Mends', den Onkel trefRsn 'to meet the uncle', Entsd,Muung treffgnulir, make
the same lexical meaning as
and so on.
As mentSon4 above, the funcrQion w t w in (entsdleiden 30 deb&$), from nhid, is the
the FVG construction have r e d w d their nominal element of the FVG rxmWom

meaning and they posses only grammatical derived. The noun Ent86hMmg
, meaning. The actual lexical meaning of the
N G construction les in the nominal element it can bs said that the h / ~
which is derived from verbs (in the form of the primary predicate c m m m , But it pan
. mfml nominalimtion). ?he fundon verbs have be an alternth rnfor a b r stylhtk &wt.
In Indonesian there is also a similar
special meanings related to the verbal
construdbn tq the O e m n FVG
semantic criteria. According to the verbal
construction also, consis&af
- %emantic criteria, the meanings of verbs are
classified into three aspects. They am action two elements, verbal and naninal, as shown
vrvbs, prom& verbs, and state verbs (Helbig in sentence (la). In thissenten- the predicate
& Buscha, 19W). Action verb a b divided in consists of the verb mengambil 'to put' and the
durative and perfective verbs. The dumtive noun keputusan 'dedsion*. Predicate
constructions which are built of

- action verbs are classified into (a): hrtmwti
(a function verb and a function noun) are
: fmquentathre, (b) Intensive, and [c) U i t n i n m .
usually fixed constructtons. It m n s that a
?"he perfective action verbs are separated In noun or noun phrase can only og.ku with a
: l a ) inchoathe, (b) egressbe, (c) mutative, and
certain verb. In the construction meqctinbl
(d) causative.
keputusan, these elements &st come




!&ma&m, Vol. 21, No. 2 Juni 2009: 203-212

tcvgether in order to provide the meaning 'to

decide'. Another example is mengajukan
pertanyaan which corresponds to the German
FVG construction Frage stellen 'to ask a
question'. The function nouns of both
constructions are verb nominalization from
bwtanya and m e n 'to ask'. The fLarc*tionverbs
of both constructions can only occur with their
function noun as a part of a unity.
According to the available references, it
seems that the predicate c o n M o n which
consists of a function verb and a fundinoun
in Indonesianstill has not got enough attention
from the linguist. That's why a study about the
predicate construction which consists of a
function verb and a function noun both in
German and lndonesian is necessary to be
conducted. The equivalent construction of the
German FVG construction in Indonesian, 1
would like to propose the term Konsfmksi
Predikat VenSa Fungsi (furthermore abbreviated as PMf)

There are some similarities betwen W G
and PVF. These similarities are that (a) bb I
are secondary constructions as an alternative
to the primary construction which are used
basic verbs; (b) the lexical meaning of n/G
and PVF construction ties in the funcUon noun
which is derived from the basic verbs
(nominalization); (c) function verbs have
mduoedtheir lexical meaning and posssssonfy
their grammatical meaning; and (d) in the N G
and PVF construction the funcrtfon verb can
ocalr only with certain function noun.
According to the above mentioned
similarities, the both construction (FVG and
PW) could be compared.
The data of this research were G e m n
sentences containing the FVG construction
and Indonesiansentences containingthe PVF:
construction. The data were collected by

intensively reading written discourses
containing W G and PVF constructions and
were also collected from both Gerrnan and
Indonesiangrammar books. The data adkction

instrumentwas the humani n a m t ,
the researcher himelf, an Indcm8hn
speaker possessing the German I
rater methods. The gmrnrnar contr~stiwg
analysis and the referential compar
method were used to amtym the, data.

and PVF constructions. And the

N G and Was a
and PVF data, (b)dgscriMng the FVGemd
constructions, and (c) descrlblng
similarities between R I G and PVF
As mentioned above, that th

construction consists of two eiements,

passage these both elements will

cribed, and it is completedwith the de
of the meaning of the N

G canstruction.


Intransitive verbs are verbs WIch

Thls argument functions as a subj
such verbs don? have any object,
noun is in the form of prspositional


in I n S n
Pratomo Widodo FunMionsverbgeMge ConstfudW and its Cormqonde~~)8

k m m n 'to come', halten Yo keep', lkgpn 'to
lay', sein 'to be', &en 'to stand'.
Besides the state verbs there are also
- &ion verbs which have semantic features
+direction. Such verbs are combined with
prepositionalnoun group as a function noun in
order to construct f VG This function noun
functions as the locative adverbial which
P apresses a direction. In G e m , directional
c- prepition can be followed by a noarn phrase
+with accusative or dative cases depending on
;tke power government of the pl'lepcssition. The
ipqm&ions which only governthe dative case

(3) D a s W

h a




in Qtdnwng.
Funotlon N

The child keeps
his r m
'The child keeps his room Wy.'

The nominal e l e m t is an important part
of the N G construction, bscaum be lexical
meaning of the FVG mstrucZian lies in the
nominal element. $yntactically the nominal
dement a
n be classifid into two group.
They am the noun phrase with th@ aawmtive
nal noun gwp. hfew
mirmtive mw (@in@
Abf~Whwnga m ) ,
g e n b cam (der Meinung win), 6M dative
case (ldn drier Pk~fung
prepositions used in the
to this kind of verb, e.g. in C3jetmgmg
pqxsiticmI noun gmps are au),au$, auhc
i , hinter, un, urn, unter, zu*
Transitive verbs need two noun phases
Noun phra-s with th@
are cambind with hndNvt9 function verbs,
and prepositional noun groups are comblrte
with intransitive verbis or verbs which have
feature +direction. The following
The transitive function verbs ara action
sentences are examples of each mn-verb


ere are also function verbas with
'to bring'. Such function verbs are
with a prepositionalnwn
ion noun to construct
on, like zur Amhmng brh,gm 'to
ist of three eknenb, namely a
n&n v h , a pqmsitSonat m n
as a function noun, and a norrn phrase

hmntora, Vd. 21, No. 2 Juni 2009: 203-212

MEANING OF M E FV% CONSTRUCTION of PVF correspondingto the FWG
FVG has the same meaning as the basic
verb, the base of the derivation of the the
function noun; even though there is a different
meaning related to the verb semantic
classification, like durative, inchoative, and
causative. The different meaning based on the VERBAL ELEMENT IM THE PVF
semantic classification is also found in the CONSTRUCTION
Ahnri, et al. (2000:91) mntioned that
different use of several function verbs for the
same function noun. It means that the use of
different function verbs which are combined
with the same function noun leads t o the
different meaning. The following FVG
constructions show the different meaning
caused bythe useof the differentfunction verbs. divided into transitive verbs
complements, transitive verbs with
- in AbhBngQkeit sich befinden (durative)

- in Abhangigkeit kommenfgereten(inchaatiie)

- in Abh8ngigkeit brfnmn (causative)

Besides the semantic classification, there
is also a meaning classification based on
diathesis (active and passive voices). The FWG
construction with an active meaning can be
checked by the paraphrasing using an active
basic verb. By this process, a sentence with
the active voice will result. The function verbs
with the active meaning are found in the verbs
anstellen, aufnehmen, ausaben, bringen,
srheben, e~teilen,mhmn, geben, halfen, leisten,
machen, nehmen, setzen, stellen, treflen,
Ilben, untemehmen, versetzen, vomehmen,
The FVG construction with a passive
meaning can be known by the paraphrasing
using a basic verb which results in sentences
with the passive voice. The function verbs with
the passive meaningare found in the verbs sich
befinden, bekommen, bleiben, erfahren,
efttatten, finden, gehen, gelangen, genieden,
geraten, kommen, liegen, sein, stehen,
One of the aims of this research is to took
for the correspondence of the German FVG
construction. Firstly Iprovided the data of the
FVG construction, and then Iprovidedthe data

complements. Aocording b the data
there are 22 verbs which can fun
function verbs of the PFVmstruMons.


oonstituentsas an object and as
The obmplements in the PVFoo
optional. According to thdr syntactic
be dassified as follows.
Verbs which amrrwith m n s in

or 'to observe', and rnekrkukan
'to make a conside
Another verb bel
'to give an answer', and m m k d
give an order'. The use of the wdwtj
sentence. The ve
sentence has an


an object only, the verb
be used. The fdlawing senbmes

a d its c w l w ~ e cInt

ordered'. Another example is mendapat
dukungan 'to get support' as an alternative to
the passive verb didukung 'to be supported'.
(7) Sebaiknya pernerintah Israel tidak
Other types of verbs are those which
janji kosong
wllocate with the noun in the form of nominaliFunction V
Function N
mtion of reciprocal verbs. One example is the