Efek biologis dan aspek kesehatan masyarakat dari frekuensi radiasi elektromagnetik gelombang radio

JURNAL KEDOKTERAN YARSI 10 (2) : 74-81 (2002)

Efek biologis dan aspek kesehatan masyarakat dari
frekuensi radiasi elektromagnetik gelombang radio

The biological effects and public health aspect of the radio
frequency electromagnetic radiation
Departement of Publtc Health, Diponegoro Unrversity School of Medicme, Semarang


mobile telephone; microwave ovens; neurological efects


Radio frequency of electromagnetic radiation (RFR) is a form of energy between
10 KHz - 300 GHz in the electromagnetic spectrum, is used in wireless
conzmunication and emittedfrom antennae of mobile telephones andfrom cellular
masts. RFR can penetrate into organic tissues and be absorbed and converted into
heat. One familiar application of this energy is the microwave ovens used in

cooking. Various experiments on animals show that exposure to RFR leads to
efects on neurotransmitter to the destruction of brain cell's DNA. Exposure to
RFRfrom mobile telephones is of a short-term, repeated nature at a relatively high
intensity, whereas exposure to RFR emittedfrom cell masts is long duration but a
v e y low intensity. The biological and health consequences of these exposure
conditions needfurther understanding. In order to understand the possible health
effects of exposure to RFRfrom mobile telephones, one needsfirst to understand
the efects of these dzrerent parameters and how they interact with each other. It
is apparent that not enough research data is available to conclude whether
exposure to RFR during the normal use of mobile telephones could lead to any
hazardous health efect. Research studying RFR of frequencies and waveforms
similar to those emitted from cellular telephones and intermittent exposure
schedule resembling the normal pattern of phone use is necessay.

Dalam kehidupan modem, radiasi
elektromagnetik gelombang radio mudah
dijumpai. Penggunaan telepon seluler sebagai
sarana komunikasi penting serta microwave
ovens yang sangat membantu pekerjaan di
dapur, merupakan contoh sumber radiasi

elektromagnetik gelombang radio tersebut.
Potensi radiasi tersebut semakin besar,
mengingat penggunaan telepon seluler telah
demikian luas di masyarakat. Di samping itu,
tiang pemancar radio juga berpotensi menirnbulkan radiasi elektromagnetik gelombang
radio, yang selama ini kurang disadari oleh
kebanyakan orang, termasuk para pekerja
pada bidang komunikasi radio.

Kekhawatiran masyarakat terhadap
efek negatif radiasi elektromagnetik gelombang radio sebenamya tidak sebesar kekhawatiran terhadap efek radiasi elektromagnetik yang ditirnbulkan oleh pembangkit
listrik beserta jaringan transmisinya maupun
berbagai peralatan yang menggunakan listrik,
karena ketidaktahuan. Hal ini mengingat
bahwa penelitian tentang pengaruh medan

Dr. H. Anies, MKK, PKK, Department of Public Health,
Diponegoro University School of Medicine Semarang, Ialan Dr.
Sutomo 18 Semarang, Telephone (024) 8451747, Facsimile (024)